F3 Knoxville

Bear v. Crab

THE SCENE: Beautiful – 68 degrees

Follow the leader, highlighted by a bunch of grown men skipping under the lights.  Toe taps, leg pulls, side shuffles, skips, cross overs, bernie sanders, run, run (double time). Approx 5 mins.

THA-THANG: Bear v. Crab

1st Half and 2nd Half:

Two teams (approx 12 persons each team), attempting to get 5 small balls into a small hockey net all the while remaining in either a bear craw and crab craw (alternating 3 minute increments before switching positions), the HIM with the ball only able to advance 5 steps before passing. Balls in the center to start game play, with crab v. bear crawl race to retrieve them.

Each ball had two exercises written on it – one a harder exercise (merkins, burpees, squat jumps) and one an ab exercise (flutters, LBC, leg raises).

The team that scored did the ab exercise written on the ball that went in the net; the team that got scored on did the harder exercise written on the same ball.

Initially, I was concerned there would not be enough scoring with the small net.  After the 5th set of 15 burpees – in the first quarter – that was no longer my concern.


Round 1 (with pee rock): Squat Pulses x20; Kettle Bell Swings x10; Lunge&Twist x5 (each leg); Run; Single Leg Calf Raises x10

Round 2 (with pee rock): Biceps x20; Rows x20; Triceps x20; Overhead Rock Run

Rinse and Repeat

None.  No time for a victory lap, even though my team clearly won.

23 stronger, sweatier men.

I have an uncanny ability to think that I can solve all my own problems and those of my family.  I will reason or motivate (carrot or stick) through the issue, or at least I will try to.  I was reminded again recently — for the hundredth (x100) time — that this thinking/behavior is quite a vice, and some circumstances (and by “some,” I really mean “all”) are best left to God.

After a week of my 5-yr old daughter’s inexplicable fear/panic/stubbornness to swim across the pool for swim team practice and in the swim meet (one of which she scratched from last minute), I was at my wits end.  I knew she could do it; I’ve seen her swim the pool length innumerable times.  She simply refused and melted down day in day out at the prospect of doing what she could do.  It was so obviously mental, but at 5 years old, she could not work through it or verbalize the issue.

Then it dawned on me: I don’t know her thoughts and fears, but God does. So we prayed, together, that God would intervene.  We prayed over Joshua 1:9 (“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”).  And, you guessed it, she had changed, she swam, and in the process she conquered a huge obstacle in her life.

So, I am reminded again, to petition God, even for the seemingly small things in life, because He is there and here, and because the small often turn out to be big.

Dog Ruck


Coupons, 2 60# sandbags

Ruck with coupons to top of Matterhorn

2 sets of the following

20 merkins

20 squats

20 alt shoulders

20 Ruck swings

20 curls

Ruck coupons to northshore

2 sets of

20 incline merkins

20 lion Kings

Ruck back to ao

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Truck stop running

THE SCENE: 70, nice

Stretch oyo
Ran to mcfee rd. And a lap around the truck stop path   4.25 miles



Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Fun & Games

THE SCENE: upper 60’s I think….forgot to check the weather.  Clear & muggy.



  • SSH x 20
  • High knee run to light pole & back
  • Butt kickers to light pole & back
  • Karaoke to light pole & back
  • Warm up lap around the island


  1. Mosey to soccer field
    • Wham-o lunges.  PAX take turns throwing a frisbee, sprint after it while it’s in the air, then lunge to it once it hits the ground.  We changed to bear crawls at some point instead of lunges.
  2. Mosey to the other soccer field
    • Dizzy bat spin.  Each man spins around a bat 10 times then try to hit a ball off of a tee.  Remaining PAX hold plank or Al Gore.  If the batter makes contact, all PAX sprint to the ball & do 5 merkins then return to the tee.  If they miss the ball, everyone does 5 burpees…we did a lot of burpees, and it was awesome.
  3. Mosey to mid-field
    • Sack race.  Relay race style.  Split into 2 teams & bunny hop to midfield then sprint back & tag the next man.  PAX does squats while waiting for their turn to hop.  Prize was 5 burpees for all contestants.
  4. Mosey to other end of soccer field
    • 3 legged race.  Keep same teams as before.  2 pax at a time tie their ankle together & run to midfield and back.  Remaining PAX alternates between merkins & squats while waiting.  5 burpee prize for all contestants when finished.
  5. Mosey to baseball field
    • Kickball.  Offense must do 5 burpees each time they incur an out.  Defense must do 5 burpees each time a run scores.   Stay moving between pitches…squats, jump rope, etc.


  • LBC x 20
  • Box Cutter x 20
  • ATM

Tank, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Sparky, Frosty, Cosmo, Cornhole, Driftwood, I-Beam, Gibbler, Bartman

Have some fun every once and a while.

I like to work hard, but sometimes it’s good to relax a little and have some fun.  We did that today.  There were no records set for max heart rate or calories burned or mileage.   We got in plenty of sprints and quite a few burpees…it was workout worthy, but most of all it was a good time laughing at ourselves and enjoying the F3 brotherhood.


Special recognition to Cornhole & Sparky for their dizzy bat efforts.  Cornhole pretty much did a helicopter spin when he whiffed, and Sparky missed the ball by at least 10 feet.  Well done men…well done!


Good livin at The Burbs

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning – moderate humidity



Partnered up with a battle buddy – 1 sandbag per team. Alternated sandbag carries between battle buddies until we arrived at the school. 20 Ruck Merkins, 20 Ruck Squats. From there, we made our way over to the Bearden track. On the way, Partner 1 would carry the sandbag while Partner 2 did 10 Ruck Merkins and 10 Ruck Squats. Partner 2 would then catch Partner 1, take the sandbag, and continue rucking while Partner 1 would then do the merkins and squats. Rinse, repeat until we made it to the track. At the track, we did 4 sets of the following exercises (15 reps for each). After each set, we ran a lap around the track.

  • Ruck Curls
  • Flutter Kicks (4 ct) with Ruck Overhead
  • Overhead Presses
  • Lunges or Squats (Ruck on)
  • Bent-over Sandbag Rows

Made our way back to the AO alternating sandbag carries between battle buddies. Stopped a couple times for 15 Ruck Merkins and 15 Ruck Squats. Once back to the AO, one last set of ruck curls, flutter kicks, presses, lunges, and sandbag rows. Flutter Kicks for the last 45 seconds to finish.


15 strong this morning!


I felt scattered during my BOM and didn’t put in the time that I should have last night to prepare a strong word for the PAX.

I’m constantly reminded just how thankful I am for the men that God has put in my life each morning that I get to be surrounded by F3 brothers. I would never get up at 4 am to go suffer through brutal workouts without the encouragement, support, and accountability provided by my brothers. And while the physical push is great each morning, there is a much greater impact that the men of F3 make outside the 5:30 – 6:15 am timeframe (or 4:50 am on some days). When the men of F3 Knoxville catch wind that a fellow brother is struggling with something or going through a tough season in his life, it’s incredible to witness the love and support that they provide for him. That’s what being a part of the PAX is all about.