F3 Knoxville

tripple 11s

THE SCENE: beautiful morning. 60s
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: followed the standard disclaimer


  • seal claps (IC)
  • Moroccan nightclub (IC)
  • merkins (IC)
  • plank – upward dog back stretch
  • Stretch on your own


  • mosey to track, bear crawl 25 count right arm.
  • mosey to High School Stairs (there are three levels)
  • tripple 11s. squats, dry docks then freddie mercury. for the count, did 1:10:10; 2:9:9, etc.
  • mosey to track indian run around the track
  • exercises at 0 and 200m marks. mosey between marks and include 50 yard sprint.
  •  for the exercises, 10 burpees, 20 lunges each leg, 30 merkins, 40 LBCs. repeat that twice.

no time


Suffering is not the end

THE SCENE: Humid and 70, but we can see the stars.

  • Projectivators
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Tempo squats – demo “in the basement”
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Hairy Rocketts
  • Lap with run warm-ups – skips, karaoke, slides


  • Grab 2 blocks each and farmer carry down to the square
  • 40 curls, murder bunny to NW corner
  • 40 OHP, sprint back to get block
  • 10 squats, 10 4c basement squats, rifle carry to NW corner
  • 20 bent over rows – both arms together, farmer carry to SW corner
  • 10 split irkins, 10 4c basement split irkins, block bear crawl to bell
  • 10 step-up w/ press, 10 dips, 10 4c basement dips, farmer carry to parallel bars
  • 20 curls, 20 inverse rows, farmer carry to pool wall
  • 10 wall-ups, farmer carry one block to senior center pavillion
  • 10 squats, 10 4c basement squats, hustle to parallel bars
  • 20 inverse rows, 20 merkins, sprint to pool wall
  • 10 wall-ups, rifle carry remaining block to senior center
  • Heavy core set – 20 freddies, 20 LBCs, 20 flutters – all 4c

Kind just did the thang


Faith is the art of holding onto things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.
-Clive Staples Lewis

From “No man is an island” by Thomas Merton, Ch.5 Item 2

The Christian must not only accept suffering: he must make it holy. Nothing so easily becomes unholy as suffering.

Merely accepted, suffering does nothing for our souls except, perhaps, to harden them. Endurance alone is no consecration. True asceticism is not a mere cult of fortitude. We can deny ourselves rigorously for the wrong reason and end up by pleasing ourselves mightily with our self-denial.

Suffering is consecrated to God by faith – not by faith in suffering, but by faith in God. To accept suffering stoically, to receive the burden of fatal, unavoidable, and incomprehensible necessity and to bear it strongly, is no consecration.

Some men believe in the power and the value of suffering. But their belief is an illusion. Suffering has no power and no value of its own.

It is valuable only as a test of faith. What if our faith fails in the test? Is it good to suffer, then? What if we enter into suffering with a strong faith in suffering, and then discover that suffering destroys us?

To believe in suffering is pride: but to suffer, believing in God, is humility. For pride may tell us that we are strong enough to suffer, that suffering is good for us because we are good. Humility tells us that suffering is an evil which we must always expect to find in our lives because of the evil that is in ourselves. But faith also knows that the mercy of God is given to those who seek Him in suffering, and that by His grace we can overcome evil with good. Suffering, then, becomes good by accident, by the good that it enables us to receive more abundantly from the mercy of God. It does not make us good by itself, but it enables us to make ourselves better than we are. Thus, what we consecrate to God in suffering is not our suffering but our selves.

Does this mean that seeking out suffering (like here) is inherently prideful?

Suffering is unavoidable
Suffering well requires practice
To practice suffering well, it is better to pick a good environment (Merton was ascetic)
I had planned to make it back to the recruiting center, but it was clear by the time we got to the bell we wouldn’t make it. That first leg of murder bunnies was longer than I thought…
CSAUP in two days, 2nd F – concert at Bissel 6:30 pm Saturday, IRON PAX is coming up in September


THE SCENE: Low 70s, light rain

  1. Projectivator
  2. Overhead clap
  3. Cherry picker
  4. Overhead arm pull
  5. Recumbent abdominal point


  1. Mosey to parallel bars
  2. 20 inverted rows
  3. 10 wallpees
  4. Death march to K25 hill
  5. Ab-O-Rama (sprint up the hill after each exercise + 1 burpee at the top)
    1. 30 Big Boys
    2. 60 LBCs
    3. 30 Hello Dolly’s
    4. 60 Flutter Kicks
    5. 30 Heels to Heaven
    6. 15 Basilisks
  6. Mosey to bell
  7. 10 single leg squats (each leg)
  8. Mosey to parallel bars
  9. 15 inverted rows
  10. 5 wallpees
  11. RTB


One PAX would pick a category of exercise (arms, abs, or legs), another the exercise to do, and a third PAX would pick the number of reps.  We would then sprint the length of the parking lot.

After several sprints, we skipped and did side shuffles.


1 Timothy 4:1-5 – Now the Spirit expressly says that in the later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, though the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.  For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.

CSOP on Saturday and snack donations for the Wesley House

Up the Stairs

THE SCENE:   72 and calm
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • SSH
  • Abe Vigoda
  • Chattanooga cherry pickers
  • Third-graders
  • LBACs
  • Overhead claps
  • Hairy rockettes

Mosey to the recruitment center – grab a CMU and mosey to the cinema parking lot.


Partner up

HIM 1 starts with both CMUs

  • While carrying both blocks, lunge to Cone 1 and set down one block.
  • Lunge to Cone 2 and set down the other block
  • Lunge to Cone 3 and stop.

HIM 2 follows his partner

  • Bear crawl to Cone 1 – collect the block that was set down
  • Bear crawl CMU push to Cone 2 – collect the other block
  • Heavy bear to Cone 3 and stop.

Reverse partner roles and go back.


10 stations – perform exercises on the card, then move the next station

Every two minutes run to the top of the stairs and back

  • 40 Curls + 20 Thrusters
  • 30 Squats – CMU overhead + 40 Triceps
  • 25 Alpos + 10 Burpee jumpovers
  • 40 Shoulder Presses + 25 CMU Swings
  • 30 Heavy LBC + 20 Pull-overs
  • 10 Plyo Merkins (10 each side) + 15 BBS with press
  • 20 Blockees
  • Single-Arm Row – 25 each arm + 20 Good mornings
  • 20 Heavy Freddy (4-ct) + 20 Derkins + 20 Irkins
  • 30 Heel tap wipers + 20 Goblet squats


No time!


7 men


“You are what you do repeatedly every day.”

“What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while”


This week was history lesson week at the Project 🙂


Service project opportunity tonight

CSAUP next week

Let’s get to work on some HH obstacle ideas

Trail of Tears

THE SCENE: Humid and gloomy

  1. Projectivator
  2. Cherry picker
  3. Moroccan night club
  4. Run to track
  5. Overhead clap


During the course of this workout, we did exercises relating to events from President Andrew Jackson’s public life.

  1. Death march (Indian run w/ burpee before sprinting to the front of the line) 2 laps
  2. Battle of New Orleans
    1. Fought after the War of 1812 was over (Americans won)
    2. Despite a large British advantage in numbers, training, and experience, the American forces defeated a poorly executed assault in slightly more than 30 minutes. The Americans suffered roughly 60 casualties, while the British suffered roughly 2,000,
    3. 20 Big Boys, 40 LBCs (for the 60 American causalities)
  3. Death march 2 laps
  4. Dismantle 2nd Bank of the United States
    1. Chartered by James Madison in 1816
    2. 18 Hello Dollys
    3. 16 Heels to Heaven
    4. Liquidated in 1841
    5. 18 Big Boys
    6. 41 LBCs
  5. Death march 2 laps
  6. In 1835, Jackson became the only president to completely pay off the national debt
    1. 18 Basilisks
    2. 35 Big Boys
  7. Death march 2 lap
  8. Return To Base
  9. 1824 Presidential election
    1. Jackson won the plurality of the popular and electoral vote, but not a majority of the electoral vote.  He lost the contingent election in the House of Representatives.
    2. 99 squats (3 sets of 33 w/ 5 merkins in between each set) for his electoral votes.

Bobbit led a set of 10 big boys.


Andrew Jackson was a very effective leader.  He was able to accomplish lots of initiatives and often in the face of huge opposition.  However, many of them seem to be made with a lack of human empathy.  It is important to remember as we seek our goals that everyone we encounter are also children of God and deserve our respect and love.

Service opportunity at Girls Inc on Thursday, August 12th.  CSOP on Saturday August 21st.