F3 Knoxville

Cancelled Boat show = Google led Beatdown

THE SCENE: 43 and cool!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  12 of Dog pounds finest made a great decision and decided to join yours truly instead of my canceled boat show in Tampa Bay due to Hurricane Ian.


Mosey to Thunderdome and circle up

20 x SSH

10x Imperial Squat Walkers

20 x Baby arm circles

5 x  Cherry Pickers

Welcome to @Unibrau x 10 Burpees

Started off with a modified version of Prison Merkins

  • Start at 1 and go to 10 after each rep GBS (Google Bun Shapers) all to the other side of the court. Do next set of prison merkins and then return back doing Gracho Walk. Halfway thru modified Gracho walk to High Knees and butt kickers.
  • Mosey back across Northshore and head to Guard Rale for a set of 10 in cadence Derkins
  • Mosey to Backbone and knock out 5 stick pull ups
  • Mosey to the top of the road near picnic tables to the baby hill
    • 7-1 Ladder with Squats and the bottom and Merkins at the top. Crawl Bear to the top.
  • Mosey back to Backbone for 5 strict pull ups
  • Mosey back to Guard rail
    • 10 Derkins
    • 10 Inclined Merkins
    • 10 Dips
  • Mosey back for Mary
    • @iBeam lead a string of exercises while Q was getting his phone


Keep giving the gift of F3 to other men in our community. Emotional Headlock any  HIM in waiting and lets get them in the Gloom!

Keep everyone in the path of Hurricane Ian in your prayers.

Just Another AO-Q

THE SCENE: Weather could not be better for a AO-Q Handoff
Some motivators got us started and we finished with DogPound cherry pickers. The men were then given a challenge to not drop the football with Blindside’s name on it…and they could not hang on to it for too long. Burpees was the punishment.
Mosey to the base of the stairs then a MudPuppy special. 25 of six different exercises with a lap around the island in between each one. Merkins, Squats, LBC’s, CDD’s, SSH and Lunges.

Google then took over as Q. Brought us up past the Rock for some planks and then to the backbone. Split into two at the backbone and did a lil pull up action and some Bernies to the top with Merkins and Squats. Finished with 7’s up the baby hill – burpees and BBS.

Flutters and stuff.
21 in attendance
Don’t wait for a reason to show up in the gloom. By then its too late.

2nd F lunch at Shrimp dock TODAY at 11:20. Also, Bro-lympics are coming up.

Distance matters and mumble chatters with Airtaps

THE SCENE: 70 hot

Mosey to the boat dock with lunges and a fellowship mosey
partner up, 4 stations a little farther apart than normal. each station has three exercises and you have to complete all three before you move on to the next. When you get to the top of the ladder go back down.

  • Mountain Clumbers
  • Pickle Pounders
  • Monkey humpers


  • Burpees
  • Iron Mikes
  • Welsh Dragons


  • CCD
  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Shoulder taps


  • V-Ups
  • Air Taps
  • BBs

WW1 Sit ups  and hello dolly’s


Insert the WORD here.
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Flag handoff Thursday

Wait a Minute… This is Basically Just a Run!

THE SCENE: Lower humidity is a God-send

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Check it off the list. 


Typical Blindside warm-up: 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Little of this, little of that | Cherry Pickers IC x5 


1st “Stop:” 7s 

  • Box jumps at BathHouse 
  • BBS at Trailhead

2nd “Stop:” 11s

  • Lunges at BathHouse 
  • Dips at the first pole after the start of the guardrail 

3rd “Stop:” Lightpole Suicides 

  • Round 1: Squats
    • 1 Squat, run to 1st lightpole
    • 2 Squat, run to 2nd lightpole
      • Repeat to 5th lightpole
  • Round 2: Merkins 

Fellowship Mosey back to the AO


Just a little SWB “Stretching with Blindside”


12 HIMs; 0 FNGs 


You do hard things. YOU chose to get out of the fartsack this morning and put in hard work. You chose the difficult path today. 

Something has happened to men. It has caused a dormancy & that is why F3 was born. Invigorate male community leadership. Instead of focusing on the 1st F all the time at F3, instead of just focusing on the sweat, it’s the other things that really matter. We are all men who are equal under the eyes of God. Not just us here this morning, but ALL men. It is not for us to decide which man is better, or which man is the strongest, or which man is the fastest, or even which man is allowed here or not. In F3, we leave no man behind and we leave no man where we found him.

We need to forge these bonds & make our community stronger. So I ask you, “How do you want to leave your legacy? How do you want to live beyond yourself?” 

Great leaders influence people after they are gone. Get into a Shield Lock, get those daily disciplines in, no matter what they are. DON’T FAIL! 

It’s why we are here. It takes a heart of change. Love has EVERYTHING to do with leadership. You may not often lead workouts (and you should do it more), but by being here, you are a leader… a leader in your household, a leader in your workplace, and a leader in your community, OUR community. 

In everyman beats the heart of a lion and once he has been picked up & scraped off, his heart is going to drive him to help and lead others. The man you help today will be the man who helps you in the future. 

What will your legacy be? 


F3Knoxville Family Picnic this Sunday, Sept. 11th, sign up link on Slack

9/11 Memorial climbs are available (Asylum at 10:00 am(?) and Farragut High at 6:00 AM) 

Shovelflag Handover at the DogPound on Thursday, September 22nd

Brolympics Nov. 5th at the Asylum AO, 0645 start time


THE SCENE: 69 and damp

15 SSH

5 Cherry pickers

some of these and some of those

mosey to the thunderdome and partner up. One partner runs around the outside of the dome while the first partner does the exercise.

  • 100 merkins
  • 150 squats
  • 200 lunges
  • plank for the 6
  • 25 4X iron mikes
  • 50 4X V-ups
  • 100 4X BBS

some streaching and mumble chatter
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
1 Corinthians 1:4

remember grace today when you speak to others
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Sunday – Cookout