F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Mid 30s and dry

(All IC): LBACF, LBACB, OHC, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Cherry Pickers, Windmills

  • Mosey to Large Parking Lot and line up on the West side curb.  Perform 10 Merkins, Run to other side.  15 Merkins, Run to other side.  20 Merkins, Run to other side.  25 Merkins, Run to other side.  Same sequence and reps with Squats and then Heals to Heaven.
  • Mosey to Triangle-ish shaped Median for the Bearmuda Triangle: Bear Crawl to one corner, Perform 3 Burpees. Bear Crawl to next corner, perform 6 Burpees.  Bear Crawl to last corner, Perform 9 Burpees.
  • Mosey to base of Sophomore Hill for a quick DORA:  One Partner Bernies to top of hill and performs 3 Burpees while other Partner does Squats. Once Partners reach 100 reps, mission complete.
  • Mosey to Coupon Pile and grab a coupon.  25 Curls, 25 Tricep Press.  20 Curls, 20 Tricep Press, 15 Curls, 15 Tricep Press, 10 Curls, 10 Tricep Press (all without rest).
  • Mosey back toward the Shovel Flag with a quick stop at the short brick wall for an EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute Perform 10 Wall Jumps and 10 Derkins.  Repeat for 4 Rounds.

No time.
11 Strong

There was a time last year when I was struggling with the sin of self-pity.  I felt as if I was doing all this serving for others and my family and no one was seeing any of it, evidenced by the lack of acknowledgment or thanks.  My heart began to harden and I became bitter, wondering if anyone really cared.  Make no mistake men, this is sin – plain and simple.  Don’t be like that.  Lead and serve without expectation of thanks or anything in return.  To act otherwise is not leadership at all.  It’s evil.  So….

As I was sitting in the drive-thru at Culvers with my 7 year old daughter I began to wallow in this sin with melancholy thoughts.  My seven year old kept asking me, “Daddy, look.”  I kept ignoring her, thinking it was just another attempt to gain attention and I wasn’t in the mood.  After numerous pleas, to my annoyance, I finally turned to look and tell her to keep quiet.  She had one of those kid-writing tablets with the crossbar eraser.  On the board was written “El Roi.”  I then remembered she had been learning the names of God in Church.  I asked her what that meant.  Her response: “Daddy, it means ‘God sees’.” My heart melted and an overwhelming call to repent rang in my ears.

God works in mysterious ways, sometimes thru a seven year old. We are to work not for others or their recognition, but for Him.  Even when no one else seems to notice, God sees.  He is there during the workouts.  He is there when you are on the computer and tempted to look at something you shouldn’t.  He is there during times of depression.  He is there and he sees you.  To live in this reality is to live Coram Deo – a Latin phrase that means to walk in the face of God, as if He is right there………..because He is. To live and walk this way will help you battle sin.

Good to be back out at JUCO and I enjoyed the fellowship after at Coffeeteria!
CSAUP, Wesley House Donations, Please sign up to Q workouts

Seeds of Change

THE SCENE: 40 degrees and dropping. Mostly dry though.

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan nightclub 20
5 burpees on your own
10 tempo merkins
Tempo squats
10 Hairy Rockettes
Side to side mountain 🏔 climbers

Mosey to new parking lot for 5 mins of CORE

  • Legs in the air lower the right take right elbow to left knee, switch sides x20
  • Start sitting up, lower down one vertebrae at a time, until you can’t go any further without falling, and pop up x20
  • Lie on left side, bring righ knee into chest while taking your right elbow to your right hip targeting the obliques. x20 switch sides repeat.
  • LBCs
  • Catilina Wine Mixers x20
  • Cone drills:
    In and outs
    Side to side
    Moving planks 5 cones, switch the direction you’re facing, for 5 cones

Mosey to the FIA parking lot

  • 88s maybe?
    8 merkins followed by 8 flutter kicks

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Grab a coupon
    Rifle carry to the hill
    Curls x20
    Bear 🐻 crawl up
    1 Burpee at the top
    Run down
    Repeat starting with the curls x1
  • Return Coupon and wall sit for the longest 15 count (thanks Archie!)

Mosey to the flag with a Jail Break


  • 2 games of Bear Infection: In a confined space. IT starts in a Bear Crawl tagging everyone else who are Crab Walking. Once you’re tagged, you become a Bear and tag the other Crabs.
  • Hello Dollies x20
  • Plank Variations

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
“And those who are Peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:18

I hope you all reap a harvest of righteousness! Plant the seeds, teach your family to plant the seeds… Teach them to be patient, teah them to shower the seeds with love, and it will be well worth the wait!

CSAUP Next Weekend. Get signed up!
Please consider donating to the Wesley House. This is an opportunity to step up and help others that are less fortunate. Consider it an “off the court” challenge!

Double ladder meets: give yourself a shot

THE SCENE: 20s full moon

  • Imperial squakers
  • seal claps
  • upward and downward dog
  • stretch on your own


Mosey to swim wall and do mike tyson push-ups. so do one pushup, then fold into child’s pose for 1 sec. rest. then do 2 pushups and back into child pose. continue until ten. that should be 55 push-ups
Mosey to play ground;
complete Kick-flip challenge by doing 15 more pushups (70 – total), 7 chin-ups and 70 sec plank.
mosey to parking lot for double ladder.
Ladder 1:
10 burpees
20 Big boys
30 Mountain climbers (2 count)
40 Squats
50 American Hammers (2 count)
40 Squats
30 Mountain climbers (2 count)
20 Big boys
10 burpees
Ladder 2:
between each exercise, sprint to the cone. the cones ladder in distance.
Mosey to stage
11s box jumps with dips (note stopped at 9 boxjumps)
Mosey to bars
3 rounds of 20 reverse rows while partner planks.

4 minutes of user choice


give yourself a shot at doing something you thin in unattainable

Maracan Chaos and Food

THE SCENE: 36, dry and wonderful

Maracan Night clubs, Maracan Rockets (i used the wrong name so we stuck with all things Maracan), Maracan Cherry Pickers, Ladder Tyson merkin up to 5, Mountain climbers

This workout followed Guardrail’s attention span, so a little of everything:

  • Racoon crawl the perimeter of an island in the parking lot
  • 15 Guardrail Dips, because
  • Green light length Plank
  • 15 Monkey Humpers at the intersection of HV & Bryant
  • Crazy Apple double apple sauce Indian run in the dark, glad no one collided, but at least we didn’t notice the hill was huge.
  • Found 5 abandoned CMUs that we returned to their proper home
    • 10 Merkins & CMU Rifle Carry
    • 10 Thruster & Lunge Walk
    • 10 Heavy American Hammer & Bear Crawl
    • 20 Triceps curls & Bernie loop
  • 5 Pull ups while others held a canoe & boat
  • Returned the CMU and did a wall sit
  • 11’s on the hill behind the railing with Smurf Jax at the bottom, Plank Jax at top
  • Ladder sprint in the biggest parking lot
    • 10 Burpee, Sprint to 1st line
    • 20 Maracan LBC, Sprint to 2nd line
    • 30 Maracan Squats, Sprint to the 3rd line

Plenty of time for Core: Flutter kicks, Box cutter, Super rows, Heels to heaven, LBC, Freddie Mercury
Be like Jesus – Eat with someone

“The Son of Man has come eating and drinking” Luke 7:34a

While not the main point of the verse, the fact is Jesus connected with people over food.  We should do the same.  The challenge is simple.  Before this time next week, take someone to a meal or coffee or better yet have them in your home.

invite someone from work, someone here (or who hasn’t been here in a while) or someone you don’t know

Bananas distributed as a reminder to share food.

CSAUP event at Asylum next weekend!  Register

T-shirt order deadline is upon us.  Just need 1 or 2 more I think.

Wesley House donations still open!

Unfamiliar Territory

THE SCENE: Low-Mid 30s, dark, calm

Start off with some stretching; reach-for-the-sky and let-it-hang.

Harry Rockets IC x 10

Slow Jack Squats IC x 10

Crab-ets IC x 10

Chumbaburpee to “Tub Thumpin”.  SSH during the song and Burpee at each “I get knocked down”


Mosey with a pause to duck walk

Coupon pile:

  • Curls IC on the up x 30
  • OHP IC on the up x 25

Rifle carry to parking lot

  •  Donkey block pushers across, then push coupon back and forth the width of the parking spot x5
  • Crabby block pushers, then heavy hammers x20
  • Motivators up to 11

Mosey to Stadium Hill

Sprints to the top; first one down picks the exercise.

  • Tricep Extensions
  • Supermans
  • Rows

Coupon pile:

  • Curls IC on the up x 30
  • OHP IC on the up x 25

Mosey back


Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Type writer push-ups x 10

Outlaws ‘til time



Hopefully today you’ve been exposed to a new workout.  The goal was to get us out of our comfort zone a little.

Think about your daily routine a little. Maybe you come here, eat, run to the office, do some sort of hobby or kid activity, etc.

What if your best laid plans and goals were thrown off for some reason….there are terrible ways that can happen like losing your job or an accident, but there are also positive ways like promotions, job opportunities, unexpected kids

The character of a person…and in this case a MAN… is how you react in those situations.  I don’t want a show of hands, but if you cringed or had a negative reflection of how you would probably react…then you need to remember that gods in control. You should feel comfort in Him and fall back on your values and trusts that you are in good hands.

Sometimes He like to take us out of our comfort zones and frankly laugh at them.  He’s laughed at mine twice over the past year…

Matthew chapter 4

Jesus, God’s son is the trustworthy one


The project’s family workout tomorrow

CSAUP look at Slack for info