F3 Knoxville

Get Ready

THE SCENE: Warm and muggy

20 SSH, 4 ct
5 burpees
15 Imperial Walkers, 4 ct
4 burpees
Little baby arm circles, 4 ct, 15 forward, 15 back
5 burpees
Stretching, little of this and that
5 Cherry pickers

Mosey to upper field. 2 rounds:
At the bleachers, do 10 dips, 10 lunges (each leg), 10 sumo squats, and 10 wide arm merkins.
Take a lap doing reps at each corner (5, 10, 15, then 20)
Lap 1 = burpees, Lap 2 = BBS

Mosey to outhouse for 21s:
Easy ups at the top of the hill
Squats at the bottom

Round Q: Count off. Each PAX takes a turn to call the next exercise. The next PAX can interrupt the current exercise as he sees fit. (Readiness – see BOM)

Laying with legs 6” off the ground, use legs to write the name of each PAX present.
25 American Hammers, 4ct

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
There’s been a lot going on in this world lately. A lot of sickness, injuries, and death even in just my very small circle and so much more that impacts other PAX and friends and family not associated with F3. In all of this, I heard a message at one of those recent funerals. The minister was talking about this lady who lived her life Ready. She was ready to go on the next adventure. Ready to tackle challenges and obstacles. Ready to lend a hand. Ready.
So my question to you is: are you ready? Are you ready for today? Tomorrow? Next week? Are you ready for life’s unexpected twists and turns, successes and failures, victories and utter defeats? Are you ready for whatever lies in store for your wife, girlfriend, parents, children? Good or bad?
We men tend to think of ourselves as ready for anything. That’s the Boyscout motto and mentality: Be prepared. But what are you ready for? Is it today or is it eternity? Jesus teaches us not to worry or fret about today or tomorrow, for this world is temporary, fleeting. We need to be ready for Eternity. And more than this, we need to make sure that our families are ready. That our friends are ready. That our neighbors and coworkers and acquaintances are ready. Even the ones we may not really like. Our job is to be ready and get as many others as possible to be ready as well.
So I leave you with this: are you ready?
Praise: Judge Judy’s father had a quick recovery from Covid
Keep praying for Ribbed’s wife and the rest of our PAX struggling with sickness and loss
Dog Pound CSAUP: Off the Chain
August 21 – Sign up!!!

Blame it on the Rain…that never came

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • Take a lap around the island
  • SSH IC x 20
  • Squats (4ct) IC x 10
  • Merkins (4ct) IC x10
  • BA Circ FWD/BWD IC x 5
  • Cherry Picker IC x 5
  • Free Stretch – Whatever serves you best

Mosey to the Far Soccer Field

  • Cones are set up 10 yards N/S 30 yards E/W – Perform exercise and run the remaining length of the field to finish. The movement from cone to cone resembles a switchback or a level in Donkey Kong.
    • Round 1
      • Run N/S – Gorilla Shuffle E/W
    • Round 2
      • Bear Crawl N/S – Karaoke E/W
    • Round 3
      • Burpee Broad Jump N/S – Smurf Jack E/W (looked more like a squatting bird)
  • Unbroken – All PAX starts at the corner of the soccer field. Perform Exercise to failure and then take a lap around the field. Perform each exercise x3 before moving to the next. AMRAP 20 Minutes
    • Shoulder Taps to failure x3
    • Squat Hops x3
    • Heel Tap Mountain Climbers x3
    • Exercise cadence looks like this:
      • Shoulder taps to failure
      • Run a lap
      • Shoulder taps to failure
      • Run a lap…
      • You get it!!
  • Mosey back to the AO
    • Perform the Following exercises & reps OYO
      • 50 Squat Hops
      • 100 Walking Lunges
      • 150 SSH
      • 100 BBS
      • 50 Squat Hops

The BBS checked this box.

A Dirty Dozen – One PAX downrange from Denver…North Carolina – Welcome Mater!
Picked up the Q Source for some inspiration. The last section in the QS is all about growing an effective Lizard Organization. A couple of key notes are: Effective Organizations are built through Relationships – Not Rules. A Man who is Freed to Lead only needs Purpose to drive him forward. Too many rules are like shackles. Q Source gave the example of how Jesus was the original model of a Lizard Organization. In Matthew you can read about Jesus’ 2 Commandments that he gave. (Paraphrasing) Love the Lord God with all of your Heart, your Soul & Mind. 2nd – Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt 22:34-40

Driving to Coffeeteria I realized that I missed the opportunity to talk about reflection in our organization. AKA our family unit. Are we building our family unit through relationship or through rules? Is our family purpose so big and clear that our M’s & 2.0’s are “Freed to Lead”? Or do we just have rules? The next circle would be our job or place of employment. Although we may not be able to affect change from the top down in our work organizations, we can vow to maximize relationships where we’re at. We can create and grow healthy relationships with our co-workers and team.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

We had a solid showing of PAX this morning. Including our Unicorns Doubtfire & Tank. The PAX were completely ready to be Merkining ourselves silly, while having buckets of rain poured on us. However, it was beautiful, sunny and amazing morning to be outside with some sweaty dudes.

Wesley House Workout, Work day & Off the Chain CSAUP – Check slack for details.

A bunch of tossers

THE SCENE: 55, humid and gloomy

3 – 60# bags

1 – 80# bag

1 – 90# bag

ruck 1 mile , no coupons

bring Sally up – merkins,  slick
The thang

Ruck with coupons to watt rd field

4 rounds

  • Sandbag toss 50 yards
  • 10 sandbag squats
  • 10 sandbag cleans

Audible on tossing the big sandbags to farmer carry

3 merkins, 3 sandbag cleans

6 merkins,  6 sandbag cleans

repeat and add 3 reps each round for a total of 12 minutes


back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Remembering the Iron Pax Challenge

THE SCENE: warm and humid

Baby Arm Circles forwards and backwards

Overhead Claps

Cherry Pickers

Mosey to Watt Road

4 cones spaced about 25 yards apart.  Complete 4 rounds of:

Walking lunges to cone 1, 25 squats

Broad Jump to Cone 2, 25 merkins

Walking lunges to cone 3, 25 jump squats

Broad jump to cone 4, 25 wide merkins

Bernie to the beginning.


3 cones spaced about 10 yards apart.  Inch worm merkins between cones.  At each cone do;

10 burpees, 10 iron mikes, 10 BBS

Repeat 4 rounds

(This one became heavily modified due to time and other factors!)

Mosey back to AO
Gibbler lead us in flutter kicks and boat/canoe

FNG – Willy Wonka
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Wallball returns!!!

THE SCENE: A nice spring morning, 50’s, not raining, EXCELLENT

20 merkins, 20 squats

COUPONS: 5 – 60 # sandbags, 1 – 90# sandbag, 2 lengths of rope or straps

Ruck with ALL coupons the long way around to Watt Rd. field.

Segment 1 – AO to first right turn on path.  Start with 20 merkins & 20 sandbag squats at AO; Shoulder carry sandbag to Segment 2 at right turn on Path

Segment 2 – 20 merkins & 20 sandbag squats; Front carry sandbag to segment 3 at corner of bathroom

Segment 3 – 20 merkins & 20 sandbag squats; farmer carry sandbag switching hands as needed to Watt Rd. field

At Watt Rd. Field – Sandbag Toss

Drop all coupons and rucks at the end line and get a battle buddy with 1 – 60# sandbag.

Round 1 – Battle Buddy 1 starts tossing the 60# sandbag down the field.  Battle Buddy 2 – runs a lap around the field (no ruck) when his lap takes him to the coupon pile, do 20 ruck curls then catch up to BB 1 and switch.  BB 2 begins his run at the switch, makes his lap, does his curls and catches up to BB 1.  Continue tossing sandbag the length of the field and back.

Audibled to running half laps of the field cause the tossing went too fast.

Round 2 – Rucks on.  Battle Buddy 1 sandbag tosses down the field.  Battle Buddy 2 does 10 ruck merkins, then bear crawl (ruck on) to catch BB 1.  Battle Buddy 2 starts tossing the sandbag while BB 1 does 10 ruck merkins, then bear crawls to catch up.  Repeat the switching and tossing until you go down the field and back.

If there is an odd # of PAX then the odd man can join a team or he can toss the sandbag 10 times, then do the exercise and continue tossing.


DORA’s – get a battle buddy.  Each team needs 2- 60# sandbags and a strap or rope.  Clip the 2 sandbags together and clip a rope to them for a pain train Dora.

BB 1 runs to end of strap, sits down and pulls the sandbags to him.  (think seated rows).  Complete 2 lengths of strap and run back to start and BB 2.

BB 2 completes the exercises until BB 1 returns.  Then they switch positions. Continue until all reps are completed.  No ruck required if running to the sandbags.

Cumulative counting for the exercises.  The exercises are:

  • 100 Lion kings – ruck or sandbag
  • 200 ruck curls
  • 300 ruck swings

If there is an odd # of PAX then the odd man can join a team or he can do the sandbag rope pulls, run back to start and do the exercises and switch when he sees fit.  Cut all reps in half.