F3 Knoxville

4 corners of Hades

THE SCENE: 57 and beautiful

Baby arm circles ⬆️⬇️

Micheal Phelps

Tempo merkins


Susanne Summers

4 corners 10 laps each lap exercise changes repeat exercise at each corner

1,6 Burpees/Merkins

2,7 BBS / LBCrunches

3,8 MTN C / Plank Jacks

4,9 Squats / SSH

5,10 ManMakers / PeterParker Merkins

yup, lap 5 and 6 were absolutely horrible

Ring of Fire 🔥

Capt. Thor

10 HIMs killed it
Embrace the unknown and find value in patience and understanding
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Cones of Dunshire


Dark, Not too hot, not too cold.

Done and Done

LBAC – forward and backerds , TN Rocking Chair, SHH, Tempo Merkins, no Suzanne Somers (sorry Fast-N-Easy)

The Cones of Dunshire: Beer crawl to 1st cone (2 Burpees), Beer crawl to 2nd cone (4 Burpees), Beer crawl to 3rd cone (6 Burpees), Beer crawl to 4th cone (8 Burpees)

Mosey to the only hill in Powell – 11’s – 1 Merkins, Bernie up the Hill, 10 Mountain Climbers (4ct)

Mosey to the only other hill in Powell – Mini Route 66 along the way (more like a Route 15)

Partner: P1 does merkins and P2 runs to top of hill and knocks out 5 burpees – switch

Boat  Canoe and maybe some other stuff – who knows – its was 6:10 in the morning

Follow one of God’s greatest commandments and love your neighbor.

A trip on the Panda Express

THE SCENE: 61 degrees. Cloudy. Very nice burpee weather.

High Knees – x10 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers – x10 IC

Tempo Squat – x10 IC

Annie’s – x10 front and back IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – x20 2CT

Little Bit of This… Little Bit of That.

Relay run to Gresham Middle stairs for some 11s. Run to the lampost about halfway up the hill. Don’t forget to read the motivational message each time in case you need motivation – Today it is up to me to be the best that I can be! YHC has renamed this the Panda Express routine since we all miss our post-Super Bowl flying headlock con queso.

  • Kraken Burpees at the bottom
  • Merkins at the top

25 BBS OYO after everyone finishes at the top. No time for the Dora I had planned so we moseyed back to the AO for some Mary.

Each PAX was asked to lead the group in any exercise with 20 reps.

  • Filter – 25 more BBS OYO
  • Ghost – 20 SSH 4CT IC
  • Clinger – 20 American Hammers 4CT IC
  • Herbie – 20 Flutter Kicks 4CT IC
  • Frasier – 20-second plank

5 PAX present! – Frasier, Ghost, Clinger, Herbie, Filter
Isaiah 40:31 -But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

YHC discussed running the Knoxville Half Marathon and how there’s so much support along the way in addition to the various marathon-related Bible verses that people display on the route. Sometimes the “run and not grow weary” bit can seem cheesy, but it was very applicable and motivating – even if YHC didn’t feel like it at the time.

More importantly though, we should focus on the “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” during this Lenten season as we approach Easter and the Cross.

May 4 – Powell High School 5K. Get with Herbie for questions.
May 18 – Hardship Hill – there’s still room to sign up!!!

Homemade Jelly

THE SCENE: Cloudy 40 degrees

Pre-Ruck (5 Weirdos) Completed Day 1 of Lucky 7 Challenge

SSH x 30 IC

Tempo Squat x 10 IC

Mosey to Hill

Hill Pyramid: 5-10-15-20-20-15-10-5

Merkins at bottom of hill, CDD at top of hill

Jelly Legs:

  • R1: Squat 10 count, 10 squats, run up hill, 2 Burpees.
  • R2: Squat 20 count, 20 squats, run up hill, 4 Burpees.
  • R3: Squat 30 count, 30 squats, run up hill, 6 Burpees.
  • R4: Squat 40 count, 40 squats

Back to AO

8 Count Man Makers x 10 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 20 IC

8 Count Man Makers x 10 IC

Flutter x 20 IC

Capn Thor

2 Kings 5 Naaman thought he could use his place in society to find healing. Grace tells us differently. We can only show up with what we are/have. Nothing more.
“Grace doesn’t sell; you can hardly even give it away, because it works only for losers and no one wants to stand in their line.” Robert Farrar Capon


THE SCENE: Sunny and nice, temps in 50’s

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 second squat, 15 Mountain Climbers, 30 second squat, 10 Windmills, 45 second squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 60 second squat, Little of This and Little of That.  Split into three groups and Mosey to workout stations.  In each station we will work out for 15 minutes.  After workout out at the three stations we will meet back at AO.

STATION 1 (at parking lot near entrance of northern ball fields)
There will be bricks on ground at Corner 1 and CMU’s on ground at Corner 3.
We will circle the parking lot counter clockwise, stopping at each corner to do the listed exercises.  We will circle the lot three times, doing the series of exercises as we go.
  • Corner 1:  With brick in each hand do:  1. 25 Wings Out  2.  25 Wings Up  3.  25 Wings down.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2 after each listed exercise.
  • Corner 2:  1.  20 Merkins  2.  20 Dive Bombers 3.  20 Carolina Drydocks.  Bear Crawl to Corner 3 after each exercise.
  • Corner 3:  With CMU do:  1.  25 Overhead Presses  2.  25 Curls  3.  25 Rows.  Sprint to Corner 4 after each exercise.
  • Corner 4:  1.  20 American Hammers (4 count)  2.  20 Box Cutters   3.  20 Flutter Kicks (4 count).  Lunge to Corner 1 after each exercise.

STATION 2 (on north side of parking lot with nice restroom and across street from northern ballfields)

Picket’s charge w 3 Burpees at every cone
Circle Burp: grab a baby and take turns leading cadence with curls until saying “Go” and do two Burpees all around circle, repeat w Triceps
Give and Take: choose a battle buddy, plank across from each other. Take turns taking bricks off CMU and replace until time is up bout 1-2 minutes.
Merkin Suicides: run to cone do 10 merkins suicide style

Station 3 (in parking lot by southern ball fields)

On one end you will do an exercise than run to the other end and continue that exercise until the Six arrives.  Modification is leave early on the run.

Strength and Conditioning Side:

Exercise 1     20 – Merkins

Exercise 2     20 – 4 Count Side Straddle Hop

Exercise 3     20 – Squats

Exercise 4     20 – Carolina Dry Docks

Exercise 5     5 – Burpees

Exercise 6     3 – Yoga – Plank – Downward Dog – Upward Dog You will need to call it out.

Ab Side:

Exercise 1     20 – IC 4 Count LBCs

Exercise 2     20 – IC Holly Dolly

Exercise 3     20 – IC Plank Jacks

Exercise 4     20 – On your own Shoulder taps  shoulder

Exercise 5     20 – On my Up – Big Boy Sit Ups

Exercise 6     20 – IC 4 Count – American Hammers IC

50 Baby Crunches, 25 Sit-ups
43 men with one FNG, Jeremy Cameron whom we dubbed “MIB”
We all must suffer.  That will be the theme of today’s 3rd F.  It helps to remain optimistic in the face of suffering.

Pfeiffer is gonna be a daddy this week!

3rd F at Outlook immediately following this workout!