F3 Knoxville

positive habits and sophomore hill

The Scene

36 and chilly

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Bear Crawl (F/S/B/S)

Tempo Squat

T Merkins

SSH w/ Silent Count after 5 to 20 (If everyone stops at the same time no burpee penalty)

Imperial Walkers

Mountain Climbers

Skater Hops


Mosey to CMU Pile and grab 2 coupons per person and head to Sophomore Hill

All pax start in the first corner, Granny Shot Drag CMU up Sophomore Hill to the first corner then jog back down to the start and perform the first exercise, run back to CMU and Rifle Carry Across to the next corner stopping every 5 steps for a blockee, then jog back to the start (whichever way you want) and perform the second exercise, run back to your CMU and duck walk with the block down the hill to the next corner, jog back perform next exercise and go find your coupon again, Bernie with block to the next corner and perform the next exercise. Then repeat the sequence until all the exercises are complete.

10 DB Thrusters

20 T-Merkins 

30 SSH w/ block

40 Split Squats (20 E/S)

50 Skater Hops

60 Mt Climbers (2 Count)

70 Shoulder Taps (2 Count)

80 Freddy Mercury’s 

We got through the mountain climbers/shoulder taps when recover was called. Return coupons to the coupon pile.

Hold plank until everyone has returned the coupons. We sprinkled in some shoulder taps while waiting. . 

Freestyle mosey (sprinkling in some karaoke and Bernie’s) toward AO stopped half way for some fist bump merkins. 

Freestyle mosey stopping again for some stinky Freddie Mercurys.  

Continue the mosey then Butter Knife called jailbreak back to the shovel flag. 


Just enough time for some LBC’s and pickle pounders


14 HIM’s


Q1.1 talks about the commitment to accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

Every day we face countless decisions that will either take use down the right path or lead us another way.  We are either accelerating or we are decelerating when making these decisions there is no neutral. The accelerating decisions do not get any easier to make they just become engrained within us. (i.e. getting up and out to an F3 workout)

A HIM needs to develop guardrails in his life to allow for continued acceleration. Guardrails are the routines in our life that allow us to take more action with less thought. We need to develop these positive habits in our life that eventually will automatically happen without any thought. 

The faster the HIM wants to accelerate the stronger these guardrails have to be. The stronger the guardrails are the more momentum we gain in our Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. 

What positive habits/routines do you already possess and what are 2-3 positive habits/routines you can begin to form to re-enforce your guardrails to allow you to accelerate faster as a HIM?

Proverbs 25:28 “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a man who lacks self-control.”





IPC Memories

THE SCENE: JUCO, low 40s and foggy.


Cherry pickers IC 5

Harry rockets IC 10

Squat jacks IC 15



Mosey to Jucant

Alternate 10x merkins and 3 burpees  at each pole on the way up and alternate 15 squats and monkey humpers on the way down

Throw in some flutter kicks and planks at the top as we wait for the six.  Freddie mercury and pickle pointers to round it off at the bottom.


With CMUs:

Dora style Murder Bunnies 1 min on/off

Other partner does rifle carry

Alpo lifts x 30

Heel taps over CMUs x50


Jump squats with hold at the bottom counting down from 6


Side abs IC x 10

Hello dolly IC x 20

Pickle pounders IC x6

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!


It’s easy to go through your day to day activities and only think about the things you need to do or that make you happy.  When was the last time you offered to help someone or made some sort of random act that benefitted only someone else?

One of the foundational aspects of being a man is demonstrating unselfish activities for others or within your family to your wife and kids.

We’ve all probably heard the verses (Luke chapter 10 for example) about loving your neighbor as yourself, but do you ever act on that?

Don’t forget to help others or do something that may seem small that might specifically set someone’s day off on a positive trajectory

Not only are you helping others by the actions that you’ll take, but as an example…you may change the way they start the day by having a simple cup of coffee ready for them when they wake up…but you’re also setting an example for you kids or someone else that may watch you go about of other way to be unselfish.

I challenge everyone to think of something…maybe we should start small and say pick out one thing that is selfish that you do and work on that. Focus on changing that in the next….week,month,year depending on how big of an aspect you decide on


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

Coat donation.  Bring any mens, women’s, and kids jacket to the AO for collection.  These will be donated to the less fortunate and homeless organizations.  The winning AO will get to pick the community service project.

Wednesday 11/18 at 5:30 we need about 5 volunteers.  Contact Judge Judy for more info.

Hey, Let’s Move Swimmies’ Car!

THE SCENE: Unusually Warm, upper 70s, partly sunny but getting dark earlier and earlier…

20 SSH, 4-ct IC, 10 Cherry Pickers, 4-ct, IC, Twist stretches…

Then Jinxy told us Swimmies (who we thought was just typically late) was actually stuck on the entrance road with a blown clutch.  So… forget the rest of the warmup… MOSEY RUN TO THE RESCUE!

Followed Swimmies to his car, which was on the entrance road from Lyons View, dead in the water, smelling very unpleasantly of fried clutch.  It was HIM’s to the rescue! Pushed it up to a pull off area, then proceeded with warmup.

10 Hillbillies, 4-ct, IC, Little of this and that.


[Q crumples up his Weinke and starts just making stuff up, since the original workout was supposed to be on the opposite side of the park from where we moved the car… Crawdad appears out of nowhere.  So does Brick.]

Moseyed to terraced hill on side of Everest.  Start at the bottom, do 5 reps of three exercises , then run up to first terrace and return, do 10 reps of each exercise and run up second terrace and return, then do 15 reps of each exercise and go all the way to the treeline.  EXERCISES: Merkins, Squats, American Hammers (2-ct)

MOSEY to perimeter trail and over to edge of park that looks out at the Veterans Cemetery.  Pause, take a moment to pay respects to the Veterans buried at the cemetery.

NICKEL/DIME/QUARTERS along perimeter trail to top of the Tail of the Dragon.  Run 1 light post, do 5x exercise, run 2 light posts do 10x exercise, run 5 light posts do 25x exercise.

  1. [Can’t remember the first exercise… something awesome]
  2. CDDs
  3. Mountain Climbers (2-ct)

MOSEY to the hill along the Tail of the Dragon that leads up to the monument.  Do 7’s Top: Prisoner Get Ups, Bottom: Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees.  These were brutal.

MOSEY to AO. DORAS.  Partner 1 works on exercise, Partner 2 runs about 2/3 up Baby Cardiac.  Exercises are 100 Merkins and 100 BBS.  Final Sprint up Baby Cardiac with everyone.

Hamstring stretches, 20 American Hammers, 4-ct, IC

17 strong. No FNGs

Veteran’s Day is tomorrow, and it’s had me thinking about those who have served our country, the men and women that have been a part of the armed forces, as well as their families.  We took a moment earlier to pause and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  What does sacrifice entail?

One of the defining traits of human beings is altruism. Altruism is the practice of doing things that benefit others even at the cost of your own happiness, welfare, or (to use a biological term) “fitness”.  It is unusual in the Animal Kingdom because of the principle of “Survival of the Fittest”… if an action benefits someone else rather than you, you might be the one eaten by a cheetah on the Serengeti, or fail to make sweet love with that attractive she-moose over there, or die of thirst in a desert with a limited number of watering holes

What force is it that allows men and women to sacrifice their comfort, families, even their lives in service to others?  To me, it is the gift of Grace from God.

St Francis of Assisi articulated this when he said “Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.”

But there’s more to it than that. Even though we have the ABILITY to sacrifice and be altruistic doesn’t necessarily mean we will USE that gift.  What inspires us to use it?

Bob Hope, who entertained troops overseas for decades, once said, “I saw more courage, more good humor in the face of discomfort, more love in an era of hate, and more devotion to duty than could exist under tyranny.”

And as Ernest Hemmingway said in a FAREWELL TO ARMS, “When you love, you wish to do things for that which you love. You wish to sacrifice. You wish to serve.”

Another saying about veterans is that they don’t fight for what’s in front of them, they fight for what’s behind them.  We are fortunate to live in a country that is free from tyranny, where military service is voluntary, where autocrats and dictators do not hold sway over our democracy.  The veterans that paid the ultimate price didn’t fight for themselves, they fought for what they loved.  America the Beautiful.  The Land of the Free.

The veterans who have served and died for this country overcame self, and is so doing, in my opinion, became one with the Grace of God.

Prayers for several PAX and their relatives.

Why are you here? Hammie or HIM day?

THE SCENE: Upper 40’s and clear

Cherry Pickers, Hairy Rockettes, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Mosey to the big parking lot and line up at the first light pole:

Perform 20 squats, 20 merkins, and 20 BBS then lunge to the next parking line. Once at the line, sprint to the far light pole and Bernie back. Repeat till you make it to the light pole.

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a coupon.

At the base of stadium hill, line up along the curb facing the hill. Perform the following sequence:

  • 10 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 10 CMU Thrusters
  • 10 CMU Swings
  • Bear crawl to the top of Stadium Hill and mosey back.

We completed 3-4 rounds of the above sequence.

Mosey back to the big parking lot. Line up along the long curb.

Performed 11’s with Bobby Hurley’s on one end and Diamond Merkins on the other.

Called time before we finished.


11 Men that I pray are striving to be HIMs! Glad to see Footsie back out again.

Why are you here?

I started asking myself that question about 3 months after joining F3. My initial reason for coming out to F3 to prove to myself that I was fit enough to keep up. (Spoiler Alert: I wasn’t!) My hurt ego kept me coming those first 3 months as I pushed to get faster and stronger. I was no doubt here for the wrong reason.

Today, my reason for coming to F3 is different, I’m here because it makes me a better man, a better father, a better husband, and even a better Christian. The workout is an added bonus to the BOM & COT that offer the true reward for rolling out of bed at an unreasonable time. F3’s purpose is to “invigorate male community leadership.” F3 is also a “Faith” based group. If you read up on that aspect per F3 nation it does not define “Faith” as Christianity or even religion, but as a belief in something bigger than oneself. However, I’m blessed that here at JUCO each member of the PAX has shared their own belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. This has allowed for an even greater impact from the PAX on my life as they each share Biblical messages that push us to be better Christians and strive to be HIMs.

A note on High Impact Men (HIMs). We use this term frequently when referring to our PAX in F3, but let’s take a moment to reflect on what this term means. A High Impact Man can be defined by immeasurable qualities, integrity, honesty, loyalty, servitude, leadership, humbleness, meekness, etc.  In my mind, the true HIM need only be defined by one single word, Godly. Any man that can be defined as such will inherently be a High Impact Man. I’m urging each member of the JUCO PAX to strive for Godliness in all that you do.

1 Timothy 4:8

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”


Judge Judy took over as the F3 Knoxville N’antan on Saturday. I shared some of his message and challenge with the JUCO PAX and encouraged them to pray for Judge as he takes on this burden.

Workout at the Boys and Girls Club this Wednesday.



Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, TN Rock’n Chair, Mountain Climbers, Crabettes, SSH: All IC, 10 Reps Each

Mosey to Large West Parking Lot, stopping for a little bear crawl on the way.

  • Pole to Pole: 10-20-30
    • 10 Merkins, Mosey
    • 20 Merkins, Mosey
    • 30 Merkins, Mosey
    • Repeat w/Squats
  • Mosey back to the baseball field for some Burpee Baseball.
    • Team 1: Line up at Home Plate.  One player at a time, run to 1st base – 5 Burpee no Merkin, 2nd Base – 20 Mountain Climbers, 3rd Base 30 Squat Jumps, Back to end of Lineup.  While players are traversing the bases, the Lineup is doing Burpees until everyone has gone around. So fun! (FNG Spewdent spilled Chunky Merlot but recovered nicely – that’s leadership!)
    • Team 2: Mosey around the outside of the field until Team 1 is finished
    • Teams switch roles
  • Completed 1 Inning.
  • Mosey to Top of Sophomore Hill: Team 1 does pullups while Team 2 Lunges across small lot and Crawl Bears back. Switch and repeat.
  • Mosey to small wall on way back to Shovel Flag: Aiken Legs! 20 Wall-Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Iron Mikes
  • Mosey toward Shovel Flag some more, stopping for a plank walk along the curb: PAX in plank position and walk themselves with hands down the curb, switching sides once.  We went about 50 yards or so.

No time.
17 Strong
1 John 2: 15-17:  “Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them….”  So many people today, with all that is going on, are clinging to the things of this world, whether it’s their money, or property, or taxes, or presidential candidate.  Our society needs strong, male, virtuous leadership now more than ever – the kind of leadership that makes an impact.  Q encouraged the men to not be of this world and to cultivate a heavenly perspective.  That perspective changes not only your life but others’ as well because having a heavenly perspective increases a man’s impact on the world around him.  Q shared the story of Paul Watson, a co-worker and friend, who struggled with a rare form of heart cancer and finally succumbed to it after a courageous fight.  Q recalled Paul’s funeral, which the Q will never forget.  Paul’s wife and two little girls were looking at his casket and the pastor stood up and stated to the entire congregation which was packed: “If your observations of Paul’s struggle with the cancer over this past year have brought you closer to Jesus, please stand.” One by one, people began to stand and by the end of it there wasn’t a single person sitting in the entire church.  He asked Paul’s wife and little girls to turn around and look.  Men – THAT is impact.  What legacy are you leaving behind?

Anniversary Convergence