F3 Knoxville

A fist of five

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Side-straddle hops, arm and leg lifts from plank position, 10 slow tempo merkins, 20 squat jumps, 10 cherry pickers

Mosey down Roadshow Run to Perimeter Trail where it goes close to Lyons Bend.  20 American Hammers (four count).  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to Bottom of Mt. Everest.  Five Burpees then run around first tree and back to do Baby Crunches until all men have returned.  20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to Shady Area by Maintenance Bldg.  20 Flutter Kicks (four count).  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count).

Mosey to Road entering from Western Gate to Park.  Head East.  Go down hill on right by stop sign.  Thirties starting with five Merkins at bottom of hill and 25 Big Boys at top on road.  We will work up (or down) in increments of five for the exercises.

Mosey to Stop Light at Southeastern Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers (four count).  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Each man grabs boulder.  25 Overhead Lifts, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, and 25 Squats with Boulder.  Then run to space needle, going to top and back down.  Come back to boulder pile and rinse and repeat the exercises with boulders.

Mosey to AO.

Boat canoe.

We, as men, need to learn the art of listening.  Active Listening is harder than one thinks.  It involves truly listening to the other person without interrupting.

Mistakes of listening:  cutting the person off, thinking we know what they are saying when we truly don’t, judging the other person, interjecting our own “answer” without truly understanding the problem, belittling the problem by buttering it over, saying things like “oh, it’s alright”, “you will get over it”, “it’s not that bad”, “It’s God’s will.”

Active listening involves a true attempt to focus on the person, conveying with words, facial expression and tone that you hear, understanding and reflecting the emotions that the person is conveying.  Active listening, in fact, can include reflective listening, where we give a brief synopsis of what the person said so that they know you are there with them.

Benefits:  the person feels understood, the person is more likely to trust you, the person gains from sharing their true experience, the person is empowered, and, through the empowering, the person often figures out a solution to the problem.

We need to try this more with women.  Women often times don’t want to hear solutions when they speak to us.  They just want to be heard, to be understood.

We need to try this with our children.  When kids are understood and allowed to come up with their own solutions, they usually do a very good job at reaching the correct solution.

We need to try this in our mission work with others.  People don’t want to hear your magical answer about God or Jesus saving them until they know they are understood by you – until you respect the power in them, the beauty in them, the I am your equal if not even better in them.


2nd F immediately after workout at Abridged Beer Company.

Runnin and a workin

THE SCENE: Sunny and windy, temp close to 70 degrees

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Tempo Merkins, Arm and Leg Raises from Merkin Position, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to Roadshow Run.  At top of Roadshow Run we will do 20 Merkins.  Run down stairs.  At first grassy area we do 20 Big Boys.  Run down next two flight of stairs all the way to perimeter trail.  At grassy area we will do 40 Baby Crunches.  Run all the way back up Roadshow Run.  Rinse and repeat two more times but end at perimeter trail instead of running up Roadshow Run the last time.

Mosey to trail that extends from road near North Entryway to Park and which goes all the way to the beginning of the Perimeter Trail.  We will do the following every ten lights on the trail:  Bear Crawl to first light, run next four lights, lunge to 6th light, run the next four.  Repeat until end of trail.

Mosey to Outdoor Chapel.  Elevens with Decline Merkins at Stage and Mountain Climbers at other end of chapel.

Mosey on Road going south and then east past soccer fields.  Twenty Hello Dollies before stop sign.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  Twenty American Hammers

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  20 Overhead Presses.  20 Curls.

Mosey to AO.


Six men.  No FNG’s.
Remember Cap’n Crunches words about the Redwood Trees.  As tall as they are, one would think their roots go down at least 100 ft into the ground.  Yet, their roots may only go down 6 to 12 feet.  Yet these trees are sturdy and strong.  What makes them so strong?  Their roots connect to the roots of other Redwoods.  These trees stand mighty because they hold each other up.  Men, let us be mighty in the same way.  We cannot do these workouts without each other. We are HIM’s because we have each other’s backs.  Iron Sharpens Iron!!!!


Propitiation (Jesus is our substitute)

Weather was PERFECT at the Asylum

SSH, Imperial Squats, Back Lunge W Kick, The Annie, The John Travolta, Tempo Squats

Mosey to Lil Everest and Sprint up w 5 Burpees at the top

Mosey to top of Cardiac then alternate 10 wide and diamond merkins every light pole to the bottom and LBCs

mosey to steep hill perform 7s w Burpees and Star jumps

mosey to new parking lot and participate in Grocery buggy race, 15 Burpees to the loser

mosey to dug outs and perform 11s w pull ups and dips

back to AO TO DO 4 Corners w 20 Mtn climbers   Lunge to next corner 20 star jacks bear crawl to next corner 20 box cutters run backwards to next corner 30 LBCs side bear crawl to the next

curls w coupons while partner runs to end of parking lot and back

  • Finish w leg lifts, merkin rt/left leg lift, table saw, modified table saw, hands around the world, lateral hops
  • are
  • handy.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Propitiation)
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Pre-ThirdF Fun


  • SSH 25x (IC)
  • Side Lunges 10x each leg(IC)
  • Imperial Squat Walkers 15x (IC)
  • Arm Circles Forward 15x (IC)
  • Arm Circles Backward 15x (IC)
  • 10 Burpees OYO

Run up to top of the hill, do 5 burpees and run down.  Partner up with Battle Buddy and line up along the curb.


1st Battle Buddy lunges to the first cone, then sprints to 2 second cone, does 2 reps of the exercise while Battle Buddy 2 is jumping air rope.  Switch. Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 14 reps.  Rd 1 = Burpees

Bumper Circuit – Second pavilion

  • 1st cone x10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone x5 burpees
  • 3rd cone x10 squats
  • 4th cone x5 burpees

Mini-Sea Biscuit – 3 Laps

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats

Wheel Barrel Merkins – 100 yards switching every 25 yards

21’s – Under pavilion – Modified down to 10 after 5 sets

  • Box Jumps
  • Rows


5 Burpees on OYO

25 Sundials

25 pickle Pounder

25 Proton Parkers

Run up to top of the hill, do 5 burpees and run down.

Hard At It

THE SCENE: Cloudy and windy, temps in 50’s

20 Side-straddle-hops, 10 Burpees, 15 Imperial Walkers, 10 Windmills, 10 Tempo Merkins, Planks with arm and leg raises

Mosey to the Dragon Tail.  We did Route 66 up the Dragon Tail with rabbits sweeping slower brothers back to starting point after each exercise.  The following were the exercises:

  • Squat Jumps
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Shoulder Taps (each shoulder)

Mosey to Playground.  We did four corners with the following corners and exercises.  We rinsed and repeated after the first round:

  • 20 Bench Jumps at playground
  • 20 seconds of pull ups at baseball bullpen
  • 20 picnic table pull-ups in pavilion
  • 20 Star Jumps at Flag

Mosey to Pavilion.  We did totem pole with 30 seconds of each exercise, starting with first exercise, then restarting but adding next exercise on totem pole.  The following were the exercises:

  • Hello Dollies
  • American Hammers
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Picnic Table Pull-ups

Mosey to AO.

20 Box Cutters
Eight men.
One of the inspiring F3 sayings is “I have your six.”  G-6 talked about the isolated man at our last 3rd F event.  As a psychologist, I have met many isolated men who do not feel anyone has their back.  Their confidence and zest for life are low because of it.  As humans, we need to feel support from others, know that others are there for us.  That knowledge gives us the courage to take chances, to fail, get back up, push on and finally succeed.  You see toddlers needing that support from parents when they explore.  The toddlers explore with pleasure but also look back to make sure their parents are there, are looking on, have their sixes.  As F3 brothers, lets take the “I have your six” saying as a model to commit to others, to build them up, give them courage.  We are HIMs in our workouts and out in the world.

3rd F this Saturday at Outlook!