F3 Knoxville

I’m Not Woodshack

THE SCENE:  55 degrees, 88% humidity with cloudy skies.

SSH, Overhead/Out Front Claps, Imperial Squat Walkers, Plank Walk Out, Cherry Pickers


Run to Wax Job Hill

Wax Job 7’s

Merkins @ Base

Bear Crawl Up

WWII Sit Ups @ Summit

Run Down

Indian Run to 1st Baptist Parking Lot

Church Times

Dry Docks x20, Burpees x5, Rock Balboas x100

Indian Run to Alcoa Elementary

I Go – You Go (Partner Up)

100 Toes to Bar/Bear Crawl 20 Yards

100 Box Jumps/Run Across Soccer Field

150 Flutter Kicks (4 Count)/Bernie 40 Yards

200 Squats/Ascend Mt. Suckmore

Indian Run to 1st Baptist Parking Lot

Church Times

Dry Docks x20, Burpees x5, Rock Balboas x100

Indian Run to AO Scrap Yard

Scrap Yard Push/Pull (5 Rounds)

Pull Ups x10

Merkins x10


Box Cutters, Protractors, LBC’s

8 HIMs including 2 honored guests that usually post in Knoxville.  Welcome Abscess and High-Heels


Science says that we need at least 4 basic elements to survive.

    1. Water
    2. Air
    3. Food
    4. Light

And look what the Bible tells us about Jesus.

    1. I am the Living Water
    2. I am the Breath of Life
    3. I am the Bread of Life
    4. I am the Light of the World

Science was right, we need Jesus to Live


Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Matterhorn BurpeeFest

THE SCENE: PAX consensus said 43 degrees and chilly

SSH x 20 IC
Baby arm circles x 10 IC (each way)
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Cherry Pickers x 5 IC

Mosey to Matterhorn and Partner Up for Matterhorn Dora Ladder

  • Partner 1 – run to first light; Partner 2 – 100 merkins, switch
  • Partner 1 – run to second light; Partner 2 – 200 burpees, switch
  • Partner 1 – run to first light; Partner 2 – 300 V-Ups, switch

Mosey around boats
(5) 8 Count Body Builders on command

Mosey to AO (Waxjob called for Jail Break)

Ab Cycle: Flutter kicks x 20 IC; Hello Dolly x 20 IC; Reverse Crunches x 15 IC
Box Cutters x 20 IC

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

“A key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted.” -Inky Johnson.

Mumble chatter was high today even throughout the burpees. PAX pushed hard and kept YHC motivated to push to the end.  Success was had throughout the workout with the only audible being the 300 V-Ups.  I believe we hit about 1/3 of those.

Goliath at the Gorge this weekend.  See @Tank for details
Pray for Lady Junk – continued chemo treatment but prognosis is looking good.
Pray for Excite Bike’s family.  BIL passed away last year and family is still struggling.

Foxes, Skunks and CMUs

THE SCENE: Another beautiful morning, cool and clear

SSHs, plank pointers, squats
CMU carry to parking lot big island. Do some presses, OH carry and curls on the way.

Carry 1 CMU on a speed walk. At cone, Run back to previous cone and back w/o CMU then do exercise. Pick up CMU speed walk to next cone and repeat. Exercises are:

  • 15. Merkins
  • 20 OH presses w/CMU
  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 plank pointers
  • 20 dry docks
  • 20 curl/press
  • 20 plank over CMUs (each side is 1)
  • 20 SSH
  • 20 “bench presses” w/CMU
  • 20 tri presses

run a full lap around after completing each round

REPEAT till time ends


Flutter Kicks and a creative circle of pain Merkins

“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:6-9‬ ‭

let your wife know you are one.

great morning, great weather. Wax job came up with the topper for ring of fire merkins. The “real Superman” doing a merkin and on way up putting your arms and legs off the ground.

Goliath at the Gorge, Brolympics

Hidden Figures and a Farewell to 90!

THE SCENE: Hot as heck… again… temps in the mid-90s and a blazing sun overhead.  This is OCTOBER??!



  • 10 SSH (4-ct, IC)
  • 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward/ Backward (4-ct, IC)
  • 10 Moroccan Nightclub (4-ct, IC)
  • 10 Tempo Squats (4-ct, IC)
  • 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct, IC)
  • 10 sec high knees/ 10 sec butt kickers
  • 10 merkins (OYO)


  • Mosey to shady grass field by closest parking lot to Lyons View entrance.   Partner 1 Hops to first cone, Bear Crawl to second Cone, then Duck Walks to third cone and sprints back, and trades off with partner 2, who is working on the following exercises (cumulative reps):
    • 90 BBS
    • 90 LBCs
    • 90 American Hammers (2-ct)
  • Mosey to CMU pile
    • 30 Curls/30 Overhead Presses/30 Rows.  Try to complete in 90 seconds.  Rinse and Repeat x3.
  • Mosey to Cardiac:
      • Partner 1 run to first corner do 30 reps, Partner 2 do 30 reps, then run to catch up with Partner. Then do the last 30 together (15 each) “Patty-cake” style. Exercises:
        • 90 Merkins
        • 90 Shoulder Taps (each shoulder = 1)
        • 90 Bottle openers (?) (each arm = 1)

MOSEY TO grassy area at the road intersection: 30 BBS

MOSEY TO shady northeast corner of perimeter drive around admin building: 30 LBCs

MOSEY TO AO: 30 American Hammers (2-ct)

90 squats

9 strong! 0 FNGs!


I recently watched the movie Hidden Figures, which is about three young women who worked “behind the scenes” at NASA in the early 1960s and did the calculations that enabled John Glenn to launch into space.  It’s pretty obvious that we did a lot of exercises totaling 90 reps. This was to celebrate the last afternoon workout in the 90s. But did you realize:

    • We did 9 exercises and 10 reps per exercise in the Warmup?
    • We did 9 different exercises during Tha Thang?
    • I’ve spoken 90 words so far?

So we had some Hidden Figures in our Workout, and we also have Hidden Figures in our lives. These might be co-workers who do tasks that “keep everything moving”, which for me would be the data analysts that crunch the numbers so I can perform my modeling and write my reports. Maybe it’s a secretary, or dispatcher, or just someone who brings a positive and enthusiastic attitude to work every day. Maybe it’s someone at church who does a lot of unnoticed things that make events special… At my church up in Chicago there’s a woman, Fern, who washes and irons the tablecloths for special events and organizes cabinets, and there’s Anne, who stitches hats out of leftover yarn to pass out to homeless shelters.  Maybe it’s a Friend that you don’t see very often, but is always there when you need them, to offer words of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to help you up. And then there’s our relationship with God, who is Hidden from our earthly eyes, but is always with us in our time of need.

Seek out those Hidden Figures in your lives and thank them.

Thankful that Jinxy’s heart procedure and diagnosis were favorable! Thanks to Sparkler for taking the lead on the Asylum PM obstacle construction for HH.


Healing The Wounded

THE SCENE: Humid, temp in low 70’s.

20 Plank Jacks, Plank arm and leg raises, 10 Cherry Pickers, Michael Phelps, Little of This and That.

Mosey to Southern Ball Fields Parking Lot.  Do 20 Hello Dollies, four count.

Mosey to perimeter trail near the Pavilion of the south ball fields.  We will do Nickel, Dime, Quarters (run one light do five of exercise, run two lights do ten, run five lights and do 25 of exercise) all the way to the beginning of Cardiac Hill.  These will be the exercises we will go through:

  • Star Jumps
  • Merkins
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Squat Jumps
  • Dive Bombers
  • Imperial Walkers (four count)

At Cardiac Hill we will run up the hill, stopping at each of the turns and finally at the benches to do the following exercises:

  • Turn 1:  20 American Hammers
  • Turn 2:  20 Flutter Kicks
  • Turn 3:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Benches:  Bench Dips
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to parking lot where we keep CMUs.

We will go around the parking lot, stopping at each corner to do exercises.  We go around the parking lot four times, doing the following exercises at each corner:

  • Corner 1:  20 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1), 20 Squats, 20 Diamond Merkins  (sprint to Corner 2)
  • Corner 2:  20 Mountain Climbers (four count), 20 Smurf Jacks, 20 Iron Mikes (four count) 10 Burpees (bear crawl to Corner 3)
  • Corner 3: (with CMUs) 20 Overhead Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Rows, 20 Coupon Swings (Bernie Sanders to Corner 4)
  • Corner 4:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count), 20 Box Cutters, 30 Baby Crunches, 40 “Mississippi second count” Boat Canoe  (Lunge to Corner 1)

Mosey back to AO.

30 Baby Crunches
Ten Men, No FNGs.
As HIMs, we desire to help others.  But how to we handle people that are difficult to help?  Who resist or slap down our offers of assistance with “yes buts”, turning their backs to you, snide remarks, or an attitude that says either that “people aren’t no damn good” or “to hell with you and your advice.”  In my last message I talked about the need to resist the urge to strike back with caustic words; the need to be patient with such people; and, the need to stay Strong with them hanging in there with them.

One thing that can help you is to try to understand where the person is coming from.  These are often folks who have been hurt in their pasts.  Because of that, they lack trust in others and also lack trust in themselves to overcome difficulties.  There is a song by Nick Cave that, I believe, captures well how past painful experience can lead to a tragic attitude of “people ain’t no damn good.”  Ironically, the name of the song is “People Ain’t No Good.”  I don’t think this is Nick Cave’s stance on life although I am sure that, like all of us, he has certainly felt this way.  Rather, it is the stance of the narrator of the song.

Throughout the song, the refrain is “people they ain’t no good.”  Then we find out more about the narrator.  We find out how he married his love under cherry trees and under blossoms they made their vows.  We hear how the sun would stream on the sheets of their bed, how they were awoken by the morning bird, how they would buy Sunday newspapers but never read a single word due to their love for one another.

But, then we hear about how the winter stripped the blossoms of their love.  How like a fist, the difficulties hit them.  How his wife drew the curtains, made of wedding veils, on the narrator.  And, so the narrator cries, “to our love send a coffin of wood. . . to our love a valentine of blood. . . to our love let all the jilted lovers cry “that people just ain’t no good.”

Then, we hear how others may have tried to help this narrator but how he (and, this is the gut-wrenching tragedy of the story) bitterly turned down their help.  Here are the tragic lines about the people who tried to help him:

It ain’t that in their hearts they’re bad
They can comfort you, some even try
They nurse you when you’re ill of health
They bury you when you go and die
It ain’t that in their hearts they’re bad
They’d stick by you if they could
But that’s just bullshit baby
People just ain’t no good
Through the song, we come to understand the stance of the narrator.  It is a tragic stance but we have empathy for him because we can understand the reason for his pain.  Let us, as HIMs, be patient, be loving, be kind, be strong.  Work to understand those who turn away our attempts at love.  Help those who are bitter to learn that, although all of us screw up, some people are pretty damned good.

Prayer of thanks that Mr. Jinxy received good news from the cardiologist.
The REWARD at Panera!