F3 Knoxville

Today was the day

THE SCENE: 70’s & cloudy.

SSH IC x31, Imperial Squat Walkers x8, Overhead Claps x20 something, Tempo Merkins IC x8

Dora 3-2-1. One battle buddy does workout while the other moseys to 3rd light post for 5 burpees. We modified during the merkins to Iron Mike 2CT.

  • 300 Squats
  • 200 Merkins
  • 100 V Ups

Round The Fountain: partners start at the same point & bear crawl to opposite side until meeting again.

  • Around the world lunges (1 lunge =1) x300
  • BBS x200
  • Diamond Merkins x100

Q had brain fog from Taco’s Q how long the beat down takes & all groups were somewhere in Round 2 when Recover was called.
20 BBS OYO, Hello Dolly 4 CT IC x1
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

If you want the life you want, it will cost you the life you have.

Proverbs 13:19- A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil.

New Living Translation- It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.

All change starts with telling the truth about how things are now. Observe your habits- what do you tell yourself, where are you or what are you doing when you mess up your goals. You live on brain patterns. We don’t know that we’re checked out until we check back in. It’s amazing what change you can drive when you do check in.

“You step in 0% of the dog poop that you see.”

  • Practice is a process, not a destination. Did you know self guided missles miss there target 90% of the time? They have an algorithmic called course correction.
  • Who do you want to be on November 20th? Set goals for your work, biological, and family self. Identify one goal for each that you can do this week

2.0 workout this Saturday at the Arsenal. Not stated but Special thanks to Moses for giving us a platform to practice the 2nd F.

Crazy 48s, Bomb Shelter edition

THE SCENE: Dry, but with the usual midsummer thick-as-pea-soup air.
Pretty sure the disclaimer happened… YHC was a bit late getting down to Alcoa.
25x SSH IC courtesy of Drifter
5x Cherry Pickers
10x Rockettes
10x Imperial Squat Walkers
10x LBAC each way

Crazy 48s on the grinder:
24 merkins at Pavalon end, 24 at the Scrapyard for a total of 48
Half-lap mosey around the park (about a quarter mile)
12 merkins and 12 iron mikes at each of the 4 corners of the grinder for 48 each
Half-lap around the park
8 merkins, 8 iron mikes, and 8 V-ups at each corner plus the midpoints of the long sides. 48 each again.
Half-lap around the park
6 each of merkins, iron mikes, V-ups, and 8-ct body builders at each corner of a figure-8 around the grinder for the last 48.

Just finished the last 48 right on time. No Mary today.
11 came out to kick Thursday square in the jaw.
My mother in law passed away from Alzheimers a couple of weeks ago. As the disease progressed and took more of her mind, she forgot who anyone was. But she never forgot the Lord, and still talked to Him and about Him to all of us. At her Celebration of Life service, we played the old hymn “It Is Well”, because even until the end she knew that it was well with her soul. Ended the COT by singing that hymn.
Terribly sorry about being late. But those 48s would have been a bit crazier if I hadn’t turned around for a pit stop.
So much to do! 2.0 workout next weekend, Off the Chain next month. Sign up!

Absolutely Abtastic

THE SCENE: 70 degrees.  Slight breeze, but humid

  • 10 x SSH IC
  • 10 x Little Arm Circles IC each way
  • 10 x tempo squats IC
  • 10 x tempo merkins IC

Mosey with CMU to Tennis Courts.  Leave CMU on parking lot side.  Run 1 lap around tennis courts with stop at each corner for 10 merkins.

Thing 1:

Partner Up.  One partner runs the width of 2 tennis courts,  5 Plank Jacks (4 ct), run back.  The other partner is doing the exercise below and then they swap.  Exercises are done for the length of time the other person is running.  Most pax did 2 rounds.

  • Flutter Kicks (CMU)
  • Gas Pumps
  • American Hammers
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Hello Dolly
  • Swimmers
  • Rinse and repeat

Thing 2:

Back to the Grinder.  No Partner.  Complete the four exercises below then run to Troll Bridge and Back.  Reps for each round are 10-15-20-15-10.  Most made it up and down the ladder with a few starting back up the ladder.

  • CMU Swings
  • Bent Over Rows
  • CMU Floor Press
  • Overhead Press 

No time.
John 1:4-5  “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [a]comprehend it.”  That’s how it was for me.  When I was in the darkness I didn’t understand the Light.
Prayers for healing for family members particularly for Hammy’s and Limbo’s family.

Thing 1 & Thing 2

THE SCENE: 65 degrees, clear, humid

15 x SSH IC

10 x arm circles IC (forward and back)

10 x tempo squats IC

5 x tempo merkins IC
Mosey up the greenway to the highest point in Springbrook Park.  Longer mosey than usual.

Thing 1:  4 Exercises with 100 reps each.  Break up the exercises any way you want, but no rest.  Go from one to the other:  Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, Squats, Flutter Kicks (2ct).  When complete run to wooden bridge and back.

Mosey down the greenway to Mt. Crumpet.

Thing 2:  Run up Mt. Crumpet, around the Christmas Tree, and back down.  5 Jumping Squats at the bottom.  Repeat….over and over again, then one more time.

Mosey back to the grinder as a group for Pax Roulette:  Many exercises called including: Alphabet, little baby crunches, catalina wine mixers, merkins, protractor, bicycle crunches, and others that I’m forgetting.

A big part of F3 is to develop leadership.  One way to develop leadership is to read about great leaders from the past.  Great leaders were not perfect all the time.  They often experienced great failures, but we tend to just remember the good things.  One example that I learned recently was about Winston Churchill.  Most remember the great leader of the UK during WW II.  However, during WW I he was in charge of the British Navy and he presided over a huge failure.  The British and their allies attempted what was at the time the largest sea invasion in history at Gallipoli, Turkey.  The campaign lasted months and ended in 10’s of thousands of deaths and defeat for the British and their allies.  Churchill resigned his leadership position and in a short time enlisted in the army…and went to the front lines.  This was a rich man who was essentially born in a castle.  But he owned his failure and set about doing what he could to move forward.  The men on the front lines recognized Churchill’s ability to lead men and over time his career and reputation recovered.  Today we know him as the prime minister of the UK who stood up to Nazism.
Praying for healing for F3 brothers with injuries.

A humbling experience

  1. THE SCENE: Perfect gloom weather, mid 60’s high humidity. Just enough few on the grass to let the sand stick on the baseball field.

Tabata circle bear crawl 5 rounds 30 seconds on 10 off- 4 min


Thang 1

7 of diamonds-30 min- home, right field corner, middle field, left field corner. Complete exercise at each stop around field. Sprint or mosey between each point. Round 1, 4,5 was done as a pax. Squat hold till 6 arrives at next stop. Round 2,3 was OYO. 

4-7 rounds + 7 reps per round,


Flutter kicks-14

Merkins -21


Carolina dry docks -35

Thang 2

EMOM 1- 10 min

CMU swings x 10

3 line suicide

EMOM 2 – 5 Min

5 bodybuilders


BBS x 10

Leg raises x 10

Alt Superman’s x 10



Be about action not about words. Love what you preach.

I’m thankful for the pax, without them being out there I would be sitting at home divulging into bad habits. They help me stay focused on what’s best when I want to be

CSUP AND Hardship Hill coming up in July and October. Get signed up.