F3 Knoxville

Baseline Test – August 2022

THE SCENE: A beautiful morning



Given slowly to give time for Burnout to join us

Motivators from 7 to 1

Baseline Test for time:

50 Squats; 40 Hand Release Merkins; 30 BBSU; 20 Burpees; run from concession stand to loop and back

When you finished you picked up with someone still working until we all finished the run with the six.

AMRAP one minute then thirty second rest of the following exercises:

  • Curls
  • Skull Crushers
  • BBSU with Coupon
  • Chest Press
  • Goblet Squat
  • Blockees
  • Flutter Kicks with Coupon
  • Arm Circles
  • Alpos

Boxcutters x15; LBCs for time


15 including FNG “Doodle” set up a baseline


“Be careful not to compare your insides to somebody else’s outsides.”

Slaughter, F3 Nation Nant’an

Link to podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-impact-man-podcast/id1614280185?i=1000574641696

8/6 – Workday at Cerebral Palsy Center

8/20 – Race for Hope and Men’s Dinner

FUN With Numbers

THE SCENE: Tropical

Head/neck back side to side x5, Grady Corns x5, Al Gores x4 10 sec hold, planks x4 10, 20, 30, 60 sec hold

(CMU) FUN With Numbers: grinder square linear numbered 0-9. Exercises determined by birth date, SSN, Phone, Weight, Age average, Zip, etc. until time.

0 = burpee x2 (single leg each time), merkin x2 (one arm push left, right each time), shoulder taps x2 (left and right tap = 1)
1 = 10 blockies
2 = 20 squats with block, 20 lunges (10 each leg)
3 = 30 CPRs Curl, Press, Raise (skull crushers)
4 = BBS x4, LBC x4, WWII x4
5 = Alarm Clocks x25
6 = Bernie x6 on Waxjob hill
7 = Thrusters x7
8 = Alpo x8
9 = Boat/Canoe with CMU x9

Cusack to each number. When number grouping completed, run the apex loop and plank until the 6 finishes. Repeat with new numbers.

PAX Roulette


We are more than numbers. As leaders, we provide vision — desired future state. We engage. We execute a plan. WE measure (clear, agreed upon, defined end). We fix & adapt. These skills push us to be our best and bring others with us.


Next Saturday, no beatdown at BS. Go to Arsenal instead for the flag pass to Butterfingers.

Battle of Helms Deep

THE SCENE: Heavy rain and lightning. Stayed under cover until the lightning had passed.

All in cadence 4 count: 20 SSH, plank, 10 slow merkins, 10 Imperial squat walkers
Various phases in the defence of Helms Deep.

15 min. Alternate between 10 blockies to fortify the gate and 10 reps of swinging your weapon of choice to fight the orcs.

10 min. Alternate 10 grave diggers each side (i.e. 20) to dig in the deeper defenses and 10 step ups each leg to climb up to the Hornburg.

5 min. Alternate 10 standing block chest press (press out not up) to push the orcs off the ladders and 10 4ct mountain climbers to run along the wall.

5 min. Alternate 10 thrusters (the wall blowing up) and 10 strikes of a weapon

Block press flutters. Super man. Block press dolly. Super swims
4 HIMs
The elves in lord of the rings had a bleak choice: sail to the undying lands leaving man kind to be enslaved to the darkness of Sauran, or stay and fight until almost certain death for the frailest of hopes that an undeserving man kind might outlast the darkness. To make matters worse is that king Theoden took the poeple of Rohan to Helms Deep out of fear. All counselors in his life were urging him to live up to his true identity as the king of the horse people, to find Eomir and his men and fight. So the elves’ choice to stay and fight is even more heroic and self sacrificing. We are inspired by moments like this because that is our true identity. To fight back the darkness. To sacrifice our own comfort to do what is right. Not because someone has earned it, but because they need to be reminded of who they really are. To ride out in our true identity and hold on to hope however slim it may be.
See slack

Crazy Tennis

THE SCENE:  It was very nice.  High 60s and cool.

SSH x20, Windmills x10, Cherry Pickers x5
Doing this thang together!

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot where cones are set up in a large rectangle.
First corner – Crunch Frog x15, Box Cutters x15, BBS x15, run to second corner
Second corner – Imperial Walkers x30, Flutter Kicks x30 (2-ct), American Hammers x30 (1-ct), run to third corner
Third corner – Freddy Mercury x40, LBCs x40, Plank Hold (together) 40 sec, run to fourth corner
Fourth corner – Imperial Walkers x30, Flutter Kicks x30 (2-ct), American Hammers x30 (1-ct), mosey around church back to field next to playground

4 corners of field next to parking lot
First corner – Burpees x15, Spiderman Merkins x15 (1-ct), Bernie to second corner
Second corner – Merkins x30, Mountain Climbers x30 (1-ct), Bernie to third corner
Third corner – Overhead Claps x40 (1-ct), Shoulder Taps x40 (1-ct), Bernie to fourth corner
Fourth corner – Carolina Drydocks x30, Plank Jacks x30 (1-ct)

Circle of Pain, Superman hold for time
Outhouse, Master, Trousers, Shenanigans, Halfday, Doppelganger, Cow Patty, Burnout, Pennies, Hoosier, Grouch
Isaiah 41:13 – For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

As I have been going through the book Voice of the Heart with some fellow followers of Christ, we are looking at what it means to allow your emotions to make you a better person.  Seeing those emotions for the good that can come out of them as they allow you to understand why you feel the way you feel.  I am constantly reminded, especially this week with looking at anger, that all emotions and feelings are good when viewed from a proper perspective.  Jesus had a righteous anger when he turned over the tables in the temple.  Anger is not a bad thing even though the world tells us that anger is bad and we should suppress it.  We should see it for what it is and understand what it means from a deeper perspective so we can properly communicate with our loved ones about what we are feeling.  As men in this world, we are too often taught that we need to suppress our emotions and just pull life up by the boot straps and keep going.  YHWH has much bigger plans for us and stifling our emotions only hurts us more.  Fear, anger, shame, loneliness, and so on are not problematic and they do not make us any less of a man.  Being part of F3 makes me realize that we do not have to go through life alone with no support.  We have earthly brothers and a Heavenly Father who have our back in the darkest of times.  We just need to be willing to reach out and ask for that help.  I am the guiltiest of all in not asking for help even as I speak these words.  My default is to do it myself and not bother anyone because they all have their own stuff to manage yet I may be one of the first people to offer help when someone needs it.  I challenge all of us to lower our guard a little and be willing to ask for help even as you are yelling inside that you don’t want to do it.

A Day of CMU Casualties

THE SCENE: Beautiful cool morning with the Smoky Mountains showing off in the background (once the sun came up)

Cherry Pickers, Shoulder stretches, back and leg stretches, “Let The Bodies Hit the Floor” (planks, merkins, donkey kicks).
Modified Flora

Dora’s lazy, mean stepsister. All pax partner up, and grab a CMU.

100 Merkins – P1 does 10 with feet on CMU. P2 holds plank with feet on his CMU. Flapjack. 

Murder Bunny to cone, then CMU Bear Crawl Back. 

200 Little Baby Crunches – P1 does 20 LBC holding CMU high on chest. P2 holds legs 6″ off ground, and extends arms w/ coupon over chest. Flapjack.

Lunge to Cone, bear crawl back

300 Goblet Squats – P1 does 25 goblet squats. P2 lowers to bottom of goblet squat w/ coupon, and holds. Flapjack.

Sprint to cone, Bernie back

Rinse and Repeat

We had 2 broken CMUs so we did burpees for those. Then we did calf raises, shoulder and leg stretches until time ran out.

14 total
Read from Proverbs 31 10-31. It talks about wives and how they should act, but there is a message for husbands as well. We need to lead them. The heart of her husband trusts her and he sits among the elders. He is caring and kind and make sure to set the tone for his family. Control his temper and PRAISES his wife.


Breakfast at RepSleepy’s house coming up 7/16/2022.

We have work day at the cerebral palsy house 8/6 at 7:00am.