F3 Knoxville

Quarter Mile Stations


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
36 ℉ 87% 33 ℉ 3.5 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Dead Bugs (10)
Abe Vigodas (10)

Mosey to the track.

On the track, there are nine stations.
1. Burpees
2. Monkey Humpers/Squats
3. BBS/Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks/Hello Dolly
5. Diamond/Wide Merkins
6. Smurf Jacks/Lunge
7. LBC/Box Cutters
8. Merkins/BBS
9. Dips/ Carolina Dry Docks

Running around the track stop at every station and do 10 of the exercises. Second time around the track do the second exercise listed. If there is one. Third time go back to first. And so forth. If you want, you are allowed to pass a cone and not do that exercise. But every cone passed increases the number of exercises by 10. If you pass 1 cone, then you do 20 at the next cone. You then drop back to 10. So, you can make this go as you want. You could run the entire time and not do any exercises. On your honor. Work yourself out as hard or easy as you want.

Dead Bugs (15)
Supermans (5)

8 good men got better.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For all of our families and coworkers.  For Pom Pom and his competitors next week. Just a wee bit more for Pom Pom.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Shamrock – Rejoice and Mourn

THE SCENE: 68F muggy

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5

5 Merkins

Tie Fighters

5 Merkins

50 Calf Raises 

5 Merkins


Mosey to River rocks

Grab 2 small rocks

Tabata 30 seconds on / 10 second break

  • Butterflies 
  • Flutter kicks 

– Three rounds each

  • Rocky Arm Circles
  • LBCs
  • Three rounds each

Mosey to CMU

More Tabata 30 seconds on / 10 second break


*Windshield wipers

  • Three rounds each

*Bench Press

*Rocky Balboa

– Three rounds each

  • Alternating CMU Merkins
  • scissor kicks

– Three rounds each

Return CMUs and head to the ditch

Run down one side up the other, mosey to the start and do it again. We did this 5 times. 

Mosey back to AO flag

Calf raises

Mermaid, Curveball, Dumpster Dive, Trolley, Pickle Lock, Fabio, Titan, Sparkles, Tailhook, Anchorman,

Romans 12:15

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

I was reading this chapter last week and I really like this short and simple verse. It’s so to the point about how to walk life with people around us. 

If we can set our own selfishness aside for a few minutes each day we could jump in to mourn with those who mourn. 

I think of my daughter who gets pretty emotional about “little things”, but those little things really matter to her and I should mourn with her and listen to why she’s upset. It makes a big difference if she knows that I care. 

When a friend or co-worker receives good news or accomplishes something, we should jump right in for a  high five or send a text to rejoice with them. 

It’s so simple and it can make a huge impact on those around us. 


Asylum IPC Week 3

THE SCENE: Fall-ish, 49 degrees when we kicked off

Warm up OYO and explained iron pax for this week

Measure out 400 meters or 1 lap around a standard track.
Measure out 50 yards (using a football field would help significantly)
The Thang
Set the timer for 2 minutes.
Exercises to be done are:
50 Kraken Burpees (3 hand release merkins to a burpee = 1)
50 BDE burpees (burpee, to a Bonnie Blair/jumping lunge (1 on each leg), to a squat = 1)
50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunge (right leg-left leg = 1)
Workout starts at the cone. Start the timer.
Begin 50 kraken burpees.
When timer goes off, sprint to the other cone that is 50 yards away and continue with Kraken Burpees.
For example, if you did 8 kraken burpees before the timer went off, when you get to the opposite cone, you start counting with the number 9.
This continues until you finish all 50 kraken burpees.
After finishing 50 Kraken Burpees, run one lap (400 meters).
Upon completing 400 meters and returning to the cones, begin 50 BDE burpees. Same procedure as above.
When you return, you start doing the BDE Burpees right away and when the timer goes off, you run to the other cone.
You DO NOT have to wait for the next timer to go off when you return to start the BDE Burpees.
After finishing 50 BDE Burpees, run two laps (800 meters).
Upon completing 800 meters and returning to the cones, begin 50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges (right leg-left leg = 1)
When you return, you start doing the Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges right away and when the timer goes off, you run to the other cone.
You DO NOT have to wait for the next timer to go off when you return to start the Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges.
After finishing 50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping lunges, run three laps (1200 meters).
You are done after completing 3 laps.




No Tim
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Talked about our circle of influence and how much of an impact we can make if we just influence 5 people around us.  And they do that, and so on.  Matthew 28:18-20

Bear Crawl Crazy 8’s

  • Welcome: it could rain … 
  • Warmup
    • Yoga with Trolley. Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Toe touches, Sky reaches,  SSH, Upward Dogs, Splits, Right side, left side toe touches.
  • Workout
    • Bear Crazy 8’s all around Campus.   The Crazy 8 consists of:
      • Fast pace run of figure 8 route. Start in middle of 8 and go clockwise.
      • Back at starting of 8, bear crawl half of the eight (ending back at the middle)
      • Fast pace run of figure 8 route starting in the direction where the crawl left off.
      • Back at starting of your crawl end, bear crawl the second half of the 8.
    • We repeated this four times around different terrain on campus.   We hit some stairs, some grazzy knolls, some long parking lots and the inner Sanctum!
  • Warmdown
    • 50 LBCs
    • 50 Flutters
    • 20 Side Crunches Left side.
    • 10 Side Crunches Right side.
  • Word
    • One of the best sermons I’ve heard anywhere was here at Fellowship Knoxville yesterday.  https://middlebrook.fellowshipknox.org/live-mb (Sept 19, 2021).  Often we hear sermons on Faith, Hope and Love, but not as often on Honesty, Gentleness, and Honor.  Please Please listen to this sermon if you can. It will do your heart, spirit and soul good.
  • Wrap-up (Announcements)
    • Hardship Hill Sign up.
    • Q Sign Up
    • IronPax Challenges.

Crazy 88s or Can I go back to doing burpees now? IPC2

THE SCENE: Sorta cool, but your shirt is still getting drenched with sweat

Very short:  A few SSHs and some quick X-factors to prep for the IPC, and then a quick mosey to the parking lot on the other side of the Cloud.
4 rounds.  Distance covered is always 60 yards.

  • 8 burpees, run to other marker, 8 burpees, run back.  Repeat 11x (for 88 total burpees);
  • Grab your CMU for Squrls (Squats with a curl).  Do 8, CMU carry to other marker, 8 more, etc. x 11 (88 total Squrls)
  • CMU again.  This time, it’s 88 overhead presses in a row, rifle carry to the marker, 88 overhead presses again, rifle carry back to the start.  You are now done with the coupons!
  • Last one:  88 X-factors in a row and either bear crawl or crawl bear to the other marker for 88 more x-factors, then bear crawl or crawl bear (whichever one you didn’t do to get you to the marker) back.
  • Plank it up while waiting on the Six (just kidding – catch your breath)

Circle up for some mumblechatter and star gazers

From something I heard the other day that’s been pinging around in my head:  “If you have a goal and just keep working toward that goal, the universe will train you.”  I don’t know about that, but I do know that if you want to accomplish anything, the path forward is so much easier when we let God train us.  We do that when our goal is to seek God’s guidance, listen for him, open our hearts and our minds to him.  I find that much, much easier to say than do.  Frankly, it takes a lot of strength to pursue that goal every day. Hence, our verse for the BOM:  “But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.”  2 Chronicles 15:7.
Continue praying for Matlock’s father in law and family and their very tough situation.

Also, shout out to Waffle House, who wins beast-of-the-day award.  We were one short on CMUs, so the Q grabbed a coupon from the big rock pile.  Not wanting to cheat, I picked a decent sized rock. It turned out that was the Rock of Pain, very much heavier than a CMU coupon.  After seeing the Q struggle through round 2, he took on the rock and completed the most grueling part of the workout with it.  That is a HIM in action!
Hardship Hill- Sign up!  And we still need guys to help build the obstacles we are responsible for.