F3 Knoxville

Bumps and blocks

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 37 degrees, perfect for a beat down

SSH, high knees and butt kickers.  Did some plank poses, downward dog and 10 tempo Merkins.  Then did some Tie Fighters and was ready to roll out of the AO, but then the originator of the Tie Fighter lived up to his name and exited the scene for a few minutes.  Out of deference to Code Brown, we hung around awhile and did some Rocky Balboas, Super Marios and bear crawl 360 at the AO. Then we headed out.

  • Bump your partner – Partner up with one CMU.  Make your way up the tail of the dragon to the Coliseum.  One partner goes ahead with the block and the other does 5 burpees or 10 merkins then runs to catch partner, take the CMU and go ahead while the other partner does 5 burpees or 10 merkins and so on until you both reach the Coliseum.
  • One partner does AMRAP CMU exercises while the other partner completes a lap around the oval in front of the Admin building. Thrusters, Wood Choppers, Block Swings, Up and Over Merkins, Lying Lat Raise, Alternating Lunges, Curl/Press.  There were others planned but we ran out of time.
  • Bump your partner back to the AO.

Heel touches, Curious Dolly’s, O-rings (not Ovaries)
19 present

@carnie @CodeBrown @Catgut @Crablegs @Matlock @Fabio @Bunny @Gstring @Fishnet @Doublewide @Pacman @lebowski @bunny @hands

Mall Walkers

@Rainbow @Sawdust @Kentucky @Bluebird @Gibbler @Hottub
Jesus didn’t wait for us to do this or do that before he sacrificed himself for us.  Let’s not wait for others to do this or do that before we reach out to them, forgive, help out, serve. Take the initiative.  While we were yet sinners, He died for us.
That was a pretty exhausting workout.  Shoutout to @Woodshack for teaching me the cmu bump a few years ago.  A great way to move a cmu!
@Gibbler smells