F3 Knoxville

Standing O for the Sunrise

THE SCENE: Typical July morning. Except it’s May.

SSH x33 IC
Cherry Pickers x6 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Failure to Launch x8
Travoltas x10 IC each side
Mountain Parker x15 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC

Mosey to the hill by the boats for 7s:
Bottom of the hill: Diamond Merkins. Top: 4-ct Iron Mikes

Mosey to the opposite side of the loop
Grab a battle buddy for Broken Wheelbarrow – Partner holds only one leg.
10 yards, 5 merkins. 10 more yards, 5 more merkins.
Swap roles with battle buddy for the return trip.
R&R, this time with other leg.

Mosey around and up the hill to the Tavern.
Face the sunrise for 4-ct Overhead Claps x40 IC
Bear crawl back down the hill (including the stairs!)

Battle buddy up again for Dora style: 50 Merkins, 100 BBS, 150 Squats
Moving partner crab walk to the concrete, run back.

Mosey back toward the AO, pausing at the boats to line up for Blacksnake.

No time left today, unfortunately!
12 HIMs today… No FNGs.
We took in the beauty of this morning’s sunrise from the high point by the restaurant as we did our overhead claps. God as put beauty in the world all around us, both for our enjoyment and to point to Him. Take time today and look for that beauty, especially in places where you may not appreciate it every day. Really look into your wife’s eyes as she talks about her day. Marvel at the delicacy and tinyness of your baby’s toes as you change a diaper. Check out the rainbow swirls and patterns in the oily puddle of condensation runoff from your car A/C…

Just noticed yesterday that they’ve added FTLs on the Exicon… It’s F3 official!
Prayers for Britt, Jessie, and the Thacker family

Fantastic Figure 8’s

THE SCENE: Shew, it’s sticky out there.

  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 10 Lunges (each leg, OYO, much to Mayberry’s dismay)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC, for Mayberry)
  • 20 Squats IC (super slow, for the old people)
  • Little baby arm circles x 10 each direction

Mosey to the parking lot where a ~1,000 ft figure 8 course was laid out. The following exercises were performed throughout each lap:

  • 25 LBC’s (4 ct.)
  • 10 pistol squats (each leg)
  • 25 Hello Dolly (4 ct.)
  • 10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
  • Burpee broad jumps
  • Lunges
  • Bear Crawl
  • Stair climbs x 2
  • Gorilla Shuffle
  • Inchworm merkins
  • Crabwalks

La-Z-Boy lead through some more hello dollys, since we hadn’t had enough yet.

Be aware of who & what you spend your time on. I recently observed a man take a phone call during his daughter’s dance practice and act annoyed that the dance practice was interrupting his phone call. While there is a time and place to focus on work and to be diligent, there is also a time and place to be wholly present for our friends, family, etc.
Mayberry wore a weight vest (again) and still kicked our asses. That guy is a beast.
Don’t forget about F3 Convergence on Memorial Day. Also, a Murph workout at 9:00 a.m. organized by Abscess. Last, please sign up to Q! We are going to start trying to fill up the month’s schedule on the last week of the previous month. If you’re skeered, please reach out to a “veteran” Q or research the Q101 info on F3’s website. It’s not hard, it’s very rewarding, and everyone appreciates your efforts!

Hardship Hill part Deux

THE SCENE: Cool & Gloomy

  • SSH IC x 15
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Squat IC x 10

Indian run to Matterhorn for an Elevated Escalator. Do one exercise, then do 1 & 2, then do 1, 2 & 3… After you do all the exercises in one circuit, remove the first one, then the 2nd until finished.

  • Hand Realease Burpees x 5
  • Iron Mike’s x 10
  • Skaters x 20
  • Squat Hops x 30
  • Star Jack’s x 40


  • MTN Climbers IC x 50
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 40
  • Box Cutters IC x 30 (Sparky)
  • Peter Parker’s IC x 20 sec (Tweet-E)
  • Squats OYO x 10
  • HR Burpees OYO x 5

    Doing physically hard things makes other hard things in life more obtainable.
    PAX worked hard today. We really struggled with forming the circle today, guess we need more practice.
    None at this time

Highway 45

THE SCENE: Beautiful weather

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Merkins

Went down to the oval parking lot – 9 light poles total on the perimeter of the oval. 1 Lap for each of the following exercises, stopping at each light pole and doing 5 reps of the exercise (total of 45 reps each lap):

  1. Burpees
  2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  3. Diamond Merkins
  4. Jump Squats
  5. Mountain Climbers (4 ct)
  6. Star Jacks
  7. Wide Merkins
  8. Hello Dollies (4 ct)
  9. Carolina Dry Docks
  10. Victory lap for the ones who finished

Back up to the AO for bear crawls across the parking lot, stopping at each line to do 1 Merkin. Back across the parking lot with lunges, stopping at each line to do 1 squat. Then, reverse lunges across the parking lot with bear crawls on the way back.

Just enough time for one set of American Hammers

27 HIMs – no FNGs


Make the most of the day you’re given. It’s easy to look ahead to the next weekend, next vacation, next milestone, etc., but God has given us today. Today is a gift – be intentional with it.

Circuit Work

THE SCENE: No rain but humid

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Merkins

Circuit with 6 stops – 2 exercises at each stop; first lap is 15 reps of each exercise, then decrease by 1 each lap (14, 13, 12…..)

  1. Iron Mikes (4 ct) / Big Boy Sit Ups
  2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct) / Supermans
  3. Merkins / Jump Squats
  4. Derkins / American Hammers (4 ct)
  5. Bench Rows / Tricep Dips
  6. Overhead Press / Bicep Curls (w/ the CMUs)

38 HIMs including 1 FNG – Welcome ‘Goober’


Crucifixion Love is the love that Christ showed us. He loved us even though we didn’t deserve it. His Love for us was not predicated on us first loving Him.

Reciprocation Love is loving someone because they’ve first loved us or loving someone with an expectation of something in return. Examples: 1) I’m going to unload the dishwasher so that my wife will notice and that will hopefully lead to sex later on tonight. 2) I’m going to help out with the kids this morning so that my wife will let me go golfing next weekend (and if she says ‘no’, I’ll remind her of how helpful I was with the kids the other day). 3) Or maybe it’s simply that you’re hanging out with someone or being friendly towards them because you’re expecting something in return – you hope to close a business deal, be seen in a certain crowd, you want them to approve of you, etc….

Although we’ll constantly fall short of it in our fleshly bodies, we are called to love others with crucifixion love. Love others even when they don’t deserve it. Love others with no expectation of anything in return.