F3 Knoxville

More running than I thought

  1. THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

    Warm up stuff
    Mosey up to the boat.
    start at light pole 1, do one of exercise . Run to light pole #6 and back to start. Run to pole #2 do two of exercise and run to pole #6  and back to start. Run to pole #3 etc etc until you hit Pole #6 with exercise. Audible: running was more than I thought so we went to just running back to last spot then to running ahead after exercise. Exercises are:
  • Merkins
  • Russian rockettes 4ct
  • Shoulder taps 4ct
  • Alternating pistol squats
  • plank toe touches 4ct


A Ring of fire with hello dollies. Then LBC’s, Peter Parker’s, imperial Walker’s, imperial squat walkers.
Ask the pax what do they spend their time on, What is important that you work for? for all those things…

You can do better.


great to be back at the Dog Pound!


july 2nd convergence at JUCO. Shamrock flag pass wed, June 11th kickball tournament

Did someone order Pizza?

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Ranger Merkins (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Windmills (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers (4 ct – Dog Pound Style) IC x 5

Grab a CMU

  • Partner Up
    • Partner A – Drops down for 5 Burpees and 5 Ranger Merkins then runs to catch up to Partner B
    • Partner B – Farmer Carrying both CMU’s – alternating until you reach the base of Matterhorn
  • Rinse & Repeat the following until you reach the top of Matterhorn
    • 10 Sumo Hi-Pulls (Standing)
    • 15 Pizza Box Carry (Traveling Forward)
    • 10 Thrusters (Standing)
  • Mosey to Pull up Bars and deposit the CMU while you take a “Hot Lap” around the Big Island
  • AMRAP Cindy for Time
    • 5 Pull-ups
    • 10 Merkins
    • 15 Squats
  • Repeat Partner Exercise back to AO

Appreciate Mayberry calling out some abs to get us finished.

Let your mess be your message. I shared a story on FB to mark the 3 year anniversary of a death of a close friend. I talked about his struggles with his addiction and shed light on some of mine. Ultimately, he didn’t make it, but he left me with the advice to Never Stop working out. As result of sharing this story, his ex-girlfriend reached out to me to say that she hasn’t been herself since his passing. That when she read the post he could hear him encouraging her to get past her excuses and get back in the gym. I told her to send me a message when she gets her first workout in. She said that she was in the gym signing up at that moment! This shows that we relate to people more in the struggle than we do in the good times. Let your mess be your message.

Tried to make this one continuous circuit today, but the new exercises and the multiple locations made it too complex. We just have to take it one circuit at a time.
Everyone loved Escape from Haw Ridge!

Matterhorn Partner CMU Circuit

THE SCENE: Gorgeous morning to burn off some goo…
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Done. I’m not a pro, you’ll see soon enough

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x5 | Tempo Squats IC x 10


Grab a CMU & Colonizer Run with Curls to the bottom of Matterhorn. Partner up, 1st Partner AMRAPs the exercises while 2nd partner runs to the Backbone for 5 pull-ups, repeat until each round is over. Partners then run together up Matterhorn for 5 Burpees together, return and start the next round

  • Round 1
    • Goblet Squats
    • Curls
    • CMU Flutters
  • Round 2
    • Imperial Squat Walkers
    • OH Press
    • American Hammers
  • Round 3
    • Squat Thrusters
    • Rows
    • BBS w/ CMU Raise
  • Round 4
    • CMU Merkins
    • SSH
    • LBCs
  • Round 5
    • Plank Jacks
    • Blockees
    • Hello Dolly w/ CMU overhead

We were attempting to do a couple of Peter Parkers, the Q even let Tweet-E lead them as they are his favorite. HOWEVER, per the usual, Mr. Tweet-E took talked a little too much, so we only did about 1/2 of one.

16 HIMS; 1 FNG (Zack Attack); 1 Pre-Rucker

Mayberry, Junk, Tweet-E, BlueCross, GoatDish, Earmuffs, ExciteBike, Frosty, Inspector Gadget, JaggedPill, Aladdin, Tonka, Biscuits, ICP, ZackAttack, Blindside


“The only thing in your control is effort.
That’s all & that’s everything.” -Mark Cuban

Perseverance. It is a word that I have struggled with as of late. I am in the very late stages of my Ph.D. dissertation and all of the motivation MUST be intrinsic. I must continue to persevere. I must continue to put the effort in every day to finish. This lesson isn’t just for my dissertation, but also for my job, my family, and my relationship with my M.

CSAUP this Friday at HawRidge

Under Cover @ The Dog Pound 4-26-22

THE SCENE: Early arrivals made their way to the Pav-A-Lon in the dry.  Those who were right on time got washed.  A couple of new exercises were introduced this morning.  Descriptions of each are included below.

Done and done well.  Big welcomes to 1 FNG (I.C.P.) and to Jagged Pill for making it back for a second time.

Some leg stretching and tempo-merkins
EV.1 – Ab Circuit – 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest, 4 sets of each exercise before moving to the next

1 – Elbow Plank

2 – Dead Bug

3 – Full Range Fred (Freddie Mercury where the elbow comes all the way to the knee and the foot goes all the way back to the ground to complete each rep)

4 – Sitting Single Leg Raise (seated position with back resting against picnic table bench and legs straight – raise your leg as high as you can without bending the knee, then lower it and repeat).

    • 2 sets for each leg
    • this needs a better name

EV.2 – 10 Minute E.M.O.M. – perform 10 reps for all exercises, every minute on the minute

1 – High-Steppers – Rocky Balboa using the picnic table bench as the elevated touch point (2=1)

2 – Air Squats

3 – Imperial Walkers (2=1)

EV.310 reps of each, together, for 3 rounds.  QIC calls the cadence, PAX calls out the rep count, 10-count between rounds

1 – Cap Gun (R) – bench-assisted pistol squat with the right foot grounded

2 – Cap Gun (L) – bench-assisted pistol squat with the  left foot grounded

3 – Bird Dog (2=1)

4 – Single Leg Step Down (R) – standing on the picnic table bench, perform a single leg squat so that your left foot is lowered below the bench and your right thigh becomes parallel to the ground, then stand back up

5 – Single Leg Step Down (L) – standing on the picnic table bench, perform a single leg squat so that your right foot is lowered below the bench and your left thigh becomes parallel to the ground, then stand back up

6 – Arm-Ups – similar to a shoulder tap – from high plank position in front of the picnic bench, move each hand from the floor to the bench, and then back down to complete one rep (left hand up, right hand up, left hand down, right hand down = 1)

Windmills x 6 IC; 10 Merkins OYO
9 PAX, 1 with Respect, and 1 FNG
Ancestral Mathmatics –

In order to be born, you needed:

2 parents

4 grandparents

8 great-grandparents

16 second great-grandparents

32 third great-grandparents

64 fourth great-grandparents

128 fifth great-grandparents

256 sixth great-grandparents

512 seventh great-grandparents

1024 eighth great-grandparents

2048 ninth great-grandparents

For you to be born today from 12 previous generations, you needed a total of 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years.

Think for a moment – How many struggles?  How many battles?  How many difficulties?  How much sadness?  How much happiness?  How many love stories?  How many expressions of hope for the future? – did your ancestors have to undergo for you to exist in this present moment…

CSAUP – Escape From Haw Ridge coming up May 6

Not All CMUs are Good CMUs

THE SCENE: Wonderfully warm(er than recently)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and Done well… 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers I[DP]C x5 | Tempo Squats x10

Grab a CMU & Colonizer Run with CMU Merkins to the bottom of Matterhorn. Partner up, 1st Partner AMRAPs the exercises while 2nd partner runs to the Backbone for 5 pull-ups, repeat until each round is over. Partners then run together up Matterhorn for 10 Burpees together, return and start the next round.

Round 1: Squat Thrusters, OH Press, Curls, Goblet Squats

Round 2: Left Arm Row, Right Arm Row, Flutter Kicks, CMU Pull Throughs*

*Time was called before we got here, returned to the AO, stopping for 25 dips on the way

There just wasn’t any time left. Maybe next time.
12 HIMs; 2 FNGs (!!)

Ski-Dog; Excitebike; Goat Dish; Mayberry; Ribbed; Submarine; La-Z-Boy; DriftWood; Inspector Gadget; Nole; Jagged Pill; Blindside


“Not all money is good money.” 

I heard this quote for the first time yesterday and it really made an impact on me. Hustling, grinding, and always searching for more financial success isn’t always a good thing. Would taking a promotion and a pay increase be worth more time away from my family? Maybe, but not often. This is something I need to remind myself as I have opportunities to add more hours or enter into a new position in Knox County Schools…ANNOUNCEMENTS:
2nd F event tonight at 6 pm at Admiral’s Pub in Farragut; CSAUP 5/9 9 pm-Midnight; JUCO Convergence 7/2