F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Clear and just cool enough to make a wookie comfy.

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Crabettes x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Mosey all around the park. For Halloween today, there are pairs of cards at intervals, face down. On one card is a Treat (exercise). The other says “Trick!”

Pax stays together. When arriving at a pair of cards, one PAX turns over one of the cards. If it’s a Treat, do the exercise and continue. If a Trick, mosey back to the previous station, repeat that exercise, then return and do the exercise and continue.

The Treats:
25 4-ct Monkey Humpers
25 4-ct Pickle Pounders (Repeated)
25 Merkins (Repeated)
Bear crawl across field
25 EZ-ups
25 4-ct Catalina Wine Mixers
15 Triple-Box-Jumps at the bleachers (3 jumps = 1 rep)
5 Hill Sprints (Probably should have been repeated…)
15 Embrace the Earth Burpees
25 Carolina Dry Docks (Repeated)
30 Big Boy Situps

Ended up with almost 3 miles.

51x Flutter Kicks
15x Side Crunches each side
Cash out with Merkins for the last minute
Super-lucky 13 under a full Halloween moon. Welcome FNG Airwolf!
Of all the holidays of the year, the most overcommercialized/ignored true meaning (by percentage anyway) has to be All Saints Day. Halloween (All Hallows Eve) has completely taken over to the point that many don’t even know about All Saints Day, which was created to celebrate and honor all those saints who didn’t have their own feast days. Take some time tomorrow personally or with your family to read up on a saint (not necessarily just those recognized by the Catholic Church), either ancient or modern-day, thank God for their example, and be inspired.
Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
I was amazed by the luck of this group, only pulling three out of ten “Trick” cards…
Convergence and 5 year celebration at the Asylum Nov 7!

A couple planned routines and some random stuff

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.
Mosey to the south parking lot With a CMU.

line up with a  CMU in front of you. Do 25 squat, curl, press tris and sprint to end line and do 5 burpees, sprint back and Repeat while walking CMU to next cone but knocking off 5 reps. 20, 15, 10, 5.

Mosey to ice rink. line up on goal line. One lax ball per person. Squat walk (with your back straight!)while bouncing ball with palm (no catching it and dropping) Continue and repeat twice or till everyone looks completely uncoordinated.

Partner up across from each other on side lines.  Each has a CMU but only one lax ball. Throw ball to partner with one bounce. Do a blockee , partner throws it back and does blockee. Repeat till Q says stop.

*At this point I start making stuff up.
Curl-press-tri walks across the ice rink. line up on end lines and do 2 big circles around the face off circles of side shuffle planks. Then side lunges around two circles. Then sprints from end line to end line x7. (I may be out of order…but does it really matter. ) by the way, if you are reading this, post the letter D of the Dog Pound chat. I’m guessing no one really reads this past a certain point. Mayberry might since he missed. Well, back to the backblast…hummm not really sure what else we did. But we stayed busy. No one was cold. Well maybe ur fingers were. 

mosey to AO.

Flutters with block presses x31

11 pax

“The problem with quotes found on the internet is that they are often not true.” -Abraham Lincoln

big party at the DeFrancos house!  Story of party getting out of control quickly.

there are so many things that look accurate but have no truth in it at all.
example: “Good things happen to good people”, “Follow Jesus and your life will be perfect” God has never promised a perfect life with no troubles. In fact, he says that once you become a Christian your trials will continue and possibly get tougher. BUT….you now have hope. You have hope because you know the end. You know that with what ever you face you can and WILL Overcome with Jesus. . May not be on your time, but as a follower of Jesus you know that you are forgiven and that ultimately you will have all of your troubles and debts paid off.
So, is it going to be easy?……. Nope, will we win?…..yep!

Here is another quote from a president from our bible Devi: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

God is not controlled by fear. Have courage thru trials by trusting God.


tweet-e gets the “most patriotic award” on “voting day” for his super rad American Flag shorty short/spandex combo! And…Cavalier gets the “best new nickname hand sign” award

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Swimmies + 2 For Tuesday Tribute


70s, feeling good, feeling great, pre-ruckers come back around 1735


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’m honored to be out here as your Q tonight
  • Couple of things before we kick off
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you do need to modify anything we do this evening feel free to do so but push yourself and the men around you

(COVID concerns – maintain 6ft if possible)

  • FNGs — Edgar (GORUCK)


(Swimmies Birthday Warm-o-Rama)

  • 35×4 SSH
  • 35×4 SSH
  • 17×4 Rockette
  • 17×4 Rockette
  • 17×4 Baby Arm Circles Forward
  • 17×4 Baby Arm Circles Backwards
  • 17×4 shoulder taps
  • 17×4 shoulder taps



(Mosey to the Bat Cave)

(1) 20s

  • 2 points of contact: bottom of the stairs + up here at the Bat Cave
  • Bottom of the stairs: Imperial Walkers
  • Bat Cave: BackBelly Flops
    • 1 BBS — 1 burpee (chest on ground)
  • 5 reps each POC for a total of 20 reps
    • All on a 1 count
  • Happy 2FT
    • R&R — everything on a 4 count now

(35 count from Swimmies – first 35 count in the history of F3 probably)

Running against the remaining time, PAX mosey down the hill around the back side of the AO, stopping every so often to knock out 5 reps of an exercise either on a 4 count or 1 count (SSH, merkins, flutter kicks, wall-sit bus drivers)

(Mosey back to AO — Snowflake sprints because he’s a beast)


Core 4 – Happy Birthday edition

– Flutter Kicks while PAX sings Happy Birthday once through

– Rinse and Repeat because 2 For Tuesday

American Hammers while PAX sings Happy birthday once through

– Rinse and Repeat because 2 For Tuesday


26 including 1 FNG – Goosecall


[ “What A Time To Be Alive” ]

The Crucible – USMC

  • The final challenge of recruit training is known as the Crucible. It is a 54-hour training exercise that validates the physical, mental and moral training they’ve endured throughout recruit training.
  • The recruits are broken down into squads to face the challenges of the Crucible. They face challenges testing their physical strength, skills and the Marine Corps values they have learned throughout training. Throughout the event, the recruits are only allowed a limited amount of food and sleep.
      • Anyone else faced challenges this year that have tested their physical strength and skills and their values?
      • Anyone else had limited sleep this year?
      • Anyone else learn anything in the past year?
  • The final stage of the Crucible is a 9-mile hike from the training grounds to the Iwo Jima flag raising statue at Peatross Parade Deck. Upon completing this challenge, the recruits are handed their Eagle, Globe and Anchors, symbolizing the completion of their arduous journey to become U.S. Marines.


  • There was a time in my life not too long ago that I wanted to make it there more than anything. I studied, I worked hard, I put in the hours, I did all of the right things – and it’s not what the Lord had for me at that time.
  • I craved it. I could see it. I wanted it so bad. And it’s not what the Lord had for me at that time. But that’s not the point.


As HIM – we’re in the crucible right now. Congratulations, you made it.

And what a time to be alive — for such a time as this.

And I can understand that it might feel like we’ve been in that final 9 mile ruck March for months now. But if you stop at mile 7 you miss it. If you stop at mile 8 you miss it. If you stop at mile 8.5 you miss it.

And unlike the Marine Core Crucible – you don’t get anything for making it through tough times. You don’t (always) get this tangible thing you can hold in the palm in your hand as a representation of how much you’ve been through. No ones going to give you anything for making it through.

But there is someone who gave up everything so that you COULD go through. So that you could go through the crucible for such a time as this. And He gives you everything you need to do so.


Proverbs 4:25-27 (ESV & Message)

Enter the Sanctuary – Embrace the Crucible (sermon by Rick Dunn) — https://subspla.sh/c6sz9xd

– Prayer requests for loved ones that are no longer with us


F3’s 5 Year Anniversary Convergence

– Saturday, November 7th

– Asylum AO

– 0700 – 0800 followed by transfer of leadership of Nantann role and breakfast celebration

The left won?

THE SCENE: Classic gloom.

10 tempo Merkins

20 squats

20 BACs
Mosey to pull up bars carrying a CMU. Do 10 OH presses, tris and curls every so often
Goal to move all 5 of your team’s CMUs to the top of the hill
You can move them to the next cone only by doing one of the exercises below. You can’t repeat an exercise until you have done them all.
10 burpees
20 Merkins
20 squats
Run to speed bump and back
10 pull ups
After exercise, run to CMU and overhead press it while walking it to the next cone.
You can also move the other teams CMU back a cone but not both
First team to get all 5 CMUs to top wins.
(Aladdin’s pointed out that the left kicked the right’s butt confusing several pax that thought he was making a political statement)
Partner up
One partner takes both CMUs and farmer walks them and swaps halfway. At the bottom the Matterhorn. One partner farmer walks with both CMUs while other does 5 burpees and then catches up. Swap.
At boat, each takes one CMU and heads to AO.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
10 PAX
Leadership in our family. Lead by example, teach and don’t dictate. Explain and don’t bark orders.
Good push from the Pax this morning. A little competition pushes everyone

High Mileage

THE SCENE: Couldn’t ask for better
Of course!

20 SSH, 10 Thai Fighters(Forward & Reverse), Willie Mays Hays(stretching legs before running), Mosey to playground
25 Hanging Crunches then run a lap

25 Big Boys then run a lap

25 Crunches then run a lap

25 Burpees then run a lap

25 Side Crunches each side then run a lap

25 Bicycle Kicks then run a lap

25 Hip Thrusts then run a lap

25 Mountain Climbers run 1.5 laps and finish at AO



Plank then Merkin Ring of Fire

Ribbed, Snitch, Pondzi, Frosty, Choir Boy, Stripped & Doubtfire
You have seen it in posts, heard someone say it or possibly someone call you one. HIM, or High Impact Man, is what we strive to be to our spouses, kids, family, community etc.. I am impressed daily with F3 and the HIMs in this group. I’ve seen selflessness, giving, sacrifices, hard work, time , and love freely given by this group. F3 Knoxville is huge. What would happen if all of our members would mirror these attributes? You have heard the phrase that 10% of the people do 90% of the work. It is very true. Sadly people in this world talk a big game but rarely step up and get their hands dirty. F3 is different. WE ARE MORE THAN JUST A WORKOUT. We do and not say. I’m very happy to be a part of F3 Knoxville and get to see HIMs in action.

But there is always opportunity to step up. Ask yourself, what have I done for others in the last 6 months? When was the last time I gave up my time for others? If you have to think about it for more than a minute, then there is opportunity to be a better HIM. Life is busy, we have lots of things on our plate, but there’s always time to help others. So this week dig deep and find out where you can be a blessing to someone else.

Asked the brothers to give back to there community this week.
Bomb Shelter 3rd F

Asylum 5 year Anniversary