F3 Knoxville

Warm up ? Nah….

THE SCENE: 37 and nice

Capri lap around the P lot

imperial walkers, squats, imperial  squat walkers, ssh, merkins, plank jacks, burpos, burpees ALL all in cadence x10. Between each exercise we did 20 cmu rows


  • SLING SHOT CMU RUN W PARTNER. P2 does 10 merkins and 10 squats while P1 farmer carries 2 cmu. P2 runs to release p2 from Cmu and takes off w the CMUs. P1 completes the sets of merkins andcsquats then chases down P2. This continues until we arrive at a very steep hill behind the baseball field
  • At the steep hill, we Bernie up the hill 3 times backwards w 4 steps back and 10 squats  rinse and repeat until you get to the top. At the bottom cmu curls, at the top cmu tris. We did this 2 times 3rd time up we did 4 steps back 2 steps down ..,,decided to cut the 3rd time short .
  • Sling shot cmu run to the soccer field next to the main road
  • Quarter pounder w cheeses! Thanks Swirlie!. Sprint 25 yards, do 25 Merks, Bernie back, add cheese (10 burpees), sprint 50 yards, 50 squats, Bernie back , add cheese, sprint 75 yards, 75 mtn climbers, Bernie back, no cheese this time, broad jump to goal line and back . Sprint 100 yards and 100 ssh
  • Mosey back to AO

Hello dolly until time
20 pax including 2 FNGs backsplash and black lung, welcome!!!
Do the little things and the big picture will create itself
Just great to be out to the truck stop! So many great men out there and really enjoyed being with them in the gloom gettin better together.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Tortoise vs. Hare: Asylum 3/29

THE SCENE: Balmy gloom 60 F

SSH x 25, Tie Fighters x10 each arm, Cherry pickers x 5, Merkins x 10. A couple laps across the parking lot at 50% and high knees

Mosey to the playground –>11’s on the playground, box jump/derkins, crunch/flutter kick

Mosey to the Circus Maximus (aka lower parking lot)

Tortoise vs. Hare workout

  • Tortoise: 4 Pax on Log pull
  • Hare: Complete set of exercises and chase down the Tortoise
  • Rinse and repest alternating groups
  • Hare sets: Broad Jump Burpee x 10, Clock Face Merkins set, Burpee Dan x 4.

Turns out the Tortoise was harder to catch that I thought it would be…

Mosey to the Pavillon. Sets of Table Rows, Dips, Jack Knifes (45degree sitting crunches on table top) x10 each, 2 sets.

Back to AO and finish out strong with ATM set.



9 strong with one FNG, Carni.

Try to remember the importance of sacrificial service which is the foundation of  true leadership.  Recall the example of Jesus on the Last Supper washing the disciples feet.

“Rather, let the greatest amount you become as the least, and the leader as one who serves.”  Luke 22:26

Die to Self


Cool and comfortable.  Perfect.

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Rockettes, baby arm circles, tempo squats and tempo merkins
karaoke and high knees and butt kickers

run up the hill and do 2 burpees after each of the below exercies

  • 25 squats
  • 25 Merkins
  • 25 flutter kicks
  • 25 lunges
  • 25 CDD
  • 25 Iron Mikes
  • 25 SSH
  • 25 American Hammers
  • 25 Mountain Climbers
  • 25 squats

mosey to playground

  • 5 Captain Thors
  • 15 box jumps

mosey to pavilion

  • 20 table rows
  • wall sits
  • x3

AO – lunge across parking lot


12 PAX today
Die to Self.  It’s Holy Week.  Jesus had to die to himself for us to live.  As HIMs we need to die to ourselves to love our wives, kids, family, workers, community, etc.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Circuits of Courage

THE SCENE: Just about perfect weather – 50 degrees, no wind



  • SSH IC x 25
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Tempo Squats IC x 12
  • Merkins IC (4 ct) x 15
  • 2 sets of 5 burpees OYO as we toured the circuit


We did a circuit on the grinder (1 station at each corner) with 1 station at the flag pole, and another at the pavalon. Each station has 2 exercises listed. Pretty simple – pair up with a battle buddy and do 20 reps of both exercises listed and move to the next station until time is called. Ended up making it through 3 rounds.

  • Station 1: Mountain Climbers (4 ct.) and Squat Jumps
  • Station 2 (flag pole): Dry Docks and Flutter Kicks (4 ct.)
  • Station 3 (pavalon): Bench Rows and Derkins
  • Station 4: Supermans and Hello Dollies (4 ct.)
  • Station 5: Shoulder Press and Bicep Curls (both exercises with the supplied rocks)
  • Station 6: Merkins and Lunges

Mosey to base of Little Baby Hill. One partner runs the hill and does 2 burpees at the top, while the other does squats at the bottom. Rinse & repeat – 3 times up the hill each.


Did a little plank work, 20 American Hammers (4 ct) IC, and finished with AMRAP LBC’s for the last minute.


38 strong this morning – No FNG’s


When one man acts courageously, it strengthens the spines of other men. It took courage for Peaches and Food Truck to share their testimonies with us at the 3rd F event on Saturday. By doing so, they allowed our small group time to be more open and allowed us as men to be more vulnerable with each other because they had the courage to be open themselves.

When we come out each morning to the gloom, we can either choose to push through the suck and make our brothers push themselves harder and farther than they imagined, or we can choose to half ass it and settle for mediocrity. When I see a brother pushing himself to his max, something stirs inside me that makes me want to push myself harder as well. Don’t be the guy who waits for someone else to step up before stepping up yourself. We’re called as HIMs to be the guy that strengthens the spines of other men through our actions.

Mid-week Split – Do the next right thing

26 HIMS split up to Kick hump day in the teeth!

F3 – March 20th, 2018  

5:30 COP

  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15
  • Michael Phelps x 15
  • Cherry Pickers x15

Core Group

 4 Corners Escalator 10 burpees, 20 Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 squats

RUN UP THE HILL!  Bear crawl between corners.  Work your way back down.

Aiken Legs – Play Ground  

  • Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward).

Dora 1,2,3 on any hill close by.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Run Group

Escalator to big lot

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Squat Jumps
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Squats

Grinders – Groups of 3   Burpees, Big Boys


  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Mosey back on trial Route 66 style.

  • Squat Jumps

Cash Out Together

We reap what we sow, but not in the same season.

Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

– The delayed fruit causes us to be short-sighted, and we pay a price for it in the long haul.
– It is so easy to pursue unrighteous, unhealthy, “bad” things and hard to pursue righteous, healthy, good things.
– This is why long term goals couple with short term grit is critical for growth.
– Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.