F3 Knoxville

The Very Nice List Returns

THE SCENE: Balmy 40s. Ground still pretty damp from all the frost and dew

25 SSH, Soccer warmup lap (high knees, butt kicks, etc.)

Ran over to Mt Crumpit. Found a mysterious wrapped gift under the big tree (in retrospect, probably from the Grinch). The gift had a deck of cards and a card that read (so we had to run back to the grinder for CMUs, my bad…):
♦ Burpees Regular
♥ OG Burpees (no push-up) with a tuck jump
♠ Blockees
♣ Mr. Spectacular
2-4 = Trips up the hill
Face = 10
A = 20

10 of everything in cadence. Flutter kick/block press, Block up Hello Dolly, Rowers, knee to opposite elbow, superman pulse, monkey humpers, LBCs for time

8 PAX: 2 back from out of town, 1 down range, 1 FNG (Speed Racer)

I’ve gotten flack over the years for telling my kids that Santa isn’t real in the mythical, delivers presence sense. This makes interactions with other kids awkward, but I have a reason. To me, the whole believing in Santa thing feels like a cheap knock off of the real thing to believe from this season. A truth much more profound and amazing than the Santa game (we call it a game of pretend in our house that many other people around the world like to play each year). It’s odd to me that we will get into discussions over Santa more quickly and fervently than reveling in the true story of God becoming a man. Just ask around for a little while and you’ll find that the vast majority of people do not believe in Santa, yet are willing to keep up the illusion for the sake of “Christmas Spirit”. I think of the whole quote from one of the Santa movies where the kid asks, “Have you ever seen a million dollars? Well than how do you know its real if you’ve never seen it?” The dude in the movie is stumped, but it’s a simple fix. He just asks around a small amount, and he could go see a million dollars if he really wanted to (or at least meet someone with access to a bank vault who could go have a peek and report back). Yet with the story of Jesus, we have eye witness account from hundreds of people, documented in some of the most historically validated documents in all of antiquity, and we don’t want to even talk about it? Okay, let me hop off my soap box now. The main point is this: I don’t perpetuate the Santa myth because something so much more interesting has happened. Myth became reality in the person of Jesus, born in Bethlehem, and changed the entire world. And more significantly, saved a wretch like me. Merry Christmas everyone. And happy holidays to those so inclined to have a faith in something different than I do (even Santa ;P)
Maryville Christmas Parade

Memory Lane

THE SCENE:  26 degrees F, 97% humidity, mostly sunny

SSH and Imperial Squat Walkers
For about 5 years starting in 1979, I spent my lunch “hour” (more like 1 hour, 5 minutes) at Springbrook Park (aka the Bomb Shelter).  Several guys from Alcoa Inc. did the same.  Most played basketball but myself and two others would run the perimeter roads around the Park.  Two laps plus the run from the gym to the road and back up at the end equaled about 3.6 miles.  At least that’s what the car odometer indicated.  A quick shower and lunch while driving back to the plant ended a quick workout.  I probably ran 400 laps each year but none in the past 38+ years.  Who knows, today may have been Lap 2001.

So today is something of a 40 year Average Anniversary workout.  The beatdown consisted of running one of the Springbrook laps and stopping 15 times at various corners and street intersections to do 40 reps of the following exercises.

  1. Bobby Hurleys
  2. Merkins
  3. WWIIs
  4. Tempo Squats
  5. Box Cutters
  6. Iron Mikes
  7. Plank Jacks
  8. Imperial Squat Walkers
  9. Dry Docks
  10. Lunges
  11. LBCs
  12. SSH
  13. Flutter Kicks
  14. Dips
  15. Bear Crawl (40 paces)

LBCs, BBS, Protractors, 1 minute plank.
5 HIMs and 1 2.0 (Webelo)

Romans 5:3-5, NIV

3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

I have to admit that there is not much suffering in my life – certainly not compared to that endured by the early Christians or those that don’t live in freedom like that which exists in the United States. So how are we to have perseverance produced with a lack of suffering. We can help ourselves by manufacturing some pressure and training ourselves.  Push limits – physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Make a tough climb on your bike, hike for many miles, fast for a period of days, turn devices off and embrace quiet and solitude and prayer for an uncomfortable period of time.  God designed us for perseverance. Start training and learn about ourselves.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

37 Thanks

THE SCENE: Perfect gloom for Thanksgiving. Not too cold but just enough to make you keep going.

  • SSH- 10 4ct
  • Good Mornings- 5- 3ct down and up
  • CHerry Pickers- 5
  • Shoulder Taps- 10 4ct


Mosey to the base of ButterBilly hill with your CMu for some 37 Thanks

Complete 37 reps of each exercise. Than Rifle Carry CMU to cone up ButterBilly, about 37 feet away from start. Leave CMU and run the rest of the way to the top of the hill. At the top do 38 reps of corresponding core exercise before running back down the hill to your CMU, rifle carry back to start. Move to next exercise and repeat.

  • Thrusters  —> V Up
  • Hand Release Merkins —> LBC’s
  • mAn Makers—> Gas Pumps
  • Never cross dollys—-> V Up’s
  • Kranken Burpees—> LBC’s
  • Starfish Crunch —-> Gas Pumps

Some LBC’s for time
Today is my birthday. At 37 I see where I can be a more effective leader in my community. It starts with me realizing where i have failed. I need to be better at leading by example when it comes to giving back and being a servant leader to my community. With this being Thanksgiving, I’m am grateful that i have the opportunity to give back and i want to be better at following through with that.

Dec 18th Ugly Sweater Beer Ruck/Walk. M’s invited, don’t have to Ruck or drink beer, just come for the 2nd F!

I got your 6

THE SCENE: Warm, sunny, and muggy. Seems like we say that a lot right now.

Jog from end to end of Grindstone, 5 goofballs at far end, run back 5 more goofballs. Bernie end to end, 5 goofballs at each end.

Thang 1

Partner race- ( Q realized if you want pax to actually challenge themselves, racing may not always be best) – we did two rounds of this

  • Race starts at end of Grindstone, near pavilion.
  •  Bearbrawl from start to first cone, switch partners and bearbrawl till second cone.
  • From second to third cone, teams are doing partner plank jump overs. One partner holds a plank the other partner jumps over them and then goes into plank. repeat till you get to the end.
  • each pax then did 10 pullups or 20 body rows and 20 Derkins
  • Once each pax completed exercises, repeat the jump overs and bearbrawls, starting with jump overs.
  • This was intended to be a race, all three groups finished around the same time. Handed out burpees trophies- 5 for 1st, 10 for 2nd and 15 for 3rd

Thang 2

Pax split into two groups.

Group A had Hanging knee raises- 20 and Bulgarian split squats 20 ( 10 each leg)

Group B had Balls to the Wall for 30 seconds and a wall squat till 6 finished in group A.

Pax switched, completed two rounds.

Thang 3- Bucket Barraged- Picked up the biggest CMU at the BS and Indian ran from Grindstone to Mt. Crumpet taking the scenic route up the side of the mountain to the top.

Pax lined up arms distant apart. Q started off , handed CMU to next pax and than ran to end of the line, CMU moved down the Mountain in that fashion, pax handing off and running to end of the line. We completed 4 rounds, 2 down and 2 up rounds.

Pax transported the CMU back to the Grindstone via an Indian Run taking the long way back and going over the troll bridge.

Wall Hold Push ups- Feet on wall 5 derkins, walk up wall two more steps 5 more derkins ( all done IC)

Pax choice on the rest of the Mary- Q apologizes i do not recall the specific exercises we did.

Value the time you have with your kinds now. i look back on my daughters younger years and hate that i put time with friends especially vacations over her. I wish i had those times back, relationships change, kids grow up and you cant get that back.

Modified Murph

THE SCENE: 67 degrees and clear

Short mosey to show the run course of the workout
Modified Murph workout, replacing pull ups with sit ups. Broken into 10 sets for the pt with a run at each end. The run totaled a little short of a mile each time

  • 10 big boy sit ups
  • 20 merkins
  • 30 squats

Those who finished the thang early started another round. No time for Mary
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A man was traveling India when he stopped at a village that used elephants for travel and other purposes. The elephants were tied up with ropes they could easily have escaped.

The man asked the villagers about this and was told that the same ropes were used from when the elephants were babies. They learned that the rope was too strong and by the time they were grown they accepted their limits and didn’t try to pull the rope anymore

Far too often we do the same. We accept limitations that we could overcome if we tried. It’s important to keep pushing ourselves and not accept limits

Thoughts are with Postpone and Pinocchio’s family as well as with Nair’s friend Viktoriya
2.0 workout 8:30am Saturday at Arsenal