F3 Knoxville

Help Make More Disciples

THE SCENE: 47 and windy but at least it wasn’t raining!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Overhead Claps X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) X 10
  • Mosey to cover


AMRAP Tabata Stations – 30 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest (while moving to next station)

  • Dips on benches
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Toe Merkins
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Step Ups
  • Big Boys

Back to the Basics at the Library

  • Merkins X 20
  • Squats X 25
  • Run the courtyard
  • Rinse & Repeat


  • Hello Dollies X 20
  • LBCs X 20
  • American Hammers X 20
  • Mosey then jail break to AO for 50 Toe Merkins & 35 squats until 6:15


10 men didn’t let the threat of rain keep them away from starting the week off with a win!


My church, Valley Church, just became “official” so our board, pastor, etc. just participated in a “charge conference” through the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church.  The meeting was on Zoom but it was great to participate, represent our church, and be “charged” with leading its growth.

The pastor who led the meeting shared a brief but powerful sermon.  My presentation this morning nor this write up did justice to the words she shared but you’ll get the idea.

Disciple Making Strategy:  Sharing the love of Jesus to make disciples for the transformation of the world.

The Great Commission

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The Great Command

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

The Great Compassion

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

The preacher summed up her sermon by sharing that we need to live our John 12:34-35 if we’re going to be true disciples and encourage others to join us.

John 12:34-35

I give you a new commandment:  Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.


Data’s VQ is on Friday, December 3rd!  Please be there to support and encourage him!


Sign up to Q/VQ

Ring of fire 3

THE SCENE: 35, calm, wonderful and warmer than predicted.

Harry Rockets, Cherry Pickers, Maracan Night Club, Mountain Climbers and Tempo Squats
Mosey through the cones by the new building to the crosswalk by the Clayton Performing Arts building. Partnered up.   At each crosswalk/Cone we did some exercises, then mosey, sprint or bear crawl to the next.

  • 15 Money Humpers, 15 Peter Parker Merkins, 20 Flutter: Sprint
  • 15 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boy Sit Ups: Bear Crawl
  • 5 Burpee, 15 Dry Docks, 15 Flutter: Mosey
  • 5 Iron mikes, 20 Diamond merkins, 15 Heels to heavy: Bear Crawl
  • 10 Long Jump, 20 LBC: Mosey
  • 20 Monkey humpers, 20 merkins, 20 Flutter kicks: Sprint
  • 10 OH Press, 15 Triceips, 20 Heavy american hammers: Rifle carry
  • 15 Squats, 20 Curls: Cary
  • 10 Peter Parker Merkins, 20 heavy flutters: Rifle back

The group largely stayed together so on the way back we did 1 exercise at each station, detoured for 5 pull ups, monkey humpers and planks.  Ring of Fire at the start and pletny of time for dealers choice.

Dealers choice; we should be sore all over.
I recently learned how to catch a monkey.  string, rock and a coconut.  Put a small hole (monkey fist sized) in the coconut and put the worthless rock in it.  Monkeys are always very curious (George taught us that) and they will put their fist in there and hold the rock, then unable to get their fist out and then they will give up their freedom to hold on to what is worthless.


If you are holding on to sin or trying to live this life in your own strength it is like you are caught by choice.  The pebble may be your career or a secret sin or your fitness or a relationship you are holding on to so tight.  Whatever it is; you are not free. True freedom is only found in Jesus Christ.
John 8:36
So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

For those of us who have put our faith in him, we can still be dumb monkies and grab ahold of things that steal our freedom.  Is there some secret sin you are falling into that you are too stuborn to let go of?
Is your bank balance ore job potential or what people think of you something you hold on to tighter than what God thinks of you?
Examine your life and make sure you are free; and by that i mean a bond servant of Christ. There is no better place to be!

Q’ing isn’t hard.  Look at an old back blast and do it.  Hat tip to Kick-Flip who did this back on fathers day 2019.

Move It

THE SCENE: Mid fifties with some drizzle

Baby arms circles forward IC x 11

Reverse Arm Circles IC x 7

Harry Rockets IC x 15

SSH IC x 20
Mosey toward Sophomore hill while doing a burpee at each tree (left side only) ~20

Four corner style: Reps of 15 at each corner (thanks 5K)

  • Knee-up jumps; Bernie up the hill
  • Staggered merkins (do an extra to keep both sides balanced); side shuffle
  • Squat jacks; mosey down (and avoid the skunk)
  • Diamond merkins; side shuffle (the other way)

Rinse and repeat.  Fill in with flutter kicks and LBCs as we wait for the six.

Mosey to the coupon pile for the next circuit.

Each person grab a coupon or CMU and head to stadium hill.

11 style workout: Slow thrusters at the bottom and Bonnie Blairs up top.  Alternate run and bear crawl as you go up on each set.

  • This was brutal….

Put away the block and mosey back to the flag.

Finish off with plank jack until time; ~1 min.

If What If, by Tony and Daniel Myles.

Sometime in the near future your family will all need to be somewhere at a certain time.  It will require nothing short of pure hustle as you all get ready to leave, because while everyone seems to be moving in that direction, they will also get distracted.  This will become a moment of glory for someone who is willing to step up and rally everyone else to “move it”

God invited Abram into His revolution with a command to move his family to a new land along with a promise that all nations would be blessed through them.  Keep in mind that in Abram’s era, people worshiped idols they’d made.  So, having the true God speaking to him was a new thing.  In response to God, the Bible says, “Abram went” (v.4). Abram without hesitation chose rapid obedience to God instead of arguing back.  Although Abram later had moments where his trust in the Lord dipped, this was a great moment we can celebrate and learn from.

You and your family have that same opportunity to respond with rapid obedience to whatever God asks you to do. Don’t “get around to it later” or think that someone else will do it for you.  Growth is all about you purposefully moving beyond what’s familiar and into the unknown.

Choose to be courageous by stepping into these life-changing moments without a guarantee of how everything will turn out.  God’s revolution is more about putting our faith in Him than in circumstances anyway.  Just as He moved you in one way in the past, let Him keep moving you in other ways.  By moving we become a movement….so move it.

Genesis 12:1-9
BroVember challenge for the month and Christmas party at Judge Judy’s

Do the leg work

THE SCENE: 50’s and clear

22xlbac fwd, 15xlbac bck, 7xCherry Pickers, 10xTempo Merkins, 20xSSH

Mosey to the courtyard of the new building for some 11’s.

11’s of Box Jumps in the courtyard and Diamond Merkins on the road at the bottom of the stairs.

Mosey to the light poles heading toward the Information Center.

Lunge forward one light pole and perform 15 merkins, 15 squats, and 15 BBS then Bernie back one light pole. Once there, sprint forward two poles. Repeat till at the road.

Mosey to the information center and partner up to complete 100xBaby Merkins & 100xCalf Raises.

One partner performs exercise while the other runs one lap around the information center.

Mosey back to the flag.

No time

16 men willing to do the leg work.

I’ve been studying church organization/leadership and one thing that I keep coming back to in everything I read is that we still have responsibility for ourselves. Yes, there are men elected to roles of leadership and charged with overseeing the congregation, but we ourselves still retain responsibility. We need to recognize that responsibility and not forsake it. Take the talents that God has given you and use them for good works.

Luke 12:48b – “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Great to see the numbers coming back at JUCO. Keep EHing!

Rise Above

THE SCENE: True meaning of SYITG. 52 degrees and thick fog. Perfect!
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
or 10 burpees. You decide~

Cherry Pickers
Side Straddle Hops
Arm Rotations (forward/backward)
Lunges (forward, backward, side to side)
Tempo Merkins


  • 10 Merkins


  • 20 Squats


  • 30 Flutter Kicks

Arrive at JuConte

  • Start at the first mark run four marks
  • 10 Merkins. Run back a mark.
  • 20 Squats. Run back a mark.
  • 30 Flutter Kicks. Run back a mark.
  • Walking lunges to the next mark.
  • Rinse and Repeat
  • Audible. Run to the next mark with HIMs Calling what we did 10, 20, and 30 of… to the top.
  • 5 mins of KB’s Ab Class under the stars and full moon (some of us got to see a shooting star).
  • Mosey back down, stopping to admire God’s beauty before creeping back into the gloom and finding the flag.

No time.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Humility: is something that garners wisdom; it is a requirement for wisdom. You cannot be proud and wise. Humility brings wisdom.

On Monday I went for hike on my lunch break. Which I do pretty often. I was wearing a 20lb vest and had on brand new shoes. I lost my footing and in a very awkward and super slow motion fashion I ate it. When I hit it hurt. I made sure there were no visible injuries and finished my hike. I was about halfway through the hike so there was no short cut.

What do you do if you get knocked down? Or fall down in my case? You get back up! You find a way to modify as necessary and keep going. This can be metaphorically speaking about job loss, a failed marriage, letting someone down, etc… Get back up!

I’ve seen you do it. I won’t name names… but I will say it’s inspiring! It helps me to be a better person.

Bonus from the Bible Study: God involves us and our prayers in his process of redemption.
I thought this was really cool. The relationship between us and God, is just that. A relationship. It’s a two way street. Never be ashamed to ask God for help, you will be surprised.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Remember to bring coats for men, women, and children to the AO for KARM. There’s also the Mudder’s Day Madness Run tomorrow.