F3 Knoxville


60 and sprinkles

Welcome and Disclaimer

Big Arm Circles FWD IC x 15 & Backwards
Cherry Pickers IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x15
SSH IC x 25

2 Laps to the bathroom and into the cage (mc about what 3/4 speed really is)

Blockorama in the Cage
Everybody grabbed their CMU – a couple of custom tape jobs in the mix

4 Rounds of:
CMU – Good Morning Sunrise Squats -1 min (Renamed Domo Omo Gato Squato – Thanks Junk!)
CMU – Block Rows – 1 min
CMU – Quarter Lunge Press – 1 min switch legs @ 30 sec
Merkins OYO x 25
Bobby Hurley OYO x 25

(Audibled 4th round for 10 reps ea exercise)

3 Rounds of:
CMU – Colt 45’s – OYO
HiLo’s OYO x 10

1 Round of:

6 Min MARY – Dealer Choice
Forgiveness. We can give it, but we can’t truly receive it unless we ask for it.

The PAX did great with the CMU workout. Not a lot of running in a La-Z-Boy planned workout! Colt 45’s left us all with trembling arms and HiLo’s inflicted some court burn on our elbows to remember the VQ by. Great day to get better together!!

Let’s Mosey

62 and Clear

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Side Straddle hops – IC 20x
Big Arm Circles, low and back – IC 10x
…and reverse – IC 10x
Calf Raises on the curb – IC 30x
Merkins – 20x

Let’s Mosey
Partner up and run to the Outhouse
Dips – oyo 30x
Run to the Fork
Burpees – oyo 20x
Run to the Speedbump
Carolina Dry Docks – oyo 30x
Run up to the Gravel Parking
Full Squat Jumps – oyo 30x
Run to the Small Shelter
Dips – oyo 30x
Run to the End of the Road
Big Boy Sit-ups – oyo 30x
Run back to the top of the hill
Iso Squats – IC 30x
Run to the Marina Office
Merkins – oyo 20x
Run on the sidewalk. For each dock ramp encountered, mosey forward down and backwards up to end mosey at Little Everest.
Sprint up Little Everest and partway across upper lot, plank it out, mosey back down – 3x
Mosey back to AO, finish mosey with a sprint from speed bumps to the tennis courts.

Total Mosey: 2.5 miles, 280 vertical feet or ~19 stories, 6,000 steps and 1100 calories.

Hello Dolly’s – IC 20x
Flutter Kicks – IC 30x
Pledge of Allegiance
Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Be intentional to show unselfishness, kindness, and good will.  A challenge was made for each HIM to do three intentional acts of kindness today.  Go out of your way to spread God’s blessings.
The Dog Pound delivered some new views this morning as we explored some unchartered roadway and sidewalks.  Average turnout allowed for some good mumble-chatter.  The PAX left it all out there today.  …time to get some breakfast and recharge.

Ratchet Tried to Kill Us!

60 and Damp

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Pledge of Allegiance

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Hand Release Merkins x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC

Squats x25 IC
1 Burpee OYO
Fist Bump Partner Merkins x20
2 Burpees OYO
Wall Sit x1 minute
3 Burpees OYO
Mosey to Little Everest
Bear crawl to top
4 Burpees OYO
Crab walk to bottom
5 Burpees OYO

Squats x25 IC
6 Burpees OYO
Fist Bump Partner Merkins x20
7 Burpees OYO
Wall Sit x1 minute

Mosey to Little Everest

Bear crawl to top
8 Burpees OYO
Crab walk to bottom
9 Burpees OYO

Indian run to long hill

Run up hill
1 Burpee, increase by 1 each time up hill (1, 2, 3)
Run down hill
15 merkins, decrease by 5 each time down hill (15, 10, 5)

Mosey to flag for Mary

Dealer’s Choice

Count-off and Name-o-Rama

Be obsessively organized.

The Hills are Alive!

38 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x20 IC
Reverse Lunges x10 each leg IC
Dive Bombers x15 IC
Arm Circles Forward x15 IC
Arm Circles Backward x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x15 IC

Mosey to Everest

Gather at the bottom of Everest. Run up Everest and do a burpee corresponding to the round you are on. Run back down and do the corresponding exercise(s) for that round (Reg. = x15x, Adv. = x20 OYO – Idea being don’t sacrifice form for speed…modify, don’t cheat!)
Round 1: Pikes
Round 2: Pikes, Narrow Squats
Round 3: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs,
Round 3: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs, Diamond Merkins,
Round 3: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs, Diamond Merkins, Side Lunges
Round 6: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs, Diamond Merkins, Side Lunges, 4ct Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to starting area and assemble near hill.

Partner up.  One person does the exercise will the other runs the hill.
100 (Prison Squats)
100 BB sit ups
Then perform AMRAP Side-straddle Hop Burpees (5 SSH+2 Burpees=1) while your partner runs the hill (4 min)

Mosey back to starting area

Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees (PCMBs)
Drop to Plank, do 1 Merkin then bring your right knee in and back, do 1 Merkin then bring your left knee in and back, do 1 Merkin then bring both feet in and jump up = 1 PCMB complete.
x10 OYO

10 to 1
Alternate Wide Merkins and Hello Dollys.  Start with 10 reps each, then 9, 8, and so on until 1 with no rest.

Thor Hammers
(1 BBS + 4 American Hammers, then 2 BBS + 8 American Hammers, 3 BBS + 12 American Hammers…)
x7 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

One of the most prominent people in ancient Hebrew is King David. He was a mighty warrior, poet, king…all around man’s man. A little less know is a group of warriors known at David’s Might Men (2 Samuel 23 gives a list of them and some of their incredible feats).   These were men of strength, loyalty, passion and valor, HIMs!

Benaiah is singled out by the text for being a particularly great warrior. The text gives a list of Benaiah’s “great exploits”, suggesting that these are what brought him fame and honor. They include: killing two Moab’s best warriors, attacking a 7 1/2 foot tall Egyptian with a club, stealing the spear that the Egyptian was using, and killing the Egyptian with it, and killing a lion in a pit on a snowy day. This last feat is the topic of a book by Mark Batterson, “In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive and Thrive When Opportunity Roars.” Opportunity is all around us, and as men who want to be HIMs we have to see and then seize it! Most men let fear dictate their next move rather than faith. Benaiah saw an opportunity, jumped in and grabbed it. In the book Batterson offers us a “Lion Chaser’s Manifesto”:

“Benaiah chased a lion down into a pit. Then, despite the snow and slippery ground, he caught the lion and killed it.” – II Samuel 23:20
Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.
Set God-sized goals.  Pursue God-ordained passions.
Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.
Keep asking questions.  Keep making mistakes.  Keep seeking God.
Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution.
Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.
Stop playing it safe and start taking risks.
Expand your horizons.  Accumulate experiences.  Consider the lilies.
Enjoy the journey.  Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can.
Live like today is the first day and last day of your life.
Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshipping what’s right with God.
Burn sinful bridges.  Blaze a new trail.  Criticize by creating.
Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks.
Don’t try to be who you’re not.  Be yourself.  Laugh at yourself.
Quit holding out.  Quit holding back.  Quit running away.
Chase the lion!

I believe we all have opportunities in our lives waiting to be seized. Not just opportunities for gain, but opportunities to love and serve others. Lean in and go for it! Don’t cower back or wait for “the right time”…Chase The Lion!

— Cap’n Crunch

Great morning with great men! It was cool, but things heated up pretty quick once we got started. Mummblechatter was high as was camaraderie.

Submitted by Elvis and Cap’n Crunch

Cinder Blocks Rock!

57 degrees, cloudy with a hint of Gloom at the DOG POUND

Welcome and Disclaimer

Moroccan Night clubs x20 IC
Squats x20 IC
Imperial Walkers x20 IC
Imperial Squat walkers x20 IC
Monkey Humpers x20 OYO

Mosey to the Tennis Court with your Cinder Blocks.  Since YHC Woodshack on Q cannot run at the moment. I decided not to have the PAX run.

Partner Up for Lazy Doras (no running)

Lazy Doras
100 merkins -One partner does 10 reps while the other planks, then switch
200 LBC-P1 20 LBC while P2 holds legs 6 inches off the ground
300 squats-P1 25 squats while P2 holds Al Gore

Legs were fried, so why not Super 21’s with out beloved Cinder Blocks!

Super 21’s
Curls and overhead arm extensions.
YHCQ and the Pax were TOASTED after 11 so we modified “Omaha”!

1 sit up, bear Crawl across the tennis court 10 Body Builders, so on and so forth.

Due to time, THC wanted some 6 MOM so we modified back to COP for abs. From all the Body builders and Bear crawling, YHC got really dizzy and had to sit for a second. RATCHET “The Man” stepped up and helped get ABS going. THANK YOU Ratchet for looking out for me!

ABS – Dealers Choice
Boat Canoe
Star Crunches

Number-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama

Talked about my 9 Yr old asking me who I love more, him or God! It really threw me off guard when he asked that and I told him that I loved him more than God not knowing how to answer that questions without hurting his feelings or simply, I was not sure… My son told me that can’t be because God made us and that I should love God more. “WOW”!!!!!