F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Pre Rain and warm.  Around 60 degrees or so at circle up.

30 SSH on 4ct while we waited on Showcase.  Then curb for baby arm circles, mosey to other end to reverse them.  Mosey back down for rockettes, mosey to other end for imperial walkers (all at 10 on 4ct) Last did a down and back with tempo merkins and plank jacks…
Mosey to bottom of cardiac.  Ran up to benches.  Six up then went back down to first light pole.  Went back up cardiac but this time Bernie up.  Wait on six then back down to first light pole.  3rd time up cardiac 10 merkins at bottom, first bend, second bend, and top.  Waited on six then did 10 4ct flutters on way down at top, 2 bends and bottom.  Then…

Mosey towards Circus Maximus for reverse Route 66 with 4ct plank jacks at every pole.  When six was up, mosey to Pavilion for 2Rounds of 20 table rows/20 dips and 20 step ups and 20 Bulgarian squats.

Ab sesh with

20 4ct freddie mercury

20 4ct heel touches

20 side crunch (10R and 10L)

Mosey to Little Everest…up 2x’s with 5 squats at top each time.

Circle up

She wasn’t there

It was my 18 year wedding anniversary.  Message was serve your wife.  Love her and serve her without looking for something in return.  We are to love her like Christ loves the Church.

Treat all your relationships this way.

Hello Darlin

SSH, Tie Fighters, Butts-Up, Preachers, etc.
Unlike CMUs, rocks found in the woods can’t be thought of as private property, and they don’t seem like huge threats to children’s safety. There happened to be some (rocks not kids), so we took them out for a shuffle.

We did the Hands Fast Ten, then over to the Caribbean.

Laps around the islands, 20-15-10-5 reps each lap, with and without our naturally occurring, non privately owned and totally harmless companions. Q has to admit that he cheated his reps on the hand release merkins. Let this be a lesson to everyone that if you can’t do it, you shouldn’t Q it. Conway got Ribbed pumped up, and I failed Kentucky by not playing “Borderline” by MDNA. She was next on the playlist!

Lesslie Newbigin said that rational doubt always rests on faith and not vice versa.

Blessed by burdens

THE SCENE: Mid 50s slight breeze and drizzle

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 mountain climbers in cadence

10 merkins

25 SSH in cadence
6 stations 2 exercises at each descending ladder rep scheme 50-40-30-20-10. Each pax carries CMU from station to station and after last station carries it up mini cardiac before starting next round

  • Step-ups/big boys
  • Swings/ box cutters
  • OH Press/LBCS
  • Rows/Hello Dollies
  • Squats/Freddy mercuries
  • derkins/flutter kicks

14 pax no FNGs
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22). As men we carry a lot of burdens to provide and protect our concentrica. We can either allow that burden to weigh us down or we can use that to strengthen us. After God asked Jesus to carry a cross, we can carry a CMU representing our burdens.

Remembering the Iron Pax Challenge

THE SCENE: warm and humid

Baby Arm Circles forwards and backwards

Overhead Claps

Cherry Pickers

Mosey to Watt Road

4 cones spaced about 25 yards apart.  Complete 4 rounds of:

Walking lunges to cone 1, 25 squats

Broad Jump to Cone 2, 25 merkins

Walking lunges to cone 3, 25 jump squats

Broad jump to cone 4, 25 wide merkins

Bernie to the beginning.


3 cones spaced about 10 yards apart.  Inch worm merkins between cones.  At each cone do;

10 burpees, 10 iron mikes, 10 BBS

Repeat 4 rounds

(This one became heavily modified due to time and other factors!)

Mosey back to AO
Gibbler lead us in flutter kicks and boat/canoe

FNG – Willy Wonka
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Suicide Corner

THE SCENE: Mild and Springy.  Gloom rolling in.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional, but I have had my first Corona Shot.
This being my birthday, we did:

  • 49 SSH, IC.
  • 20 Moroccan Night Club + 19 T-Claps

To the base line

  • High Knees across the lot, mosey back
  • Butt Kickers across the lot, mosey back
  • Side Step across the lot, mosey back
  • High Skip across the lot, mosey back
  • Bear Crawl across the lot, mosey back.

Are ya warm yet?
We stayed at the AO today, but set up some suicides around the corners.

Do 4 reps at the first corner
Run to the 2nd corner and do 10 reps, run back to the start
Run to the 3rd corner and do 15 reps, run back to the start
Run to the 4th corner and do 20 reps, run back to the start

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Big Boys
  • Plank Jack (4ct)
  • Iron Mike
  • Hello Dolly (4ct)
  • Rocky Balboas (4ct)
  • Superman.

We did the Bicycle Race.  Of course we did.
16 strong
“You all know your injuries” past, present and future. But an injury doesn’t mean you can’t come out in the morning. An injury means “Modify If You Have To”, and if all you can do is walk, then we’ve all pledged that No Man is Left Behind so we’ll walk with you, or we’ll wagon wheel, or we’ll bear crawl alongside.  If you can’t do an exercise for what ever reason, talk to me, talk to others. I’m sure we’ll be able to come up with something suitably grueling that doesn’t involve shoulders, or hips, or knees.
Posting consistently is the name of the game, not what you do when you get here. Getting out of the Fartsack is the first step in mending the injury be it physical, mental, or spiritual. Just because you are injured, doesn’t mean you aren’t accountable.
Keeping the routine and doing one armed SSH for the last few weeks has helped me get over my shoulder knack.

The playlist is here
Bring drinks and snacks for Safe Haven