F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: A tad humid but not too bad.

LBACF (x20), LBACB (x20), OHC (x20), Windmills (x10), Tempo Squats (x10), Tempo Merkin (x10) (All IC)
Mosey to large parking lot. Traverse entire parking lot by Bear Crawl and/or Walking Lunge, rotating at each parking stall.

Partner Up for a Partner Set of 100 Merkins – Both Partners in plank for entire set.  One partner performs 10 Merkins while other planks, rotating until 100 reps is reached.

Mosey to inner courtyard brick wall.  Two Rounds of Aiken Legs: (20 Squats, 20 Wall Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Iron Mikes)

Mosey to Coupon Pile – 30 Curls, 30 Tricep Extensions, 20 Curls, 20 Tricep Extensions……conclude with 10 Blockees

Flutters (x15), Pickle Pounders (x15), LBCs (x20), Plank for 45 sec
15 Strong
Micah 7:18 – God is eager to forgive.  We should imitate Him in this regard.
4 FNGs
Praise for Butter-knife’s Wife and her new job.

Lifetime Brotherhood

THE SCENE: Sunny with a weather of 85F and a little breeze.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Brady corns
  2. Windmill
  3. Plank jacks 4ct
  4. Mountain climbers 4ct
  5. CMU – Increment: 5x squat – curl – overhead – tricep


Workout 1: CMU
Murder Bunny or bear crawl

Each cone: 10 merkins x 10 frog jumps
Then run to playground: 10 box jumps x 10 tricep dips

Workout 2: CMU 2x

Per corner:
Back: 20rows x 20deadlifts
Chest: 20merkins x 20shoulder taps
Shoulder: 20shoulder press x 20sumo squats (wide squats)
Arms: 20biceps x 20triceps

Mosey to Picketts Charge

Workout 3: 1st hill 4
1. Mountain climbers 4ct in cadence
2. Shoulder tapos 4ct on top

2nd hill 4x bearcrawl up
1. Prisoner getups 4ct
2. Toe taps 4ct

Workout 4: Colosseum 3 base

1st base: 10 side straddle hops – run around. 2nd base: 10 side straddle hops – run around 3rd base: 10 ssh – run around

Mosey back to AO.

Wagon wheel the six

26 HIMs in attendance. Mickey not tagged.

As may not all of you know, Me and my family are only visiting the US, supposedly for a few weeks for the holiday last year until Philippines declared another hard lockdown in January. Ever since then, we thought of staying here for a bit longer until we get the vaccine, and until the covid cases subside – which did not up until now. The past 8 months has been nothing short of amazing not just for me, but for my family as well. I get to spend a lot of time with parents again, them spending time with their grandchild and it feels so great to be home again with them.

Back tracking, when we first got here, my wife and I were really paranoid because of the pandemic, because of how bad the situation is where we came from. We’re scared for our child of getting sick so we always had our guards up against the virus. I met a bunch of guys working out at 5:30am under a drizzling, 35F weather. It was dark, winter, cold and awfully at the peak of the pandemic. It was my second day here in Knoxville and rest assured still jet-lag from our 27-hour flight (thus, the name, Jetlag). We worked out and it felt horrible, I’m not going to lie. But it amazes me how everyone stays for a while after the workout to say a few words, to say a little prayer for the others and for the community. Every workout is different, and I get to learn more about the community, more about what F3 means and how they make their impact in the society. And of course, these men became my brothers. These men lift each other up; cheer and pray for each other when one is down.

I have never seen anything like it. They welcomed me, a visitor, from a foreign country, in the middle of the pandemic, like I’m one of their own.

I absolutely love them, my brothers for life. And I will be forever grateful to them, for making me a better man, better partner, better son, better father – a HIM. And I’m truly honored to be part of this lifetime brotherhood.

Prayers for Drum Major’s daughter, Hunter, who tore her acl; for Lily’s recovery from the hip surgery; Doubtfire’s grandmother-in-law’s recovery, who recently suffered a heart attack;

CSAUP at Dog Pound is moved to August 21.

Pickin’, Sprintin’, Squatin’ & Grinnin’

THE SCENE: 70 degrees, 95% humidity, Nice Breeze

6xCherry Pickers, 20xSSH, 10xBACF, 10xBACB, 10xTempo Merkins, 10xTempo Squats


Mosey to the center lot, 1st light post. Partner up. One partner begins an unnumbered set of the following while the other sprints to the far light post and back. Switch roles until each of the 5 are complete…

  1. Merkins
  2. Sumo Squats
  3. Burpees
  4. Lunges
  5. Tricep Dips

Mosey on back to the CMU pile. Mary on the route: Flutter kicks, Hello Dolly. Arrive at station. Same partners. Grab CMU and begin a set of each while partner runs stair to pull up bars and does 3 leg lifts. Switch roles until each of the 5 are complete…

  1. Curls
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Upright rows
  4. Bench style press (on your back)
  5. Bent over rows

Mosey back to COT. 2 stops with 1. Planks, arm/leg raises 2. Box cutters


Over the past few weeks, there have been several reminders of what it means to be in community. Poolboy talked about being real and vulnerable with those close to us, how there’s freedom in that. Guardrail read in God’s word that it’s not good to be isolated and alone. And recently Spotter talked about putting God first among everything.

F3 offers the opportunity for us to gather and have that community, to be open and honest and to work together and support one another.

Now what does it mean for us to take that a step further, outside of here? As a Christ follower, it means that we are his representatives. We learn about Him and his teaching through the Bible and we model that in our lives. We learn from multiple accounts that Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment and what he had to say about that…

Matthew 22:37-39 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment and the second is Love your neighbor as yourself”. We are to love God above everything else and second love our neighbors. That’s not easy.

How are we honoring Christ in our relationships and in our actions? Second, how are we loving our neighbors (not just our closest friends)? Think about those people around us, distant family and friends, co-workers, and those in our actual neighborhoods. Maybe those you don’t know.

Our challenge: What is something we can do to connect with them this week? It could be sending a text to see how they are doing. It could be knocking on a door. It might be offering gift card for dinner. It could be meeting for coffee. It could be volunteering to serve or lead. If we are truly going to represent Christ in our lives, we have to look different than the world around us.

Keep in mind that whatever we step into, He is right there with us, on our behalf. Jesus said …in ME you may have peace, but in the WORLD you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world. There’s great hope in that. Let’s offer it to someone else.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Burpeevators? Thanks Curveball…

THE SCENE: Hot, humid. Just barely missed a torrential downpour.

10xWindmills, 10xSeal Claps, 10xOverhead Claps, 10x Tempo Merkins, 10xHairy Rockettes, 10xTempo Squats
Mosey towards the CMU pile stopping at various spots to perform Burpeevators (credit to Curveball for inventing these)

Burpeevators = Burpees with increasing merkins on each rep. We performed 3, then 6, then 8. That was enough…

Grab a CMU and wander over to the maintenance building parking lot.

Four part circuit:

  1. Merkins, bear crawl to first parking line where you placed your CMU
  2. CMU thrusters, carry your CMU to the second parking line
  3. CMU Swings, leave your CMU and lunge to the other curb
  4. BBS

Run a lap around the parking lot and repeat in reverse.

Started with 10 reps of each and added 10 reps after each lap. Made it to the 30 rep round.

Put up the CMUs and moseyed over to Sophomore Hill.

At Sophomore Hill performed an elevator with Burpees/Bobby Hurleys. Start with 5 burpees at the bottom of the hill, bernie up, 5 Bobby Hurleys, mosey back down. Add 5 reps after each round. Made it through 10.

Mosey back towards the flag stopping for some Mary along the way.

On the mosey towards the flag we stopped for: Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercuries, Planks, and American Hammers.
11 men, 1 2.0, and 3 runners hit up JUCO for some work.
Philippians 3:20

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s always be srue to remember that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven, not on this Earth. It’s easy to get caught up in the things of this world. Having just celebrated July 4th we are all very aware of the pride and love for this country that most people have. While there is nothing wrong with being thankful to God for living in a country that grants us religious freedom and allows for the church to grow and operate freely, we need to keep ourselves in check in regards to taking pride in our identification as “Americans”. Paul in Galatians says that we should boast in nothing except for the cross of Jesus Christ. Let’s be thankful, but remember to place our pride and identification in something greater than things of this world.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Giving 110% in 100% humidity

THE SCENE: According to pool boy it was 100% humidity, but no rain

SSH, Cherry Pickers, tempo squats, pointer dogs, sprints and calf raises
Small detour to the center courtyard, due to a skunk sighting.

The many faces of Merkins and Abs

  • 20 Inclined, run lap
  • 20 Declined, run lap
  • 20 regular, run lap
  • 20 shoulder tap, run lap
  • 25 LBC, lap
  • 25 American hammers, lap
  • 25 Side crunches each side, lap
  • Mosey to coupon pile for 25 curls, triceps, then top of the hill for leg lifts on the pull up bars

Didn’t make it back in time, but did some mary on the way back for breaks.

Romans 2 vs 1 and 10, John 8.  Remember let us who are free of sin cast the first stone.  Instead of judging others, turn the mirror on ourselves and see what we can do to improve and become more Christ-like.
Help guides all these men in decisions about life and work.  Please give us health and courage to share your love.