F3 Knoxville

Warm up ? Nah….

THE SCENE: 37 and nice

Capri lap around the P lot

imperial walkers, squats, imperial  squat walkers, ssh, merkins, plank jacks, burpos, burpees ALL all in cadence x10. Between each exercise we did 20 cmu rows


  • SLING SHOT CMU RUN W PARTNER. P2 does 10 merkins and 10 squats while P1 farmer carries 2 cmu. P2 runs to release p2 from Cmu and takes off w the CMUs. P1 completes the sets of merkins andcsquats then chases down P2. This continues until we arrive at a very steep hill behind the baseball field
  • At the steep hill, we Bernie up the hill 3 times backwards w 4 steps back and 10 squats  rinse and repeat until you get to the top. At the bottom cmu curls, at the top cmu tris. We did this 2 times 3rd time up we did 4 steps back 2 steps down ..,,decided to cut the 3rd time short .
  • Sling shot cmu run to the soccer field next to the main road
  • Quarter pounder w cheeses! Thanks Swirlie!. Sprint 25 yards, do 25 Merks, Bernie back, add cheese (10 burpees), sprint 50 yards, 50 squats, Bernie back , add cheese, sprint 75 yards, 75 mtn climbers, Bernie back, no cheese this time, broad jump to goal line and back . Sprint 100 yards and 100 ssh
  • Mosey back to AO

Hello dolly until time
20 pax including 2 FNGs backsplash and black lung, welcome!!!
Do the little things and the big picture will create itself
Just great to be out to the truck stop! So many great men out there and really enjoyed being with them in the gloom gettin better together.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Rucking The Burbs

58 and Clear, rain at the very end


Ruck 1 mile down the Greenway to Gallaher View towards Middlebrook Pike.
Stop for 6 Rounds (with a ruck) of the following:

  • 6 Burpees
  • 6 Merkins6 Squats (ruck on back)
  • 6 Lunges (each leg)
  • 6 Thrusters
  • 6 Overhead Squats


Ruck another 1.5 miles (approx. 2.5 total) to Fellowship Church.
Stop in the parking lot for 4 Rounds (with a ruck) of the following:

  • 6 Ruck curls
  • 6 Ruck ground to overheas
  • 6 Overhead Tricep extension
  • 6 Overhead Ruck presses
  • 6 Ruck swings (Kettlebell swings)
  • 6 Ruck upright rows

Ruck another 2 miles back to SP (approx. 4.5 total) through the West Hills neighborhood (Indian Run style) back to West Hills Park.

Ruck one round of the parking lot, including Bernie up Lover’s Lane. (approx. 5 miles total).


Circle up for 2 rounds of 4ct Flutter Kicks x30 IC

Jump in the car as the rain comes down!!

Lushish lunges

THE SCENE: 40 and clear


Lushish lunges

  • mosey to the outhouse 20 box jumps OYO
  • mosey with CMUs to where the boats park
  • lunge/curls between light poles first 5 poles
  • 10 merkins at each pole
  • lunge/overhead press between light poles next 5 poles
  • 10 squats at each pole
  • increasing squats/bent over row between lights poles
  • 10 merkins at each pole
  • lunge/curls between light poles next 2 poles
  • merkins at each pole
  • mosey back to the AO

No time for Mary
Welcome FNG Vegan
Friends, you have some you haven’t spoken to in awhile call them and check on them.  Friends in F3 hold each other accountable to workout, but we should also hold friends accountable to read the Word and spend time with our God.  Plus, we all have friends we haven’t heard from in awhile or haven’t contacted in awhile and we need to reach out and check on them.  We never know what trials and tribulations other brothers are facing and the simplest text of “hey checking on you” or “hey haven’t heard from you” can change a persons day.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born out of diversity” – Proverbs 17:17
I’m a friendly guy.  I have good stories and funny jokes.  I have many people I know.  I’m in a career field where I trust my life to my coworkers.  But…I have very few true friends.  However, since joining F3 I have not only made friends but meet my “brothers form other mothers”.  Lifelong friends are not something you have and make everyday, but I have made them through F3.  I’m talking about guys helping each other through the darkest of times, death, divorce, depression, etc, to give them a shoulder to lean on or a hand to help them up.  To guys celebrating life and birthdays and making time just to be together.  And I’m talking about guys that not only drive to Asheville when I’m on a road trip and my motorcycle breaks down, but who I share a Bible study with and who are more than willing to hold me accountable to spend time in God’s word.  Friends talk about that kind of stuff, but brothers do that kind of stuff.

EDIT: Afterwards I was told my Q seemed a little soft from my normal Qs.  I’ll have to work on that for next time….
Tank’s OCR race Hardship Hill


THE SCENE: 54 degrees, clear. Basically perfect


SHH X20, Cherry Pickers x6, 5 burpees,Rockets x10 3-ct


Partner up
Carry CMU to boat-1 per partner
100 curls
100 presses
100 triceps
100 bent over rows
Partner 1 does CMU work while
Partner 2 does suicide runs on 2 light poles stopping for 2 burpees at each

Mosey to Cory Hill (leave CMUs)
DORA 2.0
100 ground touching Squat jumps
100 merkins
Partner 1 does excercise
Partner 2 bear crawls up and down (forward facing) the hill.

Move to steps
DORA 3.0
300 LBCs
Partner 1 runs steps to rock while partner 2 does LBCs

10 burpees

Mosey to get CMUs
Mosey to AO

20 3-count Calf raises

ring of fire -push down leg lifts

Flutter kicks x22

20 HIMs
I lost my cool yesterday with my son and wife, and I had to look for this scripture to refer to.
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

God is very slow to anger with us. If he wasn’t, we would be gone a long time ago. How can we not do the same to our family and friends?                      MOLESKIN:
We lost a CMU today. It served us well.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3rd F this weekend

Smurfs & Unicorns

THE SCENE: Mid 30s and clear



  • Oyo stretches, this/that
  • 4 ct merkins IC x 10
  • tempo squat IC x 10
  • Calf raises with CMU – pax choose reps, 15-20ish.  Just want to warm up.


  • Suicides.  Pax draw exercises at random from the bucket and we run the 5 cone suicide course doing the exercise in the card.
    1. Burpees x 3
    2. Bear Crawl to 2nd & 4th cone
    3. SSH x 10
    4. CMU lunge to 2nd & 4th cone
    5. CMU OH press x 15
  • Elevators.  Run to the farthest cone between rounds.
    1. 10 burpees
    2. 10 burpees, 20 Goblet Squats
    3. 10 burpees, 20 Goblet Squats, 30 OH Press
    4. 10 Burpees, 20 Goblet Squats, 30 OH Press, 40 Reverse Crunch holding CMU overhead.
    5. Rounds 5-9 are going back down the escalator.  Drop burpees first, then squats, etc until finished.


  • 4ct LBCs IC x 20
  • Box cutters x 20


Mayberry, Frosty, Ratchet, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Ribbed, Hydro, Flanders, Podium, Smoker, Boones, Bartman

A piece of advice that’s served me well for many years:   Normally you know the right thing to do, but for those times when you really don’t know the “right” thing to do, simply choose the more difficult of your options.  That will usually put you on the right path.

Frosty we all agreed that Sadie needs a F3 nickname.

Mayberry we all admire your courage to admit to owning a smurf & unicorn trampstamp

OCR coming up May 19th