F3 Knoxville

Beatdown starts with the letter B

THE SCENE: 7 am in November means a little crisp In the air and a beautiful sunrise

Cherry pickers 8 4ct IC,

Bear Crawl Tabatta-4 rounds 30sec on 10 off, crawl to the left, hold, crawl right, hold, crawl bear, hold bear crawl forward

Step up/ Merkin Tabatta- 6 rounds 20 sec on 10 off. Switch between step ups and Merkins
Thang 1- B10 Shot

20 min AMRAP

Every pax needs 2 blocks

Place one block by pavilion other block just before the bathrooms

10 bench dips

15 blockies

Broad Bound burpee to cone

20 Bonnie Blair’s (sc)

Broad Bound burpee to 2nd block

25 BBS with CMU- arms extended over chest sit up and move arms over head 

30sec balls to wall hold

Work back towards the start going back to BBS first, increasing reps by 5 of previous set #. Move back through till timer goes off. Most of got through 3 times

Thang 2- Bodyweight blast

15 bodyrows or pull ups run down to apex 10 HR  merkins and back to steps bunny hop up stairs, 10 bodyrows run to apex 15 HR Merkins run back and bunny hop steps. 15 Bodyrows/pull ups – time was called

Thang 3- ButterBilly Bernie Blast

Start at base of ButterBilly- Bernie to the top, 10 Bobby Twerly ( Bobby Hurley but on jump rotate 180 degrees)- mosey back to base. Repeat for time

Before F3 I saw failure as failure of myself and that I’m to blame. Having become closer to god and Jesus I’m learning that challenges and failures are gods way of challenging and testing our faith and willingness to persevere.
When Q can’t get into the COT right away you know it’s a good beatdown
2nd F lunch 11/18- Maryville Corner Market 12pm

We are going to register to partake in the Maryville Christmas parade. More info to come.

See Grouches post about donating a Christmas tree for each AO.

Smiling’s My Favorite

THE SCENE: Glorious.  Mid-50s and the sky was clear along with the lunar eclipse which was awesome.  The grass being wet was not awesome.

SSH x20 IC, LBACs x10 IC, SSH x10 IC for Pennies sake, Cherry Pickers x5, Bataan Death March (i.e., single file run, last man does 3 burpees, runs to catch up with group and tags last man in line to do burpees then continues running to the front of the line)
7 of Diamonds.  Cones set up approximately 20 yards apart in a diamond/square.  Each round consists of the same exercise at all 4 cones with varying methods of getting to the next cone.  Rep count changes too.

  • Round 1, 7 burpees at each of the 4 corners, bear crawl between cones
  • Round 2, 14 4-ct flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners, crab walk between cones
  • Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners, reverse lunge between cones
  • Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners, crawl bear between cones
  • Round 5, 21 Peter Parker at each of the 4 corners, reverse lunge between cones
  • Round 6, 14 Freddie Mercury at each of the 4 corners, crab walk between cones
  • Round 7, 7 Star Jacks at each of the 4 corners, bear crawl between cones

Outhouse, Cow Patty, Streaker, Doppelganger, Doctor, Shenanigans, Locker Room, Rep Sleepy, Pennies, Shoelaces, Halfday, Grouch
Time is a precious commodity.  Use it wisely and always remember to take time to spend with your Heavenly Father.
Donate a Christmas Tree for Emerald Youth supported families in Montgomery Village.  Drop off at 4339 Woodlawn Pike, South Knoxville (Woodlawn Christian Church) between 11/28 and 12/2.

Consider a leadership role in the new region – F3 Smokies.  See Smuggler for more details.

Crawling with Friends

THE SCENE: 55 degrees of perfect gloom.

SSH x 20

Cherry pickers x 7

Tempo Squats x 10.
Simple Dora today. One pax bear crawls to the halfway point cones, then sprints to the end and does 20 LBC’s. Spring back to the halfway point, and then reverse lunge to the line where the other pax are working.

Exercises were as follows and yes, some did make it back to thrusters.

  • Thrusters x 100.
  • Curls x 200.
  • Goblet squats x 300.

Just to make sure that KY’s thighs were okay, we did more goblet squats to Sally, and then OH press to Thunderstruck.

9 HIMs got better. Welcome Pitstop!
Proverbs 18:24 – “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” There is an epidemic of male loneliness that exists all over this world. Many men have lots of acquaintances, but very few friends and that can be dangerous. I want you to notice that this loneliness and the importance of friendship is even portrayed in film, as well as the Scriptures. In two of my favorite westerns, Tombstone (which is the best) and Wyatt Earp, friendship is a powerful theme. In Wyatt Earp, Wyatt is having to sober Doc up quick. He knows that he is unpopular with many, but Doc tells Wyatt, “I know its not easy being my friend, but I will be there when you need me.” The truth is Doc made good on his promise. When Wyatt’s brothers were shot, Doc helped Wyatt pursue justice. In Tombstone, after a major gunfight, Creek Johnson asks Doc, “Why are you doing this anyway Doc, you ought to be in bed.” Doc was of course looking very sick at the moment, but responds “Wyatt Earp is my friend.” Creek Johnson retorts, “Hell, I’ve got lots of friends.” And with a sadness that should grip us, Doc replies, “I don’t.” I want to make three observations here. First, all of us need friends, and there is none better than the Lord Jesus Christ who died to save sinners. He knows every messed up detail of your life, but if you are wondering how good of a friend He is, just remember that He knew our shortcomings and yet died for believers anyway. That’s an impressive friend. Second, I want every man at F3 to know that I am here for y’all. Fellowship is not just some throw away term. The reason I get up early even though I hate it, and the reason I come and workout even though I suck at it and hate it, is because I know there will be men there to encourage me and that those same men need encouragement. Heck, if you got a problem, then I will do like Espy did for me one morning and we can pre-ruck and talk. I just want every man to know that I care, and I will listen. Don’t suffer alone men. We were created for community. We were created for friendship, a friendship forged on the anvil of shared suffering and pushing ourselves to be a little better than we were yesterday. F3 and the relationships and friendships I have made has changed my life for the better, and so to close, I just want to say thanks. God bless y’all, and if you need a friend, or if its been a while since you have come out to party in the gloom, then come back out. We all need friends and brothers. #ISI
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Legs and Fat Amy

THE SCENE: A crisp 42 degrees but we warmed up pretty good.  The sky was super duper clear.

SSH x20 IC, Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC, LBACs x15 IC both ways, 5 Cherry Pickers, Train Run around stations to explain – front man carrying CMU
3 stations, 3 HIMs start at opposite end stations (Station 1 and Station 3), approximately 50 yards between stations in a S pattern (following walking path at AO),

If you cross paths with another HIM while running between stations, both HIMs drop for 1 Burpee

  • Station 1
    • 20 Decline Merkins
    • 20 Box Jumps or Steps Ups (2-ct)
    • 20 Squats
    • 20 Star Jacks
  • Station 2
    • 20 Side Crunches Rt
    • 20 Flutter Kicks 4-ct
    • 20 Side Crunches Lt
    • 20 Hello Dolly 4-ct
  • Station 3
    • 20 Merkins
    • 20 LBCs
    • 20 Squats
    • 20 Carolina Dry Docks

Circle of Death
Trousers, Streaker, Rep Sleepy, Doctor, Halfday, Grouch
“I may not face Goliath, but I’ve got my own giants” Elevation Worship – Same God

It is important to remember that just because we think our problems or worries are not worth sharing with others, does not mean that they are any more or less than the next man’s.  I often find myself thinking, “Who am I to complain when there are so many more people in this world who struggle with far more important things?”  To summarize what Rep Sleepy said, these are the challenges God chose for me to sharpen me.  Our Heavenly Father knows what we need to be stronger in this world and as he refines the silver, he finds the things in our lives he needs to skim off the top of the silver.  As followers of Christ, we need to lift each other up and understand that this thing called life can suck sometimes but we have a hope of eternal peace when we get to be with our Creator again.  Nobody is more or less important than the next nor are that fellow believer’s giants.

Brolympics next Saturday, November 5

Rolling The Bones at the Speedway

THE SCENE: Warmer than it’s been – perfect weather for a tough beatdown.

F3= Fitness. Fellowship. Faith
F3 Workouts:

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion
  • End with a Circle of Trust


All in cadence:
Side straddle hops
Tempo Squats
Seal Claps

Overhead Claps


Mosey to lower lot with CMUs.  Pax line up at start line with CMUs. Each pax rolls a pair of dice, riffle carries CMU to 1st station and do double  # of reps of that exercise. Pax farmer carries CMU back to start line. 

Roll again.  If not doubles, pax does the same thing as above.

When pax rolls doubles, they do that # in blockies at start line, then riffle carries CMU to next station and does double # rolled of that exercise.

If pax are at the same station for 5 rounds, on the next roll they must do that # in blockies, then move to next station and do double the # at the new station.

Stations (exercises are all with CMUs):

  1. Pull through merkin
  2. Bent row
  3. Goblet squat
  4. Arm curls
  5. American hammer
  6. Skull crusher
  7. Overhead press

Mosey back to the flag.  Jailbreak was called by someone who shall remain nameless. 

  • Flutter kicks – in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers – in cadence. 


“I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:1013 ESV

noun – a state of happiness and satisfaction.

 When think of being satisfied, what comes to your mind?  For me, it’s when I’m full from a meal. I can’t eat another bite – I’m satisfied. 

So many people don’t know what it means to be satisfied. What it means to say, I’m full.  What it means to say, I’m content.
So many men sacrifice their marriages, their children, their friendships because they don’t know how to say, I’m satisfied. 

The opposite of contentment is gluttony. But gluttony is more than just over eating. It is the greedy pursuit of more stuff: money, power, praise, acceptance, food, alcohol, etc. 

Paul’s secret to contentment was this: I can do all things through Christ.  Christ was enough for him. His pursuit wasn’t material things – his pursuit was Christ. 

David said something similar in Psalm 23 – “the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” Another way to translate that is to say, “ The Lord is my Shepherd, He’s all I need.”  

He’s all we need. That’s the secret to being content. Let’s stop trying to find fulfillment and happiness in things or people. Let’s commit to pursuing Christ and being satisfied in Him.


Brolympics – Nov 5th.
Christmas Trees – We are looking for people to donate Christmas Trees for families at Montgomery Village.  This will be done through Emerald Youth’s JustLead afterschool ministry at Woodlawn Christian Church.  Information will be put on Slack this week.