F3 Knoxville

Friendship and Servant Leadership

The Scene: 70 and humid

Welcome/Disclaimer – YES

Warmup: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Overhead Clap, LBAC-fwd/bckwd, Projectivator, Cherry Pickers

The Thang
• Follow the Leader to Library Parking Lot: mosey, side step, karaoke, bear crawl, skip, high knees to library parking lot: burpee broad jump toward Amphitheater
• Mucho Chesto @ Amphitheater: 10 – merks, 10 – werkins, 10 – diamond merks, 10 – stagger right, 10 – stagger left (hold plank – someone lead until 6)(rinse/repeat)
• 10 Box Jump/Step Up and Bernie up hill, 10 jump squats at top. (rinse/repeat)
• @ Playground: Baby Murph – 5 pull-ups, 10 merks, 15 squats (5 rounds) = 25 pull-ups, 50 merks, 75 quats
• Bear Crawl to Pool: 10 Wallups
• Follow the Leader to Friendship Bell: mosey to Parallel Bars – hold Al Gore till each pax has a chance to hand walk across bars, BBS till 6, mosey to Friendship Bell for Mary

Kick-Flip to lead, other AOQs and guests, and Judge Judy


2 years and 2 months ago, David Greer became Kick-Flip. (He pointed out that I was on Q that day!) Today we know him as a man of character, a leader among men. When he leads, he’s creative, he’s personal, he pushes us. He serves us by leading. So many of his Qs are memorable, the workout, the word, his leadership and drive, his friendship and encouragement. We are all better men because of him and we are glad to give him the Shovel Flag as our AOQ at the Project.
Maybe one of you will be AOQ after him. I hope you will all step up to Q soon. Just as we need Kick-Flip to show up, we all need you/each other to show up. It’s not only how we get better as men and leaders, it’s how we see and experience the diversity and creativity of God in fitting us together, in both our leading and our following. Your strengths pushes us in our weakness and vice versa. We are all disciples, followers/fellow travelers, friends, of Jesus. In Christian friendship, we disciple each other. We encourage each other. We call each other higher up and further in. Friendship is discipleship when Christ is in you. When you Q, you both lead and serve the men around you as friends. It is both friendship and servant leadership.

Much appreciation to Judge and guys from other AOs who came to support and celebrate the passing of the The Project Shovel Flag to Kick-Flip. Shout out to Trolley who began the tradition of taking the picture at the Friendship Bell.


Ribbed’s wife, men at Equalizer and other AOs whose marriages are struggling, Kick-Flip’s wife and new baby on the way

July 24 CSAUP “Off the Chain”


No Isolation


Side Straddle Hops, Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Donkey Kicks, Side lunges, Overhead claps.
We were all over the campus today.

  • Guardrail dips and Heavy Seal claps behind Dickey’s
  • 71 BBS, V-ups and flutter kicks as part of the tour of the new building
  • 100 Squats, burpees, Leg raises and Lunges
  • 171 CMU bench press, Curls, pull ups and thrusters  (it’s the 171’st day of the year)
  • Ring of Fire: Merkins and Planks.  Mailbox

Imperial Walkers and time ran out
18 HIM’s making the most of a Monday
Today’s third F is about the 2nd F: Fellowship.

Proverbs 18:1
He who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgement

Transparency is the currency of intimacy so make yourself known.  Most of all to your family; share your heart with your wife and kids.  But also to guys out here.

When was the last time you opened your home; showed hospitality and avoided isolation.  It is possible to be a part of F3 and still isolated.  It is possible to go to church and remain totally isolated.  You have to open up and allow yourself to not go it alone.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 ESV

Seabiscuits and Gravy


7-Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 15-Hairy Rockettes, 10 Tempo Merkins, Karaoke, High Knees, Butt Kickers,
Mosey back to sophomore hill area with two sets of strides thrown in.

In the new parking lot facing sophomore hill we prepared for a modified Sea Biscuit:

10xSquats, 15xMerkins, 20xBBS

Followed by 1 lap (pick your poison for the laps with three options for distance .1 mile, .15 miles or .21 miles)

Repeato but add 1 lap after each round up to 4 laps then work your way back down.

Everyone made it through round 4 before calling recover.

Mosey back to the coupon pile and pick a good one.

With your coupon, perform 50 curls and 50 tricep extensions switching as needed. Once done hold a wall sit until the six is finished and completes a 10 count.

With your coupon, perform 20 picture hangers. Once done hold a wall sit until the six is finished and completes a 10 count.

Mosey back to the shovel flag

30 Flutter Kicks, 15 lbcs, 15 Side planks with dips – each side.

4 hit up JUCO: Rush for some speedwork, and 9 got a little taste of JUCO: Rush during the regular beatdown. High mileage day today.

Welcome FNG Gosling! Gosling’s dad is Lullaby who has been out a few times.

Talked briefly about the story of Stephen the Martyr and the courage that he showed in the face of persecution. Even as he was being stoned he cried out, “Lord Jesus” which was the main reason he was being stoned, calling Jesus Lord. He was willing to preach/speak the truth even to the point of death. Let’s take a lesson from Stephen and not be ashamed of the truth. Let us not back down in the face of persecution.

Need some more men to pick up Q’s.

CSAUP in July, sign up’s are already open.

An Attitude of Gratitude

THE SCENE: It’s a beautiful view on top of JUCOManjaro!

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Moroccan nightclub 20
10 Windmills in cadence
5 burpees on your own
Side straddle hop in cadence


Mosey to Hard Knox parking lot.

10 merkins
20 squats
30 flutter kicks

Line up on the curb for some Shawn T’s.

Mosey to Jucomanjaro

Start at the first mark
Run 4 marks and do 10 merkins
Run back a mark and do 20 squats
Run back a mark and do 30 flutter kicks
Walking lunges to the second mark

Rinse and repeat.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Today’s word is Gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude… is one of my favorites.

When we learn to count our blessings instead of short comings, it’s truly life changing.

If you’ve never done it, I encourage you to keep a 30 day journal, and document 1 thing you’re grateful for each day. It can be as simple as Thank you for letting me wake up today. Thank you for the sunset 🌅 , etc…

Thank you for:

This will help you realize how good you have it.

Thank the Lord because he is good!
Psalm 107:1-3
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. For he has gathered the exiles from the many lands, from the east, in the west, from the north, and the south.

Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

40 is the new 20

THE SCENE: Warm and humid

Cherry pickers, Windmills, Overhead claps, Merkins, BBS, Calf raises, a few sprints in the parking lot
Mosey to the courtyard:

  • 21s with decline merkins and bonnie blairs
  • 20/20 vision with dips and step ups on the wall

Mosey to the lake for a burpee your buddy lap.  (2 teams everytime you pass a member of other team they do a burpee)

Work back to main AO stopping for 40 LBC and flutter kicks along the way.

Circle up and hold feet off ground while others run around and push feet down.

Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
With everything in the world that we seek, remember to ask God and be thankful for what we have.
Memorial day work out