F3 Knoxville

90 second AMRAPS x22

THE SCENE: slightly warm with heavy rain

10 x tempo squats

10 x moroccan night clubs


each PAX received an exercise card upon arrival. a quick count-off after name o-Rama With Q as #1. in order, each PAX called out their exercise case resulting in a random mix of exercises performed for as many reps as possible in 90 seconds with a 30-second breather in between. the deck of cards included a random mix of exercises from the Lexicon that included exercises such as Pickle Pounders, Squats, Mercans, Little Baby Arm Circles, Freddie Mercury’s, Alphabet on 6, Flutter kicks, Bear Crawls in a circle, Planks, Mountain Climbers, Big Boy Situps, etc.. (Note: Pax made a quick mosey to the adjacent covered carport to get some cover from the heavy rain thanks to Trolley)18 various exercises were performed in approximately 42 minutes.

None – Out of Time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
on this Thanksgiving eve, we can all find many things to be thankful for, many of them simply because of the country were fortunate enough to be born in. From our health to the food we will be blessed with this Thanksgiving to the Men we surround ourselves with in F3 and so on. Ultimately, being thankful is about the mindset of being conscious of what we have and what surrounds us and giving thanks for that as opposed to comparing our lives to others (coveting thy neighbor) and striving to acquire more and more material objects.

“Ephesians 5:20 New International Version (NIV)
20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Apologies to those 3 prayer requests that were mentioned. My short term memory loss strikes again.
a 2nd order is being gathered for Brolympics shirts. Also, See Mayberry with donations for the TN Veterans Home.

“It Takes 2” feat. CheatSheet & Steam

THE SCENE: Dark on the outside, sunny on the inside. 35-40 degrees. Character-building weather.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I will be one of your Qs this morning
  • A couple of things:
    • 1) I am not a professional
    • 2) You are here on your own volition – you made a choice to be here this morning
      • Mumblechatter: Was it the right choice?
      • Q: Time will tell. You did make a choice to be here this morning and so did they – make it count!
    • 3) You know your body better than anyone else: if you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do it. But push yourselves and the men around you.


1. SSH (Side-Straddle-Hop): 15×4 in cadence

2. Rockette: 15×4 in cadence

[ 1 burpee on your own ]

3. Windmill: 15×4 in cadence

[ 2 burpees on your own ]

4. Merkin: 15×4 in cadence

[ 3 burpees on your own ]

5. Flutter Kicks: 15×4 in cadence

[ 4 burpees on your own ]


[ PAX moseys to playground next to AO ]

  1. 15s (Not what you think)
    • 5, 5, 5
    • 5 dips on a bench
    • Sprint to covered pavilion
    • 5 box jumps
    • Sprint back to playground
    • 5 man-makers/8-count body buolders
    • R&R (Rinse and Repeat) 3x

[ 15-count // walk and talk ]

  • Q instructs to battle-buddy up
  • Parking lot outside of playground:
    • Pavement (parking spaces) = sprint
    • Grassy medians = bear crawl
    • Why battle buddies for this? Push your battle buddy and don’t let him slack off
    • Iron. Sharpens. Iron. 

[ Q asks for No BS Assessments from several of the PAX – QTIP: Whether you are leading a Q, walking through something hard with a loved one, or just in everyday encounters, don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions – such as “Give me a no BS Assessment of how you are/how’s your heart.” ]

[ PAX moseys to pavilion before the Chapel ]

  • 2 columns (battle buddies side by side)
  • Q instructs that the right column = casualties/dead
  • Remaining battle buddy must carry their casualty battle buddy across the field separating the small pavilion to the chapel
  • Walk into chapel

[ 10 count ]

[ Steam turns on AC/DC because obviously it’s about to go down ]

25s (once again, not what you think)

  • IN CADENCE: PAX executes 5 burpees – takes a lap around the perimeter of the chapel
  • R&R 4 more times
  • PAX is LOUD. FIA probably what in the heck was going on.
  • CheatSheet leads PAX in a 25 motivated SSHs
  • Time is 0600
  • The date is November 15th
  • 15 minutes to get better – let’s rock.

[ PAX mosey’s back to playground ]

  • Parking lot in front of playground
    • Karaoke – switch halfway down
  • Playground
    • PAX on their 6
    • 15s
      • 15×4 Flutter Kicks in cadence
      • 15×4 Big Boy Situps in cadence
      • 15×4 Penguins/cockroaches in cadence

[ Mosey to Flag below AO lot ]

  • Bear crawl up the pavement to the AO gates
  • Sprint into the AO

[ Toe the Line ]

    • “Do as I do”
    • Arm/leg skips across lot – jog back
    • Bernie Sanders across lot – jog back

[ Circle it Up ]

  • CheatSheet and Steam lead PAX in ATMs to close out


Breathe is heavy, arms are sweaty.

You all chose the harder thing this morning. Well done. Well. Done.

If CheatSheet and I can do this, you can too. I know you can. You have what it takes to step-up and lead. Co-Q with me, I’ll co-Q with anyone. We need you, the guys need you.


19 PAX – No FNGs


Stand. Remember. Proclaim. Fight.

Take this to heart men.

Stand – STAND UP. The world needs High Impact Men to stand up. Stand Up for yourself, stand up for your family, stand up for your friends, stand up for your loved ones, stand up for what you believe in. You have a voice and you have a story. Stand Up and own it. He calls us to stand up as High Impact Men.

Remember: REMEMBER who you are and WHOSE you are. The enemy is cunning in the ways he tries to make us forget who we are and whose we are. Remember when the Lord showed up in your life. Remember why you do what you do. Remember why you go to your job during the week. Remember why you come out here in the morning. Remember who He calls you to be and live out of that. Lest we forget that we were created in HIS image.

Proclaim: PROCLAIM as High Impact Men. This bonfire that we gather around called F3 in the mornings needs to be shared and multiplied with guys just like you and me before we came into F3. You have a voice and a story to tell. Tell it courageously and proclaim as a High Impact Man. Whether that’s here in F3 or in your own family or relationship or at work – as High Impact Men – proclaim boldly.

Fight: We are not all called to pick up a gun and fight. God bless those that are. However, as men, as High Impact Men – we are called to stand up and fight. Fight for yourself, fight for your wife, your girlfriend, your family, your friends. Fight because there is some good left in this world and it is worth fighting for. Cary the fight wherever you go. Weapons come in many different shapes and forms. Your story and your voice and your heart can be weapons of mass life-giving that the enemy hates and wants to destroy. Fight spiritually, fight emotionally, fight prayerfully.

It is nothing short of an HONOR to be out here with you all in the mornings and lead. If you’ve led before you know what it’s like, if you haven’t – come on. It’s time for you to find your voice and lead. We need to hear it.



  • CheatSheet’s Friend who died suddenly. Funeral is this afternoon in Farragut.
  • Children/Schools in CA – fires in CA – pray for safety.
  • Spoken and unspoken prayers – He knows the cries and whispers of our hearts.


!!!Last 3rd F Convergence of 2019!!!

When: Saturday, December 7th (7am – 9:30am)

Where: TruckStop AO (7am)

    • Post-Workout Convergence at Two Rivers Church (275 Harrison Lane, Lenoir City, TN 37772)
  • For more info – check the event on the F3 Knoxville GroupMe 
  • Grab a battle-buddy you haven’t seen post in a while!

Veteran’s Day Tribute

THE SCENE: Clear and cool (42f) – Beautiful morning


  • Side straddle hops (I.C.) 25
  • Michael Phelps
  • Arm Bars
  • Baby Arm Circles (forward & back) from TIE fighter position


Props to CODE BROWN for  carrying The Colors for us throughout the Q!!

Mosey from AO to skunk hill – Honoring the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima:

  • Up skunk hill – 11 Merkins – back down
  • Up skunk hill – 11 Merkins – back down
  • Up skunk hill – 19 Merkins – back down

Mosey from Skunk Hill to river walk – Honoring the U.S. Navy:
• Row Boat (I.C.) 11
• Drydock (I.C.) 11
• Hello Dolly (I.C.) 19

Mosey from boardwalk to chapel – Honoring U.S. Coast Guard:
• Captain Morgan (I.C.) 11 (Each side)
• Flounder Pounder (I.C.) 11
• Doggie Paddle (I.C.) 19

Mosey from chapel to cloud – Honoring U.S. Air Force:

  • Triceps dip (I.C.) 19
  • Dive bomber 11
  • Wind Mill (I.C.) 19

Bernie from cloud to AO / CMU pile – Honoring U.S. Army:
• CMU Curl (I.C.) 11
• CMU Squat (I.C.) 11
• CMU Bench Press (I.C.) 19

*Threw in 19 CMU overhead presses for good measure


  • Box cutters (IC 20)
  • Mtn Climbers (IC 20)
  • Flutter kicks (IC 20)
  • Old Man Stretch

24 HIMS shared in a tribute to our armed forces by working our way around various Asylum landmarks and honoring our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Special shout out to the veterans in our group as well.

History lesson – 100th anniversary of Armistice day:
November 11th, 1918 marked the end of WWI – One year later on the 11th day of the 11th month in the year 1919, (11/11/1919) the first National Holiday known then as Armistice Day was celebrated to commemorate the end of the first world war. Armistice Day remained so until 1954 when the name was changed to Veterans Day to be inclusive of all veterans who had come before and after WWI. That makes today, November 11th of 2019 the 100th anniversary of this national day of recognition of the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces. Over the course of that 100 years, millions of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have served and sacrificed for our freedom and to ensure the greater safety and wellbeing of the world as a whole. Today is a day to say thank you.

CHALLENGE: At some point today, reach out to a friend, a colleague or even a stranger and simply thank them for their service. To keep it top of mind throughout the day, post an American Flag on the group me once you’ve done it.

Ai-CAN Legs and Bro-CAN-back Mountain

THE SCENE: 60ish and cloudy.  No rain yet!

SSH x20; Now grab 2 cans each from Charmin’s food drive box; Imperial Squat Walkers x 20; Tie fighters x 11 each way; line up on the baseline curb for some Rocky Balboas. All in cadence.

  • Mosey to the Cloud for some Aiken (or Ai-CAN) Legs:  20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 Mary Katherines, 20 Rev. Lunges, rinse and repeat.  Stop midway for 10 burpees (10 burpees every time someone drops a can!)
  • Rest with Flutter kicks IC x 20.
  • Mosey to the Pavalon and partner up.  20 step ups on the tables while the partner wall sits with cans held out. Rotate out. Rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to bottom of Baby Everest (or is it Little Cardiac??).  Vote to hold on to the cans for the remainder of the workout.
  • Bro-CAN Back Mountain:  Doras with your partner.  One partner Bernies up the hill (back pedal) and then runs down while the other is doing SSH or Moroccan Night Clubs (250 total for each exercise).
  • Back to the Cloud for Can Ups:  Grab a bench, plank position with cans in front of you.  Place one can up on bench from plank, then merkin, then other can up on bench, then merkin, then one can back down on ground, merkin, and other can back down on ground and merkin.  That’s 1.  Do 10 of those.
  • Mosey back to AO

Code Brown led in some Canned Thors, then some Canned Dollies

Food drive message: “Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, ‘Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”  John 6:8-10.  We never know what small thing will lead to big miracles.  Have faith and great things can happen from even the smallest gesture.

Prayers for Pacman and his wife as she goes to Vanderbilt for evaluation of eyesight issues.

  1. Last week for the food drive!  2) Brolympics on Nov. 9.  Sign up now!!

Fake Doras

THE SCENE: Humid, very humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Additional disclaimer:  the Q went to a concert last night and is now deaf (and tired)

SSH x 20 IC; 10 burpees OYO; Tie Fighter baby arm circles F&B IC; high knees and butt kickers across parking lot; karaoke across and back.
Mosey up the hill toward Everest Base Camp.  Stop at each stop sign and go up the ladder.  Add one of the following with each stop:  10 BBS; 20 Merkins; 30 squats (4 ct)

From Base Camp, sprint to midway tree for more BBS, Merkins and Squats; back down to base camp

All the way up Everest, continuing on to the top of the space station. At the base of the base station, hold plank while waiting for the 6.

Mosey past the old rock pile (short moment of silence) down the west side of the drive about midway.  Find a battle buddy and do fake Doras.  One partner runs, the other does sets of 10 man makers and then LBCs until the partner returns.  Swap out.  Rinse, repeat x3.

Run back up to top of Everest, over to other side.  Real Doras:  100 merkins and 100 LBCs (4ct) while partner runs to stop sign and back up.

Start back down the ladder with BBS, Merkins and Squats

Realize we’re about out of time and quick mosey back to AO

Cat Gut led in a little Boat/Canoe

Followed up on Cap’n Crunch’s 3rd F message:  Find a Paul, Barnabus and Timothy in your life.  Have to reach out to do it.  I need to do a better job of intentionally mentoring those in my life.
Lift up Timber’s M and family for some surgery this week.
CSUP – Trucking to the Pound plug.