F3 Knoxville

The Extraordinary Salt of the Earth

THE SCENE: Cloudy, high 80s.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 5 Burpees, 10 Mountain Climbers, 4 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 3 Burpees, 10 Twisties, 2 Burpees, 10 Rockettes, 1 Burpee, Stretching from Plank Position


Mosey toward stop sign at southeastern corner of Admin Bldg.  Stop in shade for 20 Hello Dollies..

Mosey to small parking lot that is east of Utilities Bldg.   We will do elevens, starting with 10 Squat Jumps near Utilities Bldg and 1 Merkin at other shaded end of parking lot.

Mosey toward Northshore Gate and then head north on perimeter trail.  We will stop at shaded north side of Utilities Bldg to do 20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to bottom of MT. Everest.  We run up Mt. Everest but stop at three different areas (first tree, second tree, and then grove right before last climb to summit) to do 25 Baby Crunches at each tree.

Run up the remainder of Mt. Everest and go back to the bat cave area.  We will stop to get water.  We will then do 20 Flutter Kicks.

Next, we will divide into groups of three.  One man will be in shade near bat cave.  The next man will be at shade of large tree near roadway northeast of the bat cave.  While one partner runs from one location to the other, the other partners do exercises.  When partner runs to the location, the next partner runs to the other.  Here are the exercises at each location:

  • In shade near bat cave:  Squats
  • In shade near tree:  Squat Jumps

Rinse and repeat with Lunges at bat cave and Iron Mikes at tree.

Money to AO.

13 men, no FNGs.

Proverbs 31:26

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

The news we watch on television is more often than not a reflection of the worst kinds of actions amongst humans:  murder, mass shootings, war, political showboating, disparaging statements amongst politicians and world leaders, angry comments about how the other side is acting, fraud, deceit, and purposeful or negligent actions that lead to the harm or death of others.  By reading or listening to the news, one would think that the world is full of terrible people.  Fortunately, that is not the truth.  There are plenty of good people out there doing things that we never hear about.  These people aren’t famous.  They aren’t boasting and saying, “hey everybody, look at what I have done!”  They are just doing God’s will, being the salt of the earth.

Let me give you an example of a female patient in my psychology practice.  I want to keep her name confidential so for the purpose of talking about her, I will just call her “Sally.”  Sally isn’t a perfect person by any means.  She has been seeing me because she needs help with anxiety.  What does she worry about?  Mostly, her kids.  How many children does she have?  She has two biological children that are fully grown adults.  She also has 24 foster children that are primarily adults now.  You read it correctly, 24!

Some people may claim that she and her husband have done it for the money.  After all, the state does pay for families to provide foster care to children that are under the protection of the Department of Children’s Services or DCS.  However, having got to know Sally, she isn’t in it for the money.  Her husband has always had a full-time job.  She has loved the kids she has fostered.  It isn’t an easy job.  DCS got involved with the kids because they came from families of neglect or emotional, physical or sexual abuse.  Some of the kids had terrible behavioral and emotional issues because of the former environments they were raised in.  Sally and her husband had to be loving but firm with them.  Sally and her husband get close to these children.  They adopted one of them who is now 14 years-old and a straight A student.  They almost adopted three others but the boys were placed back in the care of their biological father before the adoption occurred.  Those boys are now adults.  Two are serving in the United States Armed Forces and the third is applying since he recently graduated from high school.  All three keep in continual touch with Sally.  In fact, most of her foster children do.  None now live with her except the girl she adopted.  At their ages, Sally and her husband have decided to no longer provide foster care.  But they have plenty of “children” to keep up with – their former foster children and the children of those foster children still come to visit Sally and her husband.  And when they do visit, Sally makes sure she has some fine cooking on the table for them.

Sally is a saint, but she isn’t some Renaissance Artist’s depiction of a saint.  In her sessions with me, she is usually wearing a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.  A woman who likes to stay busy, she now works as a cashier at a convenience store.  The work keeps her mind off her worries.  And, she worries about all those kids she has raised.  When you have been involved in raising 24 children that came to you through DCS, some of them are going to struggle when they are adults.  She keeps in touch even with the ones who have difficulties, who get into trouble.  And, her home is always open to them for a good meal and some loving words.

This is news that I wish we could hear more about on television or read about on our cell phones.  I guess it isn’t “breaking news.”  But it is good news and people like Sally are doing things like this all over our country.  The Lord is working in wonderful ways through what some may call ordinary people.  But when you get to know them, like I have got to know Sally, you find out that they are extraordinary.

Prayers for Abacus’ mother who will need another surgery.
Workday at Cerebral Palsy Center on August 6

Our Fruits

THE SCENE: humid and hot at JUCO

20 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 harry Rockettes
Mosey to our beloved hill… JUCOmanjaro. On the way to the top, stop at every third hash mark for these exercises (one at a time). Repeat all the way up.

  • 20 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20, 2-ct flutter kicks

Mosey back down to the strip mall across the street. Starting at the southwest corner, perform one of these at each corner clockwise.

  • 10 burpees, bear crawl to the next corner
  • 20 decline merkins on the guardrail, run to the next corner
  • 20 heels to Heaven, bear crawl
  • 20 lunges, run
  • Repeat

Merkin ring of fire, 10 each of LBCs, 6 in. LBCs, and full grown LBCs.

16 got it done this morning.
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.” – Matthew 7:15‭-‬20 NASB1995

Are we good trees or bad trees? Regardless of our intentions, we are producing fruit in our lives. This is a reminder to be aware of how we conduct ourselves. We also need to surround ourselves with good influences. Our examples and the example we set for others have a big impact and can result in eternal consequences.

Good to see Hounddog back out!

15 Strong at Asylum

THE SCENE: Hot, humid and overcast

SSH IC – 21
Arm Circles up IC  10
Arm circles dow IC  10
Michael Phelps a/r
Cherry Pickers 11
Mosey to bottom of stairs and around the cones and back up
Grady Corn IC 20


Mosey to stop sign
11’s – Rocky Balboa – Squat – to cone
Mosey to wall
Peoples Chair against wall for 60 sec
Mosey to second wall
Peoples Chair against wall for 60 sec
Mosey to Admin Bldg
Get Partner
Heal dips – partner runs to tree on lawn,  does 1 squat
Step up, partner does 5 squats
Bench dips , 15 squats
pause, rinse and repeat
LUnges, 1 squat
Freddy Mercury, 5 squats
Imperial Walker ,15 squats
Ring of Fire – 3 rounds
Mosey back to AO with cooler
Down Stairs
Bear crawl around cones, then run back up stairs
20 2 count american hammers
LBC – 30 IC



Following up on the 5 things that Steam mentioned on Tuesday,  one of the 5 is habits with the T in habits = Time . The time factor is huge when you look at things you are doing. Simplifying your life will open up your available time and make room for high impact activities. Simplify

Personally, as an engineer I tend to over complicate things in order to make whatever I am doing the absolute best.  Often times that the effort ends up taking longer and really wasn’t worth the extra effort. Look for the simple solutions that are good enough.

I recently was notified by Google that my storage was at the max, so I needed to buy more space or reduce storage.  I had over 14,000 emails in my primary box.  Over the years I had subscribed (intentionally and unintentionaly) to various companies and they kept sending me email some sent something once every few days or more. I don’t even open 99% of them and took me forever to reduce these and I realized why in the heck did I subscribe since I did not read any of them.  I also don’t delete the uncritical ones after I read them, so I ended up where I am today- 14.5 Gb of  emails because I didn’t file them and delete them correctly to begin with.

Facebook – I don’t post but I check it once a day.  This is time that I can never get back

News feeds on my phone, 95% of what I read is pretty much worthless

TV- I watch the morning news while I have been doing my physical therapy exercises daily since Feb 10, pretty much every day.  I can get the essentials in less that 10 minutes and can use the rest with better input.

Paying someone to do the tedious tasks.  I change the oil and do most of the maintenance on my vehicles.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak (Hans Hofmann)

Point is, these things can suck your time and keep you from finding your higher level purpose, keep you away from those in your life that need your time and of course from doing Gods’ work. So take a close look at the things or habits that have made your life un necessarily complex and find a way to simplify.

Pray for @Bluebird in his upcoming trip to Greece
August 6 – Work Day at Cerebral Palsy Center – need help!


F3 Q: 7.5.22

Asylum PM


“FTWS” = Five Things With Steam

[ The Scene ]

  • 90s
  • Hot
  • Steamy

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A few things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own belief
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • SSH (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Merkins (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Lunges (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Gas Pedals (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Imperial Walkers (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back

[ The Thang ]

— 5 Things, 5 Places —

(Mosey to the top of theColiseum)

[1] 5 Things, Part 1

  • Do one of the 5 things (one at a time) and then run up the space needle and back
  • Rinse and repeat until you complete all 5
  • 5 reps, everything on a 4 count
  • Recover at the rope when done

(Mosey to the tree to the left (towards Haslam Rock)

[2] 5 Things, Part 2

  • Do one of the 5 things, (one at a time) then run to the wall and do another of the 5 things
  • Ping pong style
  • 10 reps, everything on a 4 count
  • Recover at the tree when done

(Mosey to the corner of the road across from Haslam Rock)

[3] 5 Things, Part 3

  • Do one of the 5 things (one at a time), then run down to the large tree down there and do the same thing #2ForTuesday
  • Run back up to this tree and rinse and repeat with the next exercise of the 5 things
  • 15 reps, everything on a 1 count
  • Recover at this tree

(Mosey back up to the top of the coliseum)

[4] 5 Things, Part 4

  • Do 10 reps of one the 5 things (one at a time), then run down to the stairs and do the other 10 reps
  • Run back up here and pick back up with the next exercise
  • 20 reps total, all on a 1 count
  • Recover up here when you’re done

(Mosey to the AO)

[5] 5 Things, Part 5

  • Execute one of the 5 things at each cone
  • 25 reps, all on a 1 count
  • When you finish the last cone, mosey back to the AO

[ Mary ]

SWS — Stretching With Steam

[ COT ]

  • # off — 15
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — 0
  • BOM — 5 Things, 15 Minutes, 5 Months
  • 3 points
  • Last Tuesday I shared some of the things I’ve struggled with so far this year.
  • Today during the workout we did the same 5 things over and over, and just increased the intensity a little.

Here’s point #1 — pick 5 things you’ve done over and over so far this year, and re-evaluate.

Here’s Point #2 — These are 5 things that I am going to be focusing in on for the rest of the year and would like to invite you into as well. Maybe some of these will apply to you and maybe some won’t and that’s okay, you can modify as needed.

(1) Pray

  • Go there, faster

(2) Read a chapter a day

  • Doesn’t matter what it is

(3) Write down something you learned

  • Write it down, jot it down in your notes app or on your phone

(4) Intentional silence

  • This year’s been loud so far. Not in a negative way necessarily, but in a lot going on kind of way

(5) HABITs

  • Honesty (It requires honesty)
  • Availability (Are you available?)
  • Becoming (The Becoming process)
  • Intentional (Purposeful)
  • Time (Non-renewable resource)

Here’s Point #3 — 15 minutes is about 1% of your day

  • Out of the 5, what are your core 3 for the rest of the year, that you can dedicate 1% of your day to
  • Or choose your own (5 total —> 3 daily, 2 weekly)

Zone Improvement Plan


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
90 ℉ 50% 95 ℉ 4.7 mi/h SSW

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.


As PAX arrive give them each a golf ball and have them write an exercise on it (using Sharpie and be careful to let dry a bit).
25 SSHs,  10 Tie Fighters, 15 Grady Corns, 10 Rockettes.


Head down the stairs to flat area at bottom. Have each PAX put their golf ball into a cooler. Cooler is already half full with ice water, bottled water, and some golf balls that I have marked up before arriving.

Next to cooler: Clock Merkins – 5 Merkins at Noon, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock.

Mosey to hillside north of park entrance road.
On the hill and in the shade,
10 Incline Merkins (Head up the the hill)
Mosey 30 yds to next shady area.
10 Merkins facing 3 o’clock. Right arm down hillside.
Mosey 30 yds to next shady area.
10 Decline Merkins facing 6 o’clock.
Mosey 30 yds to next shady area.
10 Merkins facing 9 o’clock. Left arm down hillside.

Reverse path and do same 4 stations as you make your way back to the cooler.

At the cooler, a PAX reaches into cooler (cooling his wrists) and picks a golf ball. Another PAX rolls dice to see home many of the drawn exercises will be done. Between 15 and 30 count. Repeat with different PAX until time is called. Some rules I implemented. After 4 exercises, we ran a lap around wooded area (.2 miles up steep grade back to and down staircase to cooler). I also included some golf balls with the ‘Lap’ as the exercise. So, you could end up running sooner than expected. Only 10 burpees and man-makers.

Mosey back up stairs to Flag.
American Hammers/Big Boy Situps. 20/5.
18 Brothers.


For the safety of all those traveling and staying home this coming week. For all the sick and suffering.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Convergence July 2nd at JUCO