F3 Knoxville

Memorial Day @ Truck Stop

THE SCENE: 60’s, steamy


Own volition, watch the snot rockets, stay apart

20 SSH

20 imperial walkers

20 Rocketts

20 Merkins

10 Manmakers

20 mountain climbers

1 Lap around island
MRSA Field

5 Rounds of the following

  • 20 dips
  • 20 Incline Merkins
  • 20 Step ups (10/leg)
  • 20 Crunches
  • 1 lap around the field

To the outhouse

3 Rounds of the following

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 curls (using the easy up bar)
  • Run to playground
  • 20 Squats

Back to AO – Mini Sea Bisuit for Time

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats
  • Run a lap around the field

Do the exercises, run 2 laps, exercises run 3 laps, all the way to 4 laps then start back down with the laps.  Do the exercises the same each time

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Memorial Day is upon us.  This is the day we pause to remember all the veterans who have died serving our country.  Make sure to explain the significance of this day to your family and 2.0’s.  National moment of silence at 15:00 on Monday.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.”

James A. Garfield

“For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”

George S. Patton

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived.”

“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

A Numbers Game – Truck Stop Edition

THE SCENE: Suspiciously chilly……character-building chilly.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC this morning – thanks for having me.
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do it – but push yourselves and the men around you – we have some work to do.
  • No FNGs
  • Reminder of social distancing guidlines – 10 PAX present so that’s good


  • SSH: 11×4 IC
  • Rockette: 11×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 11×4 IC
  • Squat: 11×4 IC
  • Merkin: 11×4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 forward IC // 10×4 backwards IC


[ The Truck Stop 500 ] 

  • Around the median of the AO parking lot
  • POC (Points of Contact)s:
    • Both ends of the median
    • Middle light in between the 2 ends
  • Each POC = 2 exercises – 25 reps each
  • Ends: SSHs & Squats
  • Middle: 4 count Merkins (Army) & Bobby Hurley’s
    • ^^^These sucked ^^^ – character was built and arms and shoulder were destroyed
  • 2 laps = Truck Stop 500

(Mosey up towards the fields)

(Every light = 5 squats —> 3 lights of this)

(Q gave PAX the choice of executing the Tunnel of Love across the soccer field or doing 11s – you’ll never guess which one was the unanimous decision…..)

[ 11s ]

  • Burpees & Squats
    • 1 burpee & 10 squats to start

(Continue Mosey towrds the playground by Watt Road)

  • Every light = 1 good merkin (good form)
    • 3x

[ Nickel – Dime – Quarter ]

  • 3 POCs within the parking lot off of Watt Road
    • 1st POC = nickel (5 reps)
      • 8 Count Body-Builders/Man-Makers
    • 2nd POC = dime (10 reps)
      • Hand Release Merkins
    • 3rd POC = quarter (25 reps)
      • Squat Jumps
  • Rinse and Repeat once

(Continue mosey around baseball field)

  • 1st light = 5 SSHs
    • 2nd light: 25 SSHs
      • 3rd light: 125 SSHs
        • 125 SSHs broken up into increments of 25 – with 5 incline merkins in between

(American Indian Run back to AO parking lot)

(10 minutes to go)

  • 1st 5 minutes:
    • Mirroring the Truck Stop 500 – at each end of the median in the AO parking lot = 25 squats
    • Slow mosey around to the other end
    • Hit 100 total squats or until 5 minutes is up
  • Last 5 minutes: Mary below


[ Core 4 Finisher ]

  • Flutter Kicks: 25×4 IC
    • 5 seconds of rest in between
  • American Hammers: 25×4 IC
    • 5 seconds of rest in between)
  • Hello Dolly’s: 25×4 IC
    • 5 seconds of rest in between
  • LBCs: 25×4 IC



10 PAX – No FNGs


The story of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah —> What happens when your will is Rachel but God’s will is Leah?


The story about Jacob, Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29:15-25)

I’ve been listening and following some sermon series’s by a guy named Jerry Flowers in TX. I’ve really enjoyed his sermons and how they’ve challenged me to think and reconnect during this time. This one in question for the BOM today comes from his “Try Me” series, the first one actually – talking about the story of Jacob desiring and working 7 years for Rachel, but actually receiving Leah instead. Jerry had such an interesting and powerful take on this, that it was too good not to share, so let’s break it down. Here are some of my initial notes:

  • Jacob wanted Rachel so bad. So bad he worked 7 years for this woman. 7 years of hard labor for this woman. 84 months. I’m pretty sure I’ve never worked for a woman (or anything consistently) for straight-up 7 years> Married men – maybe/probably.
  • Jacob loved Rachel – but his desire to pursue Rachel was distracting him for what God actually needed him to focus on – Leah.
    • Jacob did not want Leah – he wanted Rachel. But he was given Leah. Unpack that mentally for a moment in real life.
    • BUT….when he was given Leah – he still chose to pursue Rachel – at the cost of 7 years of his life.

Now this part really gets me – I’ve never made this connection before and dang y’all….hold on.

  • Leah has a son named Judah with Jacob.
  • PAUSE – go to Matthew 1 to read the lineage of Jesus.
    • Matthew 1:1-2 —> ” The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, “
    • Fast forward through the lineage to verse 16 —> “and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.”


  • Without Judah being born by Leah, with Jacob, the lineage of JC isn’t complete. ………….


  • So check this —> Judah was the son of Leah –> the woman that Jacob never wanted —> but what he didn’t want, the Father needed —> it was so critical for Jacob to get Leah, because it brought in the Messiah
    • What Jacob didn’t want – the Father needed. Jacob Didn’t want Leah, but God needed Leah for Jacob’s life for a MUCH bigger purpose/story, then just working 7 years for a woman.


  • God’s will for Jacob’s life was always Leah – even as Jacob was chasing tirelessly, working extremely hard, and pursuing Rachel. The entire time. Even in those 7 years.

So the question has to be asked men – when we want Rachel for our life, but are given Leah, what do we do?

  • We might have worked for “Rachel” SO HARD – pursued and chased after it for so long – but what if God’s will in our life is actually Leah?
  • And a lot of times I think it’s easy for us (me for dang sure) to come to the Father saying “I wanted this” or “This is what I thought you had for me and wanted for me” or “Do you not see how much I have been working towards this?” – BUT if God’s will for our life doesn’t lie with whatever our “Rachel” is, it will die. Because sometimes when we’re focused on the wrong thing, God will allow certain things to die so we can focus on what’s going to help us to live – His will for our life. When God doesn’t have your attention – He will disturb what does
    • I mean – take a look around – our world is interrupted/disturbed. What has your attention?
    • For such a time as this – I think we are literally in the middle of this – an invitation to refocus our intention on what matters. The Lord is orchestrating this for a reason – and I think it has something to do with the invitation to refocus on me and come to me and find rest. Lay down your Rachel and let me bless your life with my will – “Leah” – whatever that may be.
    • Because what you may not want (this COVID situation, work situations, fill in the blank) – the Father may need to produce Judah out of your life and story for a much larger purpose.

So what is your Rachel, your Leah, your Judah? Maybe it’s still being fleshed out, maybe you’re in the middle of this wrestle like I am. I didn’t stumble on this sermon/message on accident I can tell you that. This hit home in a way I didn’t know home could get hit. 1000%. I’ve included the sermon link below, if you care to watch it – I hope it challenges and moves you as much as it did me.

Sermon link tied to the BOM —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O0f1FWO_hI



  • 2020 F3 Dad’s Camp: get in touch with Gibbler for more info. Great time for the kids!


  • 2020 Murph Challenge: Monday, May 25th –> Dog Pound AO – get in touch with Mayberry for any questions. “If not me, than who?”


  • F3 Hike: Saturday, May 16th – get in touch with Abscess or Steam for more info. There’s a cal event in the main F3 GroupMe – look for an event in Slack soon.


  • F3 Morristown Pre-Launch Q101/GrowSchool: Saturday, May 23rd – Frank Lorino Park, Morristown, TN – 7am. Clown cars and HIM highly encouraged to go if able


  • F3 Morristown Launch: Saturday, June 6th – Frank Lorino Park, Morristown, TN – 7am. Clown cars highly HIGHLY encouraged to show out for the initial launch Q for this new region we’re helping plant

7 of Diamonds

THE SCENE: 34, crisp and clear

Lap around the lot



tempo squats
Route 66 style run to watt rd field with calf raises at each light

7 of Diamonds

at each corner of the field complete 7 reps of the exercise   (28 reps per lap)

  • Burpees
  • BBS – modified to
  • Merkins
  • CDD
  • V-Ups – modified to flamingos
  • Thrusters – bottom of burpee
  • Squats

7’s – outhouse and playground

Easy ups & pull-ups

mosey to concrete bleachers

3 rounds of

7 derkins, 7 step ups each leg, 7 squats

To the AO

Ring of fire Merkins

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Coming Down the Ladder

THE SCENE: Not raining…nothing else mattered.

SSH x20; Cherry-picker x5; Tempo merkins x10; cobra kai x5; butt-kickers, high knees.


Mosey to Splash Pad

Descending Ladder.  Do all ten exercises, take a lap around the parking lot and drop the top one.  Do all 9 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one.  Etc… etc… etc…

  • 10 — Burpees
  • 9 — Jump squats
  • 8 — Diamond merkins
  • 7 — Lunges (each leg)
  • 6 — CDD
  • 5 — BBS
  • 4 — Iron Mikes (each leg)
  • 3 — Ultimate merkins (4-ct)
  • 2 — Man-makers
  • 1 — Pull-up

About halfway thru the ladder, we did a lap around the track and back for a “break”.

Mosey back to AO.

LBC x21 (4-ct); Side crunches x 10 (4-ct) both sides.

Dirty dozen.

God doesn’t need our good works, but our neighbors do.

From Matt Perman’s book — “What’s Best Next”.

“That’s the biblical ethic.  We are not to be scant and scarce in our good works, or even nominal and mediocre, but abundant and liberal in doing good.  We are not simply to do good for some people here and there; we are to do good for all people as often as we can and as much as we can.  While we cannot do all the good that is conceivable, the Scriptures do expect us to do a lot of good — that is, to abound in it.”

Proverbs 3:27 — “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”

Galatians 6:10 — So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.”

7’s at the icearium acclivity

THE SCENE: Cold, clear, beautiful
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – completed and added inexperienced

15 SSH

10 Baby Arm circle forward and backward

Lap around parking stalls

10 cherry pickers

10 windmills
Mosey to top of top of South Watt Rd – icearium hill stopping along the way to do

20 BBS, 10 side crunch left and right

  • stop and exercise at MBLP field #2
  • stop and exercise at MBLP filed 3
  • stop and exercise at baseball field along Watt Rd.
  • stop and exercise at liqour store parking lot
  • stop and execise at top of S. Watt Rod. acclivity

7’s from top of acclivity to retaining wall at base Burpee’s at top and imperial Walker at base (had to modify on 4th 5th and 6th run by decreasing distance to path and then light pole and then sign post – killer hill)

Mosey to MBLP field #3

Using the penalty box do merkins at each corner and traverse using different method between corners …

  • corner 1 – 20 Diamond merkins  – side shuffle to corner 2
  • corner 2 – 20 ranger merkins – lunge to corner 3
  • corner 3 – 20 wide merkin – broad jump to corner 4
  • corner 4 – 20 peter parkers – tunnel of love to corner 1 (lots of mumble chatter…)

Mosey back to AO

Judge Judy led a flutter kick to 50 for about 90 seconds
Judge Judy, Cornhole, Frosty, Biscut, Bartman, Mayberry, Swirlie, I-beam, Mustard, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Driftwood


Nothing special other then you group of HIM, your contagious and prove everyworkout that we can go beyond our own limits – many thanks for always pushing one another


That was much harder in the field then on google earth and paper – way to go men, you crushed it like no one else could have!

Pull-up bars Saturday at the Dog pound