F3 Knoxville

Inch worms again?!

THE SCENE: around 35, full moon and dry

warm up stuff

I had a stack of about 30 or so cardboard pieces with different exercises and quantities on them. The PAX grabbed an exercise and ran to the next cone, roughly 30 yards away and did the exercise and quantity. Then they ran back to grab another card and brought it up to the cone as well. We continued until all cards were brought to the next cone. We repeated the process along a marked path. Some runs were longer than others, and we also picked up additional cards along the way. Exercise included were as follows: Merkins, squads, toe touch planks, inchworms, Burpees, dry docks, crunches, big boy sit ups, side straddle hops, jump, squats, and maybe a couple more I can’t remember. Quantities varied from five Merkins to 30 dry docks.

Not much in terms of at work today. We just finished the last couple minutes with a round of ring of fire inchworms
13 in attendance
What is a chiral molecule?

A molecule is said to be chiral if the object and its mirror image are non-superimposable, just like our right and left hand. They are essentially the same but completely different. One hand when placed over the other on a table do not line up, but when placed up against them selves they do. In the case of the well-known chiral painkiller, ibuprofen, the (S) or right -enantiomer has the desired pharmacological activity while the (R) left -enantiomer is totally inactive. In the case of Thalidomide, The R-enantiomer is an effective sedative, which has a soothing effect that relieves anxiety and makes the patient drowsy; while, the S-enantiomer is known to cause very serious teratogenic birth defects.
We can see this example with God. God created us in his own image when looking at us, we may look like him, but we are way different than he is. The difference that separates us from him is sin. When we separate ourselves from him we can become ineffective or even toxic and deadly. So how can we change this? Turn away from sin and come closer to God. Read his word, pray to him, follow his commands. When we turn towards him we change.

Inchworms are difficult when you have to do 30 in a row
Hardship Hill obstacle building. CPR training.

500+ Side Straddle Hops 4 U

F3 Q: Saturday, February 4th, 2023 

0700 – 0800 

[ The Scene ] 

  • Cold as balls (23 degrees)

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

It’s cold but you will not regret coming out here and getting better this morning 💪

[ Warm o Rama ] 

  • SSH: 51×4 IC 

[ The Thang ] 

(Mosey to the Pav)

(1) February Metric Workout Prep 

  • 4 rounds 
  • R1
    • 5 pull-ups 
    • 5 incline merkins 
    • 5 BBS
    • Run to the rocks near the gate: 25 rock curls
  • R2
    • 10 pull-ups 
    • 10 incline merkins 
    • 10 BBS
    • Run to the rocks near the gate: 25 ruck curls 
  • R3
    • 15 pull-ups
    • 15 incline merkins 
    • 15 BBS
    • Run to the rocks near the gate: 25 rock curls 
  • R4
    • 20 pull-ups 
    • 20 incline merkins 
    • 20 BBS
    • Run to the rocks near the gate: 25 rock curls

Hold a wall sit in the Pav when done with all 4 rounds 

10-count? Nay. 52×4 SSH? Yay.

(American Indian run to the bottom of Everest – periodically stopping at stop signs for 10 push-ups and 10 squats)

(2) 5s to the stump and back 

  • pavement: man makers 
  • Stump: squats 
  • 4+1

52×4 SSH

Run to the mulch path, and then to the top of the Coliseum.

Run up the mulch path to where you can see the mountains — execute the core 4

  • 25×4 American Hammers
  • 25×4 Flutter Kicks
  • 25×4 LBCs
  • 25×4 Hello Dollys

50×4 SSH

(Mosey to the benches to the right of the Coliseum)

  • 5s (Dips + Decline Merkins)

50×4 Rocky Balboas

(Mosey to the Coliseum)

  • Ring of fire dealer’s choice – do the exercise for 10 reps on a 4-count, run to the the top of the admin building, and then back (did this 2x)

50×4 silent SSH

Mosey back to the AO (Balls To The Wall for the last light post path)

[ Mary ] 

SWS, or as it was amazingly pointed out, it is now SWMS (Stretching With Married Steam)

[ COT ]

  • # off – 15 
  • Name o Rama 
  • FNGs – 0
  • BOM

Two Words: Don’t Forget 

Megan and I went to a wedding last night, and then a few hours later went to the funeral and burial of my grandfather. The beginning of a new life and the celebrating/mourning of a life well lived. As the newly-wed couple were exchanging their vows at the wedding last night, these two powerful words popped up in my head: don’t forget. Don’t forget the vows I made to my wife 3 months back, or the man I promised her to be. Then today, we fellowshipped with a hundred or so folks, not forgetting the HIM that my grandfather was.

Because the reality is, at least for me, is that it is easy to forget. In the busyness and distractions of life, it’s easy to forget things. “Don’t forget” has been all up in my face the past week, and these two back to back events really hit home.

Groundhog Day

THE SCENE: Cool and moist

10 Side Straddle Hops

10 SSH

10 SSH

10 SSH

10 SSH

10 SSH


Mosey to Coliseum

Groundhog Day!


Base – 10 merkins – 20 Bobby Hurleys

1st Q – 30 Rocky Balboas – 40 Flutter kicks

2nd Q – 50 LBCs

Run last half back to base – rinse and repeat – rinse and repeat – rinse and repeat – etc.

Back at time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

How to form repeatable good habits

  • Identify your triggers
    • Know what triggers your good habits and bad and set yourself up to repeat the good ones and knock out the bad
    • Examples of both – good – F3 may be triggered by wanting to hang with and being dependent on friends, a bad could be always snagging a sweet treat when you get coffee you told yourself you would not get
  • Create a plan
    • Focus on small goals at first and don’t beat yourself up when you fail, failures will happen recognize it happened a vow to be better
  • Focus on adding good things instead of taking away bad.
    • If you want to eat better instead of focusing on not eating ice cream every night, instead focus on eating fruit and vegetables more during the day. Focus on ones you like and want to eat.
  • Think positive
    • Stay positive and be aware how negative self-talk can influence your thoughts feelings and behaviors
  • Commit to yourself
    • Set goals and don’t lose sight of them
    • 5 Motivational techniques for Self-Motivation
      1. Get out of comfort zone
      2. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
      3. Finish what you start
      4. Educate yourself
      5. Believe in yourself and don’t give up
    • Celebrate small wins
      • Will help you stay motivated. check off your list, psychological advantage. Will trigger chemicals in brain that give you a sense of achievement. Maybe even buy something as a prize to yourself.
    • Evaluate and Assess
      • Check in periodically to evaluate where you are succeeding and where you aren’t. It will help you figure out why you may be held back. Don’t be afraid to shelf things not working and just revisit later when you may be ready.

A new appreciation for the song “I got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher was gained by all in attendance
Q 101 (don’t do what I just did) is coming up this Sat, VQ is also approaching later in February. Get signed up now if interested!

Heavy at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Just north of shorts weather.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and Done semi-ok!


Typical Blindside Warmup-y things: 

SSH IC x15 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x5 | Little bit of this, a little bit of that


Equalizer’s First Heavy Workout:

Mosey to Smokehouse for CMUs, take to Pickleball Courts. PAX each choose a cardboard piece. Do AMRAP of the exercise while the PAX with the “Blockees” piece does 20. Once done, rotate clockwise to the next exercise. 

  1. Blockees
  2. Goblet Squats
  3. OH Press
  4. Bench Press
  5. Curls
  6. BBS with CMU Press
  7. Lunges with CMU Twist 
  8. Rows 
  9. Jump Rope
  10. Calf Raises
  11. CMU Merkins
  12. Squat Thrusters with CMU

Return CMUs to Smokehouse, return to AO


Flutter Kicks IC x20 | Box Cutters IC x15 


13 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 4 PreRuckers  


Quote from St. Augustine: 

Now, may our God be our hope. He Who made all things is better than all things. He Who made all beautiful things is more beautiful than all of them. He Who made all mighty things is more mighty than all of them. He Who made all great things is greater than all of them. Learn to love the Creator in His creature, and the maker in what He has made.


The Equalizer will start doing “Heavy” workouts on Wednesdays. While today was obviously Monday, this will start to be the norm on Wednesdays moving forward with the official start on April 5th. Get some diversity in our workouts and promise some of those guys who want to have a little less running in their lives an opportunity to get some work in.

Get in the Wheelbarrow

THE SCENE: Cool and breezy, around 40 degrees moderate cloud coverage

Check, if you could hear it over the mumblechatter, which picked up significantly when Brick and Steam decided to go bare chested.  Glass cutters club!

-10 SSH (20x, (4-ct), in cadence) RUN 2 CIRCLE LAPS (TO THE LEFT) R&R 10 SSH RUN 2 CIRCLE LAPS TO THE RIGHT

– 10 STEVE EARLES (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Rockettes, (4-ct), in cadence

-LBCS Forward/backward  (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence


  • Mosey to Serpentine Sidewalk north of the AO.
    • “2-4-6-8 WHO DO WE APPRECIATE” Run down sidewalk, suicide style, stopping at EVEN # lights to do the following exercises:
      • 2 lights: 4 MERKINS/ 4 lights: 8 merkins/ 6 lights 12 merkins/ 8 lights, 16 merkins. ON LAST REP SWEEP FOWARD
      • Rinse and repeat with SQUATS
      • Rinse and repeat with BBS (2-ct)
    • Mosey east on path to intersection, stop to do 20 Imperial Walkers
    • Mosey to base of Cardiac
      • 5s from base to first curve, starting with 1 OFFSET RIGHT MERKIN, run up and do 4 OFFSET LEFT MERKINS 1 JUMP SQUAT
      • Fellowship Mosey to second curve
      • 5s from Second curve to Benches, Starting with 1 FROGGY JUMP, run up and do 4 SMURF JACKS.
    • Mosey to AO


I wanted to give Mary her due, since we’ve been ignoring this fair lady for awhile, so we had a good 5-6 minutes of Mary…

    • Plank position, knee to opposite elbow x 10
    • Reverse, x10
    • Hold Elbow Plank x10 seconds
    • R&R until time called
  • Captain Thors
    • 1 BBS/1 4-ct American Hammer
    • 2/8
    • 3/12
    • 4/16

Stretching with Pele
14 Hims and 1 2.0, Cheetah Boy


There’s a story I read recently about a tight rope walker in Europe who was very talented, could do all sorts of tricks.  One of these tricks was to walk on tightrope while pushing a wheel barrow.  A Big Time Promoter over here in the States heard about him, and invited him over to North America to walk over Niagara falls for a lot of money. A LOT of money.  But the Promoter wanted to make sure the guy really was all that and a bag of chips, so he asked him to come over for a demonstration.  The tightrope walker was a bit insulted that his talent was being questioned, but he flew over, they went to Niagara Falls, he walked back and forth over the falls, without the wheelbarrow, and then he did it with the wheelbarrow.

When he was finished, he returned to the Promoter and said, “There!  Now do you believe I can do it”?

The Promoter said, “Yes, I’m sorry I doubted you, I believe you can do it.”

“No No” said the tightrope walker, “I want to REALLY make sure you believe in my abilities! After all, I don’t want you to have any doubts”.

“Of Course I believe you! I just saw you do it!  Yes, yes, I believe you!”

The Tightrope walker said with an evil grin…  “If you really believe I can do it… Then get in the wheelbarrow.”

Living in Faith requires us to get in that wheelbarrow and have trust and faith. Must give control up to God.  It can be a little bit scary.  When I was about 10 I went on the American Eagle roller coaster at Great America in Gurnee, Illinois for the first time.  Wooden roller coaster that held several records when it was built in the 80s, including longest drop and fastest speed.  Here are some stats on that sucker:

  • built with approximately 1,360,000 feet (410,000 m) of lumber,
  • 129,720 bolts,
  • 30,600 pounds (13,900 kg) of nails (How many of those have come loose over the years?)
  • 55 degree max invert angle (Think of that!)

Rickety, wheels squealing on the rails, lots of motion.  I was petrified.  But you have to believe that the safety measures are in place and that you’ll be ok.  But you don’t really KNOW it until you take that ride.  There are ups and downs, twists and turns on your faith journey.  But in the end, you’ll be exhilarated, like that 10 year kid on a rollercoaster.


Get your dogtag order in!  Looking for new F3 Knoxville F1 and F3 leaders.  Hot Toddy Q this Saturday!