F3 Knoxville

Priorities and Split Squats

The Scene

29 and cold (Perfect for some CMU work according to Mermaid)

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


BAC F/B/OH (Thia Fighter Style)


Tempo Squat

Curtsey Lunges

Tennessee Rocking Chairs


Mosey to the CMU pile

Split into groups of 3

16 minutes for each group to get max rounds of the following exercises starting with 1 rep and adding a rep each cycle. (Goal is to climb as high on the ladder as you can with your group) Each group will work together and pretend to skip rope until everyone in the group has finished the reps. 

Hand Release Merkins

Split Squat Press (These got really spicy really quick)

Underhanded row

Overhand curls

BBS (Focusing on full range of motion. Hands touch ground behind the head, all the way to a toe touch at the top of the BBS)

When we get to the 16-minute mark groups will tally their total

YHC broke a CMU so we had to break form some penalty burpees

Then groups will proceed to work back down from their max rounds accomplished down the ladder all the way to 1 of each. If the group does not get back down the ladder to 1 there is a 10 burpee penalty. We took our total and subtracted 3 and went back down the ladder with a 10-minute time cap. 

Everyone finished before the 10 minutes so we did 5 burpees just because.

Mosey back to AO


Knee Tucks (2 sets of 30 seconds)


13 High Impact Men 


James 4:14 “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

I have been really convicted in my own life about focusing on things that are not high on the eternal priority list. I have been getting so caught up in eternally low priorities that I am letting the truly important things fall to the waste side. Take the time today and every day going forward to look at your wife in the eyes and ask her how she is doing, when your kids ask you to play with them, even if it’s for 20 minutes, DO IT. Everything else (Work, cleaning, tv, your phone) can wait, the people around you will stop trying to fight for your attention if you keep sending them down the priority list. 

I am thankful for all of the men of F3 around me and the man that I have become since I joined you guys in the gloom back in March, Thank you! 


Many needs presented this morning and some guys going through some tough stuff. Remember to reach out to one another and check in on each other. No man left behind, no man left the same.



Tour De Catholic



THE SCENE: A Balmy, clear and cool 29 degrees.

Motivators from 9
Ole Miss Piss 10 each leg
Tempo Squats 10
Cherry Pickers 5
Tempo Merkins 10

There were 35 stations and we made it through 24 of them.  The idea was to move around campus, and see some new and old areas, to encourage all of us to be more creative.  Each area was labeled with number, and here are the corresponding exercises.  There were some new exercises that were crowd pleasers.  The El Capitan’s up the frost covered hills were a bit of a challenge.  The elevated plank jacks, merkins, and balls to the wall were a difficult trio.  We introduced some new exercises, the dirty hookup and the flying nun were a fun twist!

1 Twinkle Toes 18 Run the bases repeat x 3
2 El Capitan 19 El Capitan
3 Merkins 20 Calf Raises
4 El Capitan 21 LBC’s
5 Merkins 22 Batwings
6 Jump Squats 23 Run one lap
7 BBS 24 Stadiums
8 Monkey Humpers 25 El Capitan 5X
9 Bear Crawl 26 Step Ups
10 Elevated Plank Jack 27 Batwings
11 Elevated Merkins 28 El Capitan
12 Balls to the Wall 29 Calf Raises
13 Wall Squat 30 Pickle Pounders
14 Dirty Hookup 31 Flutter Kicks
15 Flying Nun 32 Hello Dollies
16 Dips 33 El Capitan
17 Pull ups repeat x3 34 Hello Dollies
35 Flutter Kicks

There was no additional time for Mary today
One FNG today, Crawl Space.
How to confront a brother/member.

Pray for racism, covid, Anchorman’s nephew Ian who suspects that he has yet another spinal fluid leak, praise for Curveball’s wife and her successful surgery.
No Christmas Day workout.

Shamrock – Commitment

THE SCENE: 41F perfect F3 weather

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Monkey Humpers (IC) 4 CT x 10

On your back Side Straddle hop x25 OYO

Merkins 10 – 4ct 


Mosey to Racquet Club lot

There are 12 parking space lines

Line 1 – 25 Merkins

Line 2 – 25 Big Boys

Line 3 – 25 Squats

Start over at line 4. 

We will end up at 100 reps per exercise. 

Mosey to Weigels Hill  stopping to bear crawl for 30 seconds. Once at the top we mosey back to racquet club. 

Another round of the basics. 

Line 1 – 25 Merkins

Line 2 – 25 Big Boys

Line 3 – 25 Squats

Start over at line 4. 

We will end up at 100 reps per exercise.

Total of 200 reps for all exercises 

Mosey back to AO.

We did 90 seconds of burn without rest ( flutters, scissors, box cutters, repeat )
Trolley, Flower Pot, Betty, Mermaid, Clickbait, Hurl, Baby Boomer, Music City, Dumpster Dive, Osteen, Jenner, Anchorman,

Commitment has been on my mind this week. With the cold weather and even some rain you guys showed up ready to encourage and be there for each other. 

We are very lucky to have such a committed group of high impact men. 

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.” Kenneth Blanchard

“Commitment in the face of conflict produces character.” Anonymous

 Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.” Jim Rohn

6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. II Timothy 4:6

Trolley’s wife, Curveball’s wife, Brendan friend of several with cancer, Jenner’s meeting, Hurl & Clickbait adoption / foster care.

Jack’s 90th Celebration


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
43 ℉ 77% 41 ℉ 4.0 mi/h S

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs hopping backwards forming a larger ring.
4 Cherry Pickers.
Count off into 1s and 2s. While 1s circle the ring, 2s do Bobby Hurleys. Then 2s circle while 1s BH.
While 1s circle 2s Grady Corn. Then reverse.

Mosey to large parking lot where a ring of cones is set up. With 4 cones distanced equally away about 30-40 yards from the ring. N, S, E, and West type thing.

About 10 seconds to run around ring. PAX starts running around ring at individuals own pace. Four ‘volunteers’ start and run to cones and do 20 reps of one of the exercises listed at the cone. Then run back to PAX and pick another to run out to a cone. You can run to any cone. Come back and pick someone else.  And so on. The running/circling PAX changed direction every so often and also Bernied both ways. PAX moved for about 10-12 minutes, no stopping.
Cone Exercises where:

  • Merkins
  • Squats or Monkey Humpers
  • LBCs or Box Cutters
  • Dips or Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to a corner of parking lot.  Move to opposite corner stopping four times for exercise. Then at opposite corner perform exercise while waiting for the six. So four stops of # of first exercise. Then do second exercise at corner while waiting for six. After six arrives, everyone start second exercise in cadence to count listed. (So, rabbits do more.)

  • 20 Merkins and then 20 Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Jump Squats and then 15 Pickle Pointers
  • 10 Shoulder Taps and then 10 Fairy(Star) Jacks
  • 5 Burpees and then 15 Freddy Mercurys
  • 10 Plank Jacks and then 10 Squats

Then Mosey back to AO.

No time for Mary
11 Brothers.
Yesterday was my father’s 90th birthday. His name is John Joesph Purcell but his family calls him Jack. No doubt a HIM.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Still a wee bit of time to turn in coats.


The Scene

Perfect Gloom


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Cherry Pickers

Thai Fighter Arm Circles

Seal claps


Tempo Squats

Bear Crawl F/S/B/S/F




Mosey to track and field hill

13 one heel elevated squats 

Bear crawl to curb, run up hill, recover down and hold plank until everyone returns


Down to 1 by 3’s


Mosey to CMU pile stopping halfway for 10 BBS/Glute bridges


13 exercises – 13 reps – .13 mile run

We only got through exercise 8



CMU Box Jumps

CMU Swings

Overhead Press

CMU lunges

Carolina Dry Docks

Mountain Climber Knee Taps

Freddy Mercury

Curb Dips

CMU Squats


Burpees over CMU


Mosey to AO switching between Bernie and mosey



Imperial Walkers for 45 seconds



17 HIM’s



Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 


Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”