F3 Knoxville

Friendship and Servant Leadership

The Scene: 70 and humid

Welcome/Disclaimer – YES

Warmup: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Overhead Clap, LBAC-fwd/bckwd, Projectivator, Cherry Pickers

The Thang
• Follow the Leader to Library Parking Lot: mosey, side step, karaoke, bear crawl, skip, high knees to library parking lot: burpee broad jump toward Amphitheater
• Mucho Chesto @ Amphitheater: 10 – merks, 10 – werkins, 10 – diamond merks, 10 – stagger right, 10 – stagger left (hold plank – someone lead until 6)(rinse/repeat)
• 10 Box Jump/Step Up and Bernie up hill, 10 jump squats at top. (rinse/repeat)
• @ Playground: Baby Murph – 5 pull-ups, 10 merks, 15 squats (5 rounds) = 25 pull-ups, 50 merks, 75 quats
• Bear Crawl to Pool: 10 Wallups
• Follow the Leader to Friendship Bell: mosey to Parallel Bars – hold Al Gore till each pax has a chance to hand walk across bars, BBS till 6, mosey to Friendship Bell for Mary

Kick-Flip to lead, other AOQs and guests, and Judge Judy


2 years and 2 months ago, David Greer became Kick-Flip. (He pointed out that I was on Q that day!) Today we know him as a man of character, a leader among men. When he leads, he’s creative, he’s personal, he pushes us. He serves us by leading. So many of his Qs are memorable, the workout, the word, his leadership and drive, his friendship and encouragement. We are all better men because of him and we are glad to give him the Shovel Flag as our AOQ at the Project.
Maybe one of you will be AOQ after him. I hope you will all step up to Q soon. Just as we need Kick-Flip to show up, we all need you/each other to show up. It’s not only how we get better as men and leaders, it’s how we see and experience the diversity and creativity of God in fitting us together, in both our leading and our following. Your strengths pushes us in our weakness and vice versa. We are all disciples, followers/fellow travelers, friends, of Jesus. In Christian friendship, we disciple each other. We encourage each other. We call each other higher up and further in. Friendship is discipleship when Christ is in you. When you Q, you both lead and serve the men around you as friends. It is both friendship and servant leadership.

Much appreciation to Judge and guys from other AOs who came to support and celebrate the passing of the The Project Shovel Flag to Kick-Flip. Shout out to Trolley who began the tradition of taking the picture at the Friendship Bell.


Ribbed’s wife, men at Equalizer and other AOs whose marriages are struggling, Kick-Flip’s wife and new baby on the way

July 24 CSAUP “Off the Chain”


Family workout – Do things no one else can do

THE SCENE: Sunny Summer morning with plenty of 2.0s on hand

  1. Side Straddle Hop
  2. Seal squats
  3. High Knees
  4. Cherry Picker

Tour of the AO. Each Exercise 30 seconds AMRAP

  • Bell
    1. Step ups
    2. Dips
  • Bridge
    1. Imperial Squawkers  
    2. LBCs
  • K25 Hill 
    1. Mountain Climbers
    2. Bear crawl up hill
    3. Burpees
  • Pond
    1. Pushups 
    2. Run around pond
    3. Sit ups
  • Playground
    1. Climb and slide
    2. Pull ups
  • Amphitheater
    1. Basilisk
    2. Squats
  • Pool Wall
    1. Wall ups
    2. Bobby Hurleys

In addition to the tagged PAX, 2.0s were Batman, Raptor, Nerf, FNG – Buttercup, Lollipop (or the diseased one?), Go-kart, Ice Cream, Doughnut, FNG – Sweater, and FNG – Pikachu. Also, Borg brought his wife, FNG – Popcorn.
Great scene in Big Trouble in Little China where Egg Shen gives the heroes a potion that will let them “see what no one else can see. Do what no one else can do.” But you don’t need a magic potion. Each one of us already sees what no one else can see and has the chance to do what no one else can do. I see three things we should do in response to this reality so that we can be ready:

  1. Learn to do stuff – You can only do what you can do. Learn more and you can do more. Take the opportunities you have at home, school, and everywhere else.
  2. Pay Attention – If you want to act when the time comes, you have to realize that the time has come. Keep your eyes and ears open so you can see your opportunity when it shows itself.
  3. Step up – When the critical moment comes, it is often easy to look around for someone else to take action. Don’t wait for someone else, step up and take action. Nobody else can do it like you.

Great fellowship time afterwards. Kids really enjoyed it. We will look into another one of these in July.



Led by Borg (Mark McKeever)


20 – 15 – 10 Reps (20 reps of each mvmt/run lap, rinse/repeat 15 w/lap, 10 w/lap)
Tri Ext
Run a lap w/ CMU

Hold CMU Gore till 6

FLORA 1-2-3 (Battle Buddy)
1. Upper: 100 Merkins
• Switch every 10
• Plank on CMU
• Run LAP around Lot w/CMU
2. Core: 200 CMU LBC
• Switch every 20
• 6” leg lift/hold CMU above head
3. Legs: 300 CMU Squats
• Switch every 25
• CMU Gore

TIME! Mosey back to ShovelFlag. Here’s what we DIDN’T GET TO DO…

Tinseltown Stairs
• 10 Single-arm rows (each side) – CMU stairs
• 10 Lunges (each side) – CMU stairs
• 10 Good Mornings+ 10 BBS – CMU stairs
• 10 Uneven Merkins (each side) – CMU stairs
• 10 Kettle Swings + 20 Overhead Calf Raises – CMU stairs

Led by Borg (Mark McKeever)




Family Q this Saturday at The Project led by Mathlete and Biohack; Shovel Flag transfer to Kickflip on Tuesday, June 29; CSAUP “Off the Chain” July 24

Leave A Trace

THE SCENE:  70 and drizzle
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Overhead clap
Cherry pickers
Seal clap
Tempo merkins
Mountain climbers


The Seabiscuit

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

30 Squats

All the way up to 4 laps and back down


PAX Choice


9 of the best men that I know


Last week, my family camped in South Carolina’s Table Rock State Park and the Pisgah National Forest.  Both were gorgeous areas and I highly recommend them for a weekend getaway (both are around 3 hours from Knox).  Several times while we were camping, I saw references to the “Leave No Trace” outdoor ethic – a sign here, a ranger-led talk over there… If you are unfamiliar, the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace are;

  1. Plan ahead and prepare
  2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  3. Dispose of waste properly
  4. Leave what you find
  5. Minimize campfire impacts
  6. Respect wildlife
  7. Be considerate of other visitors

Leave No Trace might be summarized in one word – impact.  The idea is to minimize the impact that you make in nature – to the extent that someone else might camp right after you and have no idea that you had been there.

When it comes to our faith – what a shame it would be if we claimed to connect with God in our heart, yet there was no evidence of it outwardly.  What a tragedy it would be if our faith left no trace on our lives.

Summarizing from the book of James (2:14-26)

What good is it if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?  Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?  Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.

Your faith should be leaving a trace…on your schedule…on your priorities…on your bank account…


Hat tip to whomever came up with the Seabiscuit workout


Speaking of good works… If you are free on Saturday morning, sling some mulch at the Wesley House!  See Slack for details

Fruit with its seed in it

THE SCENE: Cool, clear morning with a hint of light on the horizon

Tempo squats, Little baby arm circles, tempo merkins, seal squats, overhead claps, cherry pickers
Hit the pool wall for a few wall-ups on the way to the recruiting center.

Played memory with my attempt at a deck, one team one fight. Card flipper flips tire while others run a lap.

Too Slow
I have been reflecting on the connection between fruit and seed. In Genesis 1:11, it calls out specifically “Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”” So I have been connecting references to fruit to the idea of seed.

The fruit is a product of the tree which is used to judge the tree. Luke 6:43-44 “ “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit.” This naturally translates to say that good fruit contains good seed and bad fruit contains bad seed. Thus, the fruit of each tree serves to reproduce or multiply that tree.

This idea really popped to me when I applied it to the popular memory verse Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” I had never considered how this speaks not just to self evaluation, but also to the way that I influence the world around me. If I produce good fruit, the direct benefits are only part of the picture. That fruit leaves behind the seed, providing the opportunity for reproduction and multiplication. Just like with physical trees, this expresses itself slowly and not every seed will take. But the more good fruit we can produce, the more good trees we will leave for our children to eat from.
Didn’t finish the game of memory, even though we got some help from a weak shuffle.
Hardship Hill on October 2. Porkchop Express still has 2 slots open!