F3 Knoxville

Hello Darlin

SSH, Tie Fighters, Butts-Up, Preachers, etc.
Unlike CMUs, rocks found in the woods can’t be thought of as private property, and they don’t seem like huge threats to children’s safety. There happened to be some (rocks not kids), so we took them out for a shuffle.

We did the Hands Fast Ten, then over to the Caribbean.

Laps around the islands, 20-15-10-5 reps each lap, with and without our naturally occurring, non privately owned and totally harmless companions. Q has to admit that he cheated his reps on the hand release merkins. Let this be a lesson to everyone that if you can’t do it, you shouldn’t Q it. Conway got Ribbed pumped up, and I failed Kentucky by not playing “Borderline” by MDNA. She was next on the playlist!

Lesslie Newbigin said that rational doubt always rests on faith and not vice versa.

Roy’s Birthday

THE SCENE: Cool at circle up…around 38 degrees.  We warmed up quick

Started out with 20 SSH on 4ct then mosey to curb…10 tempo merkins, mosey to other side, 10 4ct plank jacks, mosey back, 10 baby arm circles front, mosey back, 10 baby arm circles back, mosey back…10 Imperial walkers on 4ct
Mosey to Circus Maximus.  Descending ladder that started out with 10 exercises then two laps.  Drop an exercise every time circuit is complete. Exercises were… (Oh, it was all done to Roy Orbison’s greatest hits to celebrate his birthday!)

  • Merkins
  • Dry Docks
  • Skaters
  • Peter Parkers
  • Jump Squats
  • Lunge
  • Plank Jacks
  • OH Claps
  • Burpees
  • Diamond Merkins

All done at 10 rep single count

Completed about 4 rounds then mosey to the cloud for some 11’s (dips and incline merkins)

Then an ab session of 20 4ct freddy mercury, 20 4ct flutter, and 20 4ct LBC’s

Mosey to bottom of baby everest for 3 trips up with 5 squats at the top each time.




I can no longer condemn or hate a brother for whom I pray, no matter how much trouble he causes me.

If anyone should have a reason to hate or resent an enemy it was Bonhoeffer, who was arrested by the Nazi’s for opposing Hitler and refusing to incorporate Nazi teachings into his church.  He was executed for his resistance.  Christ calls us to pray for our enemies, and Bonhoeffer makes a great case that in doing so it changes our hearts towards them.  Pray for your enemies.


Good Friday CMU Tour

THE SCENE: A little Chilly around freezing at circle up

Started with 20 SSH, Baby Arm circles F and B x10, OH Claps and Front Claps x10, Tempo Merkin x10, Plank Jacks x10 ***ALL ON 4 COUNT***  Finished out warm up with 20 Rocky Balboa’s
Grab a CMU for a 5 station 5 exercise 30 seconds at a time AMRAP

Exercises were

  • Curls
  • OH press
  • Blockee’s
  • Squats
  • 4ct Flutter

We went form Circle up to base of Everest, up Everest and back around

5 stations in all 1. At First Stop sign 2. At bottom of path towards Everest 3. bottom of Everest 4. top of Everest and 5. back to stop sign.




The object of the Q was to get a feeling for what Christ went through (on the smallest of scales) on Good Friday.  We carried our CMU’s only a bit further than Christ and Simon carried the cross member that day.  The idea was to honor the sacrifice.

Isaiah 53:5


They that wait upon their partner

THE SCENE: Clear, upper 30s, nice view of the moon. Not too many cool mornings like this left this season!

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cobra Burpees x5 OYO
Windmills x10 IC


Everyone grab 2 CMUs each and farmer carry to the Cloud

Today’s workout is Ruck-Friendly. We have 8 stations, each with a Workout and a Wait. Each Workout has a Ruck and Slick option.
Battle Buddy up, spread out, and attack the stations. While one partner does Workout, other partner holds the Wait. Then switch.
Once both partners have done the Workout, farmer carry to the next station.

Knees to Chest (from plank position, feet in swing, pull knees to chest)
Ruck: x20 / Slick: x25
Wait: CMU Rifle Hold

Weighted Squats x15
Ruck: Ruck on, hold 1 block / Slick: Hold 2 blocks
Wait: Canoe

8-ct Body Builders
Ruck: x8 / Slick x10
Wait: Al Gore

Step-ups x10 each leg. Use one CMU on bench to add step height.
Ruck: Ruck on / Slick: Hold block
Wait: Plank

Curls x25
Ruck: Curl CMU or ruck / Slick: Curl CMU
Wait: Rifle Hold

Bench Lunge x5 each leg.
Ruck: Wear ruck / Slick: Hold block
Wait: Canoe

Ruck: x15 / Slick x25
Wait: Al Gore

Ruck: Swing CMU or ruck / Slick: Swing CMU
Wait: Plank

After completing circuit, farmer carry out to the end of the parking lot and back, then repeat circuit.

After second circuit, time’s up! Return CMUs to the pile

Out of time today.
10 strong this morning!
The wait portion of this morning’s Thang reminded me of Isaiah 40:39:
Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

Obviously, we didn’t gain new strength waiting on our partner this morning, at least not in the short term. But “waiting” in this sense is not about sitting around and twiddling your thumbs until something happens. It’s trusting, hoping, listening, watching for Him to speak or move, and then obeying. In this, you will find you have the strength you need to do all things through Christ.

Good luck to Lebowski on the GORUCK Basic in Asheville this weekend! Hopefully today was some prep for the welcome party…
Thanks for supporting Street Hope TN this month!

The Sidewinder is born

THE SCENE:  Rain, but hey, at least it’s warm.  Plus we have a Pav-a-lon, so who cares.

Everybody get a coupon from the CMU pile and head for cover.  Pax does SSHs while the Q goes to get his own coupon.  BAC forward and back, IC; A little of this here and that over there; Windmills, IC, slowing the last 5 down to Abe Vigoda speed.  Finish up with 20 or so Imperial Squat Walkers.
Brick joins a bit late into the Warm, so we all accompany him to the CMU pile for his coupon, and run a lap of the AO back to cover.  Then the real work begins

  • 3 sets of 11s: Table Rows/Box Jumps; Dips/Monkey Humpers; Merkins/BBS
  • CMU Curls, IC, x 25 on the 4 ct;
  • Introducing the Sidewinder:  Stand the CMU up; Side plank supported on one elbow with the upper foot resting on the top of the CMU.  Get your hips off the ground.  Move the knee of the lower leg up to touch the elbow of your upper arm.  That’s one rep.  Do 10 of these.  Then switch sides, so the other elbow is on the ground and other foot is on the CMU.  10 more reps.
  • Start a variation of 7 of Diamonds. Instead of reps at each corner, do a lap around the building in the dry and then do the reps.  Start by bear crawling down the length of the building on one side; mosey to the next length and lunge down that side, back to the pavilion.  After each lap, do an exercise:
  • For the first 4 laps, 7 burpees;
  • Next 4 laps, 14 flutters (4 ct);
  • Next 4, 21 Pickle Pounders
  • Next 4, 28 Squats

Turns out that 7 of diamonds thing takes a long time, so we cut it short after the burpees and one round of flutters.  Mary was more flutters with a CMU held overhead, followed by 21 Pickle Pounders.

About 4 years ago, I posted at an F3 workout for the first time.  Edit was the Q.  I weighed about 30-35 pounds heavier than I do now.  I barely survived.  His BOM was “Consistency.”  Though I’ve been much more consistent in a lot of aspects of my life (particularly posting at F3), I’ve learned that consistency in all phases – my walk with God, my role as a father, husband and friend, in my professional life – requires constant effort.  We’ll fail for sure, but keep at it.  The payoff for the effort is worth it.
Prayers for Rainbow’s friend John as he struggles with liver problems and for Jinxy as he recovers from his hip injury.
Keep bringing in napkins, trash bags and copy paper!!!