F3 Knoxville

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

THE SCENE: 45° Cloudy

50 Star Jumps, 50 Air Punches…let’s mosey to the flag pole



  • 10 Burpees, 50 Picnic Rows at the Pavalon
  • Mosey to Cardiac-Run up to the top and do 10 Hand release Merkins at chalk stars x 5
  • 10 Burpees, mosey to Pickets Charge
  • 10 Burpees- run up and do 5 chicken peckers at every cone x 10
  • Mosey to Memorial and do 10 Burpees
  • Mosey to Space Station Stop and do 50 squats half way
  • space station run up/down do 25 Froggy Jumps, up/down 25 Froggy, up/down once more
  • 10 Burpees at Handicap Spot then mosey to Grinch’s Hill
  • Hello Dolly’s x 10, Run to the top, Hello Dolly’s x 10, run to bottom, RR then 10 Hello Dolly at bottom x10
  • mosey to Area 51- 10 Burpees then run to the top and do 50LBCs
  • mosey to Everest – run up to each cone and do 10 Dive Bombers x 5 to the top
  • mosey back to the AO and stop along the way to do Bear Crawl 360 x 10 each direction with 2 Burpees per direction
  • mosey back AO

50 Flutter kicks 4 ct

50 LBCs 4ct

plank for 1 min
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
There’s several lessons from Noah’s Ark..main one is Never let yourself get into a position that when God calls you to help others you’re not able.
I’m very thankful for each of these guys and the impact they have on my life.
take the Pole for TN Convergence, we have MLKJR parade Monday

12 Days of F3 Christmas


19 HIMs enjoyed 50f and overcast – Great morning for burn of the weekend


30 Side straddle hops

10 Front and 10 back baby arm circles

After a quick warm-up it was off to the CMU pile – Grab a block and mosey down to Circus Maximus for a 12 Days of F3 workout.

Starting at baseline, HIMs made their way around the loop and back stopping at each station representing the 12 Days of Christmas – Just like the song…

  • Baseline to station 1 for 1 overhead CMU Press then back to the baseline.
  • Baseline to station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutter, then station1 for 1 overhead CMU Press, then back to the baseline.
  • Baseline to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • Baseline to station 4 for 4, single count Big Boy Sit-ups, then to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • Baseline to station 5 for 5, 4-count side straddle hops, then to station 4 for 4, single count Big Boy Sit-ups, then to to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • Baseline to station 6 for 6, 4-count Merkins, then to station 5 for 5, 4-count side straddle hops, then to station 4 for 4, single count Big Boy Sit-ups, then to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • etc. etc. all the way to the 12th station (BURPEES!!) & back

Mosey with CMU block back to AO

In total HIMs put in 2.5 miles of running plus the following totals per station:

  • Station 1 = 12; Overhead CMU Presses
  • Station 2 = 22; 4-count Box Cutters (Four count factor = 44)
  • Station 3 = 30; 4-count Knee to Elbow (Four count factor = 60)
  • Station 4 = 36; Single-count Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Station 5 = 40; 4-count Side Straddle Hops (Four count factor = 80)
  • Station 6 = 42; 4-count Merkins (Four count factor = 84)
  • Station 7 = 42; 4-count Overhead Claps (Four count factor = 84)
  • Station 8 = 40; 4-count Flutter Kicks (Four count factor = 80)
  • Station 9 = 36; Single Count Squats
  • Station 10 = 30, 4-Count Mountain Climbers (Four count factor = 60)
  • Station 11 = 22; Bobby Hurley
  • Station 12 = 12; Burpees


19 = Charmin, Snitch, Honeydew, Jenner, Enos, Rusty, Pacman, BlueBird, Rousey, Pusher, Carney, Gibbler, Bunny, Cat Gut, Rainbow, Hands, Cheatsheet, Doublewide, Timber

Sharing HOPE with others.  Each and every one of us is dealing with difficulties in life.  Some large, some small…. some known by many, some known by only a few.  Encouragement to each of us to seek out help to provide hope for yourself and also to be that resource of hope for others.

Special prayer request out for a few folks.


Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!

THE SCENE: Low 70’s, high humidity.  Easy to get the muscles warm.

SSH x 25 (4 ct); Imperial Squat Walkers x 15; mosey around the circuit for a preview of each station

Divide into 5 groups, 1 group per station as follows:

Station 1: Baby Cardiac.

Bernie up the hill.  3 burpees.  Back down.  3 burpees. Sprint up the hill.  3 burpees.  Back down.  Wagon wheel to pick up the 6 and finish together.  Mosey to Station 2 and bump that group on.

Station 2:  Brickyard Bearcrawl:  Bearcrawl across parking lot, 1 derkin with feet on curb.  Bearcrawl back, 2 derkins. Bearcrawl across again, 3 derkins.  Etc till you reach 10 derkins.  Then Flutters x 25 (4 ct).  Repeat till you’ve been bumped.

Station 3:  Doras in the opposite parking lot.  Partner up for 50 man makers, and then as many monkey humpers as you can get before you’re bumped.

Station 4:  The cloud for 11s of Box Jumps/ Dips and then BBS/CDD.  Rinse and repeat till bumped.

Station 5:  CMU station.  With 2 CMUs set up, dips to a sitting position and then back up.  At the highest point, touch head with one hand, then another dip.  Next up, touch head with other hand.  Do 20 of these, then 25 curls.  Rinse and repeat till bumped.

I believe everybody got through one circuit at every station.

Boat/Canoe for 4 minutes.

We focused on Lou Gehrig and the type of character demonstrated over a lifetime to feel like you are “the luckiest man on the face of the Earth” in the face of adversity like being diagnosed with ALS in the prime of your life.  It was inspired by listening to an F3 podcast about Crablegs (from the Raleigh area, not our own Crablegs) who has been diagnosed with ALS and is on a tour of the country visiting F3 AOs and MLB ballparks with his family, all while demonstrating the same strength of character we saw with the “Ironman” and his famous speech at Yankee Stadium.  Gehrig gave his famous speech on July 4, 1939.  He died less than 2 years later, June 2, 1941.  If you want to watch his speech some of his speech and the background , there’s a nice segment here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLoq_st_JEo

Thanks to Filter for following us around to get some great photos and his work on updating our website and social media.

Return the ring to Mordor

THE SCENE: 72 degrees. Heckin sweaty

SSH – x25 IC

Cherry Pickers – x10 IC

Annie’s – x7 ea front and back IC

Imperial Walkers – x15 IC 4CT

Captain Thors – x5 IC

Indian run with the One Ring (my 3-y/o’s hula hoop) held high over head to the bridge that crosses the creek below the hill. Welsh Dragon across the bridge. Mosey to bottom of Stairs to Mordor for some Dora.

  • 150 LBCs
  • 150 Merkins
  • 150 American Hammers 4CT
  • 150 Jump Squats
  • 1 PAX does the exercise while partner runs to the top of the stairs for 1 burpee and then back down to pick up where partner left off. Repeat until finished.

Indian run back to AO with the One Ring – stopping at bridge to Welsh Dragon across.

Flutters – x15 IC 4CT

Edward Scissorlegs – x10 IC 4CT

Boat / Canoe for time


Half Caff, Swanson, Abort, Reverb, Jenner, The Voice, Cowbell, Filter, Amazon on ruck.

From Gandalf –

“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”


Full Bird Beatdown

THE SCENE: 76* and humid as crap.  A few different Misfires listed in GroupMe, this Misfire is Colonel Mike Anders. At least the fourth of the Anders clan to ring the second bell and Q in Knoxville.

Bend and reach stretch
Row stretch (arms extended overhead and flat, then sit up while also crunching your knees in, then holding)
Squat and reach
Crunchy twists (can’t remember what he called them, 4 count exercise with legs up like you’re going to crunch, but rotate knees together to each side)

Top 40 countdown around the World’s Fair Lawn.  At each corner of the lawn, there is an exercise listed and on the longer sections a method of movement.  Instructed to do 4 laps, starting with 40 of each exercise, then 30, etc.  So 40/30/20/10 but the movement between remained.

  • Merkins – then lunge over halfway down the long side, run at the line to next corner
  • Squats – run to next corner
  • Mountain climbers – power skip/jump halfway, then run to next corner
  • Prisoner squats (hands behind head, feet pointing outward as much as comfortable) – run to next corner

Repeat four laps with decreasing reps.

Form up in field for Jane Fonda 5:1 for each leg, just to completely destroy what was left of our legs.

9 Strong: Casper, Duggar, Misfire, Cowbell, The Voice, Jenner, Reverb, Passport, Abort
(Doing my best to remember) Character versus competency.  We all strive to do our jobs and perform daily tasks with competency, to do the best job we can do.  However, always be aware of risking your character to get the job done.  We can always change careers, but our character should remain unflinching and unbroken. Aye!