F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Nice evening, temps in 60s.

10 Burpees, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 8 Pinto Twists, 8 Twisties, 5 Taradactials forward and backward, 10 Windmills.

Mosey to the large southern parking lot just east of the outdoor chapel.

We will run four corners, doing the following exercises in each corner:  20 Hello Dollies, 20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Bicycle Kicks, 20 Box Cutters.  Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to the perimeter trail that is close to the pavilion.  We will head east and then north on the perimeter trail, doing Run-Ten-Tens.  In honor of Rin-Tin-Tin we will bark three times before we get started.  We will do ten Big-Boys and ten Merkins, then run for 10 lights and repeat the exercises.  After doing the sets of exercises three times, the leaders circle back to the six.  We then start the pattern again.  We will stop once we reach the benches at the top of Cardiac.

At the benches we will rotate between 20 bench dips and 20 Jump Squats, repeating the pattern two times.

Mosey to parking lot opposite of the AO.  We will run from one curb down the long side of the parking lot to the other curb.  At the far curb we will do 10 incline merkins.  At the near curb we will do 10 decline merkins.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to AO.

50 Baby Crunches (4 ct).
11 men, no FNGs.
The Opposite of What We Expect

As Christmas approaches, I think of the Christ that I worship, the man that Christians call God, King of Kings and Savior – and, I am amazed at how this Christ is so much the opposite of what the World expects a God to be.

  1. We would expect the King of Kings to be born in a castle.  Jesus was born in a trough for cattle.
  2. We would expect this Prince of Peace to surround himself with the religious leaders of his time, well-known men, wise men.  Jesus takes on fishermen, unknown men with little wealth as his disciples.
  3. We would expect the savior of the world to live and minister there for a long time.  Jesus dies at age 33 having only ministered for three years.
  4. We would the Holy of Holies to speak to the leaders and most respected.  Jesus ministered to all who had ears to hear and that included prostitutes, the blind, and the disrespected.
  5. In a world that looks on the rich and famous as lucky, Jesus said “Blessed are the meek, the poor in spirit and persecuted.”
  6. We would expect a King to slay his enemies or at least beat them down.  Jesus says to turn the other cheek.
  7. We would expect a King to have his servants to bow down before him and adorn him with the best of clothing.  Jesus, instead, acts like a servant, washing the feet of his disciples.
  8. We would expect our God to demand respect.  Jesus dies on a cross, allowing others to taunt, beat and spit on him.
  9. And, after such a death, we can expect to lose hope.  Jesus rises from the grave, allows us to touch his wounds, and says He is life everlasting.

Prayers for Rooney’s mother who is having surgery this upcoming Monday.

Choose Your Words

THE SCENE: 50 and amazing in the fake gloom

SSH, cherry pickers, rockettes, and a little this and that
Insert information about the workout.

  • Burpees up the Dragon, one per lap, then wagon wheel back to the 6
  • Battle Buddy with bench dips and calf raises
  • Mary work, 10 flutter kicks, 10 box cutters, 10 hello dollys at every other light pole
  • Coming back, 10 jump squats, 10 plank jacks, 10 merkins at alternating poles
  • Battle Buddy plank and calf raises
  • Bear crawl to the Dragon
  • Big Boys down the Dragon back to the AO

10 PAX in the fake gloom
I’ve been struggling a little lately with folks complaining about how tough things have been for the past 2 years.  Sometimes I think “It’s be 2 years.  Time to move on.”  I admit my life hasn’t been impacted by COVID nearly the extent others have been.  I catch myself judging others who aren’t sucking it up and pressing forward with their lives, but I’m also trying remember I don’t know everything about everyone’s circumstances.  Ironically, two COTs in the last two weeks have been about judging others.  As I sit and struggle with judging, I can reflect back to the words a HIM said just last week to help me.

The message you deliver in the COT is meaningful.  Don’t take the message part of Q’ing lightly and give thought. You never know who might need to hear it in that moment.  It’s an opportunity to impact men in your community.

Common Ground

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and perfect weather

Some SSH, imperial walks, cherry pickers, and this and that
Insert information about the workout.

  • Burpees up a hill, rabbits find the 6 and start from there, mosey
  • Battle buddy bench dips and then some more bench dips, mosey
  • Picnic table step ups, rabbits find the 6 and start from there, mosey
  • Suicide runs with Big Boys at home base, rabbits find the 6 and start from there, mosey
  • Battle buddy incline and then decline merkins, mosey to the AO

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

It seems every day there are more topics people take a stance on and feel others are either entirely on their side or entirely not.  If someone doesn’t agree with them on a topic, the person makes sweeping judgement that everything about that other person is bad or wrong.  Most conversations start with the discussing those polar opposite opinions, which sets the conversation up for failure, and generally leads nowhere.  In Adam Grant’s book “Think Again” he talks about starting conversations by identifying the things the people agree on.  It often turns out there is a lot of common ground between the two individuals, and it creates a much better jumping and opens the door for a more productive conversation.

Party at Judge Judy’s on the 11th


THE SCENE: Nice evening, temps in 50s.

Plank Stretches, 20 Plank Jacks, 10 Rockettes, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Windmills, 7 Full Body Twists, Little of This and That.

Mosey to the Caribbean parking lot.  We will run around the Caribbean stopping at cones to do the exercises listed.  Instructions on how to get to the next cone will also be listed.

  • Cone 1:  20 Squat Jumps then Bernie to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 Big Boys then Hop to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 Iron Mikes (2 count) then Lunge to Cone 4
  • Cone 4:  20 Diamond Merkins then Grapevine with right foot leading to Cone 5
  • Cone 5:  20 Star Jumps then Bernie to Cone 6
  • Cone 6:  20 Bicycle Kicks (2 count) then Hop to Cone 7
  • Cone 7:  20 Side Straddle Hops (2 count) then Lunge to Cone 8
  • Cone 8:  20 Shoulder Taps (2 count) then Grapevine with left foot leading to Cone 1.
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the street-side end of the Serpentine Sidewalk.  We will go on the Serpentine Sidewalk doing patterns of 1 and 4, where we will bear crawl to one light then run four more lights and repeat that pattern until we get to the perimeter trail.  We will then go back on the Serpentine Sidewalk but lunge for one light and run for four light, repeating that pattern until we hit the street.  The first brother to get to the street will sweep everyone back to the perimeter trail.

Mosey to Cardiac.   We will run up Cardiac stopping at the following spots to do the following exercises:

  • Turn 1:  20 American Hammers (four count)
  • Turn 2:  20 Hello Dollies
  • Turn 3:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Benches:  20 Bench Dips

Mosey to the bottom of mini-cardiac.  We will Bernie up mini-cardiac to the Park Sign then sprint the rest of the way up to the crosswalk. Then we will sprint back to the AO.

MARY:  Stretches .

15 men, no FNGs.
Shaun Slate, the preacher at my church, said something recently that really got me to thinking.  He said, “We can be absolutely right.  But, if we do not love we are absolutely wrong.”

Think about that the next time you are debating with someone about an issue you feel strongly about.  “We can be absolutely right but if we don’t love we are absolutely wrong.”  Think about that when your child doesn’t live up to your standards.  Think about that when someone doesn’t worship the way you do.  Think about that the next time you argue with your wife.

I might get angry with someone for a stance they take.  I might think, why won’t that person get vaccinated.  Or why can’t he see how electing that money-spending candidate will effect the economy.  I can question their stance.  But, I shouldn’t let my questioning stand in the way of loving that person.
Too often we got on our high horse and fail to see the viewpoint of the other, thinking they are ridiculous.  If we do that, we are not loving them. 

As a therapist, I see this issue come up many time in marriages.  In the therapy session, each spouse wants to make their own point.  By golly, their spouse is wrong and they need to set things straight with the spouse.  But, focusing on the wrong and trying to set things straight is damaging the marriage.  In marriage, we need to love our spouses even when they are wrong.  And in life, we need to love other people, even when they are wrong.  

Thank you Lord that you are that way.  You continue to love us humans no matter how often we are wrong.  Lord, forgive me for getting on my high horse and sometimes thinking I am better than someone else because “I have it right.”  Firstly, I probably don’t have it right.  And secondly, if I am not hearing and loving that person, than I am absolutely wrong.

Prayers for mother of Steam’s girlfriend as the mother is currently starting chemotherapy for cancer.  Prayers for Pusher as tomorrow is the anniversary of his widow’s death.  Prayers for religious mentoring for The King James.  Prayers for wife of Juke Box.  Prayers for Sparkler’s mother who lost her husband (Sparkler’s stepfather) about one year ago.  Prayers for Mr. Jinxy’s small grandchild who has a problem with her foot and for Hooker and his wife, Carli, who are the parents of the child.
Toy collection by F3 for charity.  Remember Judge Judy’s Christmas Party on Saturday, December 11.  You need to sign up for it on Slack.

Giving Thanks… and no Beaver Moon!

THE SCENE: Cold, low 40s, fairly calm and clear, but the hallowed Beaver Moon didn’t make an appearance, to everyone’s disappointment.



– Motivators 7 count decreasing

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence (aborted this exercise due to mumblechatter around 6 or so…)

– 10 Rockettes (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Grady Corns  (4-ct), in cadence

– Calf stretches


Mosey to Caribbean Parking Lot

  • NO MERCY MILE (really more like a half mile)
    • Near end: Bear Crawl around turn
    • Run to ½ way point. 25 Merkins. Run to curve
    • Far End: Lunges around turn
    • Sprint to ½ way point. 25 Squats. Run to Curve.
    • Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to open air Chapel

    • 30 sec dips, rest 10 sec. R&R x4
    • 30 sec incline merkins, rest 10 sec R&R x4
    • 30 sec isometric squats (alternating), rest 10 sec R&R x4

Mosey to east down path towards the bottom of Cardiac.  At intersection, 20 American Hammers (4-ct)

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac.  20 Imperial Walkers (4-ct)

  • Cardiac Crusher
    • Run to first curve and back, 20 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run to second curve and back, 20 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run to top, stop at each turn to do 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 BBS

Mosey to AO

Homer/Marge leg raises

16 strong


Back in 1620, 102 separatists Christians left Europe and came to America via a little boat called the Mayflower.  The first years in America were very hard, and about half the population died within the first several months.  They likely all would have died without the help of the Native Americans, who provided food and taught them how to grow crops.  They celebrated the harvest the following year, in 1621, with Thanksgiving. The celebration lasted 3 days. Thanksgiving was only sporadically celebrated until 1789 when George Washington called for it to be a recurring celebration.  Even then, it still didn’t totally catch on until 1941, when FDR and Congress declared it a national holiday.  Why is it so tough to celebrate Thanksgiving?  We seem to want to skip over it it and move right from Halloween to Christmas.  If you’re cynical, maybe it’s because there’s no money in Thanksgiving?  Not as many cards, gifts, and promotional events…Except for the Macy’s parade, and for that everyone is just waiting for Santa at the end.

But there is a human need to give Thanks.  One of the first things parents teach their children is to say Thank You (when handing a young child something…: “What do you say? What do you SAY??”).  Giving Thanks is important because it interrupts the Self, recognizes the Other in our life.  We value that other.  We have an imperative and a need to give Thanks to those we have relationships with.  And who or what is the primary relationship in our life?  It’s God, and we need to give Thanks to God.  Giving Thanks reminds us that we are recipients, not creators.  It allows us a moment to pause and count our blessings.  STEAM recently posted a message in Sticky Notes Channel: “GAS PRICES ARE HIGH, THIS SUCKS” VS “I WAS ABLE TO FILL UP MY CAR WITH GAS. THANK YOU JESUS.” What a great perspective for the week of Thanksgiving.

I love the line from the song Signs that was sung by Tesla and written by Five Man Electrical Band… “Thank you Lord, for thinking about me, I’m alive and doing fine.”

Here’s what I think.  I think we need to build a world that strips out the biases and fear of other religions, other cultures, other world views and focuses on the basics.  Love God, Love your Neighbor.  Easy Peasy.  Right?  Wrong.  It’s simple, but it’s not easy.  How do we do that? Giving Thanks can be a great place to start and get beyond the differences.  Seek first the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is love, generosity, thankfulness, and justice.  That is how we live in that Kingdom.  This is what was in the heart of the Pilgrim’s journey. To be a loving, generous, and thankful community.

Prayers for Steam’s mom who has COVID, for other friends and family members going through illness or trials.  Prayers for the victims of the Waukesha driving calamity.  Prayers for our nation as tensions rise and the Enemy tries to divide and discourage us.
Christmas party Dec. 11!