F3 Knoxville



SSH Temp Squats
Cherry Pickers Claps: OH, Front
Tempo Merkins Side Lunges
The Thang

Partner up
Catch Me If You Can
Partner 1 performs 5 Bobby Hurley , and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards. Teams complete 3 laps around track

12 – Manmakers

AMRAP while partner runs, then switch, then next exercise.
OH claps
Mountain Climbers

irkins and dips
10 ManMakers


Flutter Kicks Hello Dollies
LBCs Superman

“Life rewards action, not intelligence.
Many brilliant people talk themselves out of getting started, and being smart doesn’t help very much without the courage to act.
You can’t win if you’re not in the game.” – James Clear
July 15 – help Andrea Phelps move
July 22nd, 7:30AM – 2.0 workout at The Project
July 29th, 7:00AM – F3 in the nude

Aug 11-13 Dad’s Camp

Humble And Boring

THE SCENE: Humid, clear

Cherry Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Thai Fighters, Tempo Squats, Side leg stretches, On All 4’s- (B) Hip circles & Donkey Kicks
Mosey to track

  • 2 rounds of ATM’s (15 shoulder taps, 10 tempo MKNs, 10 fast MKNS) sprint to opposite end zone in b/w rounds
  • Burpee Mile:  48 Burpees- 12 each lap
  • Hindenberg BLIMPS:  4 corners of field, run in b/w each corner.  Do same exercise each round each corner
  • RD 1: 10 BBS
  • RD 2  20 Lunges
  • RD 3: 30 IMP Walkers
  • RD 4: 40 MKNS
  • RD 5: 50 Plank Jacks
  • RD 6:  60 SQTS

Mosey back to AO
Lizzy, Biohazard, Fast-N-Easy, Geppetto, Gmail, Herbie, Spellcheck, Natty
We make heroes out of people who show up with the last minute save, but the real work is in not needing the last minute
Date your wife
1776 on the 4th

27 – Simpler Than You Think

The Scene 

  • Asylum PM 
  • 5:45pm – 6:30pm
    • ShieldLock ruck at 5:10pm
  • Hot + sunny

F3 Welcome + Disclaimer

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs? — 1 (Pre-rucked his FNG workout!)


  • Apollo Slowno: 8
    • Apollo Ono, but slow
  • Baby Arm Circles: (F) 10×4 (B) 10×4 
  • Windmill: 10×4
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers (Shoulders): 10×4 
  • Squat: 10×4

The Thang  — Theme of 27

(Mosey to the the rock pile below the Coliseum)

(1) A Rocky Start 

  • Grab a rock 
  • Warm up round:
    • 1 count
    • 27 chest presses 
    • 27 curls 
    • 27 triceps 
    • 27 rows 
  • Mosey down the hill to the field 
  • Execute the Xs again at the bottom
  • Use your rock to get to the next plateau – incline murder bunnies
  • Repeat the Xs again
  • Mosey to the next incline
  • Use your rock to get to the next plateau – incline murder bunnies
  • Repeat the Xs again
  • Rinse and repeat until we get to the top of the stairs by the coliseum 

(Fellowship mosey to the parking lot below the stairs with the wall)

(2) Keep Rockin’

  • 2 POC: here and top of the curve 
  • 4 rounds 
  • Round 1
    • 27 American hammers w/rock 
    • Run to the top of the curve
    • Execute 2 man-makers 
    • Run back 
  • Round 2 
    • 27 flutter-kicks w/rock overhead 
    • Run to the top of the curve 
    • Execute 2 man makers 
    • Run back 
  • Round 3
    • 27 rock squats 
    • Run to the top of the curve 
    • Execute 2 man makers 
    • Run back 
  • Round 4 
    • 27 rock curls
    • Run to the top of the curve 
    • Execute 2 man makers 
    • Run back 

(Mosey to put rocks back)

(Mosey back to the AO)


(Insert information about any additional post-Thang work)



COT (Circle of Trust)

Count Off

  • 20

Name o Rama

  • Dung Beetle, Brick, Pusher, Petunia, Crisper, Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Onstar, Scrubs, Pele, F6, High-Heels, Glamper, Z-Bone, Drum Major, Lillydipper, Doubtfire, Cheetah Boy, Sparkler, Steam

Word — 27 Things From Proverbs 27

There are 27 verses in Proverbs 27 — one of which we use quite frequently. So on the 27th day of June, here are 27 encouraging reminders and wisdom from Proverbs 27:17 (MSG)

⬆️ this was the original plan for my Word tonight ⬆️ and obviously it went with the theme of 27 reps tonight – I like simple what can I say. 

But after my wife got home from work today, we were sitting on our back porch with these 2 things – and call it the Holy Spirit leading me in a different direction and putting this on my heart instead or just a simpler Word, but here is my actual Word. 

(I’ll post the original one too in case you were wondering). 

Some thoughts on fans

  • We all need a fan in our lives – we all need people cheering us on in our lives
  • Fans come in different sizes 
  • We can be a fan to anyone in our lives, no matter how big or small our influence or power is
  • The true value of a fan is not what it is, but it’s what it does
  • Fans help create energy for others 

So be a fan of someone to someone else this week. 

Here’s the original Word I thought of – Proverbs 27

A little backstory: Because these proverbs are a part of the whole of God’s Word, they are not simply for entertainment; they exhort, encourage, and offer hope. Solomon called readers, especially youth, to pursue wisdom rather than foolishness. He encouraged the inexperienced to become wise rather than mockers, to be teachable rather than incorrigible, to live rather than to die. He predicted that people who pursued wisdom would generally find success and happiness in this life, but he promised they would absolutely find joy and blessing in eternity. 

This rich book of short, pithy wisdom presented a consistent theme: fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

(You Don’t Know Tomorrow: verses 1 – 16)

  1. Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow; you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow. 
  2. Don’t call attention to yourself; let others do it for you. 
  3. Carrying a log across your shoulders while you’re hefting a boulder with your arms is nothing compared to the burden of putting up with a fool. 
  4. We’re blasted by anger and swamped by rage, but who can survive jealousy?
  5. A spoken reprimand is better than approval that’s never expressed. 
  6. The wounds from a lover are worth it; kisses from an enemy do you in. 
  7. When you’ve stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse. 
  8. People who won’t settle down, wandering hither and yon, are like restless birds, flitting to and fro. 
  9. Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. 
  10. Don’t leave your friends or your parents’ friends and run home to your family when things get rough; better a nearby friend than a distant family. 
  11. Become wise, dear child, and make me happy, then nothing the world throws my way will upset me. 
  12. A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks; a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered. 
  13. Hold tight to collateral on any loan to a stranger; be wary of accepting what a transient friend has pawned. 
  14. If you wake your friend in the early morning by shouting “Rise and shine!” It will sound to him more like a curse than a blessing.
  15. (And 16)A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet; you can’t turn it off, and you can’t get away from it. 

(Your Face Mirrors Your Heart: verses 17 – 27)

  1. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. 
  2. If you care for your orchard, you’ll enjoy its fruit; if you honor your boss, you’ll be honored. 
  3. Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. 
  4. Hell has a voracious appetite, and lust never quits. 
  5. The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in a fire; the purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame. 
  6. Pound on a fool all you like — you can’t pound out foolishness. 
  7. Know your sheep by name; carefully attend to your flocks. 
  8. Don’t take them for granted; possessions don’t last forever you know. 
  9. (And 26) And then, when the crops are in and the harvest is stored in the barns, you can knit sweaters of lambs’ wool, and sell your goats for a profit. 
  1. There will be plenty of milk and meat to last your family through the winter


(Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements)

Forg3 2023 Tour: Brickyard

The Scene 

  • Brickyard AO
  • 5:30am – 6:15am
  • 50s, nice

F3 Welcome + Disclaimer

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?


  • SSH: 10×4
  • Rockette: 10×4
  • TN Rocking Chair: 10×4
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4

The Thang (What went down during the workout)

(Mosey to the track)

1 — Look Up Brock You’re in the Endzone

  • Start at one endzone
  • Bear crawl 10 yards 
  • 10 squats 
  • Rinse and repeat until you get to the 50
  • @ the 50 — 25×4 SSH
  • Bear crawl 10 yards 
  • 10 imperial walkers 
  • Rinse and repeat until you get to the endzone 

2 — Battle Buddy Catch Me If You Can

  • Get with a battle buddy 
  • All start together 
  • 1 BB takes off running, while the other knocks our 2 man-makers / 8 count body builders here 
  • When you catch your BB, switch roles
  • Rinse and repeat until you’re all the way back to right here where we started 

3 — The Long CON

  • Battle buddy up 
  • Here: 1 BB will execute the COM
    • Carolina Dry Docks
    • Overhead Claps 
    • Merkins 
  • 25 reps each X
  • Rinse and repeat until your BB gets back 
  • 1 BB will take a lap

(Mosey back to the 🇺🇸)

(Insert information about any additional post-Thang work)

29 Man Makers were done throughout The Thang – to honor the Brickyard tradition of doing the # of man makers  for the # of years someone with a birthday is (mine was on 6/14 – 29 years old)

COT (Circle of Trust)

  • Count Off
    • 10

Name o Rama

Word – Regarding the Powell HS Track + Forg3 2023 Invitation

I’ve wanted to come to the Brickyard for a while, and I’m glad I finally made it. I’ve also wanted to come to the Powell HS track for a while, ever since I heard a story about it shared by the name of Jim Branch, when I was in college. Here’s how it goes.

Jim was sitting at a track meet at Powell High School one day, waiting for his son’s race to start. He was watching the other parents cheer on their kids as the races went on, and there was the one mom, that was just going after her kid verbally, as he or she was running around the track. Things like “run faster!” “You can do better than that!” and “is that all you got?!” rang through the stadium. Jim was kind of taken back by this. Not necessarily because of how loud or obnoxious this particular parent was being, but because of what this high school kid was potentially really hearing from the stands above:

  • You’re not good enough 
  • You don’t have what it takes
  • Do better

Regardless if you’re in high school or not, these are tough things to hear, especially from a parent or someone you look to for guidance and affirmation.

Jim then went on to share that his son’s race started, as like any good and supportive parent, he would cheer on the kids that came before his son, because his son had the last part of the 400m relay. The anticipation kept building as Jim waited for his son to come around the track, and when the time finally came, Jim swelled up with pride as he saw his son come around the track. It was different than the other times he had watched the racers come around the track – he didn’t have the same feelings for them as he did his own son, although he was supportive. He saw his son coming around the bend from a ways off, and out of all the other runners, this was his son, of whom he was very well pleased. He watched his son run around the track and it wasn’t out of performance he felt pride and love for his son, it was out of identity – his identity as a son. Out of all the other runners, he saw his son and said in his head “this one’s mine.”

This is how God, our Heavenly Father, sees us. Hebrews 12:1 says “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and les us run with endurance the race that is set before us..” If you think about your life as a race around a track, we run (hopefully) many laps. We go through different seasons of life as we run around the track, some easier than others, some harder than others. And chances are you’ve experienced at least one of the two parents (metaphorically) as you’ve gone through life:

  1. You’re not good enough, you don’t have what it takes, do better, are you kidding me, etc.
  2. There he is, that’s my son! I see you son! I’m proud of you! Keep running, you got this, keep going!

As you run the race of life and go through different seasons and go lap after lap, God looks down and sees you running and does exactly what Jim did when he saw his son: “That one, right there, that one’s mine, of whom I am well pleased. Keep running son! Keep going, you can do it! Don’y quit, I see you!”

I’ve wanted to step foot on the Powell HS track ever since I heard Jim tell that story in college. I relate to it, as many of you probably do. Thank you for letting me come experience this track with you this morning!

I also want to share some exciting news about Forg3 — F3 Knoxville’s 1st regional retreat!

  • Forge (v.) – to shape and mold into a new condition, by heating in a fire / to move forward gradually and steadily.
  • Forg3 is a weekend retreat created for F3 men, by F3 men. 
  • Forg3 (n.) – an invigorating 40-hour weekend retreat to challenge and encourage F3 men in their pursuit of high impact manhood. You can expect to engage with other men in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F sessions, to better understand who you are, whose you are, and the High Impact Man God has called you to be. You’ll have opportunities throughout the weekend to seek adventure, to rest, and to sharpen iron with other F3 men physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

We want to engage together for a purposeful and relationally-driven weekend to step further into the men God has called us to be. And I want to invite you into this experience with us.  

A free nugget of wisdom Herbie shared on the pre-ruck: ALR – Ask / Listen / Remember

CMU & Sprint Work


5:30 am at the FCUMC parking lot.  Weather was great: low 60’s, no rain, no wind, mostly clear

I am not a professional.  You are here voluntarily; participate at your own risk. F3 does not charge fees for workouts.  You are responsible for your own wellbeing.  Please know your limits and modify exercises as needed, challenge yourself, but don’t hurt yourself.


  • SSH IC
  • Stretching –
    • On your six with legs spread – toe touches each foot, alternating, then stretch to middle
    • butterfly stretch
    • hip rotation stretch
    • Ab stretch:  standing with hands on hips, push pelvis forward while leaning chest and shoulders back
    • Michael Phelps
    • Tricep and shoulder stretch:  across chest and behind head
    • Lower back stretch:  squat down low, wrap arms around knees and squeeze while leaning forward – nickname – Armadillo
  • Mountain Climbers IC
  • Jog a lap around the Church – FCUMC

THA-THANG:  CMU and Sprint Work

Starting in the lowest parking lot 5 CMU exercises:

  1. CMU overhead press, 30 sec
  2. CMU curls, 30 sec
  3. Decline Merkins using CMU to prop up toes, 30 sec
  4. Flutter kicks while chest pressing CMU, 45 sec
  5. CMU squats, 30 sec

Fast walk with CMU to back parking lot, repeat 5 exercises

Fast walk with CMU to stairs leading to top parking lot

Walk up and down stairs 4 times with CMU on shoulder

At top parking lot repeat 5 exercises

Fast walk back down to lowest parking lot

Sprints – in the lowest lot we sprinted across the lot and walked back to the start 2 times.  We ended by doing an Indian run around the church, running single file and rotating the order in line with the last guy sprinting to the front of the line.


  • 25 Big Boy Situps
  • 30 seconds High Plank

Count – 3.5

We talked about the importance of prayer and the power of prayer.  I quoted JC Ryle’s book, A Call to Prayer,

It is not absolutely needful to salvation that a man should read the Bible. A man may have no learning, or be blind, and yet have Christ in his heart. It is not absolutely needful that a man should hear public preaching of the gospel. He may live where the gospel is not preached, or he may be bedridden, or deaf. But the same thing cannot be said about prayer. It is absolutely needful to salvation that a man should pray.”

I also read about Hezekiah’s prayer when told by Isaiah that he was dying.

In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the Lord says : Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.” Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, 3 “Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of the Lord came to him: 5 “Go back and tell Hezekiah, the ruler of my people, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. 6 I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.’”

Lastly, we talked about how at times many of us draw near to God in prayer during intense trials. Then when the trial is over we are lax in our prayer lives. We need to make regular, daily prayer a priority in our lives.

Got a fun pic at the lot where an old house was just demolished.
Fixer Upper did a Facebook ad.  He said it was getting some good traffic.