F3 Knoxville

It’s BO Time!

The Dog Pound

The Scene: 36 degrees windy with light misty rain/snow blizzard stuff

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x20
Baby arm circles x 10 F&B
Rocketts 10 3count
10x ‘merkins

Tha Thang:
Mosey to Cory Hill w/CMU
10x ‘merkins on CMU
– Bear crawl up hill and down
10x squats w/CMU
– Bear crawl up hill and down
10x presses
– Bearcrawls up and down
Plank till ‘6 catches up

Mosey to Little Everest w/CMU
Partner up:
one takes CMU to top does 15 burpees, while partner continuously squat presses CMU at base.  Partner runs down (w/o CMU)and switches.
Rd2: 25x ‘merkins/tricep presses switch
Rd3: 20x curls/lunges switch
Rd4: 5x burpees, 5x merkin, 5x curls/squats switch and recover
Both mosey to parking lot at top.

CMU suicides
Start at line. Run with CMU to cone (50 yards) do 5 burpees. Run back to start and do 20 curls, take it to second cone (30 yds)do 5 burpees, back do 20 curls. Run to third cone (20yds) 5 burpees back 20 curls.
Repeat-o with CMU but w/o burps-curls

Mosey to AO w/CMU
Get out box of Bojangles “biscuits”

Circle of fire
Al Gore shuffle w/CMU in circle as a group.
Each PAX yells out an exercise and number. Circle rotates opposite direction each call out.

Stained glass
As people, we are broken scratched, beat up. We were perfect smooth glass when created in the garden but sin entered our lives and broke everything. We are nothing but a pile of broken glass.

But Christ through his sacrifice took our brokenness, perfectly put us back together in a way that we are even more beautiful. Where his light shines thru us and others will see his glory.