F3 Knoxville

Who is the hardest person to lead???

THE SCENE:  Dark, clear, and cool – 45 degrees

40 SSH

20 Overhead Claps

20 Seal Claps

20 Big Arm Circles – Forwards and Backwards

Michael Phelps OYO
Barkley Inspired Workout – 3 Laps around main loop with 4 stations – 20 reps of exercises at each station –

  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squats
  • Hand Release Merkins

Welsh Dragons – 2 Sets till 5

Hello Dolly’s; Flutter Kicks; Captain Thors


Who is the hardest person to lead?  Yourself…

Five Action Points to be a leaders with self-discipline

  1. Develop and follow your priorities
  2. Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal.
  3. Challenge your excuses.
  4. Remove rewards until you finish the job.
  5. Stay focused on results.
    Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
    Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Crabby Bear Gut v2 (Strength in Weakness)

THE SCENE: Clear, cool, crisp.
I am not a professional and any likeness or similarities to a professional are purely coincidental and do not necessarily reflect the views of sane people.

  • High Knees + Merkins  (Herkins)
  • 5 Merkins + High Squat Jump (Berkins – or Merkin Burps)
  • Windmills
  • One speed round of the exercises (with demos and no bear crawls or crab walks) that are at each station of the main workout.

THA-THANG: The Crabby Bear Gut v2

35 Min A.m.r.a.p.  (5:40-6:15) of Light Pole Loop around parking lot.  Seven Light pole stations each with two exercises.  Do 50 reps of the exercise at each station.(single counts).  The first time around the loop you do exercise A and the second time around you do exercise B.

To get to each light pole alternate between bear crawling and crab walking.

Light Pole Station Exercises:

  • a. Crunches , b. Imperial Walkers
  • a. V-Ups  b. Flutter kicks
  • a. Cross Toe Touches  b. W’s (raised extended crunches)
  • a. American Hammers b. Peter Parkers
  • a. Supermans b. Scissor Kicks
  • a. Freddy Mercurys b.  Elbow Plank side raises.
  • a. Hello Dolly’s  b.

After seven light poles have been reached, climb the hill to the guard rail and do 5 reverse incline push ups and 5 incline push-ups.

No time for Mary. We all just finished one round (all the exercises = 2 loops = 14 exercises)


This weeks sermon at Fellowship Knoxville blew me away. The Gracious Gift of Affliction and Weakness Had to try and share some of the ideas of “power in weakness”.  It’s such a tough topic and hard to describe, akin to hitting a bullseye from 500 yards away, when the bullseye is a needle in a haystack.  In summary, do not shy away from your weaknesses, God will meet you in your attempts to address them. He will light the way and support you because He is awesome and because he is deeply invested in you and getting you through the tough valleys of humiliation and NOT AROUND THEM.   It worked also kind of like a good analogy for todays workout because we spent most of it on our hands and knees begging for mercy and strength as we crab walked and bear crawled for what seemed like miles.  But praise be to God, he met us, and we finished !! We could barely speak and were dizzy, but we all finished.

Boast in weakness

Search me and know me God, help me to work out any hurtful ways in me.

Almost my 1 year anniversary of my VQ


THE SCENE: Low 40’s and gloomy – perfect weather to continually cut the wrong wire and set off a bunch of B.O.M.B.S. – No man was left the same this morning.

Cherry Pickers, Tennessee Rocking Chair, SSHs, Tempo Squats

  1. Mosey to Parking Lot – Route 66 style grinder: At each Pole (6 total) perform exercises.  First 3 poles – 15 Merkins, 15 Plank Jacks, 15 4ct Mountain Climbers.  Second 3 poles – 10 Merkins, 10 Plank Jacks, 15 Bobby Hurley’s.
  2. Mosey to the JUCO Gym (Coupon Pile behind creepy loading dock) and battle-buddy up.  Perform B.O.M.B.S. workout – each team performs 100 Burpees, 150 Overhead Tri-Extensions, 200 Merkins, 250 BBSs, 300 Squats.  While one partner is doing exercise, other performs weighted run up and around concrete border wall WITH a coupon.  Had to modify a tad because of time.  Most teams made it about halfway thru the BBSs before we trimmed the numbers down to 100 reps for each exercise.  No one made it to squats, so when everyone thought we were done – PAX did 50 squats in civilian cadence.
  3. Mosey back to AO, JAILBREAK for the last 150 yards of so.

Cornucopia of Flutterkicks (IC led by Erector), Dead-Bugs (or something like that, IC, led by Bartman), Heals to Heaven (IC, led by the Q), and the 6inch Alphabet (led by the Q)
11 Strong
1) Be thankful to the Lord for what he has blessed you with.  2) Concentrate this week on turning from your own interests and paying attention to those people in your inner circle and their happiness, specifically, what you can do for them that might not only increase their joy, but might open doors to sharing the Gospel.  “The noblest art is that of making others happy.” – P.T. Barnum

Bartman had a house full of young men over the weekend and 5 of them accepted Christ (after a full blown background investigation and polygraph by Bartman).  Now THAT is something to be joyful about!

Kudos to Waxjob for attending the Full Smokey Pre-Ruck.  We need more of you motherruckers to step out of your comfort zone and hike the tallest point in Florida every M-W-F,  wheels up from AO @0440hrs – contact Judge Judy with questions.


Truck stop drag

THE SCENE: 45, gloomy

BAC forward and backwards

Overhead claps

Good morning


Tempo squats

3 laps around the parking lot,  at each end of the islands do 5 man makers

Gather coupons

2 – 40 pound  sandbags

1 – 60 pound sandbag

1 – 90 pound sandbag

Mosey with the coupons to the soccer field.  If you don’t have a coupon, then run laps around the guys with the coupons.

Teams of 3, or so

1 man does the exercise while other team mates run a lap around the field.   Switch until all team mates have done the exercise.   Then move to a different sandbag.

  • Drag 90# bag as far as possible
  • 60# sandbag toss
  • 40# walking lunges
  • 40# overhead carry

Get into 2 teams for a modified dora with the 90# bag and the 80# bag (two 40# bags tied together)

1 pax drags the sand bag to midfield and back while rest of team completes the following

100 merkins

300 CDD

400 squats

Mosey to AO


ring of fire

40# curls x 10, hold a squat (Omaha to doing squats)

40# oh press, bbs


Be careful to keep open communication with your kids about technology.    Even if your child doesn’t have access to social media and the internet their friends might and they are still being exposed to the bad stuff.

Wall ball’s father and mayberry’s M

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Tackling the Mountain

THE SCENE: Upper 30’s

15 SSH, 15 mountain climber, 20 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squat, 10 windmill

Mosey to the base of Jucomanjaro:

Lunge Walk 20 paces, run to cone, 20 squats, Bernie Sanders to cone, 10 burpee broad jumps, and run to next cone.

Wagon-wheel to the 6 and finish reps with the 6 and continue back to cone.

Lunge Walk 20 paces, Bernie Sanders to cone, 20 squats, run to cone.

Freddie Mercury IC to catch our breath. Then, mosey to the bottom.

One more time up Jucomanjaro:

Bearpees. OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bear crawl forward. Increase burpees by 1 each time and bear crawl by 4 (1:4 ratio). Go to 5 burpees and 20 count bear crawl. Do burpees until the 6 gets in.

Run to cone, 20 diamond merkins, run to cone, 30 count Bear crawl, run to cone, 30 crawl bear, and run to top.

Flutter kicks IC. Then, mosey to the shovel flag.

No time
10 took JUCOmanjaro twice today!
It is difficult hearing your 2 year old telling you “no” to a hug or a kiss.  I think the reason she says this is because she doesn’t see me as much or spend time with me as much as her mother.  Kids do tend to have there preferences as to which parent they want around them most.  This reminds me that spending time with family is important.  Make sure to make your family a higher priority than yourself.  Developing close relationships always takes time.
Kudos to Judge Judy for the solo pre-ruck.