F3 Knoxville

Modified Murph…

30 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer given!

– SSH x15 (IC)
– Squat (slowly) x15 (IC)
– Merkins x15 (IC)
– Forward Arm Circles x10 (IC)
– Reverse Arm Circles x10 (IC)
– Imperial Walker x15 (IC)

Mosey to the rock pile

“Partner Mini Murph” (no weight vest either)
– 1 Lap of Marina Drive
– 100 Shoulder Presses split between pair (other partner holds rock above head)
– 200 Merkins (partner holds rock up)
– 300 Squats (partner holds rock up)
– 1 Lap of Marina Drive

Mosey to Circle of Fire

We had some good livin’ with a 60lb sand bag – each man took two laps while the circle had dealer’s choice:
– Plank
– Iron Cross
– Boat/Canoe
– Heels to Sky
– Not-So-Lazy-Boys
– Inverse Pickle Pounders


Revival at the Asylum

19 degrees, wind gusts and a light snow

F3 disclaimer
Welcome to the FNG’s

COP #1
Side Straddle Hop IC x 10
Calf raises IC x 10
Bobby Hurley OYO x 10
Hillbillies IC x 10
Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Tour of the parking lot; mosey over to brick pile for two coupons and head to the church

COP #2
Overhead press w/ coupons IC x 10
Arm curls w/ coupons IC x 10
Back flies w coupons IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Bear crawl down the side of the church, lunge across the back, bear crawl back the opposite side and lunge back to the front of the church

COP #3
Elevated merkins on coupons IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; left side IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; right side IC x 10
Chest flies with coupons IC x 10
Chest press with coupons IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Mosey back to brick pile to return coupons; mosey to the playground (planks by PAX until all arrive)

Hydraulic squats OYO x 10
Flutter kicks IC x 25 (led by Timberlake)

Tunnel of Love


Scripture focus on Philippians 3:17-21. Be imitators of Christ, and walk with those who want to live faithful lives.

prayer led by P-nut

41 men came ready to bring light to the early morning gloom. Spirited mumblechatter despite a wind chill of 7 degrees and gusty winds. Love this PAX…love this movement in Knoxville.

Strength and Honor,
P-nut (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Tuesday Grind…

33 degrees and clear

Disclaimer and Recognize FNG’s

Twist and Pivot x40 (IC)
Alternating Shoulder Touches x20 (IC)
Press Jacks x30 (IC)
Arm Circles x20 (IC)


Mosey to the Parking lot up top

Burp and Merkin Ladder
Burp and Merkin ladder up to 10 and back down

11’s on Hill – Baby Everest
At the top, Jump Squat, at the bottom, Big Boy Sit-up

Mosey to the Parking and partner up

Push and Pull Relay
PAX # 1
– Mosey to Dog Park and back
PAX # 2
– 2 Laps Cinder Block Curls each
– 4 Laps Combined Merkins alternating Cinder Block Rows

Peter Parkers  to Plank Crunches x6 (IC)
Reverse Crunch x25 (IC)
Flutter Kicks x30 (IC)


Over the past three week I have had the unfortunate opportunity to witness four close friends and family lose loved ones.  I will have to say that I hate going to funerals because you never have the right words to say and it just stinks to see people you love go through the mourning process.

But it is amazing to see the impact that some of the people have had on people around them. Not only those that have passed but the way these families have poured into their loved ones lives. When I see this great people and the impact they have made on others lives it makes me question if I having the same kind of impact on the people around me.

What will people say about me when I am gone?

What will my family say? They see me at my worst and know me for who I truly am.

What will God say to me when I die? Well done good and faithful servant?

So the question is how do we impact others? We have the perfect example of this in Christ with his self-sacrificial love and God has called us to be that to others.

Luke 10:27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

In these verses God set our priorities straight and lets us know we have to put him first in order for us to be able to be prepared pour into others.

We are preparing ourselves physically with 1st F and my hope is that we are also preparing ourselves spiritually with the 3rd F in order to make an impact on those around us

So my challenge to myself is look for the opportunities to pour into others. Looking for those opportunities that you might normally pass up.

F3 defines a High Impact Man (HIM) as the following: HIGH IMPACT MAN: A man dedicated to forcible contact to strong effect. A Disrupter. That Somebody who makes things happen. A natural born world-beater. An enemy of the status quo, despised by GooNation for the threat he poses to its continued existence.

– Proton (submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Peaks, Valleys and the Long Mosey

The Theme: A Tour of Lakeshore’s Peaks and Valleys

The Scene: 27 degrees, clear with a hint of Gloom!  After a great call by Cap’n Crunch to call off the Saturday workout due to snow, the men of F3 Knoxville were in withdrawals for 2 days. We wanted to get better together so 60, yes 60 men showed up this morning for a leg day beat down! Spirits were high, mumble chatter was loud!

Disclaimer straight into a 60 man 2.5 mile mosey with stops along the way…AYE!

1st Stop
At Mt. Everest. IC and timed Imperial Squat Walkers.
Continue run, but backwards up a short straight hill, then forward mosey.

2nd Stop
Back Lot parking lot for some Duck Walk mixed in with Frog Jumps.
Continue the mosey mixing in some Lunge Walks and Backward Lunges mixed in.

3rd Stop
Right before Cardiac Hill, 2 minutes of as many Big Boy Sit ups as you can.
Cardiac Hill was next but not without going up the hill backwards halfway for a good thigh burn.

Mosey Back to the AO, total travel 2.5 miles!

Boxcutters x15 (IC)
Reverse Pickle Pounders x 20 (IC)

Name O Rama: 60 PAX with 8 FNGs

Choices and Consequence: Everyday, we make choices, big or small. With Choices you have consequences, good or bad. With F3, I made a choice to get up early, be with my F3 brothers and work hard. The consequence became much greater than fitness. It has given me fellowship with men that I would probably have never met if not for F3 and has taught me to challenge myself more in all facets of life, including faith. What do you choose?

Rocky Balboa

The scene: The PAX entered the gloom at a balmy 23 degrees and falling snow. Spirits were high as 34 men arrived in full HYPE MODE and generating lots of positive mumblechatter.

The theme of the morning was the All-American movie “Rocky.”  The tone, however, was set when Bandwagon enthusiastically smashed his cinderblock upon arrival at the frozen AO. It was- as the kids say…“ON!”

Side saddle hops x20 (IC)
Squats x20 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x10 (IC)
Big Boy Situps x10 (IC)
Forward arm circles x10 (IC)
Reverse arm circles x10 (IC)

Quick mosey to the brick pile to get coupons.  Each member of the PAX settled into a parking space in the AO.  This then became their own personal, virtual boxing ring.

12 rounds with Apollo Creed
Each exercise OYO for 60 seconds with 10 second break between sets:
1. Mercians
2. Weighted squats
3. Weighted uppercuts w/ coupons
4. Overhead press w/ coupons
5. Mountain climbers
6. Depth-charge squats

Bear crawl across parking lot, back to virtual boxing ring…

7. Mercians
8. Depth-charge squats
9. Mountain climbers
10. Weighted overhead press w/coupons
11. Weighted uppercuts w/coupons
12. Weighted squats

Quick mosey back to the brick pile to return coupons. Mosey over to “cardiac hill” at the backside of Lakeshore Park.

Running the Steps with Rocky
PAX sprinted ½ up cardiac hill and stopped to do 15 mercians. Continued to top of hill and did 15 jumps while pumping fists overhead (a la Rocky). Ran back down the hill and performed a plank sequence.

Mosey back to the AO.

Dealer’s choice for core work, including:
– American Hammer x30 (IC) led by Dimples
– Hello Dolly x25 (IC) led by Cap’n Crunch
– Pickle Pounders x30 (IC) led by Pickle (the birthday boy)

Name-O-Rama: 34 brave souls, including 4 FNG’s.

P-nut reminded everyone that becoming a HIM requires preparation and work. Look around at the PAX and see what qualities you want to emulate in your own life. Reach out to your PAX for leadership, help and advice…we get better together. AYE.

Reminded FNG’s that we meet at the AO four mornings a week (M, W, F and Sat) and also on Thursday afternoon. The Farragut/West Knoxville launch will initiate next week (Tuesday and Thursday). No sadclown in Knox County will be safe.

Good to be with everyone on this first snow of 2016. God bless and keep you today.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch (on behalf of P-nut)