F3 Knoxville

Rainbow Connection

THE SCENE: 50 with a steady drizzle.  Perfect weather (to head to the Pav-a-Lon!)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER You know the drill.

We get the music started early.  It’s time to celebrate Rainbow taking the shovel flag, so celebrate we shall.  Did you know Rainbow was named after his favorite My Little Pony? I did!  First song:  “Rainbow” by Sia from the My Little Pony, the Movie Soundtrack.  Did you know there was an actual My Little Pony Movie? I didn’t!

Let’s get the burpees out of the way, shall we?  Burpee ladder: SSHx 10; 2 burpees; BAC-forward x 10; 4 burpees; BAC-backerds x10; 6 burpees; ISW x 10; 8 burpees; Rockets x 10; 10 burpees.
As Robert Plant belts out “Rainbow” from his Digging Deep: Subterranea album (not exactly Now and Zen), we head climb another ladder: Run a lap around the pav-a-Lon building, perform a table row and dip.  Run another lap, completing 10 laps total.  After each successive lap, add a table row and dip up to 10 reps each.  Enjoy Kacey Musgrave singing her song . . .you guessed it, “Rainbow.”

As we finish the ladder, “Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll” by Rainbow starts blaring.  Freshly energized as only heavy metal can do, we mosey at a fast clip to the Narthex.

At the Narthex, we mellow things out.  We’re descending a ladder of Froggy Squats then regular squats, starting at 10 each, down to 1.  It’s Froggy Squats + Rainbow celebration, so that means one song only:  “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit The Frog.

The Pax wets its feet from the Narthex to the Chapel, finding a dry spot on the floor, for a Hurricane Hoedown.  That’s flutter kicks x7 in seated position with hands over head, flutters x7 in reclining “power T” position, and then regular flutters x 7.  We work our way down from the set of 7 to 6, then 5 . . . .to 1, while we enjoy the pop stylings of Rainbow Kitten Surprise performing “American Shoes” followed by “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by the big Hawaiian Ukulele dude Israel Kamakawio’ole.

Seeing that the far pavilion by the baseball fields was ocupado, we stayed put for some 25s of Merkins and BBS overwhelmed by even more Rainbow “Since You Been Gone.”  We mosey back in the rain to the vocal stylings of even more Ronnie James Dio and “Rainbow in the Dark” to the Pav-a-Lon, where we close out 3 minutes of high knee step ups and then 2 minutes of plank with Elvis crooning “Pocketful of Rainbows” (From the G.I. Blues movie, btw).

I guess the planks should be here.

A conspiracy is an agreement between 2 or more people to act in harmony toward a common end.  While we think of that word in a negative context, being the AO Q has shown me it can be positive.  Many HIMs at the Asylum have conspired to act together to make us all better.  I’ve not been a leader so much as just a part of a conspiracy to lead.  Being part of that has humbled me beyond belief.  Rainbow has been part of the conspiracy for many years.  Now, he’ll be the one directing us.  I couldn’t be more excited for our AO than I am right now.  Thanks to all for pushing me to be better every day.
More from the Q Source:  What is required for men to conspire with each other to move themselves and others toward Advantage?  Trust.  How do we gain trust?

1) Candor (i.e. honesty with ourselves and others);

2) Commitment (toward the common goal);

3) Consistency (showing up regularly so that others know they can count on you);

4) Contentment (demonstration of stability of emotion regardless of the situation);

5) Courage (to do what is uncomfortable – to challenge yourself and your brothers).

We have that in spades at the Asylum, men!
Please bring napkins, 55 gallon trash bags and copy paper for Hope House.  Also, Saturday at Sandy Springs Park, we have a new Maryville AO kicking off!).

Monday Grinders

43, breezy with a little rain towards the end

25 SSH
12 Tempo Squat
10 Baby Arm Circles Fwd
10 Baby Arm Circles Bkw
12 Imperial Squat Walkers
20 4ct Rocky Balboas
12 Tempo Merkins


Line up along one side of parking lot

Jelly Legs
Start on one side of parking lot.
R1: Hold squat position for 10 count, perform 10 squats, run to other side, do 2 Burpees run back
R2: Hold squat position for 20 count, perform 20 squats, run to other side, do 4 Burpees run back
R3: Hold squat position for 30 count, perform 30 squats, run to other side, do 6 Burpees run back
R4: Hold squat position for 40 count, perform 40 squats, run to other side, do 8 Burpees run back

Line up on the side of the parking lot opposite the CMUs and partner up with Battle Buddy.


Battle Buddy 1 lunges to the first cone (12 lunges total) then sprints to 2 second cone, does 3 reps of the exercise and lunges back to where he started while Battle Buddy 2 is jumping air rope. Switch.

Each round increase by 3 reps until each man does a total of 15 reps.

Exercises are:
Rd 1 = Curls
Rd 2 = Over Head Press

Line up at the base of the hill next to the parking lot.


Merkin Hill
Run up and down hill doing the following:

R1: Start at bottom of hill with 15 HR Merkins, run to top and do 15 4ct Flutter Kicks, run to bottom
R2: At the bottom of hill do 10 HR Merkins, run to top and do 10 4ct Flutter Kicks, run to bottom
R3: At the bottom of hill do 5 HR Merkins, run to top and do 5 4ct Flutter Kicks, run to bottom


25 4ct American Hammers
20 4ct Hello Dollys


21 PAX including 1 FNG (Cloud 9)

Proverbs 4:23 – “Above all else guard your heart (i.e. your mind, will, and emotions), for it is the wellspring of life.”

BLUF – Guard your mind, set your standard and don’t quit. We are not meant to simply coast through life, we meant see every day as an opportunity to get better and make a difference. Life isn’t measured by failure or success, it’s measured by impact.


Murder Bunnies Meet Doracides

THE SCENE: Temp in the low 30’s but the wind took us to the 20’s!  (but it was dry)

4ct Predator Jacks x 10 (IC); 5 Hand Release Merkins (OYO); 4ct Tai Fighters x 10 (IC) forward and backwards; 5 Hand Release Merkins (OYO)


Mosey over to CMU pile and carried them to sidewalk near St. Patty’s Circle.  Picked a battle buddy for Dora-style routine.

Round 1: HIM1 does Doracides by running towards parking lot islands stopping for 10 reps of Hand Release Merkins at island 1 then 20 reps of Hello Dollies at island 2 then 30 reps of Predator Jacks at island 3 before returning to starting point to switch with HIM2; Meanwhile, HIM2 does Murder Bunnies in opposite direction (to cones) and Zombie Carry back to starting point where he does CMU Squat Thrusters waiting to switch with HIM1; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Round 2: Similar pattern with new exercises; 10 reps of Carolina Dry Docks + 20 reps of Flutter Kicks + 30 reps of Squat Jumps on the Doracides; CMU Lunges + Rifle Carry + CMU Dead Lifts while waiting; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Round 3: Similar pattern once more with new exercises; 10 reps of Wide Grip Merkins + 20 reps of Freddie Mercury’s + 30 reps of Lunges on the Doracides; Murder Bunnies + Rifle Carry + CMU Squats while waiting; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Mosey to return CMU’s to pile and head back to AO.

No Time.

12 HIMs with no FNG’s today.

Talked about a book I am reading (The One Thing) that has challenged me to think through how my time is planned and used (or the lack there of) and the importance of focus.  Encouraged PAX to focus on the one thing that they should do in their faith, marriage, family, career, etc. to move forward and get better.  Further encouraged them to think about the one thing they needed to accomplish today.  “Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus” (quote from book).

Reading this book has resonated with several passages of scripture.  I mentioned to the PAX the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into the promised land after Moses died.  Specifically the passage where Joshua encourages the group to consider where their focus was… on false gods of Egypt, on false gods of the Amorites where they were standing, or in the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  “Choose today whom you will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Matthew 6:33-34 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.  So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today’s trouble is enough for today.”


People’s Choice


SSH, Tie Fighters, claps, squats

As Kasey Kasem used to say “The numbers keep getting smaller, and the hits keep getting bigger.”

So we did Kasey’s Kloud Kountdown: Box/Baby/Box + Table Rows, 20-15-10-5

I wasn’t going to bring Jack Webb into this, but Hands insisted, so we did.

After carefully scrutinizing the results of the F3 People’s Choice Poll, it was obvious that we haven’t visited Cardiac nearly enough, and so our duty to each other was clear.

All the way up Cardiac, dips at the top, merkins at the cone, squats at the bend, and flutters at the bottom. 20-15-10.

The results of Q’s attempt to comply with the Q/phone mandate were mixed: I brought it with me to the cloud, but I left it there. So we moseyed back to get it, then arrived at AO with juuuust enough time to finish off whatever we had left in our shoulders with some ATM.


“Jesus’ entire work proceeds as does the work of a seed: it takes place in a mystery, in secret – in a way that can neither be known nor felt, but only believed, trusted.” Robert Farrar Capon
Praying for Patty and family.
The owner of the maroon F150 who had lunch at Gus’ yesterday refused to identify himself on Slack; Matlock wants a word with you

HIMS Work at the Shamrock

THE SCENE: 38 and Cool

Proper form and timing for cherry pickers five times

Tie Fighters 10 forward and backwards

some of these some of those


Partner up and Mosey too the last station go over the workout items. It’s and DORA and for time set of exercises. Each station has three exercises. You do the 1st exercise while your partner runs up to the first next station and back. Then you run there and back. Then you do the second exercise on the sheet and wait for your partner to run back. Then you go, then you come back. Then the third exercise. Then when you come back from your run you and your partner run up to the second station. then you do the same thing up to the third station, then up to the fourth station then you come back down the ladder.

  • 1st station
    • Burpees
    • V ups
    • LBC
  • 2nd Station
    • Plank Jack
    • Monkey humpers
    • Wojo Squats
  • 3rd Station
    • Man makers
    • CCD
    • Hand Release Merkens
  • 4th
    • lunges
    • Box cutters
    • Alternating Side Squats

Called for time and fellowshipped back to the AO

Reverse Pickle pounders – 45