F3 Knoxville

Two Copper Coins


THE SCENE: Cold til we got started, little bit of snow starting to come down at the end

Reach for the sky, let it hang, hillbilly walkers, cherry pickers, tempo squats, tempo merkins, high knees with a few burpees sprinkled in
Mosey over to the big parking lot for a little tabata action inspired by my M.   40s on / 15s rest for 5 exercises and then run to end of parking lot and bernie back.

Round 1 – Merkins / SSH / Heels to Heaven / Mountain Climbers / Squats

Round 2 – Burpees / High Knees / BBS / Toe Taps / Lunges

Round 3 – Merkins / Iron Mikes / Hello Dolly / Shoulder Taps / Monkey Humpers

Mosey over to the coupon pile for a little more tabata

Round 4 – Curls / Squat Thrusters / Heavy American Hammers / Tri Ext / Rocky Balboa

Round 5 – Bent Over Rows / Goblet Squats / Heavy Freddy / Shoulder Press / Calf Raises

Round 6 – Didn’t happen (to be continued)

No time for Mary despite the jail break called out by Butterknife

12 Strong on a Monday

As many of you know last year I started mentoring a 12 yo boy who has a pretty rough situation.   It has been a challenging yet extremely rewarding journey.   Wanted to share a brief story that happened over the holidays that really humbled me.   I received a call from my friend on the day after Christmas saying he needed to goto the bank, but also to not eat anything before I came.   Not knowing what to expect I picked him up a day or two after Christmas and he was as excited as any child I have ever seen because he had a surprise for me.    After running to the bank and cashing his check he finally let me in on his plans.   He wanted to spend his Christmas money by taking us to dinner at Olive Garden.   It was a truly memorable evening and humbling too.   He was proud to tell everyone that he was paying for dinner as he ordered dinner and dessert for us and carry out for his mom.  He was worried he might have spent more than he had but turned out he actually still had a little left over so he asked if we could goto Walmart.   Not because he wanted anything for himself but because he and his friend were having fun making things out of pallet wood and he wanted to get a pair of safety glasses for them and a pair of gloves for his friend.   Couldn’t help but be reminded of the story of the Widow’s two cooper coins offering in Luke 21: 1-4 and how it correlated with this situation.   It was convicting knowing how often I am guilty of giving out of abundance only and miss opportunities to give freely knowing God will always provide.   May we all be freely willing to give not only our money but of our time and energy as well.

The Widow’s Offering

LUKE 21 Jesus[a] looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.[b] And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”


Still need someone to sign up to Q on Wednesday, Dart Gun has Friday