F3 Knoxville

Disney Sing-A-Long

THE SCENE: The good:  It wasn’t pouring down rain.  The bad:  99.99999% humidity.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I’m pretty sure Gibbler didn’t say it was free or that he wasn’t a professional.  Both of those facts were immediately apparent, however.

I distinctly remember lots of SSHs while Bluebird took his sweet time walking over from his truck to the AO. I think he stopped to re-tie his shoes and picked up a few pennies off the ground on the way.  And then we did some Tennessee Rocking Chairs.
We moseyed to the Colosseum (that’s right Gibbler.  The Colosseum. Not the Overlook!).  Once we got there, we started listening to that song.  What’s that song from the Disney movie?  Yeah, that one too, but I’m thinking of the other one.  No, we listened to that as well, but I’m thinking of . . . forget it. We listened to all of them. Well, except for “Bear Necessities.”  Where’s the love for The Jungle Book, Gibbler??

As we re-imagined this as a workout with our 6 year old kids, Gibbler had us do pyramids.  I’ll be honest, I don’t remember all of the exercises, or in order.  Just know that we blasted our legs and our abs for a solid 25 minutes or so. Occasionally, we’d break for a long bear crawl (incident free today, thank goodness) or a run around the loop.  Mumblechatter was at a high level throughout.

Heartbreakingly, it was time to head back to the AO far too quickly.

At the AO, it was Capt. Thors up to at least 6/24 before a merciful 15 seconds of stargazers closed us out and the last song of the day gently swirled down our ears (“I’ll Make A Man Out Of You”? Honestly, they’re all running around together in my head right now, so I can’t remember.)

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Another Tolkien quote:  “The old that is strong does not wither.”  This one is dedicated to our very own BlueBird, who hits 59 tomorrow.  Happy Birthday, BlueBird!
Sign up for the Off the Chain CSAUP and try to pick up a Wesley House Q on Wednesday afternoons.

6-28-21 4-140

THE SCENE: Humid and sticky.

Started with SSH 20 ON 4CT, Baby Arm Circles front and back x12 on 4ct, Front Claps same rep count, Windmills x12 4ct then to curb for mosey down for 20 4ct plank jacks and mosey back.
Lower parking lots served as the 4 corners.  Hit every corner perform both (2) exercises at each spot doing reps of 50,40,30,20.  50 first time, 40 second time and so on…

After completing a round of the 4 corners run up little Everest and perform 5 burpees at the top.

Corner 1. SSH and Plank Jacks

Corner 2. OH Claps and Freddie Mercury

Corner 3. Merkins and LBCs

Corner 4. Lunges and Carolina Dry Docks

Had enough time for 18 4ct Freddies

Insert the WORD here.
Talked about “Grit”.  A book by Andrea Duckworth of the same name.  discussed her take on how success is determined more on your effort and hard work than mere talent.  It’s a mindset.  Setting good habits.  We talked about being disciplined and how we need to display grit in all areas of our life.  To not be complacent.

Nice Hat

THE SCENE: It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional.  You can spit on each other if you’ve been vaccinated.
SSH x 25
BBQ Squats x10
Tie Fighters 10 + 10
Plank Jacks x 20
Cherry Pickers x 5
From the baseline:

  • High Knees across the lot,
    • then down the slope to the edge of the baseball field.  Feel the dewy grass on your face with 5 Merkins.  Up the slope for 20 Big Boys.  Mosey back across the lot.
  • Butt Kickers
    • 10 Merkins down, 15 Big Boys Up, Mosey back
  • High Skips
    • 15, 10, back
  • Bear Crawl across the lot
    • Bear Crawl down the slope for 20 Merkins, 5 Big Boys.  Mosey back
  • Side to side across the lot.

Find a battle buddy to close out the warm up.
Mosey to block paved parking lot.  One pax heads clockwise around the lot, buddy heads counter clockwise.  Do 10 partner Merkins when you meet.
Then 8, 6, 4, 2.

Assemble at the bottom of Pickets charge, by the lacrosse field.
Throw out 5 Froggy Squats and head up Pickets.  At each flat, do 10, 15,… Froggy Squats.  We got to 25 at the overlook.

After admiring the sunrise for the 6 we offered 15x4ct Plank Jacks to the view, followed up with 10 Inchworms/stargazer combos and 20+ Dips, finishing on the 6’s count.

On the Mosey, we broke off the onramp to the far side of the Asylum for 10 Tempo Merkins, then Moseyed down the hill to the Rock for 10x4ct “English Cucumber” pickle pounders, before a light Mosey back to the AO.

The Wind Cried Mary – Slow LBCs to the sounds of Jimi.
13 Strong!
F3 is lots of opportunities to have adventures. Slipping and sliding on Skunk hill in the snow. Running up and down Everest and dragging logs around the parking lot with mumblechatter and stargazers. I do all these things not to keep fit, but to say that I’ve done it. And to have done it next to you guys. Because that makes us friends. And those adventures makes us the sort of friends who’ll say “Nice Hat. You look like a Dickhead.”

Wesley House tomorrow.  Dog Pound CSAUP next month.

Soccer Burpees

THE SCENE: Steamy and thick.  Perfect recipe for a sweaty beatdown.

Started with 25 SSH on 4ct and baby arm circles forward x10…then mosey to lower parking lot for baby arm circles reverse x10, OH claps x10, Front claps x10, and tempo merkins x10…then mosey to chapel parking lot for windmills and rockettes x10.
Mosey to the soccer fields for 11’s.  Burpees and Big Boy’s.  10 Burpees…run from goal to goal then 1 big boy.  So on and so on.  You know what 11’s are.

When 6 was up, mosey back to chapel parking lot for flutters and Lbc’s on 4ct x20

Mosey to lower parking lot, (stopped along the way for crowd pleasing star gazers) then Rocky Balboa’s

Mosey to the cloud for 2 rounds of 10 butt to benches and 10 decline merkins.  Then a Waffle House led Jack Webb appearance.

Mosey to truck for a gatorade surprise and back to AO




The teachers I’ve learned the most from didn’t think they were teaching me, they just thought we were friends.  Bob Goff

Talked about what it looks like to truly share your faith.  We are all messy people.  We aren’t professionals at our faith.  God calls us to be friends and share our own experiences we’ve had with our creator.  In all our mess.  If we’re waiting to share our faith when we feel we’ve got it all together, we never will.


I Wanna Rock

THE SCENE:  Nice and 62 degrees at circle up

Start with 25 SSH on 4ct, To sidewalk for bb circles forward x10, jog to other end for bb circles reverse x10, jog back down for tempo merkin x10, mtn climbers x10, then Rockettes x10 on 4ct.

Mosey to get a rock. Once everyone had one we performed circuit of 1 min of exercise with rock, 1 min of SSH or High Knees, and 10 second recovery.  Did 5 rounds of

  • 1 Min Curls
  • 1 Min SSH
  • 1 Min OH Press
  • 1 Min High Knees
  • 1 Min Front Raise
  • 1 Min SSH
  • 1 Min Kettle Bell Swings
  • 1 Min High Knees
  • 1 Min Tricep Extensions
  • 1 Min SSH

Mosey to lower parking lot to rinse and repeat.

When done, left 3 rocks at drainage pile and carried the rest to baby everest.  Up baby everest 3 times with 2 burpees at the top.  Take Rocks back and time to circle up…



Took a bit from Warren Buffet about how he asks his managers to judge their actions: By thinking about every decision or action they made appear in the newspaper for your family, friends, and neighbors to see.  Related it to the small things we do every day.  Not just the big things.  It’s the words that come out of our mouths.  The things we look at or click on.

Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.