F3 Knoxville

Quad Punisher

THE SCENE: Low 40’s misting rain

Motivators from 5
Cherry Pickers
Quad Stretch
Mosey to the church, at the columns perform the following:
20 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
19 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Repeat until 1 lunge and a 30 second wall squat

Three laps of Bernie to the fence and back followed by 20 elevated (heel on curb) squats on each lap.

Mosey to the CMU pile, repeat 2x
20 curls
20 CMU Thrusters
20 Calf Raises
10 handrail pull ups

we ran until we hit one mile total for the workout, then back to the AO.

Flutters to 20 (4ct)
big boys 10
LBC’s to 25 (4ct)
snow angels to 10
hello Dollys to 20 (4ct)
big boys until time expired

What is your culture?  Look at chick fil a and how well they operate.  Part of that is training an culture, what is the culture at F3, are we picking up the 6, are we supporting the PAX, are we building people up?  How can you impact culture in areas of your life to impact the greater good?


4 Corners and a Hill

THE SCENE: Fallish

Disclaimer then first corner of parking lot for 10 tempo merkins, mosey to next corner for 10 tempo Dry Docks, Next corner 10 tempo squats, next 10 4 count flutters

Circle back up for 20 ssh on 4ct, tie fighers left and right x10
4 corners of the parking lot perform exercises of merkins, dry docks, jump squats, and 4 count flutter kicks in rep totals of 14,13,12,11 so on to 1.  Complete all 4 corners then up little hill for 5 burpees. If circuit is completed ends up being 105 reps of corner exercises and 70 burpees

Finished with some american hammers, Mr. Fred Mercury’s and LBC’s
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!


Proverbs 16:24

Remember that God has a plan for us.  We can’t do it on our own.  Give things to him and watch our tongue and how we handle what life throws at us.

Bumps and blocks

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 37 degrees, perfect for a beat down

SSH, high knees and butt kickers.  Did some plank poses, downward dog and 10 tempo Merkins.  Then did some Tie Fighters and was ready to roll out of the AO, but then the originator of the Tie Fighter lived up to his name and exited the scene for a few minutes.  Out of deference to Code Brown, we hung around awhile and did some Rocky Balboas, Super Marios and bear crawl 360 at the AO. Then we headed out.

  • Bump your partner – Partner up with one CMU.  Make your way up the tail of the dragon to the Coliseum.  One partner goes ahead with the block and the other does 5 burpees or 10 merkins then runs to catch partner, take the CMU and go ahead while the other partner does 5 burpees or 10 merkins and so on until you both reach the Coliseum.
  • One partner does AMRAP CMU exercises while the other partner completes a lap around the oval in front of the Admin building. Thrusters, Wood Choppers, Block Swings, Up and Over Merkins, Lying Lat Raise, Alternating Lunges, Curl/Press.  There were others planned but we ran out of time.
  • Bump your partner back to the AO.

Heel touches, Curious Dolly’s, O-rings (not Ovaries)
19 present

@carnie @CodeBrown @Catgut @Crablegs @Matlock @Fabio @Bunny @Gstring @Fishnet @Doublewide @Pacman @lebowski @bunny @hands

Mall Walkers

@Rainbow @Sawdust @Kentucky @Bluebird @Gibbler @Hottub
Jesus didn’t wait for us to do this or do that before he sacrificed himself for us.  Let’s not wait for others to do this or do that before we reach out to them, forgive, help out, serve. Take the initiative.  While we were yet sinners, He died for us.
That was a pretty exhausting workout.  Shoutout to @Woodshack for teaching me the cmu bump a few years ago.  A great way to move a cmu!
@Gibbler smells

Chuck Norris on the Cloud with Diamonds

THE SCENE: Low 40s & foggy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the right things.

SSH, TN Rockin’ Chair, Tie Fighters, Rocky Balboas, High Knees, Burpees, Bernie
Stations at the Cloud and Pavilion

Station 1:
1 – Table Rows (15)
2 – Step-Ups (10 each leg)
3 – Calf Raises (20)

Station 2:
1 – LBCs (20)
2 – Chuck Norris (10)
3 – X-Factor (10 each side)

Station 3:
1 – Box Jumpers (10)
2 – Bulgarian Split Squats (20 [10 ea. leg])
3 – Imperial Walkers (20 [10 ea. leg])

Station 4:
1 – Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees (10)
2 – Hand Release Merkins (10)
3 – Boxcutters (20 – 4ct.)

Station 5:
1 – Lt. Dan (10)
2 – Carolina Dry Docks (10)
3 – Flutter Kicks (20 – 4ct.)

Station 6:
1 – Freddy Mercury (20 – 4ct.)
2 – Big Boys (10)
3 – Monkey Humpers (20 – 4ct.)

15 CPRs with a local coupon, Parking Lot Loop & a good leg stretch
14 HIMs
1 John 5:14-15 instructs us to pray with confidence when we pray from the Heart of God. But we’re reminded that possible answers to our prayers can be: No, Slow, Grow & Go.
Reminder for KARM coat collection.

Quarter Mile Stations


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
36 ℉ 87% 33 ℉ 3.5 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Dead Bugs (10)
Abe Vigodas (10)

Mosey to the track.

On the track, there are nine stations.
1. Burpees
2. Monkey Humpers/Squats
3. BBS/Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks/Hello Dolly
5. Diamond/Wide Merkins
6. Smurf Jacks/Lunge
7. LBC/Box Cutters
8. Merkins/BBS
9. Dips/ Carolina Dry Docks

Running around the track stop at every station and do 10 of the exercises. Second time around the track do the second exercise listed. If there is one. Third time go back to first. And so forth. If you want, you are allowed to pass a cone and not do that exercise. But every cone passed increases the number of exercises by 10. If you pass 1 cone, then you do 20 at the next cone. You then drop back to 10. So, you can make this go as you want. You could run the entire time and not do any exercises. On your honor. Work yourself out as hard or easy as you want.

Dead Bugs (15)
Supermans (5)

8 good men got better.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For all of our families and coworkers.  For Pom Pom and his competitors next week. Just a wee bit more for Pom Pom.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.