F3 Knoxville

Bearmuda triangle thankfulness

THE SCENE: 70 and muggy

stretching legs left over right and right over left

Cherry pickers

some of these some of those

20 SSH

1 Burpee

Mosey over to the Bearbuda triangle

  • Going down the ladder bear crawl from one corner to the next 7 Merkins and go all around the triangle.
  • Then doing 6 Merkins at each corner lunge between each corner.
  • all the way down to 1 on the even number lunge and odd bear crawl in between corners
  • Mosey to top parking lot
  • 11’s starting a the top with 1 Burpee and at the bottom 4 count Should taps.
  • Fellowship mosey back to the AO

None – no time
grateful for you men and how you care for Sarah and I. I’m grateful for the impact you all have on our lives. 

Hurt Lap

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • BA Circ IC x 5
  • Twist the Trunk OYO
  • Stretch it out

First Nation Run to the track. This fell apart quickly… Run 1 lap (Hot Lap) – perform exercises – Run 2 laps perform exercises. Repeat until Recover is called. Exercises are below:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Squats
  • 20 Crabbettes
  • 25 American Hammers

10 Merkins, 10 BBS – Descending to 0 (9,9,8,8 etc.)
A Hand full of dudes +1
Junk delivered this:

Don’t be religious
When people in our society use the word “religious“ they think it means for someone to have faith in something or to be involved in one religion or another. That’s not what it means.
Humans by their very nature are constantly measuring themselves, most frequently against other humans. We can’t help it. It’s built into how we see the world and it’s part of why we have such a hard time relating to God, because we can never measure ourselves against him.
Instead we constantly measure ourselves against each other, choosing to see the things that make us look the best and ignore the things that make us look the worst. We make excuses for our shortcomings and pat ourselves on the back for our perceived areas of success or excellence.
This is religion. Religion requires rules and a constant measuring of oneself against a standard. The biggest challenge with that is that very quickly we begin measuring other people against the standard of us.
This happens in every religion. They’re not in an offer in escape from this, save one.
Jesus came to abolish religiosity in favor of rebirth, transformation of how we think. God doesn’t want more religious people, he wants converts. People who’s understanding and outlook on the world is fundamentally changed to one that seeks to glorify God instead of oneself. Men and women who recognize we can never earn salvation and therefore he’s not breeding us based on how many rules we have followed and how well we “toe the line.” Jesus said this clear as day. Man looks on the outward appearance (the rules, the way we look, posturing, judging)… but God looks on the heart. He cares about who you are not what you look like or the facade you put out there. He wants your heart, a renewing of your mind and a filling with His spirit – the behaviors follow naturally.

5 exercises and Run laps to avoid a mile long burpee broad jump Mayberry penalty Q. Deal.

Lots of talk about getting Woke this morning. Felt the most woke about Junk’s word on acting religiously.

The Hot Lap turned into the Hurt Lap courtesy of Excite.


Work Day coming up & Off the Chain!

Skater Haters

THE SCENE: 60ish & delightful



  • Cherry Pickers IC | SSH IC | Grady Corns
  • Tempo Squats 


40sec at each station. 20sec to move to next station. Take a lap after each round. 3 rounds. Stations included:

  • Pull-ups
  • Wall sit
  • Hand release merks
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Step ups
  • Diamond merks
  • Skaters (there was much discussion of the Q’s form, especially as compared to Aladdin’s textbook execution of this exercise)
  • Table Rows
  • American Hammers


  • Flutter Kicks IC



Malcolm Gladwell – Outliers. All about success. Great book.

Lays his points out through a series of really interesting vignettes—quick read. (Or listen)

Closes the book with this:

“The successful are those who have been given opportunities and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.”

Reflect on the opportunities we’ve been given and how different life could have been 

Reflect on how well you’re leading yourself right now

But also reflect on who you know, who has what it takes to succeed and just needs an opportunity.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fill that Q Calendar. 7/24 CSAUP


Dog Pound Pre-Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Beautiful Late Spring Morning

Standard Hops and Pickers
It all started with a nice long Mosey which wouldn’t be complete without paying tribute to Jack Webb. The Bataan Death March got the PAX warm. BOMBS followed and we completed the morning with All About The Benjamin’s.

Leadership isn’t about being the best.
Wesley House workout will be 6/16.  CSAUP at the #dogpound on July 24th.

A WaxJob CMUesday

THE SCENE: Like Blind Melon says…No Rain. But…it was very Hummm Id.

Warm up stuff
Partner up. Each Grab a CMU. One partner does a Farmers walk with both CMUs while other does 10 burpees and catches up to swap. Stop at the bottom of the steps leading to Dwayne Johnson. Do curls, tris, and presses x10 each. Then run and touch Dwayne and back. Repeat 3 rounds.

Farmers walk again around the island w/ partner doing 5 burpees this time. At bottom steps stop and do: 10 cross over CMU planks, 10 CMU swings, 10 squat to press then do a 1/2 lap around island coming down the steps. Repeat 3 times.
Farmers Walk with partners again w/5 burpees to just past “the boat”. Carry your own CMU back to the AO doing different carry styles on the way.

I-beam took over with some flutters, BBS, Hello Dollys, and more BBS all while suspending a CMU above your noggin.
16 pax including 2 FNGs that Driftwood brought with him from work while they were in town. “Forgetta Bout It” and “Schnitzel”
Sacrifice. I-beam spoke about our friend WaxJob’s relentless service and sacrifices that he makes for others by putting himself behind everyone else. A true HIM that we should look at for inspiration. Prayed for his mother-in-law and family. Prayers for Biscuits dad and the tragedy that happed on the lake with the teenager and older man.
So the Q was very much winded during the work out. I haven’t been out too much lately and the humidity was quite a shock to my system. I was encouraged to keep going harder by several of the PAX, specifically the freak of nature Tweet-e! One of the things that F3 is so attractive to others is the fact that we push each other to do better. Working out or trying to get fit on our own is very difficult. If I was by myself today I definitely would have stopped and probably not have finished the full workout. Probably would’ve gone and got a biscuit too! So for this PAX member, I’m truly grateful for the rest of the PAX pushing me to keep going.