F3 Knoxville

Veteran’s Day Tribute

THE SCENE: Clear and cool (42f) – Beautiful morning


  • Side straddle hops (I.C.) 25
  • Michael Phelps
  • Arm Bars
  • Baby Arm Circles (forward & back) from TIE fighter position


Props to CODE BROWN for  carrying The Colors for us throughout the Q!!

Mosey from AO to skunk hill – Honoring the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima:

  • Up skunk hill – 11 Merkins – back down
  • Up skunk hill – 11 Merkins – back down
  • Up skunk hill – 19 Merkins – back down

Mosey from Skunk Hill to river walk – Honoring the U.S. Navy:
• Row Boat (I.C.) 11
• Drydock (I.C.) 11
• Hello Dolly (I.C.) 19

Mosey from boardwalk to chapel – Honoring U.S. Coast Guard:
• Captain Morgan (I.C.) 11 (Each side)
• Flounder Pounder (I.C.) 11
• Doggie Paddle (I.C.) 19

Mosey from chapel to cloud – Honoring U.S. Air Force:

  • Triceps dip (I.C.) 19
  • Dive bomber 11
  • Wind Mill (I.C.) 19

Bernie from cloud to AO / CMU pile – Honoring U.S. Army:
• CMU Curl (I.C.) 11
• CMU Squat (I.C.) 11
• CMU Bench Press (I.C.) 19

*Threw in 19 CMU overhead presses for good measure


  • Box cutters (IC 20)
  • Mtn Climbers (IC 20)
  • Flutter kicks (IC 20)
  • Old Man Stretch

24 HIMS shared in a tribute to our armed forces by working our way around various Asylum landmarks and honoring our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Special shout out to the veterans in our group as well.

History lesson – 100th anniversary of Armistice day:
November 11th, 1918 marked the end of WWI – One year later on the 11th day of the 11th month in the year 1919, (11/11/1919) the first National Holiday known then as Armistice Day was celebrated to commemorate the end of the first world war. Armistice Day remained so until 1954 when the name was changed to Veterans Day to be inclusive of all veterans who had come before and after WWI. That makes today, November 11th of 2019 the 100th anniversary of this national day of recognition of the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces. Over the course of that 100 years, millions of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have served and sacrificed for our freedom and to ensure the greater safety and wellbeing of the world as a whole. Today is a day to say thank you.

CHALLENGE: At some point today, reach out to a friend, a colleague or even a stranger and simply thank them for their service. To keep it top of mind throughout the day, post an American Flag on the group me once you’ve done it.

Doubtfire almost went swimming

THE SCENE: Perfect gloomy morning. 53 degrees

The obligatory SSH, cherry pickers, some burpees and a little of this and that
Mosey around the park a little. And stopped at the upper lot for some DORAs. Partner up for totals of 50 burpees, 200 Merkins, 300 squats. Partner runs down lot and around island (100yrds +-) while partner 2 does exercises.

After that we hit the parking lot lines for some suicides. Each time you got back to start you did 1 burpee. Total of 15 lines (I think)

then mosey around some doing some Mary Lou Rettons on the concrete snake ramp up and down.

Mosey to splash pad or 7s with dips and decline Merkins. Mosey back to AO stopping for 10 pull-ups.

box Cutters x25, some yoga leg and arm raise stuff and 10 more Merkins

2 are better than 1. Work with your brother to help further God’s kingdom. Psalm 133
Doubtfire dodged a bullet this morning. His back was hurting him and he put out a last-minute post at 4:33 AM asking for coverage. None of us saw the message until after we got started. We were all discussing what we would do to him at the equalizer for missing a Q. We landed on jumping in the water. Fortunately for him he got in the text before. Get better soon Doubtfire!

On another note there was a gentleman there at the flagpole with all kinds of stuff laid out, lights incense rugs etc. He was very friendly, and we invited him to join us next Wednesday.

Cross bar is in need of a job. He’s an industrial engineer but it impressive background. Maybe looking for something in construction as well. Prayers for him to find something quickly.


THE SCENE: Clear and crisp… Perfect amount of chill to keep comfortable during the workout.

SSH x30 IC
Travoltas x10 IC each side
Tie Fighters x10 IC each way
Cherry Pickers x7 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Monkey Humpers x20 IC

Such a lovely pile of CMUs just begging to be used. We’ll use as many as we can! 2 CMUs apiece! Hence the slight modification of today’s spelling…

Farmer carry to the base of baby Everest.
Battle Buddy up for some Dora-style work.
Running partner goes to the top for 2 burpees while the other does reps.
Uphill styles:
-Farmer Carry
-Bernie the Farmer
-Overhead Carry
-Overhead Bernie


  • 50 Popup Merkins (alternate merkins with hands on 2 blocks/hands on the ground
  • 100 Squat Thrust
  • 100 OHP (audible… What was I thinking? Right after squat thrusts?)
  • 150 Lawn Mowers
  • 100 CMU BBS
  • 100 Fwd Raise
  • 200 Curls

There were more, but I think that’s all we got through…

Mosey on back and put the toys away.
Threw down a few flutter kicks while the CMUs were being stowed.

One CMU made it through the workout but didn’t survive restocking.
Broke into 4 pieces x5 burpees per piece makes 20 Burpees OYO!

20 4-ct crunches to cash out

20 CMUs got some love from 10 HIMs this morning… Plus Pfeiffer and Gibbler showed up to put in the miles.
1 Cor. 3:6 – I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
All good farmers know this one. When you feel that soreness in your shoulders later today, remember that and look for places God may want you to do some planting or watering and let Him make it grow!
Snitch needs to check the GroupMe or the calendar or something before he posts or he’s gonna keep ending up at Waxjob Qs…
2nd Annual Brolympics is less than a month away! And December is the quarterly 3rd F. Location is Lenoir City at 2 Rivers Church.

Super Saturday

THE SCENE: Freaking gorgeous and 66 degrees

Smurf Jack/SSH/Star Jack intervals followed by 5 OYO burpees

Indian Run to the playground


Super 21s from the playground to the parking lot. Pax could choose between pull-ups, dips, derkins, or squats on one side and Merkins, v-ups, Freddie Mercury, or LBCs on the other side. PAX were instructed to move between stations any way other than running or walking. Bear crawls, high knees, Bernie Sanders, etc. were used to mix it up.

After 30 minutes of fun we moved on to Wham-O lunges and then returned for a second set of Super 21s. This time we ran between stations.

We ca$hed out with ATMs and 20 box cutters.
Never forget that you are a leader, especially of your own actions. Don’t give in to comfort and complacency.
We missed Mayberry today, but we got a bonus Farva sighting so that was cool.

8 minute abs, and solving baseball problems

THE SCENE: Maybe it’s starting to cool down?  At least a little?

SSH x 20, CP x 5, Imperial Squat Walkers x 10.  Short, to the point.
There’s a pattern here: Run up the hill to the top of the Dragon, and down the dragon and then back to the AO, talking out our issues as we go.  Upon hitting the AO, we have 8 min of work, 1 min for each exercise, doing as many as you can.  Then run again.

  • First 8 minutes is Abs:  gas pumpers; Freddy Mercurys, side crunches left, then right, V-ups, LBCs (with a 2 sec hold at the top), flutters, American Hammers
  • Next 8 minutes after run down the dragon is arms and shoulders:  (Grab a CMU for some of these) Merkins, Overhead press, In-outs (or back and forths – not sure what to call these.  Move the CMU into your chest and then straigten the arm out and then back against the chest, so on and so forth), Curls, Carolina Dry Docks, Lat pulls while on your six, and more Merkins.
  • Next 8 minutes- Head to the Cloud this time for leg work.  Really, after the run, we only have a few minutes, so call audible, do about 45 seconds each of box jumps on the benches, squats and lunges.  If we’d had time, we would have included step ups, mountain climbers, more box jumps, Iron Mikes and a couple of other leg exercise I can’t remember.
  • Recover to the AO.

None, no time.

Life is so much better, easier, nicer when we show grace to others.  God has shown us the ultimate grace.  How we treat others is not about who they are.  It’s about who we are.  Gibbler’s addendum:  the brother of murder victim in Dallas, who demonstrated tremendous grace in forgiving the person who shot his brother, is the ultimate example.
So, we want home run and strike out celebrations in baseball and maybe a shorter season.  Also, we are tired of the hypocrisy of rich celebrities taking up the mantle of climate change while flying around in private jets and living in gigantic mansions.   Those were some of the discussions on the mosey.