F3 Knoxville

Big Mac Burner

THE SCENE: 34 degrees with a bit of fog.  A beautiful Thanksgiving morning.

Started with 25 SSH on 4ct, to the curb for tie fighters x10 4ct left and right sides, mosey down to other end for tempo mericans x10 and mountain climbers x10, mosey back for 4ct imperial walkers x10, mosey back down parking lot for 10 burpees OYO
Start at the pavilion for 3 rounds of 20 table rows, 20 dips, and 20 standing calf raises

Mosey to poles next to circus maximus for 5 OH Claps, 5 squats, and 5 Monkey humpers at every pole (10 poles) 4ct flutters waiting on 6

Mosey to Cardiac for 4 cones up and down (2 times) with 5 4ct flutters at every cone

Mosey to front of Asylum for 3 burpees at every other light pole to crosswalk.  Tempo mericans wait on 6 then perform 5 burpees OYO because Cheatsheet was late. Mosey up stairs towards overlook.

At overlook partner up for: Partner 1 runs loop while Partner 2 does AMRAP Mericans.  Same process for LBC’S

Split in 2 groups for 5 squats at every tree ad lunge in between

Mosey back and circle up.



Insert the WORD here.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Bumps and blocks

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 37 degrees, perfect for a beat down

SSH, high knees and butt kickers.  Did some plank poses, downward dog and 10 tempo Merkins.  Then did some Tie Fighters and was ready to roll out of the AO, but then the originator of the Tie Fighter lived up to his name and exited the scene for a few minutes.  Out of deference to Code Brown, we hung around awhile and did some Rocky Balboas, Super Marios and bear crawl 360 at the AO. Then we headed out.

  • Bump your partner – Partner up with one CMU.  Make your way up the tail of the dragon to the Coliseum.  One partner goes ahead with the block and the other does 5 burpees or 10 merkins then runs to catch partner, take the CMU and go ahead while the other partner does 5 burpees or 10 merkins and so on until you both reach the Coliseum.
  • One partner does AMRAP CMU exercises while the other partner completes a lap around the oval in front of the Admin building. Thrusters, Wood Choppers, Block Swings, Up and Over Merkins, Lying Lat Raise, Alternating Lunges, Curl/Press.  There were others planned but we ran out of time.
  • Bump your partner back to the AO.

Heel touches, Curious Dolly’s, O-rings (not Ovaries)
19 present

@carnie @CodeBrown @Catgut @Crablegs @Matlock @Fabio @Bunny @Gstring @Fishnet @Doublewide @Pacman @lebowski @bunny @hands

Mall Walkers

@Rainbow @Sawdust @Kentucky @Bluebird @Gibbler @Hottub
Jesus didn’t wait for us to do this or do that before he sacrificed himself for us.  Let’s not wait for others to do this or do that before we reach out to them, forgive, help out, serve. Take the initiative.  While we were yet sinners, He died for us.
That was a pretty exhausting workout.  Shoutout to @Woodshack for teaching me the cmu bump a few years ago.  A great way to move a cmu!
@Gibbler smells

Chuck Norris on the Cloud with Diamonds

THE SCENE: Low 40s & foggy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the right things.

SSH, TN Rockin’ Chair, Tie Fighters, Rocky Balboas, High Knees, Burpees, Bernie
Stations at the Cloud and Pavilion

Station 1:
1 – Table Rows (15)
2 – Step-Ups (10 each leg)
3 – Calf Raises (20)

Station 2:
1 – LBCs (20)
2 – Chuck Norris (10)
3 – X-Factor (10 each side)

Station 3:
1 – Box Jumpers (10)
2 – Bulgarian Split Squats (20 [10 ea. leg])
3 – Imperial Walkers (20 [10 ea. leg])

Station 4:
1 – Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees (10)
2 – Hand Release Merkins (10)
3 – Boxcutters (20 – 4ct.)

Station 5:
1 – Lt. Dan (10)
2 – Carolina Dry Docks (10)
3 – Flutter Kicks (20 – 4ct.)

Station 6:
1 – Freddy Mercury (20 – 4ct.)
2 – Big Boys (10)
3 – Monkey Humpers (20 – 4ct.)

15 CPRs with a local coupon, Parking Lot Loop & a good leg stretch
14 HIMs
1 John 5:14-15 instructs us to pray with confidence when we pray from the Heart of God. But we’re reminded that possible answers to our prayers can be: No, Slow, Grow & Go.
Reminder for KARM coat collection.

Farewell Q

THE SCENE: 54F, drizzling

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Motivators starting at 5

Box jumps + run around pavillon

High knees

Plank jacks

Mountain climbers


Pyramid: 20 reps

  1. Merkins
  2. Merkins – shoulder press
  3. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – table pulls/cmu rows
  4. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps
  5. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps – step overs
  6. Intermission break: run around pavilion twice or burpees (F3 names, F3 workouts, F3 AOs, F3 Hospital Names)
  7. Shoulder press – curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  8. Curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  9. TP – squat jumps
  10. Squat Jumps
  11. Burpees



5min yoga stretching

16 HIMs in attendance.

There will be times in your life that you may question God and His plans for you. These times are usually when you struggle, lose someone, or uncertainties in life. But, I tell you this – God’s plan is perfect. He’s timing is always right. It may not seem like it but have faith that God is working His ways for the better of you.
My brothers, as I host my last Q (at least for this year) I am truly grateful and honored to be part of such an amazing brotherhood that we have here in F3. I was supposed to stay for only 6 weeks here in the US and that 6 weeks turned into a year. And you guys made it truly memorable for me and my family. You have made a huge impact on my life and my family’s. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and until next time! I love you, brothers!


Coat Drive – Coats donation still on going. You can give out your old coats to Rainbow.

Faux Tour De LeConte

THE SCENE: Around 50ish. Not bad

Start with SSH X20 4CT, Baby Arm Circles F and Back x10, Tempo Merkin x10, Jog up Little Hill, 10 Tempo Squats
Headed to Cardiac where there were 4 cones on Cardiac plus the flag at the AO. Goal was 10 merkins at each cone going up Cardiac (40 merkins) and 20 merkins back at AO.  Then hit each cone on the way back down with 10 merkins as well.  Total of 100 merkins.  Did the same with Big Boys.  30 4ct flutters when done.


After that, mosey to tail of dragon for Route 66 of Jump Squats, Then quasi Pickett’s Charge to Overlook for 30 4ct Freddie Mercury.  Mosey back to AO for 30 LBC and 20 American Hammers

Talked about the life of Tom Morey: inventor of the boogie board.  Who took his love of surfing and being in God’s creation and making it accessable to everyone.  Talked about what a legacy he left and how it mirrors what F3 is all about.