F3 Knoxville

Who left this pole here?

27 degrees and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side-Straddle Hop x 20 – IC – (Zygote)
Alternating Shoulder Taps x15 – IC – (Pickle)
Forward Arm Circles x15 – IC – (Zygote)
Backward Arm Circles x15 – IC – (Zygote)
Imperial Walkers x10 – IC – Pickle

Mosey to baseball field and pavilion.  Count off in 1s and 2s,  Group 1 with Pickle & Group 2 with Zygote

Joe and The Pavilion
Group 1 – Joe Hendrix Stair Loop – Group on each set of stairs
Group 2 – Pavilion Leg Session – Step up jumps, Single Leg Control Squat, Wall Sit
(8 Min then switch)

DORA’s and Log PT
Station 1: K2
Group 1 mosey to K2 (Name I am giving to that hill).  Each person get 1 coupon on the way there – Pick a battle buddy.  Alternate doing the following exercise with reps adding up between battle Buddies:
– 150 Curls with hill runs
– 100 Thrusters (Squat and Press)or standard curls with hill run
– 75 Tricep extensions with hill runs

Group 1 will leave the coupons there and Group 2 will return them

Station 2: Parking Lot
Group 2 mosey to parking lot.  Break into groups of 3 and get a pole.  1 pole = 1 unit…everyone must work together – Teamwork.

Exercise sequence (Keep the pole off the ground at all times!)
1st Stop – Alternating Shoulder Pole Press x 20 – Lunge to 2nd Stop
2nd Stop – Pole Curls x 30 – Walk Pole to 3rd Stop
3rd Stop – Pole above the head squats x 20 – Lunge to 4th Stop
4th Stop – Pole crunches x 30 – Walk Pole back to the start and repeat until time is up

Group 1 and 2 switch!

Begin and finish with Pickle Pounders!!

Count off and Name-o-Rama

Each day we talk about what it looks like to be a HIM (High Impact Man) to our wives, fiancés, girlfriends, kids, family and coworkers. Even more so, being a HIM completely changes our stature as men and the way we live our lives. When thinking about becoming a better HIM each day I wanted to be reminded of who we are as men. The scripture was Romans 5: 6-10, with the focus being on this: “ While we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly…While we were still sinners, Christ died for us…”

As men, we have to remember who the true HIM is in our lives. We are weak sinners who have an incredible god. Through his blood we can go out each day and become better HIMs in his name. This weekend focus on the true HIM and there you will find your strength.
– Zygote

– Pickle

The PAX woke up hungry and ready to devour any task ahead. Energy was great as we ran K2 and played in the lumberyard. This PAX is something else!

Zygote and Pickle

Route 66

CONDITIONS:  45 degrees and foggy….a virtual heat wave for the Knoxville PAX.

Welcome & Disclaimer given by Dimples

COP1: P-Nut
Side saddle hops x20 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
Forward arm circles x10 (IC)
Reverse arm circles x10 (IC)

COP 2: Dimples
Overhead press with coupons x10 (IC)
Curls with coupons x10 (IC)
Squats with coupons x20 (IC)

Repeat all three exercises again…

Route 66: P-Nut
Quick mosey to the stop sign near the far end of the upper parking lot. Applied our first Flying Headlock/Billy Zane by pulling a sadclown off the running path and having him join us. He was joined by his M (uh…what do you do about that?) for the remainder of the workout.

The goal was to run a distance between 11 light posts, starting with 1 rep at the first pole and then adding one additional rep at each light post until you hit 11.

Round 1: Burpees
Round 2: Merkins
Round 3: Big Boy Situps
Round 4: Squats
Round 5: Carolina Dry Docks

Partner Carry Indian Run: Dimples and P-Nut
100 yard Partner Carry, single-file lines with an Indian Run concept . One partner carries down; switch on return.  Rinse and repeat

Mosey to parking lot

Isometric circuit: Dimples
Squat circuit
Push-up position circuit

Ab’s: Dealer’s Choice
Crazy, knee-to-elbow partner pulls – Ratchet
Crossing Dollys – Woodshack

Name-O-Rama:45 brave souls, including 9 FNG’s.

P-Nut read Colossians 7:19. Reminded everyone to be grateful and to express gratitude at every opportunity.  AYE.

Dimples prayed us out.

This was a cardio buffet for the PAX. Spirits were high with the Billy Zane experience…coupled with the interesting reality of having an M infiltrate the group. Queen B kicked our fannies.

Lots of spirited mumblechatter.

P-Nut and Dimples (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Get Up Offa That Thing!

32 degrees and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

– Side Straddle hop x30 (IC)
– Forward Arm Circles x30 (IC)
– Mericans x15 (IC)
– Squats x30 (IC)
– Ice Skaters (each leg) x15 (IC)

“Get Up Offa That Thing”
Do a burpee every time the songs says “Get up offa that thing!”

Indian Run to the Joe Hendricks Stairs. Line up single file on the stair

Calf Party
– x15 normal, x10 quick normal calf raises
– 1 run up the stairs
– x15 normal, x10 quick wide stance calf raises
– 1 run up the stairs
– x15 normal, x10 quick narrow stance calf raises

Partner up with the person across from you.  This is your battle buddy.  Run back with your partner to the parking lot and line up, pick up two coupons a piece on the way.

Partner Exercises
– x30 Plank High fives
– x20 Plank Push ups
– x20 Plank Push ups
– x10 Partner Pull ups
– Wheelbarrow Suicides with a push up 4 lines
– Crabwalk Suicides 4 lines

“Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag”
Squats to “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag,” holding a squat in between guitar riffs

– Scissor V-ups x15 (IC)
– Up and Down V-ups x15 (IC)
– In and Out V-ups x15 (IC)


Quickbooks (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Revival at the Asylum

19 degrees, wind gusts and a light snow

F3 disclaimer
Welcome to the FNG’s

COP #1
Side Straddle Hop IC x 10
Calf raises IC x 10
Bobby Hurley OYO x 10
Hillbillies IC x 10
Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Tour of the parking lot; mosey over to brick pile for two coupons and head to the church

COP #2
Overhead press w/ coupons IC x 10
Arm curls w/ coupons IC x 10
Back flies w coupons IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Bear crawl down the side of the church, lunge across the back, bear crawl back the opposite side and lunge back to the front of the church

COP #3
Elevated merkins on coupons IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; left side IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; right side IC x 10
Chest flies with coupons IC x 10
Chest press with coupons IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Mosey back to brick pile to return coupons; mosey to the playground (planks by PAX until all arrive)

Hydraulic squats OYO x 10
Flutter kicks IC x 25 (led by Timberlake)

Tunnel of Love


Scripture focus on Philippians 3:17-21. Be imitators of Christ, and walk with those who want to live faithful lives.

prayer led by P-nut

41 men came ready to bring light to the early morning gloom. Spirited mumblechatter despite a wind chill of 7 degrees and gusty winds. Love this PAX…love this movement in Knoxville.

Strength and Honor,
P-nut (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Peaks, Valleys and the Long Mosey

The Theme: A Tour of Lakeshore’s Peaks and Valleys

The Scene: 27 degrees, clear with a hint of Gloom!  After a great call by Cap’n Crunch to call off the Saturday workout due to snow, the men of F3 Knoxville were in withdrawals for 2 days. We wanted to get better together so 60, yes 60 men showed up this morning for a leg day beat down! Spirits were high, mumble chatter was loud!

Disclaimer straight into a 60 man 2.5 mile mosey with stops along the way…AYE!

1st Stop
At Mt. Everest. IC and timed Imperial Squat Walkers.
Continue run, but backwards up a short straight hill, then forward mosey.

2nd Stop
Back Lot parking lot for some Duck Walk mixed in with Frog Jumps.
Continue the mosey mixing in some Lunge Walks and Backward Lunges mixed in.

3rd Stop
Right before Cardiac Hill, 2 minutes of as many Big Boy Sit ups as you can.
Cardiac Hill was next but not without going up the hill backwards halfway for a good thigh burn.

Mosey Back to the AO, total travel 2.5 miles!

Boxcutters x15 (IC)
Reverse Pickle Pounders x 20 (IC)

Name O Rama: 60 PAX with 8 FNGs

Choices and Consequence: Everyday, we make choices, big or small. With Choices you have consequences, good or bad. With F3, I made a choice to get up early, be with my F3 brothers and work hard. The consequence became much greater than fitness. It has given me fellowship with men that I would probably have never met if not for F3 and has taught me to challenge myself more in all facets of life, including faith. What do you choose?