F3 Knoxville

Suiting Up @ Truck Stop – 2/5/22

THE SCENE: Cold and clear.  ~24 degrees with a slight breeze and ice on the mosey trail

Feet together – touch toes 20-count; feet apart – right, middle, left 20-count each; Grady Corns IC x 5; LBAC IC x 5 (each way); Cuckoo Clock (forward neck extension) x 10; Neck Rolls x 5 (each way); Tempo Merkin IC x 5; Down Dog 20-count; Tempo Squat IC x 5

Warm-Up Tabata – (20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest) x 3 sets for each exercise; 20 seconds rest between exercises

(1) Side Saddle Hop (2) High Knees in place (3) Front Jacks (4) Jump Squat


EV1 – Toughness Tour: move from one parking lot to the next, completing the prescribed exercises and movements at each.  50 yard sprint before each exercise; 50 yard Bernie after each exercise.

Parking Lot order – Lower Watt –> Harrison –> Upper Watt

Exercises –

(1) Bobby Hurley x 10

(2) Merkins x 20

(3) Leg Levers x 20

(4) High Plank Alt Leg Raises x 30

EV2 – Bath House burpees and inverted rows – 20 of each OYO

EV3 – Bleacher Circuit – Complete all exercises without rest, then move over for the next group.  All PAX performed 5+ circuits

(1) Box Jump to top of bleachers

(2) Alt Reverse Step Down to bottom

(3) Straight-legged Dips x 6

(4) Iron Mikes x 6 (single count)

EV4 – Mosey to Upper Field for burpee 5’s, moving from one sideline to the other between sets

ex – 1 burpee here –> 4 there; 2 here –> 3 there; 3 here –> 2 there; 4 here –> 1 there

Fellowship Mosey then breaking into a Slowsey back to the AO to arrive on time
19, including FN2.0 (Nitro).

Submarine, Tailpipe, Gibbler, Van Wilder, Doubtfire, Brick, Gridiron, Dewey, Frosty, Earmuffs, Waxjob, Cosmo, Biscuits, Butters, Mayberry, Ratchet, Trunk

Not tagged in this post – Van Wilder, Dewey (2.0); Master Builder (2.0)
A prayer to make the passage about the armor of God applicable in our lives:

Lord, I put on the belt of truth.  I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity.  Show me the truths I so desperately need today.  Expose the lies I’m not even aware that I’m believing.  And yes, Lord, I wear your righteousness today against all condemnation and corruption.  Fit me with your holiness and purity – defend me from all assaults against my heart.  I do choose to live for the gospel at an moment.  Show me where the larger story is unfolding and keep me from being so lax that I think the most important thing today is the soap operas of this world.  Jesus, I lift against every lie and every assault the confidence that you are good, and that you have good in store for me.  Nothing is coming today that can overcome me because you are with me.  Thank you, Lord, for my salvation.  I receive it in a new and fresh way from you and I declare that nothing can separate me now from the love of Christ and the place I shall ever have in your kingdom.  Holy Spirit, show me specifically today the truths of the Word of God that I will need to counter the assaults and snares of the enemy.  Bring them to mind throughout the day.  Finally, Holy Spirit, I agree to walk in step with you in everything – in all prayer as my spirit communes with you throughout the day.
Ephesians 6: 13-18
CSAUP coming up at Asylum on 2/26, 6:30a – 8:30a with food to follow.  Several service opportunities posted on Slack.  Check the service channel.

Fall Ball

THE SCENE: Warm Late Summer Morning at the Pound

The normal Merkins with some stretching mixed in.
It all started with some running, Indian Run style. Followed by a little Bataan Death March, Kabul Dirty Dozen and Egyptian Walk.  Finished off with Jack Webbs of course.


Proverbs 10:9 – “He who walks in integrity and with moral character, walks securely, But he who takes a crooked way will be discovered and punished.

Don’t forget the upcoming Hardship Hill.

Dogpound 1-11-22

THE SCENE: 25 degrees “a dry cold”

Touch Toes – 20 count; Cherry Pickers IC x 5; Sumo Squat and Hold – 20 count; Tempo Squat IC x 5; Rockettes IC x 5; Tempo Merkins IC x 5; Motivators beginning at 4; CMU farmer carries, alternating hands, all the way to base of Matterhorn

Partner Up.  One partner completes the prescribed number of reps for the “A” exercise while the other partner goes AMRAP on the “B” exercise, then they switch.  Once each partner has completed 3 sets of each exercise they head up Matterhorn together (detail below).

Round 1 – [A] Squirrel Press x 10 (detail below) / [B] Side Straddle Hops

Round 2 – [A] Over The Top Merkin x 15 / [B] Reverse Lunge

Round 3 – [A] CMU Deadlift x 15 / [B] Switch Climbers

* “Squirrel Press” – holding your CMU a with bicep curl grip – perform perfect squat form to the low position, curl, stand up, curl, overhead press = 1 rep

** Matterhorn – run uphill to the first set of cones (bottom of pull-up area); turn around and Bernie to the second set of cones (top of pull-up area); turn around again and run to the third set of cones at the summit.  Each partner completes 5 burpees at the summit, then heads back down in the same manner.  Q recommends a walking Bernie on the downhill section.

*** Early finishers head back up Matterhorn to meet the Six before beginning the next round

Cleaned up debris from a fallen tree limb that was blocking the road near the marina entrance and challenged ourselves with a variety of CMU carries on the way back to the AO
8 men accounted for.  Thank you to Mayberry for helping the Q remember to do the Name-O-Rama

2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

One of my favorite verses.  Stop trying to fix things on your own.  You can’t.  And stop being deceived by the thought that other people need to change their ways so that the world can get back on it’s axis.  Seek God, pray, and repent.  He will meet you right where you are, and he will heal your land.

Lapping the Park @ Truck Stop 1-8-22

THE SCENE: Cold and dry

Stretch the legs; tempo squats; grady corns; tempo merkins; mosey to the back of the parking lot

1 – Lunge to the first light pole and back (approx 30 yards), then Imperial Walker to the first light pole and back

2 – Side Straddle Hop x 15 on a 4-count

3 – Mountain Climber (2=1) x 10

4 – Reverse Crunch x 10

5 – Take a Lap (0.6 miles)

    • pit stop at the Bath House for 20 Inverted Rows and 20 burpees

6 – Merkins x 20 upon crossing the finish line

7 – Repeat

* All PAX completed 4 laps

** The 4th Lap’s pit-stop was modified to 20 total reps of a combination of burpees and rows


Tempo Squat x 10; Flutter Kick IC x 25; 20 Merkins OYO; 120 seconds of individual stretching

12 – Mayberry, Doubtfire, Earmuffs, Tailpipe, Cosmo, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Judge Judy, Biscuits, I-Beam, Trunk, School Zone

Remembering Channon Christian and Chris Newsom on the 15 year anniversary of their untimely deaths.  Live your lives with legacy in mind, practice gratitude, and love and care for those around you.  Remember that our God is a God of grace, who can turn tragedy into triumph for His Kingdom

Opportunity to serve at the Veteran’s Cemetery in South Knoxville on the morning of January 15th.  Check Lebowski’s post on the main Slack channel for details

Don’t be Disrupted

THE SCENE: While cold, I only saw two face coverings and 1 pair of mittens 



Standard Blindside-y Warmup things were done (included 5 Burpees on your own 2x)


3 Stations. 4 Groups. Bump-n-Run Time! 

Round 1: Complete “Kraken Lap” in between each exercise. Each station was done once.

  • 21s Curls @ AO
  • Incline/Decline Merkins @ BathHouse
  • V-ups @ Trail Head 

5 Burpees on your own after Round 1 

Round 2: Go straight from one station to the next, bumping that group to the next station. Two times around. 

  • 10 OHPress; 10 Tris; 10 Rows –Rinse and repeat @ AO
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (Incline, Decline, Regular) –Rinse and repeat @ BathHouse 
  • Flutter Kicks @ TrailHead  

5 Burpees on your own after Round 2 

Fellowship Mosey to the Tennis Court. 

11s Sideline to Sideline. Squats and Merkins (Mix in Wide, Diamond, and other types of Merkins)

Fellowship Mosey to AO

5 Burpees on your own

((25 Burpees as a result of there being no Shovel Flag at the AO this morning))


SWB → Stretching with Blindside 


9 HIMs; 0 FNGs


The New Year is a great time for resolutions, reinventions, and the start of new routines, diets, and commitments to exercise. I spent Saturday doing attending TruckStop, a PreRuck at Asylum, the Beatdown at Asylum, and the Polar Plunge in Townsend. After all of that, I still only made 3 small little tally marks in my accountability journey for 2022. It seemed like a whole lot of work for 3 little lines in my 50-page notebook. We are less than a week into 2022, do not let The Disrupter mess with progress. Do not let The Disrupter turn you away from your goals for one mistake, for one setback.