F3 Knoxville

It’s BO Time!

The Scene: 36 degrees windy with light misty rain/snow blizzard stuff

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SSH x20
Baby arm circles x 10 F&B
Rocketts 10 3count
10x ‘merkins

Tha Thang:
Mosey to Cory Hill w/CMU
10x ‘merkins on CMU
– Bear crawl up hill and down
10x squats w/CMU
– Bear crawl up hill and down
10x presses
– Bearcrawls up and down
Plank till ‘6 catches up

Mosey to Little Everest w/CMU
Partner up:
one takes CMU to top does 15 burpees, while partner continuously squat presses CMU at base.  Partner runs down (w/o CMU)and switches.
Rd2: 25x ‘merkins/tricep presses switch
Rd3: 20x curls/lunges switch
Rd4: 5x burpees, 5x merkin, 5x curls/squats switch and recover
Both mosey to parking lot at top.

CMU suicides
Start at line. Run with CMU to cone (50 yards) do 5 burpees. Run back to start and do 20 curls, take it to second cone (30 yds)do 5 burpees, back do 20 curls. Run to third cone (20yds) 5 burpees back 20 curls.
Repeat-o with CMU but w/o burps-curls

Mosey to AO w/CMU
Get out box of Bojangles “biscuits”

Circle of fire
Al Gore shuffle w/CMU in circle as a group.
Each PAX yells out an exercise and number. Circle rotates opposite direction each call out.

Stained glass
As people, we are broken scratched, beat up. We were perfect smooth glass when created in the garden but sin entered our lives and broke everything. We are nothing but a pile of broken glass.

But Christ through his sacrifice took our brokenness, perfectly put us back together in a way that we are even more beautiful. Where his light shines thru us and others will see his glory.

A little of everything

The scene: 50 and heavy fog

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

4 count Merkin IC x 10
4 count side squats IC x 10
Big Bertha hugs

Mosey to big hill
• 7’s: 4 count in & outs at top, Carolina dry docks at bottom

Mosey to parking lot at top of hill
• Ring of fire Merkins: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, synchronized clap-merkin finale (Tweet-E = beast mode)

Mosey to rock pile
• Battle buddy up & grab 1 rock per pair
• Partner A bear crawls to end of parking lot & jogs back, while partner B does curls with rock
• Flapjack when Partner A returns
• Rinse & repeat doing curls, overhead presses, tricep extensions, squats

Mosey to tennis court
• Go-Cubs-Go burpee extravaganza

Roll-up, v-up IC x 15
American Hammers IC x 20
Pac Man IC x 10
Peter Parker 2 mins

Count off and name-o-rama

Related Romans 8:10-11 to real life as much as possible. The bible tells us that if we are in Christ, then the same power that is in Him is in us also. Lean on this throughout your day to stand for your faith and reject passivity.

F3 Dads and 2.0 Super Bowl Shuffle

2.0 kids workout The Super Bowl Shuffle

The Scene: McFee Park perfect weather

Warm up:
SSH x 10
30 seconds of billy white shoes Johnson
Mericans 1/2 your age or more
Baby arm circles


Split into two teams
Start course-zig zag w/brick “football”.
1) Burpees 1/2 your age
3 laps around turtle
2)Go to shade area-Hopscotch course
Zig zag again
At orange pole
3) 1/2 age mericans, squats, sit ups
Three laps around green pole then back to start where you squat or plank till 6 catches

Mosey to sign at top of hill w/brick
“Falcon” run down the hill and “Patriot charge” back up. Repeat.

Mosey to steps
Bear crawl steps in to top. Falcon run down hill and Patriot charge up. Repeat.

Falcon run to the soccer field
Team vs. team
One team has to get from one side of field to the other without being tagged. Switch.

5 players on each team does their best TD dance one at a time.

Patriot charge to AO
Supermans 10 seconds rest/repeat
One push up
Imperial walkers
One push up

BOM&K (Ball of Man & Kids)
Forgive others
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:13‬

Think of a book full of everything you have done in your life. The good pages, the bad pages and the ugly pages. Now think of what Jesus does for us as believers. He tears each one of those bad and ugly pages and burns them up never to be seen again. He forgets our sin, our shortcomings our selfishness.

How can we receive this gift and not do the same for others?

If someone has done something to you that you are still mad about, forgive them and move forward.

Groundhog Day at The Dog Pound

The Scene:  50 and cloudy
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
COP – 
Introduce the Merdipkin
(Also known as Mr Dipkin, or Dipkin for short)
Partner A in plank, Partner B places his feet on A’s back of his hands behind himself on the ground in dip position perpendicular to A. A does a Merkin, then B does a dip. Repeat, alternating in a seesaw pattern until the reps are complete.
Mosey to the trail of tears
Partner up
SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x5
Dipkins 20 each way
Run a lap
Repeat the exercises, run a lap, repeat, repeat, repeat
Circle up
50x LBC IC
30x Tempo squats IC
50x LBC IC
20x reverse crunches
30x Tempo squats IC
50x LBC IC
10x more Dipkins each
Mosey back y’all
Circle of abs – 5 min
We joked around some today and had fun with the idea of the movie “Groundhog Day – the day that keeps repeating it self. In real life, we often can fall into the same type of issue. We will do the same things with the same people and it becomes monotonous. It can leave us with the sensation of wanting more. It’s not wrong to want more, it’s not wrong to want to be successful and it’s not wrong to want new experiences. However, we can be left frustrated and that frustration from creep interactions with her coworkers, spouses and families. As I consider this I was reminded of a scripture I recently read through with my children.
“What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.”
‭‭James‬ ‭4:1-3‬ ‭ESV‬‬
When we don’t get what we want we get frustrated. It doesn’t take a lot of introspection to be able to see that in our own lives. When we strive for things we want because we think it will make us happy, or fulfilled we miss the target and the frustration does not lift. Instead we should focus on those around us. We ought to ask the question, “Lord, is this something I should desire? Is it something you intend for me to have?”
When we ask for things, not to spend on our own quest for personal enjoyment, but rather to pour into others, the frustration is replaced by joy and contentment when the gift is bestowed. I encourage you to ask the question (above) before you ask for the gift.
I hate running. Running sucks. But, I got talked into this #CSAUP Tennessee Ragnar Relay and have to train…so today we ran more than my usual workouts. The men fussed a little. My legs tried to quit on me. But we pushed through the repetitive workout together. Good job men.

Rock The Pav-a-Lon

The scene: 40 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Arm Circles forward IC x 10
Arm Circles backward IC x 10
Cherry Pickers IC x 10
OYO Stretches (30 seconds)

Tha Thang:
Mosey to Matterhorn

  • Sprint up Matterhorn to 2nd light pole
  • Mosey back down to first light pole, sprint all the way to the top
  • Al Gore waiting on 6

Mosey to Pav-a-lon
Split into 3 groups, music starts
Groups alternate running to gate at top of hill
PAX not running do the following exercise for the duration of the song

  1. Pull Ups
  2. Decline Merkin
  3. Tempo Squat
  4. Dips
  5. Heel Ups
  6. Diamond Merkins
  7. Reverse Grip Pull Ups
  8. Step Ups

Mosey back to AO

No Mary today…ran out of time.