F3 Knoxville

Opt-In at Shamrock


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
69 ℉ 99% 71 ℉ 3.1 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
10-15 Double bounce Squats.
Mosey to main parking lot.  While running laps, each lap PAX has to complete exercise from below list.  First lap, however, was 50 burpees.  So, 50 burpees while doing lap.  Then next laps were as chosen from below list.

Chest Arms
120 Merkins
75 Dive Bombers
100 Carolina Dry Docks
60 Jumping Spiders
100 Diamond Merkins
150 Squats
100 Monkey Humpers
80 Bonnie Blairs (Jumping Lunge)
150 Calf Raises
75 BBS
80 LBC
100 Pickle Pounders
75 Box Cutters
80 Dolly Partons
60 War Hammers (BBSU with Amer Hammer at Top)

Mosey to coupon pile.  Grab a CMU.  Lined up on edge of parking lot. Gorilla Complex.  As many rounds as possible.  All with CMU except Merkins and Mosey.

  • 8 Curls
  • 8 High Pulls
  • 8 Overhead Press
  • 8 Tricep Extension
  • 8 Merkins – sans CMU
  • Mosey to other side of parking lot and back.

At time, recover and mosey back to AO.
2 minutes of ab work including:
30 Flutter Kicks
15 Dolly Partons
25 or so Bicycles ending at high rep rate.


18 HIMs
Kyle Korver is an 18 year veteran of the NBA.  He wrote an article entitled ‘Privileged’ back in April of 2019.  The article tells of his relationships with his fellow players and talks of his thoughts concerning the Privilege he has because he is white.  The privilege is described as the ability to opt-in or opt-out when it comes to things related with Black Lives Matter.  I appreciated reading it.  Kyle Korver – Privilege.

Hardship Hill work day this coming Saturday.  See Slack for details.

Duck Duck Goose

THE SCENE: Wet and steamy 70’s


4ct SSH x 25 (IC); 4ct Tai Fighter Combo (forward, reverse, front clap, and overhead clap) x 10 (IC); 4ct Plank Medley (plank jacks, shoulder taps, Catalina wine mixers, and merkins) x 7 (IC); Temp Squat Jumps x 7 (IC)

Don’t stop the fun… Indian-style: PAX mosied over to back corner of high school and formed a COVID-friendly single file line along the curb; Exercises began and 6-man sprints to the front while PAX moves; Next HIM follows suit and so on and so forth making our way ultimately around to the AO; AMRAP exercises performed along the way as a group were 1) Rocky Balboas, 2) Merkins, 3) Big Boy Sit Ups, 4) Squat Jumps, 5) Carolina Dry Docks.

Group paused half way for a little F3 Duck, Duck, Goose (Dora-style)… PAX formed a COVID-friendly circle and each worked OYO to finish 100 Iron Mikes (Q accidently called them Magic Mikes), 200 Carolina Dry Docks, and 300 SSH; meanwhile each HIM would run around the circle back to their starting point and then the next HIM would take a lap; much panting and groaning followed.

Continued the Indian-style conga line back toward the AO: Again the PAX performed AMRAP exercises while 6-man kept advancing to the front; group exercises were 1) SSH, 2) Lunges, 3) Rocky Balboas, 4) Lunges; PAX paused just before reaching AO and ran some 40yd sprints back and forth with 5 merkins on each end (AMRAP and OYO).

Alternated 10 merkins then 10 SSH for about 3 minutes (OYO)

Talked about the unique benefits of flying in V-formation as geese: 1) Group can fly 70% farther than an individual goose using the same amount of energy, 2) If they fall out of formation, they quickly realize the benefits of the group, 3) Leader of the formation rotates back and each goose takes a turn leading, 4) Each goose honks to encourage the group to push beyond their limits and remind others they are there, 5) If a goose is injured or sick and falls out of formation, at least two of the geese will drop out with them to encourage them and protect them while vulnerable.

Talked about the parallel between geese and F3 PAX.  Talked about Genesis 2:18 and how God declared “it is not good for man to be alone”.  Paired that with Galatians 6:2 that says we should “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”.  Encouraged the PAX to be like the geese and lead, encourage, and help those in their sphere of influence.  Encouraged those hurting or isolated or struggling to reach out for help – if no one else, call me – and that there were men in the circle that would step up for them.

Saint Peters Circle – Rich Welcome

✔ THE SCENE: Not too bad. A little muggy.



  • Twisting Pickers
  • Phelps
  • Big Arm Circles
  • SSH
  • Star Jacks
  • Squat Jumps
  • Bobby Hurlies
  • Froggers
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Crab Kicks
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Merkins
  • Wide Merkins
  • L Alt Merkins
  • Right Alt Merkins
  • and then back up through the whole sequence.

U Indian run

facing the linear hills – Get inline six feet apart.  Last person sprints up the hill then back down then to front of line and sprints up that hill and back down.  Everyone holds a squat or plank while waiting their turn.

  • Mosey to beginning of Loop and Go Through each of the 10 stations

The Thang:  Saint Peter’s Circle


  1. Dirken shuffle Around Circle
  2. Bear Crawl to Corner
  3. Lunge to Speed Bump
  4. 10 Wall Dips
  5. 10 HS Push-ups
  6. Reverse Bear Crawl Over steps
  7. 10 Blockees
  8. Reverse Bear Crawl Over steps
  9. Inchworm over speedbump
  10. Sprint to Finish

We did a little over two laps.


  • Flutter Kicks
  • American Hammers
  • Dead Bugs
  • Freddy Mercuries


2 Peter 1: 3-11: His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. 10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters,[a] make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This scripture convicted me and gave me hope. Lately I’ve been dealing with some wandering with lack of purpose and “vision” or “mission” , “why am I here” type of questions.  However, knowing my salvation is secure – I say “Well then, what now”.  I’ve gone through some major ministry “corrections” and “redirections” – and the path doesn’t seem straight – and quite frankly seems hard to understand.  Also being challenged by marriage – this verse caught my attention with the promise of the possibility of  “you will never stumble“.. I’m like, well I stumble all the time, so maybe this scripture has some good advice & wisdom I can glean.  For purpose and goals,  you can, for example, “Make every effort” to work on any of these things:

  1. Goodness
  2. Knowledge
  3. Self-Control
  4. Perseverance
  5. Godliness
  6. Mutual Affection
  7. Love

Those are awesome goals to choose and work towards.  Be sure to know yourself, pace yourself, keep it real, don’t overwhelm yourself, find others along the same journey and calling,  rise up to the call, know that you are not alone, hold onto the “great and precious promises“, know that our faith is a gift, we are not earning our salvation, but we are earning aspects of the “rich welcome” that Peter mentions…  Therefore — MAKE EVERY EFFORT!!  Notice Peter says that twice.


Shamrock 8/21/2020

THE SCENE: Gloomy with a slight hint of Fall. Upper 60s

Cherry Pickers, SSH, BOCs


Mosey to CMU pile…

Line up on practice football field sideline with battle. While HIM1 does exercise, HIM 2 runs across field and back.

  1. CMU squats
  2. Back Rows
  3. Merkins
  4. Shoulder press    (do 3 rounds of each)

Return CMUs

Mosey to parking lot….

One exercise station at each corner of lot. HIM 1 runs left, HIM 2 runs right —>doing exercises at each corner. When you pass your battle buddy, you give a high five then do 5 burpees. (Do this for the remainder of the time.) 

4 Exercises are:

  1. Dry Docks (20)
  2. Mike Tysons (20 4ct)
  3. Squat Jumps (20 4)
  4. Flutter Kicks (20 4 ct)


17 HIMs.

Music City, Cheatsheet, Pringle, Bekky, Flower Pot, Mermaid, Trolley, Fabio, Honeydew, Anchorman, Slappy, Key Fob, Slim Reaper, Dumpster Dive, Sparrow, 15-Love, Curry.

Encouraged men to think about what they could do today that would matter in 100 years and in eternity.

The Longest Mary Ever

THE SCENE: Low 70’s and clear with relatively low humidity


SSH to 10
Cherry pickers 5
Baby arm circles forward/backward
Tempo Merkins 10
Temps Squats 10
Mosey to large CMU pile, get 2 CMU’s


20 blockees
40 Thrusters
60 Renegade Rows
80 Goblet Squats
100 Merkins
When finished put the blocks away
Turn left and run to the first speed bump.
Do a burpee, run to the 2nd speed bump, add a burpee.
Run back to the first speed bump, add a burpee.
Repeat until you get to 5 burpees.

Total Merkin count today
warmup 10
Blockees 20
merkins 100
Burpees 15
Mary 100
Total 245


We went around the circle and each PAX led us in a 4 count 10 rep ab exercise
After each exercise we did 10 merkins.
We had 11/13 PAX call out and lead ab exercises.


James 1:12
Those who stand firm during testing are blessed.  They are tried and true.  They will receive the life God has promised to those who love him as their reward.

We are living through a test in 2020, there is a blessing but as God promises, we have to love him to take advantage of the reward.  To love God, we need a relationship, prayer time, studying his word, etc  How do you demonstrate love?  We need to put that into practice so that as we are tried or tested during this time or others, that through our love of God, we can receive the blessings.
2 FNG’s that came with Free Fall… named Geico and Gnome (originally Jar Jar, but that was taken)
IRON PAX coming up in September.