F3 Knoxville

Bringing Balls to the Wall

THE SCENE: 72°F, Muggy



  • SSH x20 (IC)
  • Merkins x2 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walker x20 (IC)
  • Merkins x 4 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walker Squats x20 (IC)
  • Merkins x6 (OYO)
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)


Mosey to the Pavilion

Balls to the Wall and wall sits 30 sec, 60 sec (2 rounds)


11s- Bench pull-ups and squats


Mosey to the short hill near the SP

11s Scorpion Dry Dock –> Squats


Mosey to rock pile near Admin Building

Thrusters to the song: Flowers, by Moby


Mosey to Everest

7s American Hammers (4ct) –> Derkins (didn’t complete before time ran out)



Kentucky, Crab-Legs, Snitch, Waffle House, Flanders, Archie (QIC)


“for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬


We are saved by grace, but we should be just as (or more) intentional towards growing in Godliness as we are towards growing in physical fitness. This doesn’t mean start fartsacking more often. It means learn from how you are able to focus on physical fitness, to stop fartsacking on your relationship with God.

Keep ya’head up!

THE SCENE: “It’s hot. Damn hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it!”

Imperial Walkers x15
Windmills x15
Cherry Pickers x15
Plank Jacks x15
‘Merkins x15 OYO
Squats x10
Warm-up run around the #outhouse

Round 1: ELEVENS!
Burpees at the AO
Box Jumps at the #outhouse (mosey in-between!)

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Round 2: Baseline Workout
21 Squats –> Run across court to the far baseline –> 42 Speed Skaters (single count)
15 Squats –> 30 Speed Skaters
9 Squats –> 18 Speed Skaters

Mosey back to the AO

Side crunch x10 each side
LBCs – x21 4-count
Squats x10


All I had to share this morning with the PAX was a quick reminder that as men, people look to us to set the tone, and we need to remember that and set a positive one.  A smile helps spread more smiles.
It was that kind of morning.  As the PAX assembled, Abacus hit the lights and it was apparent that Shooter was still in the #fartsack.   I dug up an oldie-but-a-goodie and then had to tell @Tank #whatsup as he tried to jump in my ‘Q takeover.  😉  He’s on-Q tomorrow anyway…  The PAX didn’t know what to expect, and as @Mayberry pointed out I had to blow the dust off….but we got the work done and I think the PAX missed some of the exercises I brought back out.  #bottomline we kept moving and broke a solid sweat.  Thanks men!

Rolling Stones

THE SCENE: 72 and fairly overcast.

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Outhouse Run
Cossack Squats x8 IC each leg
LBAC x20 each way IC
Outhouse Run – Bernie back
Inchworm-Superman x5 OYO
Outhouse Run – Carioca back
1 burpee, just for fun! Then mosey to the pee rocks.

Pick out a nice, round pee rock and head to the grass. 4 cones, each with an exercise.
First lap around the cones: bear crawl and roll your stone (alternate fwd/back)
-10 HR Pufnstuf (Hand Release Merkins)
-15 Catalina Wine Mixer (15 each arm)
-20 Carolina Dry Docks
-30 Pickle Pounders

Next lap: Alternate fwd/back crab walk, carrying pee rock on your stomach.
-10 Knee Up/Down (10 each knee: standing, go to one knee, both knees, other knee, back to standing)
-15 Squat Jumps
-20 Donkey Kicks
-30 Monkey Humpers

Weighted hip thrusts until six arrives

20 curls, 20 OHP, 20 Tri
Return the pee rocks to the pile.

Next is 7s. One burpee beside the pee rocks, up and over the guardrail for 6 Hand Release Derkins on the guardrail. Etc.

Mosey to the tennis court for some sprints – About 5x back and forth.

Flutter kicks x15 IC, switch to Slutter Kicks without breaking cadence for 15 more.
Left-Right-Center LBCs x15 IC
Side Crunches x10 each side
Cash out with AMRAP merkins until time. (Well, it was a good thought anyway… only time for 1 or 2)

8 PAX came out for the Rolling Stones!
Sometimes you’re in the middle of a crap storm.  That’s us this week.  Nothing terrible or life-threatening, just a bunch of stuff piling on top of each other. I don’t have much today beyond an admonition to myself that may hopefully resonate with you.  Just keep trusting God with everything.  That means all of it, not “do what you can do and leave the rest to Him”.  He has it all, not just the stuff that you think is beyond you.
Never did Hand Release Derkins before.  I believe I actually preferred the burpees…


THE SCENE: I didn’t even look. Probably 70. Felt like 100.

Lap of park including 20 & 20 at school parking lot.

Mosey to base of Lover’s.


Start with 10 coffin sit-ups and 10 4 count plank jacks at the bottom. Bernie up for 1 ruck burpee and 1 mr. spectacular. Circle back down to continue. We did about half before I called it for time. So much to do!

Mosey to field across bridge

15 thrusters

Lt dan across 2 lunges 1 squat

15 wide merkins

Army crawl back and repeat x 5

Flutters w/ ruck overhead x 25 4-count IC

Ruck hammers x 30


13 Strong Brothers


We tend to make judgements about people based on our preconceived notions of who a black person a trans person a Muslim person any person is. Why do we do this? What is the point? Why can’t we just love and accept who people are?

John 15:17 says

“This is my command: Love each other.”

1 John 4:8 says

“But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

As someone relatively on the outside of religion, when I hear the hateful words coming from leaders and others who claim to be godly, it makes me think I don’t want any part of religion. So I plead with you who do proselytize your faith to set a better example. The example of Christ to love everyone.

I had about 5 hours of work for us. I’ll tuck the rest away for another day. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
June 16 – Beer Mile at Moses’ house in the evening.

Murph this Sunday at Bomb Shelter 630 am.

“Safety Patrol”

THE SCENE: 65 degrees and 100% Humidity

SSH x 12 IC

Merkins x 12 IC

Baby Arm Circles F/B x 12 IC

A. Partnered up and moseyed to backside of the Pound with CMU in tow. Partner A runs up the hill to the rock while Partner B completes the exercises and then rotate. Exercises:

300 Reverse Crunches w/ CMU

300 Overhead Squats (modified for time)

300 Presses (modified for time)

B. Moseyed to next station and completed the following:

Light Pole sprints/jog back while completing:

150 Merkins

150 Squat Jumps

150 Curls

C. Mosey back to AO and completed:

Hello Dolly’s x 10/12 (can’t remember, I was dizzy) IC

Ratchet led us in some on your side love handle eliminators…


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Talked to the PAX about the joy I have seen this week as I drop off my daughter at school. “New” safety patrol students for next year do the job with joy, fear, excitement, and a willingness to please. The “mentor” safety patrol offers advise and help and tips. It’s awesome. We need to be more like the safety patrol students- eager to try new things, eager to listen to the help being offered, eager to step out of our comfort zone. We need to be like the mentors- eager to offer sound advise and help. PAX challenged to either open car doors, mentor, or both and do it all with joy and excitement!
Dudes got afternit today! It was cool to see the Rucker’s and hook up with them for the BOM!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.